
Engaged Member
Feb 19, 2021
I got bored with this game and stopped playing it about a year ago. Can someone explain to me what happened in the story to make everyone hate it so much? Boredom is one thing, but hatred is another, and I am quite curious as to what occurred to cause such a dramatic and overwhelming exodus from WVM. Thanks, guys.
BrainDead the dev is an overpaid lazy lying cunt which magnifies the subjective flaws of this game and contaminates every bit of this game with the vitriol aimed at him.
I mean the game is also massively flawed with bad facial expressions, terrible writing, one dimensional characters, bad dialogue, a useless Gary Stu MC, a deranged main LI, horrible pacing, unfulfillable incest teases and the stupidest face censorship on the MC that I've ever seen in a game. Most of that hate comes from BD himself though, probably also a touch of jealousy. I mean to be fair if I could make 200+k a year sitting on my ass working maybe once ever 2 or 3 weeks if not even less frequent then you bet your ass I would too but it's extremely shitty to his subs and patrons what he does.


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2020
thats never going to happen, so might aswell quit now if thats what your waiting for.

the dev only used "incest" to lore in the incest crowd then quickly backtracked and stated he never is going to add incest

it was only to sucker you guys into the game

as a big dick move it was by god how successful it was... there still a good chunk still supporting him and asking for incest still.... you guys got played like a fiddle and you're still sticking around...

(for the purpose of this post im using "you" and etc like a royal plural IE: the royal "we" so not directly talking about you but the incest crowd as a whole)
Yup he would literally come on here personally and tease a "modder" adding in those kinds of sex scenes complete with winking emoji's so everyone gave an all knowing nod in return and waited, and waited, and waited.


Oct 26, 2017
Man I recently played this again and I think you MUST play this game skipping dialog. I think it's obvious this game is just catering to a fetish and it does a good job at that with incredible renders and scenes but that's it. I genuinely can't enjoy a story where the women are soulless sex toys.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2023
This game has a different reaction from every person... When I started I was curious and always waiting for new episodes... Now unfortunately I say I wish it was over because it's just suffering... My first surprise was when I started , the character of Shauna... I understand and accept those who like trans characters... However, if the author agrees to make two versions, then pay enough attention to write a different and appropriate text for the character... Unfortunately, this is a time saver doesn't do it because of... I accept the trans character's "bubble" problem and that's why she's still shy... However, if she's a girl, what the hell are we talking about? Don't give the same lines because you're too lazy to write... You're completely ruining one of the cutest characters and it's fucking frustrating... Let her live a normal girl life... Next, you develop the characters (Harper and her daughter are good examples) and you leave them there, just to have as many pussies as possible in the game... Why do you think that a Harem game will be good if the MC fucks a hundred women? You can have a good Harem with few girls if you spend QUALITY time with them! Lots of unnecessary and boringly long dialogues (best example on the yacht with the maid) I just press Ctrl. because my brain shuts down from stupidity... Now I'm going to be a little selfish because I have a little romance in me and it's because of Rachael... It was good for you to make a child for him, but not for treating him properly? He goes to fuck rich whores and can't at least call her on the phone and ask "how are you honey"? And now don't tell me that because she must be asleep, that's bullshit... Rachael would have been happy to do it, whether she's asleep or not... And what does she do when she gets back? Rachael isn't the first one she goes to, but rather blah blah blah with other women... Damn it, I was really angry here... And I'm not talking about the update times and the excuses, everyone knows what I mean...
Now, I'm sorry if I sometimes put it a bit bluntly, but I think I'll forget this game for a long time... It's a shame...
Have a nice day everyone...

(sorry for my english, not my native language)
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Engaged Member
Dec 9, 2017
I noticed the MC stopped practically making out with his family members.
Caus of the remake hes working on that deletes the older making out / kissing with the family members in earlier scenes as well

Caus he wants to get far way from any remote incest stuff in his game as possible


Jul 12, 2023
As for the writing, I have to disagree with you. It's pretty much always been shit. The WVM MC is the biggest Gary Stu to be brought to fictional life. From the start, every single woman has been portrayed as being obsessively in love with him and everything he does. (Come to think of it, is there actually any female character that doesn't want to marry him or fuck him?) The story truly jumped the shark once all the tension that had been built from his cheating had been washed away like tears in the rain once it was revealed that Jamie has a massive cuckqueen fetish and all his infidelity was actually hunky dory. Actually, no, within the bounds of a porn game, that might've actually been fine, but the bigger problem was the fact that it was handled as this good thing that Jamie was going to share MC with other girls, because he is the most perfect man to exist after all and it would be selfish of her to hog him. I would go as far as to say that almost no girl has any actual personality or even existence outside of MC. He literally defines them. This problem only continues to get worse and worse the more characters BrainDead adds in, with the update before this adding in multiple wealthy women who are obsessed with a college student basketball player for some reason. It would also help if the time wasn't so hilariously short. It's easy to forget with so many updates spread out across years like a stick of butter spread across a mile of bread, but in game not even a month (I think?) has passed, and yet our boy has gone from one highschool gf he hadn't even fucked yet to the center of a literal sex cult full of gorgeous girls and women. Adding in a time skip or two or ten could've helped this instead of rendering every second of every day for whatever reason. For these reasons and more, ninety percent of the time when there's no female nudity on screen, I'm hitting my tab and control keys like a pair of unwanted step children.
I entirely agree with that part . To each their own obviously , but when i read people's opinions that the writing was initially ok , and only got worse later ... i don't feel we've played the same title . it always was badly written and not well balanced . I had never seen before a game with a 72hrs day cycle LOL (and i'm being generous) . The whole cult vibe was weird , even for porn content . Everyone loving or falling for the MC is fine as far as adult game tropes go ... but why do need to suffer through 10-15 mins of each character praising "their lord and savior as the greatest gift to mankind" every time they need to say something , advance the plot , or simply even meet him in a hallway ?

And again , while a minor detail in the grand scheme of things , the whole mansion jumping all the time is crazy . it's been a while , but i swear that at least once we were offered a new house , did not even spend a single entire day within it , but yet already moved to another free mansion . And it took what two seasons to feature a proper Basket match ? And to this day the school can't even have enough players for a season ?

Then we got a writer than clearly both does not know what he wants to do with some characters (like building up incest , only to ditch it) while also clearly milking their allure and appeal (i swear , if i see another "will they , won't they" between Bailey and Rain or Shauna and Jaime ... )
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Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2021
I hate being right :ROFLMAO:
It's been broken promises all year long with NutDrop. So no big surprise here. We still have 2 to 3 more days to see if he delivers the updates or another broken promise going into the New Year. My money is on the broken promise and we'll get the full update of 13 in 2 months after he comes up with more excuses for the delay.
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New Member
Mar 6, 2020
I find it hilarious how a bunch of people come to a thread on a pirate forum (more than likely not even patreons) to rant about something they clearly hate, don't get me wrong, I'm not defending the dev since I don't even know him or his work, I played this game once or twice only so I don't have any expectations from it, but it's just funny how this game is apparently living rent free on some people's head here hahaha, for those who are feeling this way go outside a little bit and enjoy new years eve ,it's way better for you than writing essays about how bad the dev is or how shit the game is lol


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2023
I find it hilarious how a bunch of people come to a thread on a pirate forum (more than likely not even patreons) to rant about something they clearly hate, don't get me wrong, I'm not defending the dev since I don't even know him or his work, I played this game once or twice only so I don't have any expectations from it, but it's just funny how this game is apparently living rent free on some people's head here hahaha, for those who are feeling this way go outside a little bit and enjoy new years eve ,it's way better for you than writing essays about how bad the dev is or how shit the game is lol
a quite a few of us were once supporters untill the lies and excuses started flowing


Conversation Conqueror
Jan 26, 2021
I find it hilarious how a bunch of people come to a thread on a pirate forum (more than likely not even patreons) to rant about something they clearly hate, don't get me wrong, I'm not defending the dev since I don't even know him or his work, I played this game once or twice only so I don't have any expectations from it, but it's just funny how this game is apparently living rent free on some people's head here hahaha, for those who are feeling this way go outside a little bit and enjoy new years eve ,it's way better for you than writing essays about how bad the dev is or how shit the game is lol


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2020
it's just funny how this game is apparently living rent free on some people's head here
And with the average cost of living in most countries, I guess I understand why people are saying the dev is filthy rich scamming them. The sheer amount of properties, with all those heads he's living rent-free in... :KEK:
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Feb 26, 2020
I find it hilarious how a bunch of people come to a thread on a pirate forum (more than likely not even patreons) to rant about something they clearly hate, don't get me wrong, I'm not defending the dev since I don't even know him or his work, I played this game once or twice only so I don't have any expectations from it, but it's just funny how this game is apparently living rent free on some people's head here hahaha
You misinterpreted it. No one has expectations or lives in our heads with free rent. Most of the complaints to his patrons.

for those who are feeling this way go outside a little bit and enjoy new years eve ,it's way better for you than writing essays about how bad the dev is or how shit the game is lol
Likewise, you can go out and enjoy the new year instead of examining these and finding hilarius.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2018
I find it hilarious how a bunch of people come to a thread on a pirate forum
i'm going to stop you right there.

this site is fair more then just a "pirating" site, this is also a great place for devs to promote their work and gain quite a big following. patreon doesn't really do advertising or marketing so sites this can quite literally make or break a game theres no argument there are just abunch of pirates on this but there is quite alot of actual supporters or ex supporters here simple because this is a "safe" place to post your criticism without a dev or patron banning/blocking you its personally why im not even on any devs discord for the people i do sub to alot of them will just ban/block you for ANY criticism full stop its basically suck dick or don't talk

sorry for the rant but im really sick and tired or seeing posts start with basically "blah blah pirates blah blah dont have a say"

lets just get that misconception out of the way.

now lets even say everyone was a pirate, what difference does that make?
if i get food and it taste like shit am i not allow to state it taste like shit because i didn't pay for it? rather you pay for something or not doesn't change the quality of said product in question.

as to your "main point" this is a game discussion forum... to you know discuss the game... you find it funny people are staying on topic and discussing the game? do you not understand how game forums work?


Jul 12, 2023
I find it hilarious how a bunch of people come to a thread on a pirate forum (more than likely not even patreons) to rant about something they clearly hate, don't get me wrong, I'm not defending the dev since I don't even know him or his work, I played this game once or twice only so I don't have any expectations from it, but it's just funny how this game is apparently living rent free on some people's head here hahaha, for those who are feeling this way go outside a little bit and enjoy new years eve ,it's way better for you than writing essays about how bad the dev is or how shit the game is lol

LOl I find people like you hilariously bitter , yes even more so than us , the naysayers . Because it seems that you got some mental image of insane people going apeshit over it and being obsessed . If breaking the monotony of your daily routines for a "5 minute essay" (and most of them more mocking than really angry) feels like living rent free in people's heads , you're kinda scary .

Let people talk , have their fun or even be angry , and go touch some of the new year grass you're peddling to others
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Active Member
Dec 23, 2021
Some character sex still pending Just like willabelle stepmother
I think MC s stepmom main target
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