So... is there a site that has full descriptions of the modules contained in the game? I have just wasted a number of hours fooling around with the "dark semen" module, thinking it would reduce the "morals" (virtue) of NPCs - instead, it made every chick i banged evil, and a mass slaughter ensued (i would probably get shanked too, eventually, but after discovering what the module does i scrapped the save)...
...okay, i admit, one of those murders was rather amusing, since the chick came over to a guy and went "this is for all the love you gave me, la la la la la" where every "la" was a stab sound.
[removed image]
While unrelated... why is there so many trash modules in the batch? Especially the racial ones. Like... why? What for? Who even uses these?
Finally, is it possible, that some cards ive downloaded may have modules on them, but the modules arent showing in the editor? Ive observed some irrational behavior from one or two NPCs, and none of their traits, virtue or preferences suggest anything of the sort should take place. Maybe outdated modules that dont show anymore in the editor?
You finally got around to modules! Triggers can be separated from modules and baked into cards by unpacking the module. Check the Triggers tab for any card, really. If a module is not unpacked it'll appear in the modules list, but if it is unpacked it won't. Regardless, the triggers of packed modules, unpacked modules, and loose custom behavior written specifically for the card on the card are in this tab.
You can tell what triggers are owned by a module by triggers that have the name of the module prefixed onto their trigger's name. These triggers are always in the order their module was placed in on the module list, and they always follow loose triggers not bound to a module. Loose triggers are on the top of the pile for easy access.
Keep in mind that global values unbind and attach directly to the card regardless of whether its trigger is bound in a module or not, you see those in the Globals button window on the same tab. You could break modules by carelessly deleting globals here. Some unpacked modules are likely in such state for added features, which may have led to the author adding loose globals here. Tricky! But no worries -- if you make your own modules that need globals, they'll pack into your module on export if the global is called in the module's packed triggers.
Now that I've finished my long exposition, I'll give answers to your curiosities with the above background for context. Sometimes a module author will give an adequate description of what a module does in its description field, but sometimes they won't. Regardless of what the description says, check the little module scripts and interpret them yourself; no worries, it gets easier to understand as you toy with them and playtest the game. Always check the Triggers tab when a character's behavior is suspicious, it likely has implanted triggers not bound by a module, so it won't show up in the module list but you'll see exactly what's going on if there's triggers to read; there can't be scripted behavior without 'em so it'll never be invisible and undetectable.
The racial ones are for changing your card's race; any mod that targets a race will interpret a lack of race string as defaulting the card to "Human", so that race is implicit. If a card has another race it opens cards to have opinion modifiers. Considering how underutilized modules are these race modules are effectively useless, but maybe someone with an extreme raceplay motive can make custom triggers based around races so orcs can interact with elves and humans in a stereotypical fashion and... something happens.
AA2 seriously needs an engine upgrade which is why I'm surprised a Koikatsu game wasn't modded into an AA3 yet but it'd be stupid awesome having better characters, maps, animations, graphics, voices, and modding support with up to 100 cards in the environment. That'd be nice.
My later cards have around 80 modules worth of triggers in them. At least above 60. I've made over 20 modules so far. I found 2 packs of other users' modules though I forgot exactly who owns what but I still have the source archives. If I find the time I'll make a list of what authors have modules and upload my own somewhere. I did get around to making the module that was previously called "Enticing Touch" but now it's called "Class Prez Tempter". It does all of the removing through both NPC and player controls but doesn't add Openminded, and NPCs have custom behavior in which they'll stop any hostile interaction except Game Overs towards a Class Prez, befriend them if like isn't high enough, talk love and lewd when like is high enough, then go in for the trait-disarming touch when love is high enough but not too high. I set the threshold at 10, thanks to your recommendation.