
Oct 28, 2019
I've said it ad-nauseam at this point but all of that stuff has been reworked to oblivion. And if we're going that far back then I've actually put out 5k renders since then.

A lot of those scenes planned for that update back then actually got moved. For an example, I shared a ton of teasers back in the day of a scene with Bailey in her home and that entire scene got moved from Day 32 to not this upcoming weekly but the next. All of the renders will be completely remade but still.

Once again, I was not well and I'll never try to justify a lot of my actions from the past year and a half. I was on some fuck shit and deluded myself into thinking it was okay for a long time.

Realized it wasn't, working on fixing it.
Life changed a lot, hard to handle, took shit for granted, found out the hard way, trying to fix it.

What is your name on patreon? I'll refund you if I can.
Dude you need to just concentrate on doing what your doing. If you don't you know where youre going to end up. Yes you pissed a lot of people off me included but really have no obligation to any of us. Go to almost any game on this sight and you will find the same bitchers and moaners that want everything their way because that's the narcissistic society we live in now. If you want to continue to make money and develop your game you need to concentrate on doing that. Keep your patreon supporters happy and don't change your vision for what amounts to a handful of people that you will never make happy. I was once one of them until I asked myself why do I really give a fuck I've got 20 other games I play and as long as somebody updates there game occasionally I'm good. If I don't like a game anymore I delete it. I'm not trying to sound uppity because I don't support any devs not worth having to explain a monthly payment to patreon to my wife. So I'm well aware I'm a POS pirate. Arrrr


New Member
Feb 25, 2023
I'm just trying to make my game. Not trying to mess with anyone or piss anyone off. I'm just making what I find fun and hoping others enjoy it.

I made a lot of mistakes and I regret a lot. I'm trying to put it all behind me and move forward and I understand why so many people are upset with me and I'm not trying to say you shouldn't be. I did a lot of dumb shit. I'm trying to grow and do better.

I've always advocated for people to stop pledging if they weren't comfortable with release timings and I am giving all of Days 32-38 for free to all former patrons, I paused pledges for March and April, and while I am still missing release dates by a bit, things have gotten a lot more stable and content is making it out. In the past 2 months I've put out nearly 4000 renders and while that in no way shape or form makes up for the year and a half of emptiness, I can't change the past and I can only try to do better and that's what I'm doing. There's no other way to put it.

I have no ill-will for anyone here and I while I made silly decisions like teasing the Azel crowd earlier on, that is in no way how I make the game now.
I was very insecure about my game and my "contrarian" side was more of a defense mechanism than anything. I had crazy imposter syndrome and that mixed with everything else led to that year and a half.
I'm not the most mentally sound person, it is what it is.

Luckily, a lot of that insecurity isn't there anymore despite all of the shit flinging.
And if you hate me or my game then that's fine, I don't hate any of you.

I make this game to entertain myself and others, if you are entertained by the game then that's awesome, if your entertainment is derived from writing mean messages about the game and myself then hey at least I made you have fun in some way.
Though you should probably look for a healthier form of entertainment, but I'm no shrink.

Either way, I'm doing better and I'm going to continue doing so.
I hope you do enjoy whatever I make, because I will.

Take care, pirates. :)
Serious question here. If the point of the rework was to make the days shorter, why did you make game day longer than any other day?

Are you planning on reworking season 2 or are you going to scrap the season 1 remake?


Active Member
Game Developer
Aug 30, 2019
Serious question here. If the point of the rework was to make the days shorter, why did you make game day longer than any other day?

Are you planning on reworking season 2 or are you going to scrap the season 1 remake?
Day 32 was giga long (and I may move a few things back in the rework, we'll have to wait and see) and Day 33 was around 1000 renders but the average day going forward will only be in the 500-700 render range and some days will be skipped over.
Last edited:
Nov 19, 2021
I'm just sitting here wishing I had some popcorn. I'm not even picking a side here. I'm just watching the blazing inferno. I will say this though...

The game was awesome from what I remember. But then it got super confusing. People got angry. Time skipped? I never played during all that. I think I picked who had the best ass at a party. And then the universe decided that WVM was going to turn into hate.

Personally? I know how you can fix it, Braindrop. Hear me out. MC wakes up. He's like, "God damn. I dreamed my face...that was some bullshit. Fuck it, I better take a piss."

He goes to the bathroom. Washes his hands. Discovers the mirror and decides to look straight into the mother fucking mirror to see what he looks like. And there it is...THE GOD DAMN CENSOR BLOCK STARING THE PLAYER IN THE FACE!

Dude is like...


The end.

Or you could do that Neon Genesis Evangelion bullshit like they ended the first series with that whole, "Congratulations Shinji (or MC's name)! Congratulations!" And just spam that a million times with happy penguins with balloons and shit.

I mean yeah it's kind of anti-climactic, but it'd be an epic way to get out.

And then you can make a new game. This time it takes place in a golf setting. Nothing says harem like in a golf environment. Sexy ladies with polo shirts tucked into khaki pants. Unnngh. The money bro. The money.
Jun 4, 2022
Man, this has been quite the ride reading this thread. There's certainly a lot of thoughts and feelings being thrown out (among other things) and I guess for people it all comes down to when they first were introduced to this game or the developer's past. Me personally, I only came in recently and for the most part, don't mind the game.

Does it have some pacing issues? Yeah, it does. I'm not expecting that to change any time soon, but I'm not going to complain about what it might be, just what it currently is.

For those who've been here for awhile, that know how the process works, how do you view the current day process? Do you think it's better/worse than earlier on? Is there more accountability being shown by the developer?
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Engaged Member
Aug 19, 2019
That I can agree with. Also rendering at 4K resolution when the majority of users barely have 1080P capable monitors is kinda redundant.
A better word might be overkill, there is no redundancy involved. Moreover, however, I felt I should point out that many people have far better than 1080 screens. I haven't had resolution that low in over 20 years now, though it was only 2-3 years ago that got some nice 1440 models. Not everyone is bargain-basement Blu-ray limited folk.
Please update Android to B2
Already has beeb, learn to use the search feature, I downloaded it from here yesterday.
  • Angry
  • Haha
Reactions: Minx077 and motseer


Jun 10, 2017
I don't really know what's going on in this thread very much, or what the developer is choosing to do with this game, but I kind of want to put my two cents in.

I love this game, one way or another. I have complaints of course, like any normal person would, but I only have one and it's the continuity issue. I played this a long time ago around when they were having the Party I believe. Maybe before that, I don't really remember too much, but I do remember when this game was updated on a day system, rather than a Season, Chapter, Episode system. I've been brought to tears for a lot of the meaningful situations the MC was in, mostly because I can kind of relate to him, with the sibling and wanting to take care of my mother, striving towards that. No matter how many times I replay this, which I do whenever a major amount of content has been released since the last time I played it I get brought to tears.

I loved how the story was played out originally. If there is going to be a rework/rewrite/remodel, that is fine. Whatever pleases you in the end as it is your story that you're writing up. I want to continue playing the game, but I don't want to force myself. It's really hard to want to continue when you don't understand what's happened before. The things the character talk about in the story makes no sense. The hallway incident, the sudden Florida trip, etc, etc, I feel lost. My personal opinion would be to finish the rework, rather than continue adding onto day 33 and forward. It seems like there is supposed to be more content as is, considering there is a new character in the form of Bea and her family and whatever else you may have planned.

Seeing as some of the content already was remodeled at the beginning of the story, and even some things were rewritten throughout, why stop? Ultimately it's up to you and the patrons to decide, but that's just my 2 cents.

I hope you don't abandon the project, as this has been one of my favorite VNs so far, next to DMD lore-wise. I hope you stop stressing, that things get better, and that you keep up the good work. Much love!


May 4, 2020
A better word might be overkill, there is no redundancy involved. Moreover, however, I felt I should point out that many people have far better than 1080 screens. I haven't had resolution that low in over 20 years now, though it was only 2-3 years ago that got some nice 1440 models. Not everyone is bargain-basement Blu-ray limited folk.
Already has beeb, learn to use the search feature, I downloaded it from here yesterday.
Wow thank you so much but one big problem if I do not download it from here it starts over I can't update it


Nov 25, 2016
Day 32 was giga long (and I may move a few things back in the rework, we'll have to wait and see) and Day 33 was around 1000 renders but the average day going forward will only be in the 500-700 render range and some days will be skipped over.
Wheres Mackenzie bro? When you going to admit shes fake, in a year? 2 years? xd
  • Haha
Reactions: Breezerr


Oct 20, 2018
I'm just trying to make my game. Not trying to mess with anyone or piss anyone off. I'm just making what I find fun and hoping others enjoy it.

I made a lot of mistakes and I regret a lot. I'm trying to put it all behind me and move forward and I understand why so many people are upset with me and I'm not trying to say you shouldn't be. I did a lot of dumb shit. I'm trying to grow and do better.

I've always advocated for people to stop pledging if they weren't comfortable with release timings and I am giving all of Days 32-38 for free to all former patrons, I paused pledges for March and April, and while I am still missing release dates by a bit, things have gotten a lot more stable and content is making it out. In the past 2 months I've put out nearly 4000 renders and while that in no way shape or form makes up for the year and a half of emptiness, I can't change the past and I can only try to do better and that's what I'm doing. There's no other way to put it.

I have no ill-will for anyone here and I while I made silly decisions like teasing the Azel crowd earlier on, that is in no way how I make the game now.
I was very insecure about my game and my "contrarian" side was more of a defense mechanism than anything. I had crazy imposter syndrome and that mixed with everything else led to that year and a half.
I'm not the most mentally sound person, it is what it is.

Luckily, a lot of that insecurity isn't there anymore despite all of the shit flinging.
And if you hate me or my game then that's fine, I don't hate any of you.

I make this game to entertain myself and others, if you are entertained by the game then that's awesome, if your entertainment is derived from writing mean messages about the game and myself then hey at least I made you have fun in some way.
Though you should probably look for a healthier form of entertainment, but I'm no shrink.

Either way, I'm doing better and I'm going to continue doing so.
I hope you do enjoy whatever I make, because I will.

Take care, pirates. :)
I started to play this game last year give or take 2 weeks, and i'm enjoying the story so far.

yes there are update that seems to drag on but that's not the worst, and you've started to make weekly update so in my opinion the game is on the right track and it's alive. I play ton of VN, some are updated 1 to 2 month, some 4 to 6 month, and there is a vn like unleashed that was recently updated and was not updated since 13 month and this update is not very long.

I'm not a patron and given i play it for free, i'm enjoying your work so far, i don't know what is all the drama around the game and i don't really care, but know that as long as your story continue, you have my moral support and i have a good time playing WVM.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2020
without a compressed version, i´m unable to DL it anymore at the size it is now.....and thats a shame....it was a funny game
There is, but they are not linked anymore on the OP in general on F95zone. You have to search for them.


Active Member
Jul 24, 2021
I'm just trying to make my game. Not trying to mess with anyone or piss anyone off. I'm just making what I find fun and hoping others enjoy it.

I made a lot of mistakes and I regret a lot. I'm trying to put it all behind me and move forward and I understand why so many people are upset with me and I'm not trying to say you shouldn't be. I did a lot of dumb shit. I'm trying to grow and do better.
Oh boy... there are so many things i want to say.....

"Not trying to mess with anyone or piss anyone off". huh.... Who would have thought that scamming ppl of thousands and thousands of Dollars for almost 2 full years would piss anyone off...

You want to put all that behind you? Hm. Why not start with giving ppl their money back? Or Donate a huge amount of Money to charity instead? All with proof of course cuz i, personally won´t trust somebody like you ever again.

In my eyes ur just a disgusting, scamming, P...erson. Even somebody like "Sliker" deserves more respect than you because he at least admitted to scamming ppl. 2? Months ago you still communicated via your fake persona that suddenly vanished xD

Jesus Christ, give us a break.... You should have stayed hidden in the woods. Once a scammer, always a scammer
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