Don't think there's a option to turn off the climax cut-ins unless you're deciding to change the images to a blank image entirely (if that works without breaking something..?). I'm assuming you're using the save from the front page, which is probably why you're getting that pretty often. Get a different save without as much sex XP in status, higher the sex XP, more sensitive your character is. Otherwise, going to "Dominia -> Business Section -> Far left middle shop door" and buying enlightenment medicine until your desire is 0 will stop the "EST" bar being at 200 even when you sleep, which causes the hearts, panting, etc, if that's something you dislike, aswell as bulk buying desensitizers to stop climaxing if you really dont want to part ways with that save, but it won't last forever.
Can't really tell what you mean by "Other dumb effects", but if there isn't an option for it in "Special Settings" then I'm pretty sure you can't do anything about it, unless it's something I've completely missed. Image editing might work after decrypting the .wolf files, but I haven't tried to edit them.