You're right that is great, at the same time the continual twisting, changing and backflipping of the existing content is frustrating some of us.
I will express my opinion about the latest update. I don’t consider the “cuckold” and “ntr” routes. An opinion only from the position of “we were waiting for a love story and a happy marriage.”
I was finally convinced that Steph's mental disorder was taken from the author. The author has completely lost touch with reality. Here's what my opinion is based on:
1. The author lost touch with reality by deciding: if he takes away from Tori the phrases where she tells MC that there will be no sex between MC+Tori+Jason, then the players will not see how MC was deceived. The absence of this scene is not considered deception for the author. Author *******.
2. The author lost touch with reality by deciding: if he takes away phrases from Gina that carry positive emotions and a reaction to the MC, then the players will stop seeing Steph as a lying, manipulating whore. Author *******.
3. The author lost touch with reality by deciding that players have a negative perception and see Steph as an enemy of the MC because Gina is too good. The author does not understand that Steph, who humiliates, insults and wipes her feet on MS, will always be worse than Gina. The author does not understand that in order for Gina to descend into the image of Steph in the eyes of the player, she must manifest herself in an event similar to “train”, “glass of water” or “Steph calls Donny”. But then there will be not two good images, but two negative images. Author *******.
4. The author lost touch with reality, deciding that if the dialogue:
Steph: "MC I order you to do this!"
MC: “Steph, are you sure?”
Steph: “Yes, I'm sure! Follow orders quickly, bastard!
replaced by:
Steph: "MC I order you to do this!"
MS: “Jawohl, mein Führer! Ich bin schon dabei!”
then the players won't notice that the MC doesn't decide anything, he's nobody and his name is nobody. Players will not see that MC is a rag and a nonentity, crawling on her belly in front of Steph, constantly apologizing to her and following all of Steph’s orders. Author *******.
5. The author has lost touch with reality, not realizing that in the Donny/Steph event it is not the question of whether the MC will have sex with MC+Tori+Jason that is being resolved, but rather the position of the MC is being determined. Who is he? A rag, a nonentity and a piece of shit floating in the sewer or the MC controls the events around him, is able to defend his position, is able to keep Steph within limits. The author did not give the players a choice, but the author himself chose the first option. This event shows very well that MS does not affect Steph in any way. Author *******.
6. The author lost touch with reality when the MC, after a “glass of water,” says: “It means it wasn't what I wanted to see happening, but I'm OK that it happened. Besides, it was hot.” The author believes that “hot” and love is when Steph tricks the MC out of the marital bed and fucks another there, and then orders the MC to lick the “Donny” flowing out of her. Author *******.
7. The author lost touch with reality when the promise: “a confident MC will receive Steph, who will obey him” turned into “a confident MC will receive Steph, who will order and decide where, when and with whom the MC will be.” When Steph in the Steph/Tori/Jason event turned into an uncontrollable whore, who did not give a damn about all the promises of the MC, who stepped over all boundaries. In this situation, MS behaved, in the author’s opinion, like a real, self-confident dominant - he crawled in front of Steph on his belly and followed all her orders. Author *******.
8. The author has lost touch with reality by telling the audience that points 1 to 7 are a manifestation of love and a happy marriage. Author *******.
This is my opinion for the “love and happy marriage” route. I did not consider other routes. Asterisks - too lazy to come up with an epithet.