
Forum Fanatic
Jul 17, 2020
Been thinking about Chapter 6.
This is what I came up with.

This is what I think/want to be in Chapter 6.

(Elizabeth-Jade-Jenny Route)
The MC dreams about the kidnapping,
about Marcus, about the rescue,
Slowly his dreams drift to his date with Elizabeth>
Sitting there chatting with her, and how she saw Jill...

*Suddenly the Mc sits up, waking Elizabeth.

Telling Elizabeth it may be important.
He carefully ask her some questions.
Elizabeth says at one point she thinks she saw Jill at a table with two men
She said she did not get a good look at them but from the vague description she gives
MC thinks one could have been Marcus,
Then Elizabeth mentions that is was the same day that they were searching the collage!!
Things start to click into place,
The MC realize how the mob knew that they were staying at the hotel.

*The MC and Elizabeth go to confront Jill,

At first Jill tries to deny it,
but she soon breaks down, and tell them how she is being blackmailed by Adam
MC Tell her that Adam will never stop!,
Even after the wedding he will never let her go,
All he will see is that he will have a new lever to control his "Tool"

The MC tells her that there is really only one way for Jill to escape from Adam's control
And that is remove Adam's ability to blackmail her !
He warns her that it will be hard, could stop the marriage,
and will put her friendship with Jenny at risk,
but Jenny is stronger now,
She now has some idea Just how low Adam will go.

*Elizabeth takes them to the collage,
(On the way the MC phones Jenny saying that he need to see her in Susan's office asap!)

*Elizabeth leaves them and goes to take the class,

*Jill and MC goes to Susan's office,

*Kale is watching in the background.

*They enter Susan's office and a worried Jenny is surprised to see Jill,

Then she notices Jill's state and goes to hug her, But jill flinches at the touch.
A puzzled Jenny sits in the chair while Jill sit at the far end of the sofa.
After a long and Hard talk In which the MC had to calm things down a few times
A sad Jenny is sat in the chair holding the MC's hand,
and a dejected, shivering and weeping Jill is hunched Up at the end of the sofa.

*Jenny walks over to the sofa and sits next to Jill,
She gentility pulls Jill to her and hugs her, Jill breaks down in a flood of tears.

*MC while watching this thinks about Adam.

*Jill's phone rings and as she sees who it is begins to panic,
Jenny reaches for the phone and says
"You need to Talk, I will bring her home soon, be gentle"

*latter at Jill's house

After a long and heated talk, accompanied with vases flying to the nearest wall.
A trembling Jill is standing next to Jenny holding on to her tightly.
The MC is stiffly standing slightly forward with a grim face.

Opposite them, back hunched, hand gripping the edge of a table,
shaking with rage stands Jill's intended
With a cry of rage he flips over the heavy table.
He stands there, with his back to them taking deep breaths for a while
Taking a final deep breath he turns towards them and walk toward the MC.
He stops in front of the MC looking into the grim face,
He then looks at the still Trembling Jill and Jenny,
He looks the MC in the eyes and after a few seconds says a single word "Don't"

He walk to Jill and in a gentle voice says
"I still want to marry you, But it will have to be delayed a while"
Jill again breaks down in a flood of tiers.

*Later On.

Scenes of the girls getting ready for the party,

Scene of Jenny and a subdued Jill getting ready for the party,

Scene of MC in his room in his suit opening the draw and looking at the pistol.

Scene of Jill's intended in his suit opening a wall safe, looking inside
then reaching for the pistol inside the safe.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2018
so is there an actual harem ending? becuase i im only in chapter 1 and acordding to the walkthrough i already locked out like 3 peoples path.... i feel like the harem tag is a little miss leading if im already locking out paths, or am i missing something?


Engaged Member
Aug 27, 2020
so is there an actual harem ending? becuase i im only in chapter 1 and acordding to the walkthrough i already locked out like 3 peoples path.... i feel like the harem tag is a little miss leading if im already locking out paths, or am i missing something?
No harem in the sense of having all romanceable love interests together. There are some very few choices that will allow certain girl choices to be romanced simultaneously, however, even these will not allow for more than one choice eventually.


Jan 15, 2022
so is there an actual harem ending? becuase i im only in chapter 1 and acordding to the walkthrough i already locked out like 3 peoples path.... i feel like the harem tag is a little miss leading if im already locking out paths, or am i missing something?
I think harem will be introduced later as the story progress.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2018
No harem in the sense of having all romanceable love interests together. There are some very few choices that will allow certain girl choices to be romanced simultaneously, however, even these will not allow for more than one choice eventually.

ya i just lost another route i think the only one i have now is val,

so ya IMHO that harem tag is a false tag

I think harem will be introduced later as the story progress.

nah it a false tag, check the walkthrough, you can clearly see when you go from someone for example hang with ashley at night, locks out jenny, after you buy suit you either pick val route or jenny route (and scanning the walk though for their route flags shows there is no other way to get that flag agian) it quite clear that the ending is leading to one single Li and maybe a tag along if you REALLY plan carfuly and follow the trigger tags instead of the actual gameplay/story


Message Maven
Jan 19, 2020
nah it a false tag, check the walkthrough, you can clearly see when you go from someone for example hang with ashley at night, locks out jenny, after you buy suit you either pick val route or jenny route (and scanning the walk though for their route flags shows there is no other way to get that flag agian) it quite clear that the ending is leading to one single Li and maybe a tag along if you REALLY plan carfuly and follow the trigger tags instead of the actual gameplay/story
Well, that's not necessarily true tbh. You don't have to plan shit carefully. And, it's by definition harem (I posted about that here for reference). I don't know what WT you are referring to but neither Jen nor Jade give a hoot if MC sees others... they're actually pushing him to do it over and over in the dialogue. MC can pick either Eli or Aur, so now we're up to three women, all fuckable from the get-go. Replace Jen with Val or Vic as desired. Ash is the curve ball that changes things a bit but on the other group of LI's. You can easily have already fucked three of them before Ch5 is even over.

So, no, the MC can't have them all... but a harem is NOT defined by one having every single woman on in the entire universe either.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2018
Well, that's not necessarily true tbh. You don't have to plan shit carefully. And, it's by definition harem (I posted about that here for reference). I don't know what WT you are referring to but neither Jen
you forget the key part of what makes a Harem "3 or more women" you might have been able to get that many but i sure as hell haven;'t im in chapter 3 without having sex with anyone and only have the val route tag, cause i turned down ashleys night in chapter 1/2 cause i wanted her roomate and jenny, which didn;'t work out later when the game forces you to pick between Val and Jenny

The walkthrough im using is the one OP you lose the jen or val route in chapter 2

C2 Home Waiting
Waiting for Jenny to finish her talk with Valery.
• Stay. > Talk with Valery. {Go to C2 Home Valery}
Can Valery count on you when she needs you most?
• I promise. [bValRoute; nValeryLove +2; Galc2_G8
• Go upstairs. > Talk with Jenny. {Go to C2 Home Jenny}
Jenny asks if you have time to talk?
• Yeah... [bJenRoute; Galc2_6

Going with val gives the val route, going with jen give the Jen route tag, you CAN'T get both nor can you pick it up later

i get the idea that its so the game has repeatability but i don't care for that i never like to replay games simple because i already know the plot and its just boring for me

And harem context relating to games and anime usually always means "all girls" or pretty much every single one anyways regardless of the textbook definition. definition =/= genre

You're entitled to your opinion just as I am, and considering the amount ive seen in this thread mentioning the same thing only goes to show that when people see a harem tag in games its implied pretty much all girls

Its the devs game he/she can do what they want with it its still an interesting game nonetheless but i simple stopped caring for the LIs or which ones i have at this point becuase trying to get the ones i actually want involes me studying the walkthrough searching tags and making sure to pick the right option in ever option tedious (plus it looks like i can't even get the combo of girls i want anyways

so I'm strictly only playing for the story now

But if there is a way to have Val, Jenny, and sung + whoever else by all means share
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Message Maven
Jan 19, 2020
By the definition you impose then just about the only VN that meets that criteria is WVM :ROFLMAO:

Anyway, I won't debate over it as I personally find folks arguing the nuances of thread tags to be entertainment at best and I have a mod to finish coding (finally in the final stages, yay!). Regards.


Engaged Member
Aug 27, 2020
By the definition you impose then just about the only VN that meets that criteria is WVM :ROFLMAO:

Anyway, I won't debate over it as I personally find folks arguing the nuances of thread tags to be entertainment at best and I have a mod to finish coding (finally in the final stages, yay!). Regards.
Oh hell, Don't bring WVM into a discussion.
That is ridiculous, as well as now basically abandoned by the developer, even though he released a non sensical minigame.
This is not really a harem game in my opinion. You have to actually take care to make selections and also not fuck up the incorrect routes. There are some that close Jen off, and of course Ashley. The only routes that play well with Jen are Elizabeth and Aurora. The rest are either no, or iffy.

I actually only like a very very few harem tagged games. Usually the ones that have a partial harem or selective. WVM makes me want to gag. Plus the only girls I want to fuck, are the ones that the dev says no to. Patreon wins over what would be best for that story.

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Message Maven
Jan 19, 2020
WVM makes me want to gag. ... Patreon wins over what would be best for that story.
As is usually always the case. Hence why I have zero, zlich, nada monetary sites under my coding pseudonym. I'm one of the few that has no ulterior motive and nothing to gain through any of my works I decide to supply publicly. Of course those that have followed my work for some time know why my stance is this way... and the repercussions of being the black sheep.

Just to be fair against pathing complications I will sincerely admit that combinations of multiple LI's are a bitch to deal with. I've way more hours than I should in the SanchoCheats blocks to keep them as pure as possible by going up to 3 variable requirements back for each stage. It's worse on coding demands than BaDIK was, for real. This has been the largest delay cause regarding me being satisfied to release SanchoMod for this VN. I can't wait to hear the reactions regarding the FreeRoam info in the MiniStat screen though... I say this since I sort of impressed myself which is hard to do :ROFLMAO:.

Anyway, time to refill the ol' Crown & Coke then get back to it. Have a good one and regards.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2018
By the definition you impose then just about the only VN that meets that criteria is WVM :ROFLMAO:
Maybe read agian, no where did i said it needs all, All i'm asking for is a clear cut way get the "mini" harem without all this complication.

all i want is Val, Jenny, and sung maybe thats possible but considering how complicated the choice options are with random locking and blocking paths I have no clue how do it.

I'd even settle for a Val/Jenny but that doesn't seem possible either


Message Maven
Jan 19, 2020
Maybe read agian, no where did i said it needs all, All i'm asking for is a clear cut way get the "mini" harem without all this complication.

all i want is Val, Jenny, and sung maybe thats possible but considering how complicated the choice options are with random locking and blocking paths I have no clue how do it.

I'd even settle for a Val/Jenny but that doesn't seem possible either
I gave it to you in my first reply. You should read again, bud:
... neither Jen nor Jade give a hoot if MC sees others... they're actually pushing him to do it over and over in the dialogue. MC can pick either Eli or Aur, so now we're up to three women, all fuckable from the get-go. Replace Jen with Val or Vic as desired. Ash is the curve ball that changes things a bit but on the other group of LI's. ...


Message Maven
Jan 19, 2020
If your looking for just scenes, then here's the bottom-line deal:
(I'll publish a proper pathing guide for routes after the mod is release)
  • Ash (must have her Love route, Harem excludes scene) or Ash/Jad
  • Jen or Jen/Jad
  • Jad or Jad/(any other LI)
  • Sung or Sung/Jad
  • Val or Val/Jad
  • Vic or Vic/Jad
  • Aur OR Eli (mix either of them with any of the above as their scenes are point dependent only)
That's it for scenes, basically (this is not a routing guide but scene guide). Again this is just to outline as I don't feel like typing an entire guide ATM, the mod coding and release takes priority.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2018
I gave it to you in my first reply. You should read again, bud:
ya i read that but im not seeing how its possible... i keep getting hit with "if jenroute" "else "if valroute" elswe something else

everything in the walkthrough shows its either you pick one or the other you can't have both, you don't get both unless theres new variable in later chapters that changes it i'm at the hotel now (chapter 3) and i only have like val content and i made sure not to pick any of the options that said "blocks/locks path"

As far as i can tell its 3 main LI Val, Jen, Ash you have to go for one and get whatever random "harem" girls that comes with them
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Message Maven
Jan 19, 2020
ya i read that but im not seeing how its possible... i keep getting hit with "if jenroute" "else "if valroute" elswe something else

everything in the walkthrough shows its either you pick one or the other you can't have both, you don't get both unless theres new variable in later chapters that changes it i'm at the hotel now (chapter 3) and i only have like val content and i made sure not to pick any of the options that said "blocks/locks path"
Bud, look at the highlighted portion in the post again: REPLACE Jen WITH Val or Vic as desired.

To be clear you can't have Jen/Val that's one or the other. Same with Vic. You can't have Jen/Val, Jen/Vic, Val/Vic from that grouping. Jade is your mixer (along with Elizabeth OR Aurora). Aur or Eli can be mixed with anyone. Jade can be mixed with her grouping (Jen's house group). Reb is special, we don't know about her yet EXCEPT to be awarded the RebeccaLoyal event you can't fuck with anybody but the side LI's.

Edit: So, you can multiple LI's but only those that the dev has determined you can have... that's where the routing becomes complicated for folks as it's not just a "pick a few of these and run with it" type of gig.
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