4.80 star(s) 5 Votes


Active Member
Feb 24, 2018
4 bonus seens in total (1 update so it is alycia seen & 3 new). base on pictures it will likly be alycia bonus seen, brigitte bonus seen, principal valentin seen, & annie seen. becaus of this i dont think there won't be any free seens since in academe 4 only has allycia seen and allicia seen will be bonus seen. also cost to play all bonus seen is 650. i wont play alycia seen for sur.

all so mension not ready yet & slate date is second week of february because of covid
Oh shit finally a principal scene do you have the pictures to post? If you don't want to post them what was the picture of the principal about like the setting?


Jan 20, 2019
Oh shit finally a principal scene do you have the pictures to post? If you don't want to post them what was the picture of the principal about like the setting?
i dont no how to get picture from computer screne & post picture hear.

i just guest it is priciapal valeintine seen. he did not said but said 4 bonus seen total and 3 new and 1 update. becase allicia is only sex seen in academie 4 end of day and this is new chapter 8, the update sex seen wich is now bonus seen he write is allicia for shur.

in post he show 5 pictures with each picture say new seen or new update extend with allicia picture. one pictures show allicia in elevater. one pictures is govenor oliva goodheed, brigitte, & didi in i tink bordroom. no obvius sex seen but governer oliva is smile and brigitte leen forward to talk to u and show cleevage. an other pictures shows brigitte face with no glases i think in gym since top looks like top she were wen she go into changing room in earliy game so i think new bonus sex seen here. an other pictures is anny face and look like she not werring close so i think new bonus sex seen here. principal valentin picture looks like in room outside her office & her talking to u allone with smile so i think new bonus sex seen here. all pictures show word new seen on it but new seen doesnt allways mean new sex seen since hes show picture of megan with new seen in picture and it was new seen wen it was relees but it was not a sex seen but new seen for story.

i just guest since he didnt post who bonus sex seen exsept <<4 bonus sex seen total with 3 new and 1 update>> so no garantee it will be principal valentine is one but i just guest.

allso oliva is picture on banner but i think too early for sex seen for her.

i mite be wrong in my guestes except 100% shure acadmie #4 allicia seen is now a bonus sex seen in chaptre 8 so no free sex seens in chaptre 8 since only adut seens in acamedy #4 left with u is hj seen with lola in cafetera and anny naked seen in office b4 didi come into office.
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Rare Wailord

Jun 23, 2017
complement jody at chapter 1 on close so her bar go up and say everyone like complement. stay in office and jody will visit office. be nice & flirt to her to raise her bars & ask her for a bj and ten ask her for kiss. she will say mabe later for bj and let u kiss her. in chapter 2, fix smoke detecter & kiss jody at the end. you can only kiss jody at end if she has all most all bars. if u cant kiss jody after fix fire detecter i think u wont get offer jody bonus seen. she will then visit office later i think if u have 5 bars max.

it is possibel to get fire in bonus seen with jody so allways look at door and stop first and then wen princiapl valentine comes in and leaves tell jody to continu.

i dont rember how much jody bonus cost for chapter 2 but i dont think worth it as it is just bj.
Thanks! The trigger I was missing was asking for a blowjob in chapter 1.


Feb 8, 2017
650 credits for all scenes, seems to be the most expensive chapter until now

Rare Wailord

Jun 23, 2017
650 credits for all scenes, seems to be the most expensive chapter until now
Wow yeah, only one that comes close is chapter 4 with 600 credits.
With that many credits it probably means the 'old' scene with Alicia will also cost credits.
Kind of disappointing that the trend in chapter 7 doesn't continue.
It was kind of nice that you just could play the Jodie and Lola scenes regularly.


Feb 8, 2017
Wow yeah, only one that comes close is chapter 4 with 600 credits.
With that many credits it probably means the 'old' scene with Alicia will also cost credits.
Kind of disappointing that the trend in chapter 7 doesn't continue.
It was kind of nice that you just could play the Jodie and Lola scenes regularly.
Yeah, the credits don't always make sense. The Alicia scene is 150, it changed a bit, but still...


Jan 20, 2019
it is releese. testing this out but not sur if i will spend any of my credits

wont spend on alicya bonus sene since in pass i purchase updated sex seens and didnt see it worth it.


Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2018
it is releese. testing this out but not sur if i will spend any of my credits

wont spend on alicya bonus sene since in pass i purchase updated sex seens and didnt see it worth it.
See thats what i was afraid of, and we i stopped playing. You need credits for all scenes but the scenes arent worth paying for the credits.


Sep 11, 2022
The bonus scenes are a total waste of credit, only worth it the principal Valentine one. My advice would be not to get the bridgette "scene" in the gym, yo literally pay 100 credits to be caught by Sebastian and most of the scene is a conversation between you and him.


Jan 20, 2019
i competd it without using any credits. ending simlar to how acamedy #4 ends so using walkthru for acamdy #4 helps

anny seen witout using any credits is simlar to wat happens in acadme #4 so just see her tits. keys seem to be easyr to pick up from holly this time.
4.80 star(s) 5 Votes