
Royal Jelly
Oct 26, 2017

Anyway, after playing two routes it's kinda 'meh' with the content. Not a whole lot of different scenes, reusing most of it and the same goes for the dialog. Still fun enough to kill some time though.

What I did find really great about this game though was the polish on the RPGM MV part.
It's basic, but for a porn game it used small and easy to navigate maps plus a working minimap, quest markers on NPC's, a questlog and tons of loot, so no grinding for shit.
I not a fan of combat that much in these types of games, but that part was also not horrible. There are even weapons that does attack on all enemies, so just holding enter and the fight is over before you know it.

I've played my fair share of RPGM games and a lot of them are just painful to play with massive maps with nothing in it, frustrating labyrinths to get lost in to waste hours on end, enemies everywhere for no purpose just to frustrate and the worst offence, disable dash.
If I were to make a game in RPGM, I'd use this as an example on how to do things right.
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Feb 2, 2019
I not a fan of combat that much in these types of games, but that part was also not horrible. There are even weapons that does attack on all enemies, so just holding enter and the fight is over before you know it.
I'm not fan of this kind of fight either. I love the kind of fight you find in Violated Heroine, for example. Where there is no screen fight and turn-based combat. (seriously, it irritates me this kind of fight)
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Jan 19, 2019
... Well, To begin with: she said no! Therefore, no need to insist! No is no! Don't try to make her/him change her/his mind for your own little pleasure...
so NEVER ask again? that's just silly :LOL: if you say "ask later" then WHEN "later" and WHY exactly THAT later? :sneaky:
also she was free to repeat her noes or stop answering (or is talking to silent person a rape too?) :rolleyes:

But... you take an example that is not "life threatening" ... If she/he refuses, she/he doesn't lose anything in your example... It's just that she/he doesn't gain anything either ... In the blackmail / coercion .. generally, the one coerced/blackmailed have something to lose if she/he refuses...
the original quote included "tricked"


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2017
I'm curious to know what you call rape... For me, there is rape when they don't say "Yes". If they say nothing, it's rape. And from the point of view of justice/law, it's also rape. (in my country anyway) Because, when there is blackmail or molestation, there is psychological factor to take into account for their "no action"... (also, it's something dictated by instinct... like some animals play dead when in danger, for example)

When there is a position of domination from one forcing himself/herself onto another, it's always rape! Even if she/he is not physicaly forced but simply mentally dominated (like in case of incest between an older member of a familly forcing himself/herself onto a younger member, using his/her position as an elder member or using emotional blackmail ...)

If the woman/man didn't state a clear "yes" WITHOUT BEING FORCED TO SAY IT (by blackmail or torture, etc.) Then it will always be rape. (and saying "yes" after the don't legitimate it as "no rape" ==> "mind broken" girl/guy can't be considered sane enough to give their consenting)

In brief, she/he need to say "YES" from her/his own volition without external/outside influence/interference to manipulate and make her/him say it.
Anything that removes ones free will (both physically and mentally).

However i do not believe blackmail to be rape that is because one still has a choice there (and one had to do something bad to begin with). And pretty sure law judges those differently just like vandalism and theft are different crimes even when in both victim loses something.

Furthermore i do not believe blackmail to be blackmail when the reason is nonsensical (same goes for coercion). And i think law has problem with that as well. Like imagine you convince a girl that your sperm has healing capabilities if she gets "injected" (lol) and then she goes and sues you for tricking her because she didn't get healed. That is a really high chance of case dismissed and judge facepalming all the time.


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2017
Sexual coersion is a thing yes in the eyes of the law it is rape...
Without doubt sexual coercion is crime but i do no not think its judged as rape.
Or rather every rape is sexual coercion but not every sexual coercion is rape , if that makes sense.

So as example when sexual coercion is done through physical force, immediate threat or drugs it would be rape as opposed to employee having sex with boss to keep the job. In the latter there is still a choice and in rape victim has no choice whatsoever.


Active Member
Jul 7, 2017
I saw the CGs for this game in a random site, and it said there is Mind Control in the game, is it true?
Feb 2, 2019
I'm also stuck on this part, but it doesn't seem to be answered since the only topic anyone seems to talk about on here is NTR.
You can buy it on the merchant. It's a gift for the husband. It's in town. But you need to buy all the previous gift for the husband first. Since each item is unlock after the previouswas buy and given to the husband. (need to buy the first to unlock the second and need to buy the second to unlock the third, need to buy the third to unlock the fourth, etc.)

so NEVER ask again? that's just silly :LOL: if you say "ask later" then WHEN "later" and WHY exactly THAT later? :sneaky:
also she was free to repeat her noes or stop answering (or is talking to silent person a rape too?) :rolleyes:
I have not much time to spare to someone having spoiled child mentality... You know exactly what I mean. "Later" mean "when the TWO of them are in the mood". Not only one... And yes, she can repeat herself... But... your method is only forcing yourself on her to make her say "yes"... It's not a real "yes" its only to have peace quickly and not having to deal anymore with a spoiled child keeping his complaint... (I sincerely pity you if you're really so much a slave to your own lust... [so, if you're not a troll] .. not worth than a vulgar animal from my point of view if it's really the method you use...)

Anything that removes ones free will (both physically and mentally).

However i do not believe blackmail to be rape that is because one still has a choice there (and one had to do something bad to begin with).
Without doubt sexual coercion is crime but i do no not think its judged as rape.
Or rather every rape is sexual coercion but not every sexual coercion is rape , if that makes sense.

So as example when sexual coercion is done through physical force, immediate threat or drugs it would be rape as opposed to employee having sex with boss to keep the job. In the latter there is still a choice and in rape victim has no choice whatsoever.
There is no choice... When there is a loss for saying "no"... it's not a choice anymore...
When there is a "sanction/punishment"(being fired-up for example) for saying "NO", there is no choice left... It's a mental removal of free will... Therefore, It is a rape case.
And no... One not had to do something bad to begin with... Blackmail and coercion can be a boss forcing an employed to have sex... and be fired up if the employed dare say "no"... The employed / someone not need to have done something bad to begin with... And even if it was the case that "the one" do something bad to begin with... it give no right to anyone to use blackmail on him/her... It's irrelevant! It only sugar-coat the thing to legitimate rape... it's like a child complaining that one "do a thing" and use it as a legitimation to do the same thing or to do worst... It's only child mentality... (that one do a bad thing don't give the right to do the same or worst...)

But... There is one similar case I'll not count it as blackmail/coercion and therefore not count as rape... With the same logic as your example: A boss proposing a quick promotion under the condition of having sex with him/her. In this case, it's really up to the employed. Take much attention to the red quote.
It implies that even if you don't have sex with him/her it won't close the door and possibilities of being promoted. (and you won't get fired up)
It implies that it's the quick way to be promoted but not the only way. In this case, the employed can refuse and work normally, get promoted normally. etc. etc.
In this case, it's not blackmail nor real coercion. More a condition of an agreement for "mutual benefit". If the employed refuse, he/she lose nothing and the boss lose nothing either. If the employed accept, she/he gain something and the boss gain also something.

In coercion and blackmail... The coerced/blackmailed gain nothing. She/he only keep what she/he already have... It's not a mutual benefit... Adding condition to maintain something she/he already own, it's already a loss...

To take an example with this game, to keep on trail with it: The rich merchant (Robson) didn't blackmailed Zefira... He proposed to help his husband under the condition she work for him as a pleasure maid. But he didn't menace her to detroy his husband work if she refuse. There is mutual benefit without mutal loss and it's up to her to really willingly accept or refuse. It's not a rape. (well, at the start anyway ==> I didn't play yet the cuckhold route, so I don't know if he will use their first time together to blackmail her for more... )

And pretty sure law judges those differently just like vandalism and theft are different crimes even when in both victim loses something.

Furthermore i do not believe blackmail to be blackmail when the reason is nonsensical (same goes for coercion). And i think law has problem with that as well. Like imagine you convince a girl that your sperm has healing capabilities if she gets "injected" (lol) and then she goes and sues you for tricking her because she didn't get healed. That is a really high chance of case dismissed and judge facepalming all the time.
For me, vandalism and theft are the same thing... The victim suffer the same loss... So it's only logical that the perpetrator suffer the same judgement... it's nonsensical to give an other judgement depending of theft or vandalism... (to take your example)

Well, for the example of "curative sperm", it's not blackmail... It's more like "false advertising". :D It's the same as the example earlier, the husband promising his wife a cruise if she said yes... And not keeping his promise... I said it was not a rape. But there is deception nonetheless. But in your example, we can argue about the mentality state of the woman. If she was in a state to give her consenting or not. (if she was mentally retarded, it can be see as a rape... if she was just dumb... it's another story...)
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Dec 21, 2018
You can buy it on the merchant. It's a gift for the husband. It's in town. But you need to buy all the previous gift for the husband first. Since each item is unlock after the previouswas buy and given to the husband. (need to buy the first to unlock the second and need to buy the second to unlock the third, need to buy the third to unlock the fourth, etc.)
That's the Pen, we are trying to get the feather you get from the bird.


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2017
There is no choice... When there is a loss for saying "no"... it's not a choice anymore...
When there is a "sanction/punishment"(being fired-up for example) for saying "NO", there is no choice left... It's a mental removal of free will... Therefore, It is a rape case.
No it doesn't remove free will, its "influence". Lets make it non sexual example.
If employee is asked to commit crime in order to keep the job let's say to provide false testimony. She still is guilty of the crime and the "job loss" is only extenuating circumstance. She will get sentence.

It is possible to get absolution when the "influence" is strong enough, like if her child would be held hostage. At that point we can indeed say there is no choice anymore. Its not 0 or 1 situation and thats why everyone gets judged separately. But by common practice job loss doesn't grant one.

So in case of sex it wouldn't be rape if its "only loss of job". However it may be case by case situation and one judge will law it as rape and another won't.

But it was about my opinion what i consider rape and i wouldn't consider this example as one. Hard choices are still choices.

(In regards whats in game, didn't play it)


Jan 19, 2019
I have not much time to spare to someone having spoiled child mentality...
lol, this is especially precious coming out from someone failing elementary logic :ROFLMAO:

"Later" mean "when the TWO of them are in the mood".
Here we go again. Then how to tell WHEN both are in the mood without asking? How OFTEN is it okay to ask about the mood and WHY exactly THAT often so people with SJW mentality won't scream rape & murder?

But... your method is only forcing yourself on her to make her say "yes"... It's not a real "yes"
uh, wait, why no is a real no but yes is not a real yes?
oh well, some "special" mentality i presume :rolleyes:


Active Member
Sep 17, 2019
Does anyone know where or how to get a training crystal?
Random drop from the chests the red/gold named monsters drop, mostly the lv4 and 5 ones, though for me things like the chimera and cerebus tended to drop them more often.
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Feb 2, 2019
lol, this is especially precious coming out from someone failing elementary logic :ROFLMAO:

Here we go again. Then how to tell WHEN both are in the mood without asking? How OFTEN is it okay to ask about the mood and WHY exactly THAT often so people with SJW mentality won't scream rape & murder?
I seriously need to answer something elementary logic like that to an adult? :confused: Are you trolling me? :eek: Well, we are not from the same country so it only logic that our logic are different since our mores/behavior are determined by our respective culture.

Asking one time a day... Two can be acceptable if there is several hours between. (her mood can change in several hours... not in a question of seconds or minutes... ==> it even worsten the mood to ask and insist in a short lapse of time... ==> when a woman accept under these conditions, it's only to finish it quickly and to be able to sleep in peace afterward... no feeling, no mood... Personnally, If I have to choose between that "fishwoman/living sexdoll" or a porn, i'll choose the porn... at least, there will be a mood...)

(well, I want to say, if you are unable to read the mood and need to ask to know when she is ready for it, you're a bad lover / husband...) :Kappa:

For me, "insisting" is when someone ask several times in a short lapse of time. After, it's relative... What "several times" and "short lapse of time" for me mean is probably not the same for other...

Know that, I hate SJW more than anything else. (more than rapist, seriously) So, I feel insulted when you associate me with them... Simply, there is few topic (really few) where I'll never give up on my convictions. And sexual crime/rape and thing related to it is one of these topic. The reason? Because several people in my family were directly concerned/touched by it.

SJW... Me, I call them : SIG ... Social Injustice Goblin. it's like trolls, but contrary to trolls, they really think what they say and are certain to be in the right.
And really often (always) SJW make only injustice but don't see it because they are certain to have morale behind them... (hell is paved with good will...)

Brief... I think we have already make enough mess in this topic. (partly because of me, being triggered so easily... I have a long way to improve...). Do you want to continue? Or do you want to stop? I'm ok to continue to speak my mind with you but I think being in privacy would be better. (not that being read by other is a problem for me... but having to read me/us is probably a problem for them :sneaky:)
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Oct 6, 2019
Does anyone know where or how to find the Stone slab dungeon or Phil, the Alchemist? I can't find them
3.20 star(s) 11 Votes