The bugfix is implemented in v0.2.2. Update your game

Worst case scenario if it doesn't work for some reason (but it should), load a game before Mei's events. If you load a game when Fudeyo's should be back working, (day >24) revisit your office.
I'll be making my own graphics, combining RL images with the game's graphic would stick out like a sore thumb. On the other hand, the images files are easily accessible for everyone to edit. So you can make your own graphics if you want to for everything

The naming is possible to add, but it would complicate things (not, much but still...) so I would like to avoid that. For example, instead of photoshopping an overview picture of the girl, I would need to add some kind of variable display to show a new name etc. But since all data files are open to edit, you could use "translator++" to easily locate a name in all data files and change it to whatever you prefer.