I mean...you kinda need to go down in order to rise up...again, I don't know what is inside the head of the developer, but even if you become the slave of your boss, the mere fact you can earn alpha points in the first place seems to hint that there will be an oportunity to "alpha" your way out of that situation. Of course the game is nowhere near done so it could take a while to reach that point.
And just out of curiosity...how would you manage to get closer to your very dominant boss in an alpha way? after all you still have a mission, you NEED to get closer to your boss in order to meet the politician that you need to have a BSDM video tape to avoid getting killed, do you think you can save your life by being prideful and aggresive to her?
My take from this game, just like in real life is that different people want different things, dominant girls want a beta and submissive girls want an alpha, that's why being alpha works on your coworker and your younger sister, and being a beta works for your boss and your older sister. You can perfectly be an alpha and a beta in different scenarios to different people because people are more complicated that a simple binary allegiange chart.
Of course this is a videogame and the developer can write whatever they want and make a full beta game or full alpha game, but in this particular case, I don't think that's what is happening, I want you to be open minded and try not to dismiss a game like this for putting you in a "beta" situation because this is not a "full beta game", even if it has a femdom inclination.