May 20, 2021
hi maybe you can help me , I'm probably at the nd soon where you have to put crystals at a stature am missing one , sadly no one replied back i am kind of stuck the game tells me go to faraway island how to get there
completely unfiltered, high-octane mtl at its finest
here's a sample from the scene i'm currently editing
View attachment 1212620
it tends to struggle with japanese slang and onomatopoeia, but it's mostly readable, but your mileage may vary
if this isn't to your liking, you can come back when the project is finished

return to each of the 3 statues you visited in your journey
based on the specifics, it sounds like you're missing the one from the inferno ruins; this is the statue you're looking for

View attachment 1212624
the green one to be exact thank you i never seen that room gees back to hell i go wish the map or the text was clearer on where to go in the game you saved me hours of back tracking
Feb 29, 2020
well, that wraps up that.
the 22 h-scenes that comprise the game's main questline are all done
as much as i want to say that this is over, there is still work to be done, and a lot if it at that
just off the top of my head, here's what's still incomplete or sorely lacking in polish

-item names were the first things i did, and as such are the most inaccurate: i'm going to give them another pass
-text formatting is weird, and frequently results in sentences awkwardly linebreaking when there should be room for the entire thing
-speaking of text, apparently in all of my infinite wisdom i gave the big brother the wrong name color in basically every one of his dialog boxes, so i need to get that fixed
-and, of course, the last 6 h-scenes are still alphabet soup

unfortunately, not to deliberately blueball anyone reading this, no CommonEvents file this time. my plans have changed, and barring fixing spelling mistakes, i want the completed english script to be the last time i touch the game

i'm giving a tentative release date for the first complete version of the english translation to be this saturday, with some room for error

not to get sappy and sentimental in this already long-winded post or anything, but to everyone who's been sticking their head in the thread over the course of these 7 months or so, thanks
Feb 29, 2020
so... while this isn't an official declaration of postponement, it is me chiming in to say that my work schedule got shuffled around, and i need to go in today; this leaves me in an awkward predicament because everything is done except the true final h-scene, which is a dozy of a 2 parter, and i have yet to finish proofreading the script in game, so while i'll try my absolute damnedest to get it out today, don't be surprised if i have to push it back

it'll be done by monday at the very latest, though

edit: nnnnnnnope, not getting this done tonight; see you tomorrow hopefully
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Feb 29, 2020
well, here it is RPGVXAce_2021-06-06_03-27-15.png
the last piece of dialog left to be properly translated
this has come a long way, and it's finally over
just one last pass-through to check for typos, errors, and game-crashing formatting problems
it's going up tomorrow; it's 3:30 in the morning, which isn't an optimal time for my sydlexic ass of mine to spot out spelling errors
Feb 29, 2020
meaningful press releases are for chumps.png
i really do feel like this sums up everything i want to say on the matter

well, this is it. the game's done. i have no further plans for the game barring releasing patches to fix typos if they ever get reported. this is as good as the game is going to get
i wish i had something more interesting to say, but i already condensed my thoughts in an in-game way, so if you really care, go ahead and look for it

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English 1.0 Downloads:



English 1.1 Patch
Fixes several non-critical oversights in the initial release
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New Member
May 13, 2019
Hey, after you beat the dragon and the old man says to go to the castle, how in heaven do I go there.
Feb 29, 2020
Hey, after you beat the dragon and the old man says to go to the castle, how in heaven do I go there.
-interact with the water statue in the back room
(optional) talk to the old woman with a water charge to obtain one of cenus' condoms
-extinguish the fireplace and enter the catacombs
-take this path through the ice maze to grab the hint tablet, wood carving puppet, and some stat-ups
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-use the hint tablet for the correct path through the maze


Active Member
Aug 16, 2018
Really great work on the translation, reads very nicely and no glaring typos that I noticed. Two things though, the gallery seems partially broken. The CG doesn't disappear when the scene ends so you have to restart the game. There's also three fires which I'm assuming are scenes I havn't seen yet, but the fortune teller just tells me to go to gordons house even though I've done the prostitution events. The fires are the bottom right, left of the mirror to the prostitution scenes and then left of that fire.
Feb 29, 2020
Really great work on the translation, reads very nicely and no glaring typos that I noticed. Two things though, the gallery seems partially broken. The CG doesn't disappear when the scene ends so you have to restart the game. There's also three fires which I'm assuming are scenes I havn't seen yet, but the fortune teller just tells me to go to gordons house even though I've done the prostitution events. The fires are the bottom right, left of the mirror to the prostitution scenes and then left of that fire.
yeah, the debug room gallery is a little hacked together and was an extremely last minute addition that i didn't get the chance to test as thoroughly as i wanted

were there any specific sex scene that is breaking, or is it just breaking in general?

also, the fireplaces are there just to fill the spaces in the grid that didn't get used and don't represent anything; sorry for the confusion

edit: all of these issues have been fixed, along with a few other things i've overlooked
a small patch for these non-essential issues will be going up soon
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Active Member
Aug 16, 2018
yeah, the debug room gallery is a little hacked together and was an extremely last minute addition that i didn't get the chance to test as thoroughly as i wanted

were there any specific sex scene that is breaking, or is it just breaking in general?

also, the fireplaces are there just to fill the spaces in the grid that didn't get used and don't represent anything; sorry for the confusion

edit: all of these issues have been fixed, along with a few other things i've overlooked
a small patch for these non-essential issues will be going up soon
I only tried a couple, both were scenes with the guy you rescure early on (Gordon I think his name was). Thanks for the heads up about the fires, I was fairly sure I hadn't missed anything besides the one lady who wanted you to break 100 rocks and didn't want to have to hunt those down without knowing there actually were scenes I was missing.


Jun 18, 2019
How do I get to the Northern Mountain? Leaving the village after getting the ability to break brown rocks, the map still just shows the village and ork forest as places I can go.
Feb 29, 2020
How do I get to the Northern Mountain? Leaving the village after getting the ability to break brown rocks, the map still just shows the village and ork forest as places I can go.
i don't know how to tell you this without insulting your intelligence, but have you tried going... north?


Active Member
Jun 2, 2017
Okay, so I've beaten the Dragon and lewd stuff in the town of Napier? The next spot I need to head to is the X in the middle of the mountains I think? Can someone point me in the general direction I need to go?



Active Member
Jul 3, 2018
Wait help me here, let me take the doubts with you guys.

So... the Spanish version is good translation?

and the English version is a MTL bad translation?

is this correct?
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Feb 29, 2020
Wait help me here, let me take the doubts with you guys.

So... the Spanish version is good translation?

and the Portuguese version is a MTL bad translation?

is this correct?
the spanish mtl is just as broken and unreadable as the english mtl; if i had any direct control over the thread i would make that more obvious, but unfortunately i'm at the mercy of the moderation team editing the op

edit: the download in the op is my rewritten english version, if that wasn't clear
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