House Of Black

Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2020
Great opening debut we have a pretty decent main character versus the usual obnoxious one. There’s a lot of hot dames to choose from, Ashley and Jenny are my favorites so far. Rebecca is also a hottie. I didn’t have a problem with the scene at Jenny’s place, in fact I enjoyed it. I did notice the various grammar mistakes and the very bright renders. Those cons can be easily fixed though, this one is definitely going on the watch list. Good luck to the Devs.


Jan 25, 2018
Let's take a look ... it has good ratings and the characters seem interesting and varied ... if the story is good it looks like a great game. Good luck ;)
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Jan 28, 2019
Exceptionally mixed feelings, thus far.
But for a single person working on a game, and (near as I can tell), their first game, I have high hopes.

Will be interesting to see how this plays out....
for no good reason, I'm intentionally playing towards getting 0 love from any of the girls. It will be interesting to see if the story is going to be static, or if not gaining affection with the girls will effect things.

One complaint, when it comes to the "bad end."
You'd think Jenny would put more effort into explaining something... ANYTHING, to you, instead of just letting you walk out.
The fact that she has made no attempt to explain anything has me severely put off by her. I fully intend, while playing the game as it develops, to do nothing for her, save what I have to do to prevent bad ends. I trust her piece of shit brother more than her.

I'd also like if there were enough effort put into the bad end to show MC walking out of the office, taking his stuff, explaining to Ashley that there must have been a clerical error and no, he was not accepted by the college, and then walking back to the train station, while contemplating what he wants to do with his future, now.
Walking out of the office might have ended the game, but there could still be an "ending scene" to play out saying goodbye to Ashley and leaving the college.


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2019
I'm not trying to ask (when or how long) but more like the frequently of the time. 3 months 6months so that way i know if i should put this in a backlog into further in.


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2019
Not sure how people can take this as female domination and run away. Don't even think about changing that part of the game just because some people can't handle it.
The MC has no choice about whether he works for her or not. Even if she hadn't "rescued" him from her brother, she hand picked him after he didn't qualify to go to school, so she holds the power of his future in her hands either way and she makes that clear.

Her very first work related order was to strip. You as the player aren't given the option to balk. The only opportunity comes when pressed to remove his pants too. And when she does allow you to keep your pants she's also quick to say you won't have the opportunity to say no going forward.

If you're not seeing that as a dominant power play because you the player are too busy drooling over the beautiful women then you're just not that perceptive.

I don't see anyone running away, I'm just asking for accurate labeling.

joe powa

Active Member
Nov 10, 2017
Haha so many people are getting ass mad about playing a dude who has a group of chicks drooling over your body and cock. Not sure how people can take this as female domination and run away. Don't even think about changing that part of the game just because some people can't handle it.
Well you see, not all men think only with theird dicks and accepts anithing from anyone just because their hots chicks.

Problem is not female droling over you and propose you blowjob.... if you don't see the problem well it's only because it's a game , i assure you in real life , nobody would be in is place and jsut enjoy being blackmailed, treated and forced to work for free and strip in front of people you just met.

You can say all wou want to say.
that's called blackmailing, forced work and sexual harrassements. And it's not illegal for no reason

is that a bad thing having that in a game ?

is that a good thing mad it like it's not a problem, a bad thing, no harm done and all person are happy ? well that moraly discutable and i thnink no but well i'm no censor, or justice, it's only my vision

it's well writing ? absolutly no as for now
Jenny is presented as a good person and kind person, is she flirtarious yes but she's not a psycopath so blackmailing and forced strip (because it's not censenting hen you have the menace of being expelled), that's seem out of character
And every body acting like it's totally normal to force a person to strip in front of four girls well it's weird too when it's the only possibility of reaction

I don't think the scene as to be removed, but rewrited yes. And only minor thing. Like not a forced work, not a blackmail, but a job proposal, were he is paid like: "hey i'm on your side but i'm the only one, peraps it is better you rest on my good side don't you think ? i chearch a person for cleaning my house ! How about you take the job and we are even ?" and hop no blackmail, no forced work, so no sexual harassment too!
Or you keep the blackmail but you make it real. Not a thing mc accept like normal, and brush it off like "we are best friend since forever i'm really happy to have meet you you blackmailer !"

But like this thats just weird, and moraly dangerous
Jan 28, 2019
Jenny is presented as a good person and kind person, is she flirtarious yes but she's not a psycopath so blackmailing and forced strip (because it's not censenting hen you have the menace of being expelled), that's seem out of character
My theory?
She is presented as a good person, but she isn't.

She has ulterior motives for accepting you into the school.
I think she orchestrated the whole thing between MC and her brother, so that MC is forced into seeing her as a savior, and the person allowing him to have a chance.
Further proof is dad's note, which she claims she would have given to you in the office, but couldn't because of her brother. She didn't have it on her. She saved that for her house, after humiliating you, when she reverted to "kind and understanding" mode, and used it as emotional manipulation.
Classic sociopath behavior.

Let's also not forget that, in the office, she could have explained (even while her brother was there), why she accepted him, and framed the idea that she was going out on a limb, and he DID attack her brother, so he was beholden to try to make her happy.... without that coming across as blackmail on her part.

Lastly, let's not forget the girls she has are all strangers to each other, and allowed in, like MC, despite being rejected, because she chose them. Either they also have to make her happy to stay in her good graces, or they are part of her plan, which we have no real reason to assume is a plan that is in the best interest of the school, it's students, or the MC.

Her brother is a piece of work, but an interesting twist I see coming (and am maybe spoiling) is that he has good reasons to loathe his sister.... good reasons to try to stay at least at the edges of her good graces instead of being actively against her, and that he is being genuine about having a vision for the school.

I don't trust Jenny. Everything she has done has been emotional manipulation, blackmail, and abuse of power. Her flirty nature and the congenial talk on her bed after working are just ways to break through MC's defenses and make him think she means well, so he willingly gives into blackmail and doesn't suspect her of manipulation.

If I'm right, I hope the game gives us avenues to learn the truth about her, and to work against her (maybe even with her brother), instead of railroading us into being part of her scheme.

And if I'm wrong, there is a lot of explaining and justification for her actions that will need to be put forward at a later date, if things aren't to be re-written.

Personally, even if all it lead to was a second "bad" ending, I would have loved it if, when they demand you strip, the MC had the option to look at her and say "If your brother had allowed a girl who was rejected to join the college, and then took her to a house of guys, and demanded she strip and work for them as a nude maid, else she'd be kicked out of school, anyone who knew about it would rightly think he was a sexual abuser, and potentially a rapist. You think I should just enjoy this because I'm a man, so I should be flattered women would want to objectify me like this. Your brother was right. You are a slut," before putting his shirt back on, and leaving.

I mean, seriously. The threat that they could keep him out of all colleges... so what? He has hands on experience running a farm, and we haven't even been told what he'd want to do in college. Dude is just going to get boned with debt and a liberal arts degree. He should tell Adam and Jenny both to fuck off and die, and move on to a trade school.


May 6, 2020
Is it just me or is it ambiguous whether she is an ex-girlfriend or just an old best friend? I can't remember if it's definitively stated in the text anywhere. At first it seems like she's an ex but then when they spend time together they act more like old friends.
Best friends, but they likely have romantic feelings for each other, at least on Ashley part.
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Game Developer
Feb 14, 2020
Hi all,

I've silently watched over the thread and read a lot of suggestions regarding a better implementation of Jenny's character in the story. I think there's a lot of backstory that I've planned for the character that people simply didn't know yet, since her character's past will only be explained in the next chapters.

No characters in the game is purely black or white, most of them are somewhere in the gray area.

Her intent to help others with a similar past with her is genuine. The reason most of the girls that lived inside her house thinks highly of her is because she gave them a better life compared to what they had before.

Her intent to help you though, is purely for her own personal reasons that will be told later in the story. That's why she treated you and the other girls very differently.

Jenny has a deep fear of rejection and hates losing people she cared about. She will do everything she can to keep people interested in her. This was compounded by the fact that her adoptive father always giving her anything she wanted, making her a lot more selfish in the process. She didn't have anyone to say what she did was wrong, and she learnt the wrong lessons in life while growing up.

She's a deeply troubled individual trying to find a way to be happy, like most of the other characters in the story.

Was it realistic? Maybe not. Does this make her likable? Maybe not. I didn't set out to make a perfect girl that everyone will love from the get go. I wanted a character that grows as the story progresses, and instead of being perfect, she learns and becomes a better person through interactions with other characters in the story and you.

I hope that everyone can be patient and judge her entire character later after her storyline closes.


Active Member
Apr 25, 2019
typo should be ashley. (again idk if this was reported already). Btw game is AMAZING it reminds me of a moodier version of being a DIK which is great!!! Second typo or pic just sounds weird mayb it should be I think she's had a lot more interesting of a childhood than what it appears to be
I chuckled at the being a dik reference hehe
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Jan 28, 2019
Insert TrueLoveGames' post here. Quote is just to identify my reply
I can appreciate that, and obviously, a lot of character revelations and development will happen as the game progresses, and not in the prologue.
That said, while I'm not looking to treat her character poorly, I hope we're given the ability to stand up to her or even say no. If her character is going to grow and develop, and learn to be a better person through interactions with us, I hope that can be seen in game by way of choosing to stand up to her, instead of choosing to be a doormat who capitulates to everything.

Hell, if she can grow into a better person, and has a fear of rejection, maybe standing up to her (things like threatening to walk out when you feel used, or refusing to strip) while denying short term gains or immediate scenes, could have long term consequences of effecting how she grows as a character, and how she later comes to view past actions.

That said, I still don't think anything justifies her, more or less, blackmailing the MC in the office, or refusing to tell him anything until after she has taken advantage of the situation. Especially when he threatens to leave... with her fear of rejection, she could have opened up, in the hope he wouldn't just walk out.
She could have done that and STILL gotten him to work for her. Hell, she could have done that, and asked him, before they got to their house, if instead of just cleaning, he'd be willing to put on a show and clean while stripped down. She could have still gotten what she wanted, without being deceitful, or putting the MC on the spot... while at the same time, it would make it more clear to us that she wants to be liked, is scared of rejection, and isn't just fucking with us.

No one wants the dev to make the perfect girl, I think. And a character with clear room for character growth is a big turn on, in fact. But it's clear the game will be centered around her, so it seems strange to make a character that is so likely to put us off, to the point where many people might not wish to play, or might wish to play in a way aimed to avoid or even spite that character... despite the fact that, of any characters in the game, it is likely Jenny and Jenny alone that not bowing to will lead to a game over.

I know I seem like I'm bitching about this a lot, but I genuinely am impressed with the game. The renders are beautiful, and the story makes sense, instead of a lot of the weird and very poorly written games we stumble across. Maybe that's why some of us are so caught up on this... we see so much exceptional potential in this game, and we are afraid that a character like Jenny (even if she isn't the bad person I hypothesized she may be, and even if she will grow, and her current behavior will be explored and explained) might push us away from what promises to be one of the better possible new games being made.


Game Developer
Feb 14, 2020
I'll rewrite and add some scenes in the prologue chapter along with the first chapter to make her less forceful in her approach. However, this will necessitate a full replay of the prologue chapter, which I don't think that most people would like to do.

I didn't expect people to hate her as much as they did. Maybe it's a writer's bias, or perhaps it's because I already knew her story while writing the prologue chapter.

There is an imbalance of power dynamics between the MC and Jenny, which is because she's rich and owns half of the school and the player being a normal person who comes from a farm. But the imbalance won't stay that way forever, in the next few chapters it'll shift and become a healthy relationship between Jenny and MC.


Oct 23, 2019
I know I seem like I'm bitching about this a lot, but I genuinely am impressed with the game. The renders are beautiful, and the story makes sense, instead of a lot of the weird and very poorly written games we stumble across. Maybe that's why some of us are so caught up on this... we see so much exceptional potential in this game, and we are afraid that a character like Jenny (even if she isn't the bad person I hypothesized she may be, and even if she will grow, and her current behavior will be explored and explained) might push us away from what promises to be one of the better possible new games being made.
Personally I don't even care if she's likeable or not. It's just how the game goes from 0-100 instantly when it gets to Jenny's apartment that feels really out of place in a story that was moving at a really good pace prior to that and is quite offputting. Ah well.

I'll rewrite and add some scenes in the prologue chapter along with the first chapter to make her less forceful in her approach. However, this will necessitate a full replay of the prologue chapter, which I don't think that most people would like to do.

I didn't expect people to hate her as much as they did. Maybe it's a writer's bias, or perhaps it's because I already knew her story while writing the prologue chapter.

There is an imbalance of power dynamics between the MC and Jenny, which is because she's rich and owns half of the school and the player being a normal person who comes from a farm. But the imbalance won't stay that way forever, in the next few chapters it'll shift and become a healthy relationship between Jenny and MC.
It's pretty common for dev's to change early chapters in their games if they realize they didn't achieve quite what they wanted out of it. I don't think many people will mind replaying this game as it's well-written and beautiful for the most part.
Jan 28, 2019
I'll rewrite and add some scenes in the prologue chapter along with the first chapter to make her less forceful in her approach. However, this will necessitate a full replay of the prologue chapter, which I don't think that most people would like to do.

I didn't expect people to hate her as much as they did. Maybe it's a writer's bias, or perhaps it's because I already knew her story while writing the prologue chapter.

There is an imbalance of power dynamics between the MC and Jenny, which is because she's rich and owns half of the school and the player being a normal person who comes from a farm. But the imbalance won't stay that way forever, in the next few chapters it'll shift and become a healthy relationship between Jenny and MC.
I don't mind replaying a prologue. As is, people can skip scene text.

I think the thing people don't like about the power dynamic is less that it exists, and more that it makes us feel exploited as players. She told us we either capitulate to her, or she and her brother would use their influence to hurt us and any attempt we might make to go to college, anywhere, ever.
And the false presumption that we have no power in the situation. We do. We can walk away.

I honestly feel bad for being forceful about this, as you obviously
a) have tremendous talent (that I don't)
b) have a clear vision of the story and the character
c) didn't expect some of us to react negatively like this

I wasn't looking to insult you, or the game. While I'm trying to offer constructive criticism, again that I emphasize is so written because I am excited about the potential I see in the game, I also know that such criticism can come across as either an attempt by others to dictate how your story should be written, or just as sort of an emotional slap in the face that can hurt one's excitement about their own project.
So, if my behavior comes across that way, I do apologize.

That said.

I am confident that your vision of who she should be and will become, however, can be conveyed to us in a way that, at worst, makes her more sympathetic and thus we can tolerate it until she grows, or at best, gives us a path to follow her, more or less as she is now, with her at least putting forward her desires in a way the MC has more reason to accept, and less to be offended by.

You did try to physically assault her brother. It is fair for her to make it clear that she alone if preventing your expulsion, and you've given her cause to worry she is making the right choice, and to suggest she'd appreciate it if you made an effort to stay in her good graces.... rather than just try to blackmail you with "make me happy or I'll let my brother ruin you."
Same end result, less hostile appearing manipulation.

Saying on the way to the house that, one thing she wants is for you to clean... and because you're good looking, give the girls some eye candy. You can still have him agree, and strip his shirt only, or strip everything, for the girls, and take the job. Without her putting him on the spot. Same end result, but he feels all control has not been taken from him, and might even be amused by the idea of stripping all the way.

Power dynamic is still in play... she is being friendly, and explaining what she expects, without the MC feeling quite so put on the spot. It keeps scenes intact, gives her what she wants, still conveys her power, and expectation to get her way, while making the situation more palatable for the MC, and by proxy, the player.
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