Jun 26, 2023
I'm trying not to add any more complaints, but this is more of a honest question. What has been the longest period of time that Braindrop has gone between posting game updates, like the acutal playable update (not including DITLO). Just wondering so I have a fair comparison.

Thanks everyone.


Jul 30, 2020
I'm trying not to add any more complaints, but this is more of a honest question. What has been the longest period of time that Braindrop has gone between posting game updates, like the acutal playable update (not including DITLO). Just wondering so I have a fair comparison.

Thanks everyone.
It was... 1,5 years I think? Something like that. There may have been a minor update in that time that I don't remember but yeah, it was pretty long. Or my memory is playing tricks on me and someone can correct me. :D


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Aug 30, 2017
It was... 1,5 years I think? Something like that. There may have been a minor update in that time that I don't remember but yeah, it was pretty long. Or my memory is playing tricks on me and someone can correct me. :D
I'm not really sure, I was a supporter early on, but I gave up after 6 months of nothing but continuous excuses. BD either lies, or has the worst luck in the world (in which case I feel very sorry for him. but it was one after another of "I'm sick with a rare condition that limits me to 2 hours a day looking at a screen for the next 2 months while I heal, someone close to me died, I have the flu, I'm in depression because of the death, my computer is over heating, relationship issues, my computer's water cooling system sprang a leak, I'm sick again" always followed by, "But the update is coming along and only needs a little more work."

That being said, when he did finally release an update I noticed that the new house was totally changed, in that almost every surface had had texture or color alterations from the standard asset packs and was game specific, the most obvious is his room being decked out in WVM colors. So he did make tons of tiny little changes that add to the over all aesthetic, but his attention to detail is way greater than anything players typically notice or care much about. it does add for the immersive quality when you aren't constantly thinking, hey, that was also in this other game. but yeah, he takes it a bit into overkill.


Jul 30, 2020
Well thank god I don't acutally pay for this then, LOL.
I mean, to be fair, there are games that can take longer between updates, or like 1 at most 2 updates a year. Though the update after the long pause was not that long here.
My problem is mostly the transparancy - or to be exact the lack of it - here. And I can understand why people don't want to support him after that and with how the weekly updates went. Overpromising and underdelivering is always a bad business move.


Jul 30, 2020
I'm not really sure, I was a supporter early on, but I gave up after 6 months of nothing but continuous excuses. BD either lies, or has the worst luck in the world (in which case I feel very sorry for him. but it was one after another of "I'm sick with a rare condition that limits me to 2 hours a day looking at a screen for the next 2 months while I heal, someone close to me died, I have the flu, I'm in depression because of the death, my computer is over heating, relationship issues, my computer's water cooling system sprang a leak, I'm sick again" always followed by, "But the update is coming along and only needs a little more work."

That being said, when he did finally release an update I noticed that the new house was totally changed, in that almost every surface had had texture or color alterations from the standard asset packs and was game specific, the most obvious is his room being decked out in WVM colors. So he did make tons of tiny little changes that add to the over all aesthetic, but his attention to detail is way greater than anything players typically notice or care much about. it does add for the immersive quality when you aren't constantly thinking, hey, that was also in this other game. but yeah, he takes it a bit into overkill.
Agree, there were visible changes, as he said that he would need some time for it. Like the house after the game.
My problem is exactly what you said - he takes it into overkill. He either has no concrete ideas and just rolls with what he comes up with, then changes on the fly, or he is seriously overthinking every render. And I do not think that either of those is a great way of doing it. Not sure how he did it at the start, as he updated it like once a month or so by the time I started playing it, and I heard that he did it like once every week or 2 at the start.

Were the renders top quality at that time? Not really, no. Were they at least decent, and quite a few good faces mixed in with them? Yes. Were they consistent? Definitely. So from a laymans perspective, there seems to have been a change somewhere, and it took him down a line which I personnaly don't like that much.

But here is to hoping that it could get better. (Who am I kidding, this is just wishful thinking.)


Engaged Member
Oct 19, 2022
Agree, there were visible changes, as he said that he would need some time for it. Like the house after the game.
My problem is exactly what you said - he takes it into overkill. He either has no concrete ideas and just rolls with what he comes up with, then changes on the fly, or he is seriously overthinking every render. And I do not think that either of those is a great way of doing it. Not sure how he did it at the start, as he updated it like once a month or so by the time I started playing it, and I heard that he did it like once every week or 2 at the start.

Were the renders top quality at that time? Not really, no. Were they at least decent, and quite a few good faces mixed in with them? Yes. Were they consistent? Definitely. So from a laymans perspective, there seems to have been a change somewhere, and it took him down a line which I personnaly don't like that much.

But here is to hoping that it could get better. (Who am I kidding, this is just wishful thinking.)
Honestly I think the success and also constant critique has gotten into his head which feeds into the loop you're talking about. Not everyone has the mental fortitude to handle the ire of the internet, I know I sure wouldn't.


Oct 7, 2019
Honestly I think the success and also constant critique has gotten into his head which feeds into the loop you're talking about. Not everyone has the mental fortitude to handle the ire of the internet, I know I sure wouldn't.
Except that doesn't fly at all with BD's admitted tendency to be a contrarian and do the opposite of what people are telling him to do. Fans demand incest. BD teases it endlessly and ridiculously while stating it will never happen. Fans complain about duck lips. Extra, mega duck lips for all!. It goes on.

This is not the reaction of someone cowed by the "ire of the internet". It is someone raising the middle finger repeatedly to it.

BD has said in the past that the rapid success of WVM did overwhelm him and make him doubt himself a lot, wondering if he deserved the success. That probably has a lot to do with the giant mess of the pool scene and the year and half plus hiatus he took.

But blaming the critics? Really? That's almost comical given his behavior.


Engaged Member
Oct 19, 2022
Except that doesn't fly at all with BD's admitted tendency to be a contrarian and do the opposite of what people are telling him to do. Fans demand incest. BD teases it endlessly and ridiculously while stating it will never happen. Fans complain about duck lips. Extra, mega duck lips for all!. It goes on.

This is not the reaction of someone cowed by the "ire of the internet". It is someone raising the middle finger repeatedly to it.

BD has said in the past that the rapid success of WVM did overwhelm him and make him doubt himself a lot, wondering if he deserved the success. That probably has a lot to do with the giant mess of the pool scene and the year and half plus hiatus he took.

But blaming the critics? Really? That's almost comical given his behavior.
Being a contrarian is a pretty common defense mechanism to anxiety. It allows the person to feel like they have some semblance of control while they're drowning. I do not think that it's remotely comical to suggest that the typical over the top backlash that devs routinely receive on these boards for even the slightest "transgression" could be a contributing factor to anxiety on BD's part, especially when paired with that self doubt and overwhelm that they already admitted to.

Just my 2 cents as a person with a bucket load of mental health issues, married to someone with pretty intense anxiety.
Jun 26, 2023
It's probably not people willingly giving money, honestly it's more people forgetting thier paypal is attached to the Patron and not notcing the few bucks they give him as a charge.


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2021
So what's NutDrop's excuse this time? Are we going to see an update or is he going to release it mid or late October?


Apr 8, 2021



This is the new format for the dev report images.
The goal in the change was to use the space in the image more efficiently.
All changes should be pretty obvious but if you have any questions about it, feel free to ask.

Asides from that, work on the update has been ongoing.
I've said in the past 3 or 4 dev reports that the update is really close to being finished... which is awkward. So I'm not going to say that this time. I'll just leave it as a simple: It will be finished when it is finished and uploaded that exact moment.

As mentioned last week, I will be pausing pledges for the month of October as I'm not happy with how I've handled the communication with this update as well as me not being happy with the lack of content I've had to share with all of you.
This does not mean I'll be taking any time off or anything, I plan to continue working as normal.

If you're wondering what the hold up is,
It's pretty simple. I'm the sole developer of WVM and at this moment in time I don't utilize playtesters or proofreaders.
The reason being is that part of my development process in finalizing an update is playing and replaying the update over and over again to make sure things play out as I want them to.
The tonality, the vibe, everything. It just sort of goes hand in hand with being able to test everything myself.
I assume this isn't unique to me but frustratingly so, part of the whole creative process is spending all day working on something and to go to bed loving it... just to wake up the next day and not like it and then you have to make changes.
That's happened to me a number of times on this update and is also one of the main reasons why I wanted to try to stick to weeklies as there's less opportunities for that to happen.
(It's also why I have a history of staying up for 3 days at a time when releasing updates.)

There's times where I make changes and it feels like it was a lateral move, things didn't improve too much. But I feel like I originally tried to take some shortcuts with this update that blew up in my face and taking the time to fix those with these changes has made for a much improved update. Both in quality and fun.

So while it sucks having to make everyone wait, I'm ultimately okay with the decisions I made but I'm still not happy with how I communicated them.
I'm not in panic mode, I'm not in perfectionist mode, I'm just trying to do what is right for the game but I do apologize for the poor communication and the long wait.

I did this last month and missed on almost all of it... so let's try again.

October Goals: (If I fail to meet these then I will pause pledges for November as well)
- Episode 12 released within the first 14 days of October. (I don't think it will take this long, just giving myself some room.)
- Episode 13 released before the end of October.
- October/November/December Character sheets
- September/October Birthday Renders
- Clients polls for style and nipples
- Dev report every weekend (Friday-Sunday)
- Season 1 redo report (Image has been made, I just have to write up the post but I plan to do so after Episode 12 is released)

With that being said, time to get back to it. Also let me know how you feel about the new report image.
But yeah, that's all I have to share for the moment. If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
As always, thank you all so much for everything and please take care.
Spread some love and have a wonderful week everyone!
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