Plz can someone tell how to send jack to mop up at cemetry
If you have:
1- Cleared 23% of South Cemetery
2- Visited the North Cemetery one time
3- Rescued Louis from the Vampire Queen's Crypt
4- Vampire Queen has visited you + reclaimed Louis & bitten Lucy
5- Rescued Boris from the mine & caught the Baby Slurm
6- Added pages 2 & 3 of Potion recipes to your Alchemy Potion book
7- Made the Potion & used it on the Monocle to let Jack see Spirits
8- Met the Mermaid/Merman & finished what is available of that part of the story so far
9- Performed the Ritual with Jack, to save Lucy from her Vampiric transformation
10- There is the Vampiric BAD ENDING to explore
11- Made the Contraceptive Potion & taken it to the Brothel
12- Done the 2 parts of Mermaid's Issue Quest
13- There are 2 possible instances of the Mermaid BAD ENDING
14- Given Mary flowers (the most expensive ones) so that she will treat your wounds
15- Visited the Brothel (not required) but you can get your rocks off there
16- Dealt with the gang in 'THE HOLE', so that you can work for Schwarz (earn up to 100 Coins/job)
17- Visited the Eerie Mansion, so that Cupid picks up the GLOVE (he calls it Bianca)
Then you have reached the end of playable content so far