So what gives you the right to judge how people spend their money? Everyone has a budget including yourself - for some people it is small and that is perfectly fine. If you someone can only afford to throw a small amount say $5 every few months that does make you better than them.
People with attitudes like yours who try to gatekeep how others spend their money is exactly what makes some supporter communities toxic.
I believe that you have completely misunderstood the point I was making. The way other people spend their money is strictly their own business. It's not as though they would listen to me anyway. Nor do I know the exact circumstances (when or how much) the person to which I was responding has contributed. So I really can't criticize him personally.
But I do believe that pledging after the beginning of the month when a release has just been provided, and then withdrawing that pledge before the next billing cycle is 'gaming the system'. It happens to every single developer and it drives them nuts, since they can't budget properly.
Of course, I am well aware that some developers are also guilty of 'gaming', and that while I might decry someone who cries 'milking' at the first missed schedule, I am well aware that some developers do just that. I've dropped a couple of them.
Now, if someone can't subscribe regularly, but offers some cash as a 'cup of coffee' on occasion, that is an admirable endeavor. And many people can't afford a nickel. I have no problem with them using this site to play games.