
Engaged Member
Dec 9, 2017
Basicly the update was short and late simply caus he encounterd a problem in the upcoming scene with Rachael that preggo lady.... and since it was christmas as well he couldnt work it all out

I know i know exuses pile up trust me i said that many times as well

So instead of nothing he wanted to give at leat something and yeah its almost nothing at all

I wouldnt count on another update this year ... Well unless we get very lucky and we get another 200 renders

But most likely scenario will be he will keep working on it and deliver a 400 render update somewhere in januari :ROFLMAO:


Aug 18, 2016
What am I missing here? Honestly, has anyone here actually enjoyed any of the last, say, 5 updates in the last 2 or 3 years?
I like to come here every update (aka every few months) to remind myself of the whole situation and get a chuckle out of his latest excuse, it's like watching a drama on TV. I haven't actually played the game in years at this point, I gave up after the weird 'Brubru' shit.


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2019
I like to come here every update (aka every few months) to remind myself of the whole situation and get a chuckle out of his latest excuse, it's like watching a drama on TV. I haven't actually played the game in years at this point, I gave up after the weird 'Brubru' shit.
I'm with you. I just couldn't bring myself to play it anymore after the "rate all the butts" episode, and the "brubru" stuff. I honestly think Braindrop is trying to troll all his fans to see how many donations he can still get making WVM as as shitty and cringingly terrible as possible.


Oct 7, 2019
I like to come here every update (aka every few months) to remind myself of the whole situation and get a chuckle out of his latest excuse, it's like watching a drama on TV. I haven't actually played the game in years at this point, I gave up after the weird 'Brubru' shit.
If that's truely the main thing stopping you from playing the game (not the convoluted stop and go development or the liar liar pants on fire dev blogs), there is a relatively easy fix.

There is a great addition for almost every Renpy game in the form of the Universal Renpy Mod (URM).
You can simply install that, hit alt-M to bring up the mod menu, click on "Renaming", hit the plus symbol on the far right to make a new entry. Change "brubru" to whatever you desire, save the change with the disc symbol top right. Boom. Brubru is gone.

I use it to fix a lot of dialog errors in games, rename characters...etc. It also is a great walk-through tool, showing you what different dialog options change as far as variables.

Sadly it can't fix the rampant duck lips or the character ballooning that has spread through WMV, so you might be better off with your memory of the game rather than seeing what it has become...;)


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2019
Sadly it can't fix the rampant duck lips or the character ballooning that has spread through WMV, so you might be better off with your memory of the game rather than seeing what it has become...;)
I agree. It was once good, but nothing can salvage this.

There are many threads around here like this one with endless fans complaining about how their favorite game has deteriorated. There are lots of quite good games here. Just forget about this piece of crap and play these instead.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2019
BD said.

i'll release a update on 24th... Failed
and then said ill release on the 26th or 27th the rest of the updates.

If we look at it this way he succeeded on the 27th with the update from the 24th but that also means
He failed on the original 26th and now 27th.

Now we wait to see if he fails again on the 30th or 31st which is suppose to be his last 2023 update.

In conclusion it doesnt matter if he succeeds since its always a failure when he does succeed.. his logic is A1
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Chasing Redhead sm0ls
Jun 2, 2017
It only took 3 months for BD's weekly update. Now that's progress!
I know there is a LOT of repeat chatter of the same stupid posts

but he did say a good while ago that he was not doing weekly releases but making weekly progress of a certain amount to release less often.

For whatever that is worth, but still no intent is for weekly to come going forward no matter how accurately he does or does not get the dates.
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Aug 12, 2017
I am simply loosing it with this game, and how he keeps morphing the girls. They get worse and worse. Im getting more and more convinced something is seriously messed up in BDs brain. (Not a comment on his actions, just purely the art and how art is affected by various malfunctions in the brain)
It reached rediculous long ago, now its just disturbing.


Jul 12, 2023
As it is, I don't think this will be completed for a long time (or if it ever will be) :LUL: ...and if it is, it will probably be a rushed ending.
Lol Nice ! Jokes aside , i'm not even really waiting , at least not without popcorn and some fun . I discovered the game with episode 10 of season 2 i believe . As a highly rated title by so many people , it was for a while on my radar .
It was a painful experience ultimately , and i even found myself often skipping text from S2 . No way i'm wasting more time with the latest updates . I'm not even sure i want to finish the game

I was just taken by surprise then , because it's one of the two "true" 4.5-5 stars rated title around that i find so mediocre . The other one being the truly awful "Fashion Business"
Aug 2, 2017
I think this thread is more interesting than the actual game.

Other than the ridiculousness of it all, that a lazy developer can get so much monthly cash based on repeated BS excuses, why are you all so interested in the updates anyway? Is it just enjoyment in picking on the obviously milking dev? Schadenfreude?

The quality of WVM has dropped off a cliff years ago. It all went to shit when the MC was kidnapped. There is no story to speak of, none of the characters have any personality anymore other than wanting to hug the MC, the endless duck faces was tiring years ago, and there are more characters than anyone can remember, much less care about.

When it was just say 15 characters, it was kind of interesting. I think many of us were interested in Harper's and Natalie's arc, for example. But by now, even if BD releases 1000 renders a month, it will still be shit.

Why are you all complaining? It is like the joke of the diner in a restaurant that says, "This food is terrible.... and such small portions."

If the game sucks, the less we see of it the better.

What am I missing here? Honestly, has anyone here actually enjoyed any of the last, say, 5 updates in the last 2 or 3 years?
For me, this game is purely for fapping, and laughing at the teenage-fanfic-tier writing. Apparently people disagree a lot with me, but the renders really carry the entire game. They're high quality, not grainy in the slightest (kinda sad that I have to list that as a positive), the models all look attractive with maybe a few exceptions and have a very nice amount of variety, and the sex is usually framed and positioned pretty well. Plus there's quite a few group scenes, an itch which this game manages to scratch for me that I feel is missing from so many others that seem to be afraid to take advantage of their large casts. I really just keep checking back in hopes there'll be a crazy orgy, which I guess kinda happened with the last update, but I wish it had been with some of the other girls instead of brand fucking new characters.

As for the writing, I have to disagree with you. It's pretty much always been shit. The WVM MC is the biggest Gary Stu to be brought to fictional life. From the start, every single woman has been portrayed as being obsessively in love with him and everything he does. (Come to think of it, is there actually any female character that doesn't want to marry him or fuck him?) The story truly jumped the shark once all the tension that had been built from his cheating had been washed away like tears in the rain once it was revealed that Jamie has a massive cuckqueen fetish and all his infidelity was actually hunky dory. Actually, no, within the bounds of a porn game, that might've actually been fine, but the bigger problem was the fact that it was handled as this good thing that Jamie was going to share MC with other girls, because he is the most perfect man to exist after all and it would be selfish of her to hog him. I would go as far as to say that almost no girl has any actual personality or even existence outside of MC. He literally defines them. This problem only continues to get worse and worse the more characters BrainDead adds in, with the update before this adding in multiple wealthy women who are obsessed with a college student basketball player for some reason. It would also help if the time wasn't so hilariously short. It's easy to forget with so many updates spread out across years like a stick of butter spread across a mile of bread, but in game not even a month (I think?) has passed, and yet our boy has gone from one highschool gf he hadn't even fucked yet to the center of a literal sex cult full of gorgeous girls and women. Adding in a time skip or two or ten could've helped this instead of rendering every second of every day for whatever reason. For these reasons and more, ninety percent of the time when there's no female nudity on screen, I'm hitting my tab and control keys like a pair of unwanted step children.

This would almost be fine if the game simply remembered that it is a porn game first and foremost. At least for me, any harem style 'romance' is always going to suffer because the idea that one man could be so great that multiple women would be willing to devote themselves solely to him while he gets to be with all of them will always inherently be hard to believe, and this suspension of disbelief only gets tougher to justify the more girls that are added to this. I could never take My New Family seriously for this problem either. There are multiple ways to get around the harem problem, either create a setting where most men are crazy/violent and MC is a protector and not insane (Desert Stalker), have the setting take place within a culture that naturally accepts harems (again, Desert Stalker), be such a good writer that you can craft characters who would believably end up in a harem with an MC that is good enough to attract so many girls (Projekt: Passion and Eternum do fairly good jobs but also rely on other elements to sell the believability), or have the harem dissolve naturally (Being a Dik). Otherwise, the most obvious choice is to not pretend that your writing is at all serious and realize that players are there for TnA and lots of sex (too many to list). Otherwise, the harem is a death sentence for your writing if you're trying to create a romance story that won't have people rolling their eyes so much they get dizzy.

Anyways, am I still enjoying it? I mean, it's still making me cum, and it's free, so there's that. No clue why I just went on such an autistic rant about romance writing.
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Active Member
Jan 5, 2023
I got bored with this game and stopped playing it about a year ago. Can someone explain to me what happened in the story to make everyone hate it so much? Boredom is one thing, but hatred is another, and I am quite curious as to what occurred to cause such a dramatic and overwhelming exodus from WVM. Thanks, guys.


Sep 16, 2018
From quite a good game it became the worst game I've ever played on f95. It was amazing relationships with ppl MC could call his family. Was it too much to ask for a normal loving monogamous relationships with my gf without her forcing a harem crap on me? I thought no game could fall lower in terms of a plot than Acting Lessons with it's horrible choice (the rest was amazing though). But here the author managed to invent something even worse with that gf. And gave 0 options to avoid it.
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