
Engaged Member
May 18, 2019
Indeed, the game development is still in progress but is very long. You can follow the progress on . He still has 3 scenes/tasks to finish.
Yeah so progess hasn't changed in the last 3 months, a shame really.
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Devoted Member
Mar 25, 2021
If the dev of this game has been turned off by all the hate that would suck but I can understand
I saw it happen a few weeks ago to the dev of The curse of joy & Sorrow he got so much hate the games were abandoned and even the thread in one of them had the comments closed
and I think he has quit game development completely.


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2020
I can understand that, but developers also need to be able to ignore the hate, since every game in existence will have it to one degree or another, I'm not saying it would be easy (and have seen some of the toxic comments in this thread), but I'm sure it's something all developers have to deal with at some level.
The question is will the developer try to ignore it and push on, or just abandon the project altogether, because it would be a real shame to lose this game.
Maybe the staff could do something about the kink shaming/toxicity towards gay/trans etc etc and start banning them, there really is no need for it, if you don't like those kinds of things move on and play something else, all the toxicity achieves nothing, except make developers wonder why they even bother making games.
Like I said, Luxee takes a lot, and I mean a lot more hate and toxicity than the vast majority of the devs on this website. It's really nuts how much people shit on them for stupid reasons. So the more harrassed they are, the more it impacts their mental health.
It's easy to say "They need to be able to whistand the haters", but at the end of the day devs are human being. They are just as flawed as anyone else. And contrary to mental resilience, human stupidity doesn't know any boundaries and seems absolutely infinite.


Devoted Member
Mar 25, 2021
I konw some people didn't like Nea but to me the problem of the game was
there was no continuity it felt like everything was a random sex scene imo
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Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2017
My brother in Christ, the game is in version 0.06...
No amount of new updates is going to fix that though. Its because of the decision Luxee made that the game's concept is looking back from the future at specific memories from the MC's past. So we get certain scenes, but little to no build up for them so they don't have much impact. We don't get a feel for the love interests or get to see them as fully fleshed out individuals. Most are just fetishes wrapped in flesh. So for the loli sister or the loli asian or other love interests we have sudden escalations of nudes being sent and things like that, but not a good feel for why it is all happening or why we should honestly care. Future updates will just jump us ahead in the relationships without the context that would actually give the scenes we did see any meaning.

I applaud Luxee for trying new things with this game and just not trying to make a game identical to PL. Except PL was a much better game, even at "only" six updates in. The things Luxee chose to do differently in this game just aren't working, like the memory thing, or the sandbox, trying to blend Nea's story with a harem game, or any number of other things. There's an awful lot of valid criticism that sometimes gets overshadowed by the occasional blatant transphobism or gets lumped in with it unfairly. On the other hand, the main praise I see for the game time and again is literally just "Nea is cute". I think most of those people would be just as content with a slideshow showing different increasingly lewd renders of Nea or just a simple visual novel. Luxee could have knocked that out pretty quickly. Except Luxee wanted this game to be something that could be as popular and lucrative as PL was, and they'll get zero shade from me on that. Money to do something you like is good. What I will throw shade at is all of the bad choices they made to get us to this point and their increasing lack of engagement with the game and their supporters. I was one of those paid supporters for most of PL and the first few updates of A69, and at this point I regret spending any money on this game because my support of it was based on promises Luxee hasn't kept, and what I was given just wasn't anywhere near the same quality as what I'd come to expect from Luxee.
Apr 3, 2023
No amount of new updates is going to fix that though. Its because of the decision Luxee made that the game's concept is looking back from the future at specific memories from the MC's past. So we get certain scenes, but little to no build up for them so they don't have much impact. We don't get a feel for the love interests or get to see them as fully fleshed out individuals. Most are just fetishes wrapped in flesh. So for the loli sister or the loli asian or other love interests we have sudden escalations of nudes being sent and things like that, but not a good feel for why it is all happening or why we should honestly care. Future updates will just jump us ahead in the relationships without the context that would actually give the scenes we did see any meaning.

I applaud Luxee for trying new things with this game and just not trying to make a game identical to PL. Except PL was a much better game, even at "only" six updates in. The things Luxee chose to do differently in this game just aren't working, like the memory thing, or the sandbox, trying to blend Nea's story with a harem game, or any number of other things. There's an awful lot of valid criticism that sometimes gets overshadowed by the occasional blatant transphobism or gets lumped in with it unfairly. On the other hand, the main praise I see for the game time and again is literally just "Nea is cute". I think most of those people would be just as content with a slideshow showing different increasingly lewd renders of Nea or just a simple visual novel. Luxee could have knocked that out pretty quickly. Except Luxee wanted this game to be something that could be as popular and lucrative as PL was, and they'll get zero shade from me on that. Money to do something you like is good. What I will throw shade at is all of the bad choices they made to get us to this point and their increasing lack of engagement with the game and their supporters. I was one of those paid supporters for most of PL and the first few updates of A69, and at this point I regret spending any money on this game because my support of it was based on promises Luxee hasn't kept, and what I was given just wasn't anywhere near the same quality as what I'd come to expect from Luxee.
This game could've worked just as well, if not better, if it was a traditional VN. Credit to Lux for trying something new, but as its been mentioned, it's not working, and the bond with the characters players tend to make isn't easily built with the "memories" option and the fact you can't do many events unless a certain character's event chain has been advanced, one of my BIGGEST gripes about this game. If it was a regular VN, none of that "central character" dependency would be needed and this game wouldn't take as much heat as its gotten.

With PL, you got to see step-by-step day-by-day building of relationships, from nearly perfect strangers in a sense all the way to the endings. The bonds and connections were formed with the players liking whoever they liked. It was much easier and smoother from a story point of view too rather than, as its also been said, sudden nudes being sent over the phone. I would much rather have "SEEING" the relationship build with the MC and girls like Evie or Tess rather than these supposed flashbacks. I said it MANY months ago, if I was Pete (the guy this MC was talking to in the very beginning) listening to this story, I would've shot myself, I mean, whoever the MC was with was in the bathroom right? What the hell is she doing in there that would take THIS LONG for her to come back from?

I absolutely adore PL (I'm even playing it now as I write this, and I'm even writing a novel blending PL & A69 worlds and certain girls) and I want so much for A69 to succeed, but I don't think it's going to do as well as PL because of the methods the game is built around. I financially support Luxee, follow his Twitter, SubStar, am on DISCORD day and night just waiting for something to be dropped or mentioned, and it's been radio silence this whole time.

A69 was an attempt at a sandbox type game (like Harem Hotel or Lessons in Love) but with it rotating around a single character or having that central dependency isn't working as well as thought possible. A traditional VN would've been just fine in my opinion. There are a few girls in this game I adore, but as it sits, the "character bond" I feel for them isn't as strong as when I played PL for the first time and was immediately locked on to Ada and Elly (and later Sofi)

Just my two cents.


Active Member
Feb 24, 2021
Yes, the number increase was tiny, but personally, I was happy to see the number increase at all, and that Luxee is still with us.

I managed to locate the previous progress update from January (that someone else had posted), to compare the two side by side, and I see the finished task was the "Build pool party exploration" one.

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New Member
Mar 22, 2021
Yes, the number increase was tiny, but personally, I was happy to see the number increase at all, and that Luxee is still with us.

I managed to locate the previous progress update from January (that someone else had posted), to compare the two side by side, and I see the finished task was the "Build pool party exploration" one.

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Guess this Pool Party is gonna be real huge if it took so long to make it.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2017
Guess this Pool Party is gonna be real huge if it took so long to make it.
I think the problem there is in the mental state of the developer or his social workload, and not the amount of content in a potential update.
A long gap of time between updates does often end up setting the expectation that the update will be something big or momentous when it does hit. Fans mentally build up the update prior to it being released. If it turns out to just be another update or doesn't move things along fast enough, then people are inevitably disappointed. Its one thing to have mediocre updates when you're producing on a more regular schedule. People don't care as much if the March update is full of story-building if they know the next update will be out by May and will likely have more interesting content. I think devs would be smart to make sure that if their fans had to wait extra long for their update, that it is worth their wait. Although adding content as a means of making the update more rewarding doesn't help if it delays the dev another few months or more. Partially, I think devs need to re-think the pacing of their story and their plans for each update if they can't commit to a regular schedule. When you only have 1-2 updates a year or less, any dev should take care to make sure those updates deliver and make the players feel like its worth their time to wait for the next one.


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2020
I think devs would be smart to make sure that if their fans had to wait extra long for their update, that it is worth their wait.
Sooo "Fuck the dev's mental state, if they make us wait that long it better be the biggest update" ? Because that's what it sounds like, honestly. But you're not usually like that so I'm gonna chuck it on the idea that it wasn't greatly written.

To that however, because I know there are people who actually think that way, I would have only two things to answer :
1. Devs aren't machines. Their work schedule depends of their mental state, personal situation, avaliability. Just because they took longer doesn't mean they are obligated to pump out more content. Especially when it's not their full time job.
2. Most of the people on here complaining about the delays don't pay Luxee in the first place. You don't pay, you don't get to complain about how long it takes. Simple as that. You just sit back down, find another game to keep you busy in the meantime. This site has loads of them.

Although adding content as a means of making the update more rewarding doesn't help if it delays the dev another few months or more.
Adding content as a mean to make it look like you worked your ass off is called artificially inflating content. It's what some AAA studios do with modern games by making you backtrack, farm useless crap and amputate experience gain. It never works out the way they intend to.
I'd rather Luxee admits they have it rough and had to slow down than see them get shat on even more by entitled pricks (and no I'm not talking about you).

Partially, I think devs need to re-think the pacing of their story and their plans for each update if they can't commit to a regular schedule. When you only have 1-2 updates a year or less, any dev should take care to make sure those updates deliver and make the players feel like its worth their time to wait for the next one.
The thing to keep in mind here is that Luxee never made a sandboxy game like this one. They were upfront about not having experience in it. And some will say "Then they should have done like the previous game", but no. No, because you never get any experience if you never do it.
They had an idea, decided to go for it. Take it or leave it. At the end of the day, it's Luxee's project, not a commision by other people. Only Luxee has a right to decide what to make.

As for organization, while it's a solid argument, the thing with Luxee is that they clearly decided to work on paths depending on their inspiration. In my opinion, it shows in the content already present, and as someone creative I get the idea. When you follow inspiration rather than force yourself, you end up writting way better stuff. It flows more naturally without seeming like something got chopped off and stitched back together because both parts were made months apart.
It's all about that drive and seemless writting.
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