I see no Log.txt in the folder. So what I see is 4 things, Chapters, HappyMarriage32_data, HappyMarriage32 (application), and UnityPlayer.dll ... first two are file folders. Chapters are just CH1 and so on. The second has a lot but I don't see a Log.txt on any of them. UNLESS you are talking about the error log. ... I've been reading the past few posts. Looks like I'm having the same problem as Fraydom on Page 93. Even though I don't see what you and I are looking for and have been trying to find it for the past 20 minutes, I might just call it an end. *sigh* It's okay. No worries. If you plan to make an android version after finishing the game I'll gladly go and check it out. If not, that's okay.