So when I play the game, it looks like this, with Phone on and off, respectively. I do seem to remember that there was an Option/ a Time in which opening the Phone made it replace the lower, inventory Part of the Sidebar and left the Spells accessible in a scrolldown (?) Menu above it. In other Words, there was a way of accessing the Spells without having to close the Phone. Especially in the later Part of the game and/or when you play with cheats, that is preferable IMO. I feel like I'm using my Phone way more often than my Inventory.
Am I misremembering this? Would it be possible to implement such a Layout Option? Maybe even implementing the Inventory into the Phone, to streamline the right hand Sidebar?
Also, on the Issue of Layouts: I personally think its a little startling that when clicking on the image gallery, the fullscreen Display is the Default Display Option. I think it is easier to navigate in the smaller Version, which should be the default, like with the Map. Maybe an Option could be added for both to give the Player a Choice (This is very much a personal Preference and probably also depends strongly on your Screen)
Also, just realised, Kylies Tennis Model on the School Sports Fields has charmed Eyes, even when you havent charmed her yet