
Active Member
Sep 18, 2021
I think the timeline is as short as it is here for gameplay purposes.
I agree, but even narratively it doesn't seem as if they've spent that long together. The progress they make together is more the work of days, not weeks or months. And as presented, their own task-oriented behavior and her more standoffish nature mean they're not really forging enduring connections during that time.

If the narrative made a stronger effort to imply they have been together longer (with "Three Months Later" sort of captions or montage sequences or whatever, or just the implication that they've been having sex multiple times over and not just a single night of intimacy before the hammer drops), or if the bad guys didn't reveal Selene's collusion immediately (prolonging the period of time he trusts her for), it would be more justifiable.

But even then, love can easily turn to hate when you realize that you've basically been betrayed and manipulated from the very beginning. That's when "Was any of it ever really real?" and "How can I ever trust you again?" feelings start to kick in, and the hurt you feel from that sort of thing can very easily spiral out of control into very dark places.

Just from the story as presented, it's entirely believable that the MC could be more willing to lash out at her or refuse to forgive her for what she's done rather than just passively suck it up and pretend like it never happened. The latter is sort of shading into what a lot of people complain about when they whine about doormat MCs in a lot of VN games.

About the other thing, the MC killing the terrorists (or whatever they are), I don't get that vibe from him at all, he would at least never ever harm Selene (and her sister).
Not as presented, no. But how he's presented is what some people are complaining about. At least some people probably feel like he should be at least willing to consider it.

A lot of it also depends on how you view his perception of things. WE the players know that Selene is telling the truth about her sister, but from the MCs perspective he has zero reason to believe her at all. She has just spent days lying to his face, manipulating him to get what she wants, and generally playing him for a fool. Why should he assume that anything she says is true at this point?

As far as his knowledge of the situation extends, it's entirely possible she lied to him about her entire childhood (to garner sympathy), lied about her sister, and is lying about being forced to trick him. She may be fully committed to the evil plan and simply manipulating him to keep him in line.

And beyond that, even if he does believe her, there's always the fact that he can still be pissed because she's still the reason he's in this mess, and why his family is at risk. She's still participating in the evil plan, even if coerced.

Humans aren't rational creatures, and he has plenty of reason to be both rationally and irrationally angry with her. But as of yet the player isn't really given the option to express that in any meaningful way.

The MC doesn't really have a reason to consider Selene an enemy, if he quit his "holier than thou" routine for a second he would realize that Selene had no choice here, since her sister is in the hands of the villains.
It's not really "holier than thou" to have the attitude that someone who is directly responsible for your current problems should be held accountable for that, even if they were only acting under duress. Because there are always other alternatives, and "I only did it to protect my loved ones" only goes so far as justification when you are placing other people at risk.

And even beyond the "The Needs of the Many Outweigh the Needs of the Few" utilitarian argument, there's also the "Are You Really That Stupid?" argument - does Selene really think any of this ends with a Happily Ever After for her and her sister if the evil plan is fully carried out as intended? The most likely scenario is that the villains are going to torpedo the colony ship directly into the planet if they turn it around and send it back to Earth (or at least crash it into the moon where everyone on Earth can see), so everyone on board is going to die (fanatics tend to be fine with suicide missions, after all). And even if the plan is meant to end with the bad guys escaping, there's no real motivation for them to leave anyone else alive - in fact, killing Selene and her sister before they go would be a pretty smart tactical move on their part to cover their tracks.

And that's assuming you believe her at all, and don't assume literally everything she says is a lie and she's happily part of the plan. Which at the moment, the MC would be entirely justified believing (again, we the players know, but the MC doesn't). He has zero evidence or proof to suggest her version of events is true, and a fair amount to suggest she's lying.

Just shrugging and going "Well, you've lied to me constantly so far, but I'm going to believe you now and forgive you for everything" kind of makes him feel a bit impotent. Doubly so when, no matter how things pan out, her actions have still effectively destroyed his entire life and placed his loved ones at risk. That's not all that easily forgiven under the best possible circumstances.


Engaged Member
Mar 31, 2022

Okay, I made it to the club. MC insists on playing DJ but the mini-game seems to be broken or I just don't get it. How do I get through this? I see a control light up green and click it. Sounds easy enough but I click the options in the order that they light up and keep getting errors that I am not choosing the right options! When I do manage to get two green lights clicked then nothing happens. The screen just stares back at me. I could really use a hand here. Also, there really should be an option to skip the mini-games entirely. That, along with the maddeningly repetitive soundtrack, is about enough for me to drop this otherwise brilliant title like a hot rock! Please help... Thanks in advance...

Adventure ever on friends, Phat:cool:(y)


Forum Fanatic
Dec 28, 2017

Okay, I made it to the club. MC insists on playing DJ but the mini-game seems to be broken or I just don't get it. How do I get through this? I see a control light up green and click it. Sounds easy enough but I click the options in the order that they light up and keep getting errors that I am not choosing the right options! When I do manage to get two green lights clicked then nothing happens. The screen just stares back at me. I could really use a hand here. Also, there really should be an option to skip the mini-games entirely. That, along with the maddeningly repetitive soundtrack, is about enough for me to drop this otherwise brilliant title like a hot rock! Please help... Thanks in advance...

Adventure ever on friends, Phat:cool:(y)
You have to repeat the sequence, which starts with just one light and gradually adds 1 more every new cycle.

So, the first time you will see only a light (let's call it X), and you will touch that button or whatever.
The second time, X will light up again, followed by a new light (Y). You will have to press X and then Y.
The third time, X will light up, then Y, and then a third light (Z). You will touch X, then Y, and then Z.
And this repeats 4 or 5 times, right?


Engaged Member
Mar 31, 2022
You have to repeat the sequence, which starts with just one light and gradually adds 1 more every new cycle.

So, the first time you will see only a light (let's call it X), and you will touch that button or whatever.
The second time, X will light up again, followed by a new light (Y). You will have to press X and then Y.
The third time, X will light up, then Y, and then a third light (Z). You will touch X, then Y, and then Z.
And this repeats 4 or 5 times, right?
Thanks Aristos!!!
Considering that aristos means "best" in Greek, your name is rather fitting.
You ARE the best, my friend! Thank you!!!:cool:(y)

I'll give it another go. TBH, I wasn't seeing it the way you described it so I will pay closer attention this go.

Adventure ever on, Phat:devilish:(y)

UPDATE: Finally got it!!! I also figured out why my initial attempts failed! I was treating it as a quick response challenge when, in fact, it is a MEMORY challenge! Eureka! That damn thing was awaiting my memory input, not wanting me to click the lights as they were flashing. "Wow! I could've had a V-8!" Great epiphany moment, my friend!
Thank you!!! Thank you!!! Thank you!!!
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Mar 10, 2020
The redhead slapping the MC I can accept since he was acting like a b*tch, but it still annoyed me that he barely reacted to it. If it was me she would've gotten cussed out(I would've tried to dodge it)lol. Anyways, that scene didn't bother me all that much but the
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did. It tells you that every word that comes out her mouth is bs and I now strongly dislike the redhead soley for that reason.

Can't trust a snake after all.

EDIT: Got to the terrorist part and at this point I like her a bit more than before. I did think of a situation where the MC killed his family while they were in the pods so that they couldn't be used against him though. I do have to woder if he's going to find a way to get rid of the 2 bearded pieces of shit, whether that be by locking them in a room and starving them out or something else(If that's even where this story's going to go).
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New Member
Jul 13, 2020
salut à tous , je viens de découvrir ce type de jeux ! ... c'est a dire le type "Visual Novel" ... et je suis vraiment tomber sous le charme.
Et ce jeux est fantastique, le scénario et génial, une vraie histoire qui tient debout et des personnages très crédible dans leurs comportement ... de plus la conception graphique et top . ... j'attend impatiemment la suite (y):p

Sorry here is the english translation...thanks google english is pretty bad.

Hello everyone, I just discovered this type of game! ... ie the "Visual Novel" type ... and I really fell in love.
And this game is fantastic, the scenario and brilliant, a real story that stands up and very believable characters in their behavior ... more graphic design and top. ...i can't wait for the sequel
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Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2020
salut à tous , je viens de découvrir ce type de jeux ! ... c'est a dire le type "Visual Novel" ... et je suis vraiment tomber sous le charme.
Et ce jeux est fantastique, le scénario et génial, une vraie histoire qui tient debout et des personnages très crédible dans leurs comportement ... de plus la conception graphique et top . ... j'attend impatiemment la suite (y):p
Ce forum est de base en anglais.
S'il te plait traduit tes propos en anglais à la suite du français si tu ne veux pas voir ton post supprimé.

Comme ceci:


This forum is primarily in English.
Please translate your comments into English after the French if you don't want to see your post deleted.


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2020
salut à tous , je viens de découvrir ce type de jeux ! ... c'est a dire le type "Visual Novel" ... et je suis vraiment tomber sous le charme.
Et ce jeux est fantastique, le scénario et génial, une vraie histoire qui tient debout et des personnages très crédible dans leurs comportement ... de plus la conception graphique et top . ... j'attend impatiemment la suite (y):p
Y as-tu joué en français ?
Si oui j'aimerai bien avoir ton avis dessus.


Did you play it in French ?
If so, I would love to have your opinion on it.


Jun 4, 2022
Please translate your comments into English after the French if you don't want to see your post deleted.
My French is rusty; I wish I could speak and read it better... I think he just praises the game, likes it a lot, especially the setting/story and he is looking forward to the next chapter.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2020
My French is rusty; I wish I could speak and read it better... I think he just praises the game, likes it a lot, especially the setting/story and he is looking forward to the next chapter.
Thanks Geralt_R I'm french and I translate the game in french. :LOL:
It was just to warn him that his post might be deleted because only in french.

Thanks for the translation, you got it right even with your rusty french. lol
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Oct 10, 2020
My two cents... it's sad that a game like A Long Journey doesn't have more clicks, downloads, ratings... more of everything. Yes, it's basically "Passengers" the VN, with an added twist, but it's one of THE best story driven single love interest romance games I have ever played.

The one love interest, Selene, may not start on the best of terms with the MC, she's a bit abrasive, and things get a bit complicated once the truth is revealed, but overall the characters here behave like actual humans. And Selene is a complex character you grow to like (well, I did).
The dev does not bullshit you with some silly progression routes, once things get steamy, they do get really steamy and the scene with the MC and Selene is one of the very best I have ever seen, not just speaking about the animations, which are great, but mostly about the emotional aspect of it all. This really is hands down one of THE most rewarding scenes in any game ever. Tasteful, passionate, sweet, loving - virtually everything you may want (if you like vanilla romance).

If you have doubts about Unity or the few free roam sections... don't let that keep you from playing A Long Journey. If you like story driven games, if you prefer having one three dimensional love interest over a flock of more or less super thirsty sex partners, then look no further!

This game was a very pleasant surprise for me. Looking forward to more!
Thanks for the review its definitely needed. Based on your review ill go ahead and check it out and give it a shot. Thanks again for the post.
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New Member
Jul 13, 2020
Y as-tu joué en français ?
Si oui j'aimerai bien avoir ton avis dessus.


Did you play it in French ?
If so, I would love to have your opinion on it.
yes, I found the translation quite well done
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Aug 19, 2018
Can we please, please, please, please, please, please, please skip the annoying and rather distracting minigames? I play for the story, not to toil at trying to minigame.

Almost as bad as NTR, I swear...
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Dec 16, 2019
Marvellous Lunatic, would it be possible to make an Android version for devices that don't run on Android 11?
I would love to play the game on my tablet but it runs on Android 9.

On that note, maybe you could do poll at the top of the thread on what Version of Android players use. It might give you (and all of us, for the matter) a better idea of what to focus on when you work on for your builds.

Marvellous Lunatic

Game Developer
Mar 22, 2018
Marvellous Lunatic, would it be possible to make an Android version for devices that don't run on Android 11?
I would love to play the game on my tablet but it runs on Android 9.

On that note, maybe you could do poll at the top of the thread on what Version of Android players use. It might give you (and all of us, for the matter) a better idea of what to focus on when you work on for your builds.
I tried to get builds working with older android versions but failed to do so. I already spent quite a lot of time trying to get android builds working and even on older versions. I couldn't figure out what the problem with older versions with my Unity builds might be. I don't remember the exact errors I got, but I couldn't debug anything with them. I guess it's either one of the library's I use, permission-handling, my file handling or my assembly definitions. But could also be something very different. I don't know for sure and every time I try to make it work it costs me a lot of time and most of the time without any progress or solution. Therefor I prioritized finishing the content for act 1. After I finished the first act 1 I'll polish the backend and try to get the builds for older Android versions and MAC working.
But like I said, at the moment I lack the time and needed patience to make it work.
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