Jul 19, 2020

Furry <- F U R R Y = FUR

It's more that some would love to be Apes again, they never lost their internal Apes and get attracted to everything that has somekind of FUR
Most probably FURRY Woman get heavily attracted to masculin with lot of body hair.
(Research Pending)
- Humans are Inside the Hominids Family that : monkeys, simians, apes come from? yes...

- BUT, Still, human neuronal processes are very complex, and some types of normal day acts are not there bcause magic, some actions that we do everyday are, registered data in our DNA architecture through thousands of years of evolution and learning.
that is true, Individually.

- Yet, society tends to influence, the ways that we see what we do, sometimes, the way we think we have to look like, or what we have to like, and sadly in the last 10 years, due to this, humanity has gone a few steps backwards.
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Engaged Member
Aug 4, 2020
*And YES YOU NEED A BEEFY PC... Every unreal game requires at least GTX1060/1660 for decent experience at High settings
Can confirm
I have a 1650 which pulls a constant 45 fps in the normal village map with all the weird animals and shite like that, but in the jungle map it's a slideshow.
My Ryzen 5 3550H CPU is also maxxed out and running at 90C most of the time no matter what lol


Jul 16, 2017
Can confirm
I have a 1650 which pulls a constant 45 fps in the normal village map with all the weird animals and shite like that, but in the jungle map it's a slideshow.
My Ryzen 5 3550H CPU is also maxxed out and running at 90C most of the time no matter what lol
Try undervolting your R5... I got my Ryzen 5 3500 from 95 C to 70 C by setting offset -0.220 and enabling ECO-Mode in GigabyteB450UEFI (ambient temp 32-38C)


Engaged Member
Aug 4, 2020
Try undervolting your R5... I got my Ryzen 5 3500 from 95 C to 70 C by setting offset -0.220 and enabling ECO-Mode in GigabyteB450UEFI (ambient temp 32-38C)
I can't, it's a stupid laptop
I can lower the temp a bunch by disabling boost clock but if I do that, certain games run like my ass on sandpaper


Engaged Member
Aug 4, 2020
i only have a i5 laptop with the generic intel graphics card, damn even in porn games i need a Strong PC
but yea, doesn't matter what game it is, if you want nice graphics you need a gfx card
try wild life, there is an empty map so the game only has to render the characters you spawn, might get a playable experience in that. You can get it on f95, just check "search titles only" when searching so you don't get a spam of results
(there's normal stuff in that game too but the bestiality is pretty crap in it imo...who tf wants to see goat people...I mean, the patrons, apparently...)


Dec 26, 2017
but yea, doesn't matter what game it is, if you want nice graphics you need a gfx card
try wild life, there is an empty map so the game only has to render the characters you spawn, might get a playable experience in that. You can get it on f95, just check "search titles only" when searching so you don't get a spam of results
(there's normal stuff in that game too but the bestiality is pretty crap in it imo...who tf wants to see goat people...I mean, the patrons, apparently...)
The goat has unironically my favorite animations in the game, those where he uses his mouth in particular. He's small, yet primal and dominant. Can't wait to see more with him.


Jun 7, 2020
Uhm, does this Game even got a Storyline?
I came into a Village, where only a Rhino talked with me, all others dont say a damn Word. Ah and what to do there?
Cant we choose the Character, why we have to start with a Male?


May 17, 2019
How do I get the VR up and running? I have a Cosmos. In the headset it just says "next up wildlifecwin64-shipping" alt+v doesn't do anything. i see vive controller plugins in the files but i don't know if i need to move anything around.


Aug 16, 2017
After trying out the latest build I honestly don't think the devs have what it takes to make a proper RPG or at least one that is semi enjoyable. This is their second attempt at a demo quest and it feels very amateurish, it's so bad in fact that it's not even worth attempting to play through it, no voices, no proper direction or UI/journal for the quests, poorly written and nothing explained, honestly feels like it was rushed and was made in a few days.

Then you have the quest sex scenes and they are even worse, just there usual animations with fixed camera views like WTF? Honestly the only great thing about this game is still the animations and sex physics, they are best of the best in that department but everything else is lacking badly.


Active Member
Dec 23, 2017
After trying out the latest build I honestly don't think the devs have what it takes to make a proper RPG or at least one that is semi enjoyable. This is their second attempt at a demo quest and it feels very amateurish, it's so bad in fact that it's not even worth attempting to play through it, no voices, no proper direction or UI/journal for the quests, poorly written and nothing explained, honestly feels like it was rushed and was made in a few days.
Why are you judging it like it was a finished product? Its a test build in the middle of the demo production. The professor dont come at you and complain about your masters thesis looking like shit and give you bad grades after seeing your intro... or something like that.


Engaged Member
Aug 4, 2020
The goat has unironically my favorite animations in the game, those where he uses his mouth in particular. He's small, yet primal and dominant. Can't wait to see more with him.
I actually agree on that one but I think I liked that animation just because of the female pose. That can be done with other creatures besides a hideous goat man...
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Reactions: he_found_you


Jun 11, 2017
After trying out the latest build I honestly don't think the devs have what it takes to make a proper RPG or at least one that is semi enjoyable. This is their second attempt at a demo quest and it feels very amateurish, it's so bad in fact that it's not even worth attempting to play through it, no voices, no proper direction or UI/journal for the quests, poorly written and nothing explained, honestly feels like it was rushed and was made in a few days.

Then you have the quest sex scenes and they are even worse, just there usual animations with fixed camera views like WTF? Honestly the only great thing about this game is still the animations and sex physics, they are best of the best in that department but everything else is lacking badly.
I completely second that!

as part of scrum teams, part of actual developer teams, larger than 20ppl, for over 15 years now, I very well know what a terrible attempt versus a semi-passable tech-DEMO is.

The only worthwhile part are the group poses into the sandbox area. Sometimes, for a change, on the beach (in sandbox mode).
Besides the sandbox mode purely as a graphical masterpiece of posing very-well looking and incredibly detailed models, the actual RPG mechanics are years from ready. As in 3-4 years.
Let's enjoy what Steve's team can deliver, and not judge them, since it is STILL the best-looking porn game out there, with the most 3d details and the only that classifies as an actual porn. For me.

-my2c out


Sep 25, 2020
as part of scrum teams, part of actual developer teams, larger than 20ppl, for over 15 years now, I very well know what a terrible attempt versus a semi-passable tech-DEMO is.

[...] the actual RPG mechanics are years from ready. As in 3-4 years.
Let's enjoy what Steve's team can deliver, and not judge them, since it is STILL the best-looking porn game out there, with the most 3d details and the only that classifies as an actual porn. For me.
This feels like going to a kindergarten and telling the kids there's no santa.

I do hope they're not trying to turn this into Witcher-with-sex, not only because it would be too ambitious to give satisfying results, but also because they risk doing what a certain dev recently did; create a cookie cutter product with porn as side content rather than being central to the game.


Active Member
Oct 14, 2019
Have they fixed the major issue of the super bad lag in Fisher's Village and gave us an option to completely turn off the animations of the unnecessary swaying vegetation and sea water yet?
I tried playing this about a month ago - oh boy it's agony.. it's like sliding down a razor blade and using your balls for brakes. Press 'W' for 10 seconds, game freezes, release 'W', MC moved all of about 6 (in-game) feet, game takes another 5 seconds to recover back to laggy animation :RollsEyes: Game moves at 2-3 frames per second.
The problems I found with this game is, the open world is WAY TOO LARGE and what tiny little areas you can interact in is 1) situated near moving vegetation and by the sea, and 2) too many NPC's in one area.
Everything needs to be spread out more evenly so that all the lower graphic options that we can choose can optimize properly and work to their full potential. As it stood a month ago, optimizing effectively reduced the lag only halfway.
I wish Adeptus Steve would release another 2 versions of this game...
1) In it's current form = Story and Sandbox combined.
2) Story mode only.
3) Sandbox mode only.
And cull out 70% of the vastly empty map completely.
For past, present, and future; I'd be most happy playing in Sandbox mode only.... it's fun and you're not pressured to be a slave to the game's story, unless you're into the bump'n'grind type of games (ones with a bit of a challenge) then you'll pick (2) Story mode only.
Basically this's like 2 games in one, but now the progress (of new added content) has gotten to the point you need a strong expensive desktop computer to run this smoothly.
Last edited:


Active Member
Feb 1, 2019
marmaduke ;

I think it is fair to judge it as bad at this point. Why?

1. They say on their Patreon page that they are industry veterans. Industry veterans don't make mistakes like these in an RPG. Its like they are industry veterans in a different field, such as RTSs (like Jay Wilson was), and are now attempting a RPG with no experience in making RPGs or playing them (like when Jay Wilson lead the D3 team and made one of the worst ARPG in history). The poor interfaces, counter-intuitive controls (I have to continually look up keybindings, as they always seem to change them each release), a lack of actual rpg elements, a boring narrative and lack of direction. Honestly, they should have learned, at the very least, from their demo quest, when designing out this new questline with Max, but they keep repeating mistakes, rather than learning anything.

2. Their vertical slice was supposed to take 6 months to complete, with a much smaller development team size. Its been 2 years now with a development team about twice the size, and its still not complete. If it takes them 3 years to complete a vertical slice, that is only supposed to be like 1/6th of the game world, how long will it take to complete the entire game world? A decade? Two?

3. Many of their systems have been criticized for years and they haven't done anything to fix them. Swimming is still crap. Climbing is nearly impossible to do. Flight mechanics could use work, especially landings. They have like 6+ different kinds of sex systems (pick one already). They have non-universal skeletons for their meshes (which is a pretty basic idea that any RPG making team would understand), which means that clothes and even animations don't work on similarly sized individuals. The first quest they did, they still haven't fixed the typos or expanded on it. There is no point to exploration. There is no ingame lore, and the lore we do have, outside of the game, seems to contradict itself. Gunplay is pretty barebones, with no ammo counter (a basic staple of any rpg or fps), so we have to guess how much ammo we have. Archery is pretty barebones. Melee is pretty barebones. The list goes on and on and on.

Honestly, creating a solid RPG is something development teams in excess of 100+ people struggle with. If they focused on purely sexual elements, great vistas, and exploration, and got rid of the rpg systems and turned it into a 3rd person platformer/puzzle solver, then it would likely be a lot better a game, and a lot easier for them to achieve.


New Member
Nov 9, 2018
How do I get the VR up and running? I have a Cosmos. In the headset it just says "next up wildlifecwin64-shipping" alt+v doesn't do anything. i see vive controller plugins in the files but i don't know if i need to move anything around.
you have to type alt+0 to activate VR
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