Episode 3.5 is centered around Lucy. It adds another day to the story.
Not only that. With Episode 3.5 came a couple of other scenes that can be found in between the already existing story. They are either fantasies or memories, and they shed a bit more light on MC's thoughts.
Many of those are sexual in nature, so it might be worth taking a look.
There was a bug that appeared when the game wanted the player to enter MC's name. This now happens through a different mechanism. Hopefully, this resolves the issue. It's hard to verify because I can't recreate the bug on my end, and I'm not in close contact with someone who can. If it still appears, then please reach out to me. I will fix it and issue upload a small bug fix.
Episode 3.5 also added this. There is now the option to add side images to the story. By default, this feature should be turned off. You can enable it in the preferences tab. These side images help differentiate between who is talking. Especially in the scenes with Lucy's parents, this should be helpful.
That's all dev had to say...27 days ago.
Go ahead and enjoy this new update! Have fun!
A Foreign World - Episode 3.5
+ 11.000 words of story
+ 314 renders
+ 8 animations
+ 0.45 hours of playtime
- 70.000 words of story
- 1711 renders
- 31 animations
- 6 hours of playtime
AForeignWorld-Episode-3.5-mac.zip - 706 MB
AForeignWorld-Episode-3.5-pc.zip - 720 MB