
Engaged Member
Apr 23, 2017
It's just that Dylan has never had a real fight, so he thinks after a couple of training that he can beat anyone. His super trainer didn't make him Chuck Norris, I hope there won't be any more fighting episodes, it's look very weird and stupid.
Of course, Dylan isn't Chuck Norris. When Dylan grows a beard, he can be like Chuck Norris because he can do this...



Feb 12, 2021
Yes, please, happy to provide evidence. I think it is possible, but then please with something more than just your statement. Also about the fact that he makes more than just a game, or have I misunderstood you there.
Damn, I myself have seen how L&P lost his temper and insulted all and sundry, and I also know that he has not achieved self-set goals!
If I were a developer and someone called me out for taking my game away, for example, if I were inexperienced I would blow a fuse and threaten to sue (even though most of them are just mouthbreathers.) So I don't think it's unlikely that this has happened.
But what's wrong with asking for proof of their claims anyway?
1) Because it's been documented already. This is like someone NOT asking for proof that man landed on the Moon but proof that man CLAIMED to land on the Moon. It's known, treaded ground. It's asking for proof of known reality. Their ignorance is not my problem but it happened. It's one of the main reasons I post on F95 as opposed to a certain other site. Not the only reason but one of them.

2) Further, as noted, I'm not the only person involved and I'm not going drag people back into the BS without them wanting that. Two people I know post here were involved and if they want to join in I'll be happy to dive into all that again. I'm not dragging others back into the BS after they left it and moved on because it's old news. This didn't happen yesterday. I was just warning OP but, I dunno, maybe L&P has stopped being so litigious in the last few years?!

3) I've already been told since posting here that certain things are off limits. I've already been banned for about a year from posting in this thread after posting some details before and dislike of the dev before. I'm not getting banned to prove to a weirdo that he wrong. I don't care that much and only posted to OP to warn him that he may het threatened with a lawsuit for offering help.

4) Most importantly (and not directed at you personally) I'm not anyone's fucking monkey. One poster and staunch defender wanting me to provide 9000 pieces of evidence for something THEY ADMIT HAS HAPPENED BEFORE isn't gonna happen the way they want about it. Their bad. They rudely disbelieve my personal account rather than just ask for my story? Fuck them. I owe them nothing and I'm not their monkey.

They can choose to not believe reality. They can choose to believe the insane notion that this dev has done something once but never again. One time? Sure. Two - five times? Never. lolok, man.

Which still negates the main point that it even happening once is crazy! Insane. Let's say I'm full of it for argument. Made it up.
It still happened in a case that they DO know about and admit. Imagine your GF cheating on you and you forgive her. Then all your friends soemd the next year warning you that your GF is fucking every guy in town and your response is
"Not true. No way. Unless you have video I'm gonna choose this woman that has cheated on me before".
That's crazy and you'd be a sucker. Asking for proof isn't the problem. Asking someone to get involved that may not want to be involved or give info that brings them into the situation isn't cool. Nor is being a rude, annoying dick rather than calmly ask questions.

Anyway, If they can or want to believe the insanity that the dev stopped after one threat only (lol), I can believe that they're only worth laughing at. It's all very old news anyway, literally multiple years ago at this point.
Jan 10, 2021
Its the best lewd game ever seen from the beginning amazing script and characters with best graphic also i am in love with Sophia she is the perfect woman. How can i give support to amazing creators of this beautiful game financially? Cuz i want this beautiful game to last forever. And almost forgot is there any information about New update


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2021
Its the best lewd game ever seen from the beginning amazing script and characters with best graphic also i am in love with Sophia she is the perfect woman. How can i give support to amazing creators of this beautiful game financially? Cuz i want this beautiful game to last forever. And almost forgot is there any information about New update
first page
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Active Member
Sep 1, 2022
Its the best lewd game ever seen from the beginning amazing script and characters with best graphic also i am in love with Sophia she is the perfect woman. How can i give support to amazing creators of this beautiful game financially? Cuz i want this beautiful game to last forever. And almost forgot is there any information about New update
You may find where to support this creator on:
- the 1st page of this thread
- bottom right corner of the front page of the game


Active Member
Sep 1, 2022
will there be any update next month? Just asking if any of the subscribers here have any information about it.
If there was a normal progress i.e.:
- 25% / 200% per week of the first two metrics (animation is independent)
- 100%/200% per week of the other two
- 3/4 days for the final check

We should get an update by December 3, Sunday.

If the update is not available on or before December 10, then at best it will be February 4

This is because during year end holidays the developer takes 2 weeks off and for the rest of the period between December 10 & January 21 slows down dramatically the production…

Now, if we take into account that he is working on Steam publication in the background I wouldn’t exclude this update to be released mid March… Then during April LP will announce the Steam publication and hopefully after that we should have regular bi-monthly updates…
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New Member
Sep 18, 2023
What next for Sofia after the hot tub will it be Sam or even Jake or maybe her son Dylan who will she choose is anybody’s guess?


Nov 20, 2019
i need to ask something. if any kind soul can help.
i downloaded the compressed version and now i want to try cheat MOD.
which one is meant for "COMPRESSED" version.

-> should i go with Mod part-1 or Part-2 or Both
i am a bit confused or may be scared if i download wrong one i ll mess up.


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2022
i need to ask something. if any kind soul can help.
i downloaded the compressed version and now i want to try cheat MOD.
which one is meant for "COMPRESSED" version.

-> should i go with Mod part-1 or Part-2 or Both
i am a bit confused or may be scared if i download wrong one i ll mess up.
Compressed version affect only images and videos, so there is no specific mod for.
If you mean "Compressed Edition" instead of compressed version, in that case, mod can't be applied without knowledge.
Mod should be applied only for the version it's designed.
3.20 star(s) 461 Votes