
Jan 5, 2024
What blocks Mida's ending(not the harem one)? I went max affection no corruption good route, but I keep getting the alone ending after rejecting marrying the elves. :HideThePain:


Message Maestro
Nov 14, 2017
Does anyone know what happened to the dark elf queen? In my play through at the end of act 1 she was being controlled by lust. She was not mentioned at all in act 2.
dev knows.

Idk , A think I got all the endings after skiping most of the text to get them all but how to say it , is not fufilling none of them :/ we end leaving some girls behind and that is a nono for me if is a harem tag
well mommy and sister aren't ready to settle down besides on their ending and others have their things. this isn't collect them all.

What blocks Mida's ending(not the harem one)? I went max affection no corruption good route, but I keep getting the alone ending after rejecting marrying the elves. :HideThePain:
maybe too good.


New Member
Aug 2, 2017
Idk , A think I got all the endings after skiping most of the text to get them all but how to say it , is not fufilling none of them :/ we end leaving some girls behind and that is a nono for me if is a harem tag
There is a full harem ending... you choice to fuse Mida and Lust, and allow her to corrupt(brainwash) all girls, so they become part of the harem without care in the world.

But, there is no "happy harem ending" even though, I believe, I'm not the only one who expected it. Considering that MC is literally half-deity and world savior, it's surprising that MC is not allowed to take 2 (to-be) Queens as wifes and live a happy live in tower with his harem, surrounded by bunch of kids.
Last edited:


Jul 15, 2021
There is a full harem ending... you choice to fuse Mida and Lust, and allow her to corrupt(brainwash) all girls, so they become part of the harem without care in the world.

But, there is no "happy harem ending" even though, I believe, I'm not the only one who expected it. Considering that MC is literally half-deity and world savior, it's surprising that MC is not allowed to take 2 (to-be) Queens as wifes and live a happy live in tower with his harem, surrounded by bunch of kids.
thats not really a full harem ending , I did got the lust/mida ending but is not harem that would be the corruption mida ending but not the harem one , also not everyone is there (dont remember but pretty sure they arent)


Jul 15, 2021
I have to agree. All the endings I got were not good. Which is a shame considering the game up until the endings was pretty good.
This was like the ending og Game of Thrones , rushes as hell in the end, the Dev here didnt know what he wanted to do , if make just a VN or make it Sandbox like he said ok sandbox and then like nah im lazy better VN and then again Okay Sandbox.
Also theres a lot of content that is lost in the void like:

Slayers: they got forgotten and trow away like dude , werent they supossed to have conquered half of the continent and just with 1 battle they got delete? are u serious?

theres a lot more of stuff I want to complain hard as fk but cant cause is spoiler xD, overall this games is a 5/10 just cause the combat were somehow enterteining
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Oct 10, 2018
thats not really a full harem ending , I did got the lust/mida ending but is not harem that would be the corruption mida ending but not the harem one , also not everyone is there (dont remember but pretty sure they arent)
There are some women missing, like Bredita, the asiatic girls, Ayna and that brunette who only knows healing magic, Calessa and Hanna, Diana, Carilielli the demon who is missing or died. Some of them he can fuck but not in the harem tower.


New Member
Nov 2, 2018
I have to agree. All the endings I got were not good. Which is a shame considering the game up until the endings was pretty good.
Yeah, I actually got a nagging feeling that there was something missing and went back all the way to the start of part 1 and there it was, there was a point when you investigate the Shop in the City in which you get a "vision" of your daughter and she calls you Archmage. Now, the Legacy ending tryed to go with that scene but it's just not the same, I fully expected the MC to end up as the new Archmage in a College full of his kids (what's the point of tracking all the pregnancy points for all the girls if in the end they won't matter anyway?).
Also, A LOT of plots were abandoned/forgotten, feels like the dev lost track of then and just said "fuck it", which is a shame because as you said it, the game was pretty good up until the epiloges.


Oct 10, 2018
This was like the ending og Game of Thrones , rushes as hell in the end, the Dev here didnt know what he wanted to do , if make just a VN or make it Sandbox like he said ok sandbox and then like nah im lazy better VN and then again Okay Sandbox.
Also theres a lot of content that is lost in the void like:

Slayers: they got forgotten and trow away like dude , werent they supossed to have conquered half of the continent and just with 1 battle they got delete? are u serious?

theres a lot more of stuff I want to complain hard as fk but cant cause is spoiler xD, overall this games is a 5/10 just cause the combat were somehow enterteining
The slayers were being controlled by Lust, both the emperor and Brutus die, these slayers by the way is a reference to the Roman empire, but after they lose their leaders, and discover that they were being manipulated by Lust, they enter into a truce with the mages or at least try, but they are killed or expelled from the lands they had conquered, by Elves, Orcs and so on..., their plot kind of ended when they discovered that the empress was Lust, and that the emperor had been murdered by her.
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Jul 15, 2021
The slayers were being controlled by Lust, both the emperor and Brutus die, these slayers by the way is a reference to the Roman empire, but after they lose their leaders, and discover that they were being manipulated by Lust, they enter into a truce with the mages or at least try, but they are killed or expelled from the lands they had conquered, by Elves, Orcs and so on..., their plot kind of ended when they discovered that the empress was Lust, and that the emperor had been murdered by her.
thats what I mean , Lust could keep using the slayers after she wiped everyone else in that city and could just said it was the demons or the mages who knows, they were strong enough to wipe kingdoms and conquer half the world, and just cause it emperor got murderer dosnt means she couldnt just take one puppet to use like one of her incubus , they can take apparence of others , Im still mad cause they just ended like a minor treat when they could be used for more and longer content, I guess thats the reason why the dev didnt used it anymore , pretty sure I give big spoiler there for those that havent finished it but well , what are u guys reading here when u havent ended the game!

Game Developer
Apr 27, 2018
First of all, thank you all for the suggestions, ideas and for the complaints. As I said before (Several times) the game will now enter the polishing stage, and that's the main reason I asked for opinions and suggestions.

On this stage, the game will go through some transformations and if your idea is good I have absolutely no problem in adding it to the game, so if you really care, that's what you should do.

Obviously the final product will not please everyone but that's how life is.

Oh you don't want that. Because devs of games I like have to face me and my delulu feedback rants and schizo attention.

But I hope so!

And to teach you a lesson "why you don't encourage mypossiblepasts to talk", here's sample!

My 'biggest' issue with Ataegina - which again, is not even an issue when compared with real issues that most of the other games have - is inflation of "meaningless" choices.
Not to be mistake with meaningless chocies - those I personally love! Meaningless, or how I prefer calling them - flavor choices are really slept on! Even if it doesn't give any points or anything. Literally anything - just trivial 1. Yes. vs 2. Yes, Miss., placed in the right scene just for the sake of the flavor only can add a lot to the game.
Meaningless choice in other hand, those are "Yes/No" choices before sex scenes - so practically foundation of this game. Getting rid of those is possible only on the planning stage of developement. And it ties to the other type in that - if there is a choice, every of it's option must either change nothing, or matter on its own.
Flavor choice - is just for my brain to immerse myself. To give me illusion of choice, and to let me stay in character.
Choice between starting a scene or skipping it - cmon. Who say's no, especially since it is literally that - just fast skip button.

And not saying that asking if to play sex scene is wrong - quite contrary! I hate when the game leads me to sex scene and there is no straightforward, clear choice before it starts wether MC wants that or not. But again - it should be derivative of some different choice or system, a 2nd stage - BUT also provide alternative path.
For example - not sex vs skip, but sex vs lore that unlocks unique path.
No "Take your cock out vs Leave" but "Take your cock out vs Leave (next time you see her, she will praise your self-control and lead to this or that)"

As for Ataegina ideas - in hindsight I would like to see your take on Lust ending.
But not the Evil one, but Good one. Something like "I was blindly in love with Father that I didn't noticed the True Daddy" after you defeat him.
I get it, to each is own I guess. I'll be sure not to encourage you to talk again :LOL:

"True Daddy" you say... :sneaky:

It's time to say goodbye... I will be waiting for the next game
Not yet... ;)

Kthulian Huge congratulations on finishing this! This was one of the first games I checked out when I joined F95 god knows how many years ago now. I was enthralled by it back when Act 1 was nowhere close to being completed and immediately bookmarked it. Now I can't wait to jump back in and check out the final product. It feels like it is so rare that games get completed, and even rarer for good games to get completed. This is a good day. Congratulations again!
Thanks a lot, I hope you enjoy... Oh it's not over yet ;)

So would there be any plot reveals for your next game?
Idk, setting, world, etc.
First, polish this one, second remake/continue WARP, third you'll have to wait :p

so is the game really over? just asking cause alot of the results of the impregnation stats seems like it was irrelevant in that case.

also we never had a scene with Kanmi so that was disappointing.

i mean if its actually over not much i can do except say congrats.
Is it really over? Check the first thing I said in this post.

About pregnant variables, I prefer to not use a variable that I created than wanting to use one but I didn't create it.

Kanmi, maybe that will change in the following stage :sneaky:

Nice to see this finished. Disappointing that the pregnancy counters didn't seem to amount to anything, aside from maybe? producing kids in a couple endings and a pregnant Mida in one ending?

Also feels like there was a missed opportunity when MC allows Mida to attempt to absorb Lust. First, Mida must both be living in the tower and have a corruption of 4 or higher to even take control of Lust and put her in the sex dungeon. Second there is one final corruption increase when you allow her to try to absorb Lust. There should have been another corruption check, where after that corruption increase, if Mida is not at or near the cap, she would fail to absorb Lust properly, and Lust takes control.

From there MC would have the choice of either forcefully separating them and going into one of the other more boring endings, or rolling with it and having sex with demon Mida body that has Lust in control. Then later there could be an option for an altered version of the Lux Aeterna (Corrupted) ending where it's Lust (?separated and back in her own body?) helping MC get all the girls in her own way, for all that entails, instead of Mida with Lust's powers.

Oh well. It is what it is, I guess.
About pregnant variables, I prefer to not use a variable that I created than wanting to use one but I didn't create it.

I really like that Lust VS Mida idea with the corruption points, I think we might have found a new ending :unsure:

Well, game is great, story is cool.
BLABLABLA, we massively agree with that !

But ! And there is a big one
Cerea ending ?! triggereeeed !!!
Carilielle too. She's really cool and in my opinion, really underrated and underused in the story. For a succubus she's kinda romantic, i love that character. If there is an ending with her demon form and or pregnant, all the paper towel of the world will not be enough for me ^^
Yotul too,
We don't really see the pregnancy of characters, can be cool for few scenes to see that ;p

Personally i don't want harem, or avoidable

1.0 is here but there are lot of details that needs to be solved and some stories can get a deeper conclusion

TBH i didn't understood why the MC bang mida in the final few renders. I don't care about her the whole story and always friendzone her.

But #CereaLifeMatter #CarilielleLifeMatter
So more Cerea and more Yotul? I think we can work something out.

Thank you for listening to this idea

I would be quite interested if you could make a full library for both parts, in which part 2 could have an ending section and brief instructions on how we achieve that ending, because your VN is really very large. big

In addition, another idea is that you can add a number of different segments like DLC of some endings.

I think it would be nice to explore more of the Ryo ending, the all-corrupt ending, and the ending where you become king of the elves.
About merging the 2 Acts, it's something in my mind for the last thing. The division is good so I can work on 1 at a time, when all it's done, merging is trully possible.

Explore more of endings, got it.

congrats on finishing it kthulian. It was something to look forward to every month. rest up and if you decide to go for warp next, please keep Anya and add Breditas model lol.
Btw, can someone list all the possible endings?
Adding gallery with a possibility to unlock it would be very good imo. I guess adding a build in WT would be too much to ask, but I didn't get all the endings even though I never cheated and played all 3 paths. I will also always advocate for Anya + Bredita ending. Harems are nice, but having 2 of the most powerful mages together would be amazing imo.
I'll be going to WARP soon, Bredita on Warp :unsure: Maybe...

Bredita + Ayna ending sounds like a great idea, maybe something like "MC is able to convince Bredita to return to the mages college but now he is the Archmage."

I second basically what papsuken said below.

I definitely would like to see more ending scenarios with side characters like Cerea. I know it somewhat fits with the endgame dynamics that they get kinda left behind, especially the ones that were not too deeply involved with the MC. But players on the other hand are sometimes a lot more invested into those characters and that is why I would like to see some more content of any kind with them.
Congratz on finishing! Excited for a new one anytime =)
Thanks, I'll be sure to give more justice to the forgotten ones.

Lust needs more scenes if she's alive towards an ending.
It shall be done :sneaky:

Does anyone know what happened to the dark elf queen? In my play through at the end of act 1 she was being controlled by lust. She was not mentioned at all in act 2.
Since she returned to her country she hasn't be seen again, but something tells me we'll know more soon.

No scenes with koneko ? That is sad
Consider it done ;)

Well Dev has pretty much said epilogues are incoming. wonder if we will get them before the Steam release? :unsure:
Finally someone paying attention, thank you!! :LOL:

I plan to share what's finished as I move foward so that when it's Steam time, everything is perfect... Or as close to it as possible.



Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2017
First of all, thank you all for the suggestions, ideas and for the complaints. As I said before (Several times) the game will now enter the polishing stage, and that's the main reason I asked for opinions and suggestions.

On this stage, the game will go through some transformations and if your idea is good I have absolutely no problem in adding it to the game, so if you really care, that's what you should do.

Obviously the final product will not please everyone but that's how life is.

I get it, to each is own I guess. I'll be sure not to encourage you to talk again :LOL:

"True Daddy" you say... :sneaky:

Not yet... ;)

Thanks a lot, I hope you enjoy... Oh it's not over yet ;)

First, polish this one, second remake/continue WARP, third you'll have to wait :p

Is it really over? Check the first thing I said in this post.

About pregnant variables, I prefer to not use a variable that I created than wanting to use one but I didn't create it.

Kanmi, maybe that will change in the following stage :sneaky:

About pregnant variables, I prefer to not use a variable that I created than wanting to use one but I didn't create it.

I really like that Lust VS Mida idea with the corruption points, I think we might have found a new ending :unsure:

So more Cerea and more Yotul? I think we can work something out.

About merging the 2 Acts, it's something in my mind for the last thing. The division is good so I can work on 1 at a time, when all it's done, merging is trully possible.

Explore more of endings, got it.

I'll be going to WARP soon, Bredita on Warp :unsure: Maybe...

Bredita + Ayna ending sounds like a great idea, maybe something like "MC is able to convince Bredita to return to the mages college but now he is the Archmage."

Thanks, I'll be sure to give more justice to the forgotten ones.

It shall be done :sneaky:

Since she returned to her country she hasn't be seen again, but something tells me we'll know more soon.

Consider it done ;)

Finally someone paying attention, thank you!! :LOL:

I plan to share what's finished as I move foward so that when it's Steam time, everything is perfect... Or as close to it as possible.

In that case, I think the original two ending that we saw in the beginning during the first trip to the town should be added with the respective renders
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Conversation Conqueror
Jul 29, 2017
First of all, thank you all for the suggestions, ideas and for the complaints. As I said before (Several times) the game will now enter the polishing stage, and that's the main reason I asked for opinions and suggestions.

On this stage, the game will go through some transformations and if your idea is good I have absolutely no problem in adding it to the game, so if you really care, that's what you should do.

Obviously the final product will not please everyone but that's how life is.

I get it, to each is own I guess. I'll be sure not to encourage you to talk again :LOL:

"True Daddy" you say... :sneaky:

Not yet... ;)

Thanks a lot, I hope you enjoy... Oh it's not over yet ;)

First, polish this one, second remake/continue WARP, third you'll have to wait :p

Is it really over? Check the first thing I said in this post.

About pregnant variables, I prefer to not use a variable that I created than wanting to use one but I didn't create it.

Kanmi, maybe that will change in the following stage :sneaky:

About pregnant variables, I prefer to not use a variable that I created than wanting to use one but I didn't create it.

I really like that Lust VS Mida idea with the corruption points, I think we might have found a new ending :unsure:

So more Cerea and more Yotul? I think we can work something out.

About merging the 2 Acts, it's something in my mind for the last thing. The division is good so I can work on 1 at a time, when all it's done, merging is trully possible.

Explore more of endings, got it.

I'll be going to WARP soon, Bredita on Warp :unsure: Maybe...

Bredita + Ayna ending sounds like a great idea, maybe something like "MC is able to convince Bredita to return to the mages college but now he is the Archmage."

Thanks, I'll be sure to give more justice to the forgotten ones.

It shall be done :sneaky:

Since she returned to her country she hasn't be seen again, but something tells me we'll know more soon.

Consider it done ;)

Finally someone paying attention, thank you!! :LOL:

I plan to share what's finished as I move foward so that when it's Steam time, everything is perfect... Or as close to it as possible.

...damn everyone got a reply....but me....


New Member
Nov 2, 2018
ok, I get it, even though the game is "Completed" it is not "finished" yet. I shall wait for further developments but at least now I can finally buy it on Steam without the fear of not seeing the end. Almost 6 years, crazy thinking about how much time we've been at this.
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4.10 star(s) 174 Votes