I finally got a hold of him, here it is:
Hey all, status and news for ASL
Patrons only
Jul 5 at 7:54pm
Hey all. Sorry I have been dormant this past month. Work has been crazy. Mandatory OT is in full force. Also, the day after I released 0.4 (It was horrible I know.) My hard drive crashed and it wouldn't let me boot to windows so I had to reformat and because of this, 0.4 content was gone.
Because of mainly my job, I'm gonna put a hold on ASL for now. I will be working on it still. Maybe even redo it so it is an acceptable game and if I am able, I may try to find someone that can re write it too.
I know some of you don't want to hear this and most will leave but for the time being, I believe this to be the best course of action.
I will still try to be active on here and I will still try to give progress updates and teasers but as for a release.. It's up in the air for now.
I do thank you all for supporting me and ASL but I assure you, ASL will live on and hopefully come back looking better then ever!
Till next time, Afflyction
I always liked his honesty, he's a pretty cool guy, I really hope he fixes what he needs to fix, but we know for sure that he's not abandoning the game, it's a start, right?