3.10 star(s) 20 Votes


Apr 3, 2017
Having played this through for the first time this morning, I felt like I was playing a really disjointed game without direction. The son/father split is so poorly done right now that it leaves you feeling like you're not sure how to proceed. If you don't read up ahead of time, you'd have no idea that there was 2 different routes. The first time you encounter this split is with the first photoshoot option which starts as the son's turf, then brick-walls if you don't just hand the father over to the girl and cuck yourself. Nearly every choice you make seems more confusing and seemingly superficial as the time goes on. Like all the stuff with Ala and the son that is just floating in space with no tie to the actual story. If the developer plans to make 2 full routes, the entire game needs to be gutted and rebuilt from the ground up. Because, right now, whatever is going on is a total clusterfuck with no structure at all (unless you have a walkthrough).
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Nov 6, 2017
I agree. David vs Alex makes it more competitive. If Dev needs ideas on making game better just ask Luxee from parental love. :) I like au pair so far , only issue was no David and Tanya . Coding will be fixed so we just got to wait s bit. Alex is trying.

Hello everybody, I am the guy who is helping Alex (the game developer) with the coding (and yes, he isn't very experienced in this things). We are truly grateful that you keep being interested in his/our game.
Though I don't like to spoil too much (cause I am only the programmer), I would like to give you some additional informations.

As you all know the last version v.0.4.1 had some severe bugs which reduce the game playing fun. I am happy to announce that the "remastering" (no new content, no new art) of this version is finished. But we don't like to publish a new release without new content. So be patient a little more.

The next version will have the father as active player and as some of you asked for you could skip this part completely. There will be a new location where the main part of this release will happening. AND there will be some additional stuff for Alex!!! I think that we found a smart solution to continue both paths simultaneously.

As you surely already recognized most of the recent content is repeatable though not all text lines are fitting for this perfectly. We think about adding some kind of gallery room, but not for the next release.

Adding animations would be fine and it isn't a problem of coding (you just have to show a line of pictures with short delay between them) but a problem of time (for Alex) creating a lot of renders for some seconds of gameplay.

And yes, we are really interested in publishing a new release each month. By now the basic framework is stable and after implementing the new locations it would be much easier to add new content. But all depends finally on Alex ...

If you have any questions or remarks feel free to post them here. I will forward them to Alex.
Animation or so more pics cause Alex cums too quick or noy enough pic to show action. Minute men :(

Sorry last post . Just want to thank Abi for helping Alex with game. Like it so far and hope it continues to get better.


Active Member
Jul 11, 2017
If you have any questions or remarks feel free to post them here. I will forward them to Alex.
My main concern with this game is the timing of events. There's no way to know if you should be going somewhere to get a scene or skipping time (although I understand this is changing slightly), especially since the correct answer 90% time is "you should be skipping". There are also events that take different amounts of time depending on which order they're done in, adding to the perception that there's a hidden "correct" way to play and choosing the wrong order means you get less content.


Aug 6, 2017
Hey, I am really happy that my last post started a controversial discussion here. This gives us a sign that there IS a real interest in this game. Now I want to give you some thoughts on your comments:

1. Playing two different MCs and switching between them: This is very difficult. I see that there are different views on this point. Some like the way it is, others want a son only game and still others want to play only the father. We could do this all in this game, but that would mean more or less creating three different games. If I understand Alex correctly the main focus is creating a story around the rivalry between father/son which means more "coexistence" than "cooperation". The switch between the MCs should be seen as a unique feature not as a burden. If I am honest I don't like the possibility to skip father's content, but Alex (the game creator) decided this way. But skipping content only means that you don't see some parts of the content, it doesn't mean that this content will not happen at all.
Let's look at the upcoming switch in v.0.5. As Alex told his patreons it will be an alternating switch during one game week (son = workdays, father = weekends). So why did we decide this way? First we thought about doing a hard switch as done before. But the problem was that we have a long running content for the son in v.0.4. There are some events (drinking game, Ala's friday night event) which took several game weeks to get all content. On the other hand there is a lot of time to bridge to get the next step of an event. The main story could be played in around two game weeks. Following this it seems logical to start father's next part earlier without losing son's content. The next father content will happening mostly at the weekend cottage which also confirms us in doing a weekly switch because we don't have to create additional content for father's weekdays. Now we have the ability to continue the main story and add additional content to both MCs to reduce grinding and getting the game less boring. This decision isn't meant to be everlasting. We had thought about switching the locations (son = weekend cottage, father = workdays) as well as getting back to "fulltime-MCs". All is possible.

2. Confusing gameplay: I can understand your points and we promise to improve. As I did the code review and the following rework of the already existing content I also wrote a story book which contains all events/scenes with its different outcomes. By doing this I recognized some "loose ends". For example let's look at son's first part. After doing the first photoshoot with Tasha at school we have to decide who care about the photo editing. In the rework of v.0.4 you will find now the continuation if you let Kevin do this. Or if you choose Alex (the son) to do the photo editing you will see what happened with the photos if he didn't gave them to David. This should give you an improved game play. But you have to understand that not every decision could lead to complete different game content. Some game creators choose the easy way and just give you a black screen telling you that you found "ending x" and have to replay again. We decided to follow a more ambitious way which means some decisions lead to miss some follow-up-content. But there are enough of side stories/events which are still playable. I will keep having an eye on that.
I think it is vital to understand how the implementation of new content has to work. For each new scene we have to decide in which "game state" this scene could start. That means we have to look at all possible ways how the player could get to the starting point of the scene. Then we have to decide if it makes sense to start the new scene under giving conditions. Conditions mean by this way not only earlier made decisions but also we have to keep in mind if the player decided to play some content at all. If we are sure that it makes sense to start the scene we now have to look if it is necessary to adjust the new scene to the given "game state". This could be done by adding/changing some explaining text lines, but also it could mean to add/cancel some parts of the scene.
At last we have to doublecheck the contrary way. Do we have continuation for all endings of the last release(s) and don't we have "loose ends".
You see, this gets more and more complex. For that reason there is only one main path by now (and no real son/father-only route). I couldn't tell you by now how the story will develop towards the endings. Alex could create endings out of the already existing main path, but it is also possible to end the main path at a certain state and continue with one more paths which consider the state of some side events.

Further we implemented some additional benefits. First we add location markers which shows a little character picture above the locations when this character is in this room. This should help to reduce unnecessarily searching for the next event. We also have now a constant display of the relationship/passion points. Besides that I improved the using of the background music (each active MC has now its own main theme which is only changed to special tunes for special events and sex scenes). By the way I will give you the file names of the mp3-files which makes it possible for you to change them into your favorite songs.

You can see that there is happening a lot. Stay tuned.


Engaged Member
May 8, 2017
Ok. That's sounds neat. Seems like no one will be dumped and you're trying to improve gaming experience as much as possible. I can easily take dad only for weekends if his content is good enough and fair when it comes to competition. I love you're trying to make decisions important like with Kevins and I hope you won't fail that (i wouldn't mind 3 side-competitor:p). I also hope that most crucial decisions when it comes to competition will be equal - son/dad can win Tasha exclusively. Like your ideas and I will totally check your next versions.


May 4, 2017
Hey, I am really happy that my last post started a controversial discussion here. This gives us a sign that there IS a real interest in this game. Now I want to give you some thoughts on your comments:

1. Playing two different MCs and switching between them: This is very difficult. I see that there are different views on this point. Some like the way it is, others want a son only game and still others want to play only the father. We could do this all in this game, but that would mean more or less creating three different games. If I understand Alex correctly the main focus is creating a story around the rivalry between father/son which means more "coexistence" than "cooperation". The switch between the MCs should be seen as a unique feature not as a burden. If I am honest I don't like the possibility to skip father's content, but Alex (the game creator) decided this way. But skipping content only means that you don't see some parts of the content, it doesn't mean that this content will not happen at all.
Let's look at the upcoming switch in v.0.5. As Alex told his patreons it will be an alternating switch during one game week (son = workdays, father = weekends). So why did we decide this way? First we thought about doing a hard switch as done before. But the problem was that we have a long running content for the son in v.0.4. There are some events (drinking game, Ala's friday night event) which took several game weeks to get all content. On the other hand there is a lot of time to bridge to get the next step of an event. The main story could be played in around two game weeks. Following this it seems logical to start father's next part earlier without losing son's content. The next father content will happening mostly at the weekend cottage which also confirms us in doing a weekly switch because we don't have to create additional content for father's weekdays. Now we have the ability to continue the main story and add additional content to both MCs to reduce grinding and getting the game less boring. This decision isn't meant to be everlasting. We had thought about switching the locations (son = weekend cottage, father = workdays) as well as getting back to "fulltime-MCs". All is possible.

2. Confusing gameplay: I can understand your points and we promise to improve. As I did the code review and the following rework of the already existing content I also wrote a story book which contains all events/scenes with its different outcomes. By doing this I recognized some "loose ends". For example let's look at son's first part. After doing the first photoshoot with Tasha at school we have to decide who care about the photo editing. In the rework of v.0.4 you will find now the continuation if you let Kevin do this. Or if you choose Alex (the son) to do the photo editing you will see what happened with the photos if he didn't gave them to David. This should give you an improved game play. But you have to understand that not every decision could lead to complete different game content. Some game creators choose the easy way and just give you a black screen telling you that you found "ending x" and have to replay again. We decided to follow a more ambitious way which means some decisions lead to miss some follow-up-content. But there are enough of side stories/events which are still playable. I will keep having an eye on that.
I think it is vital to understand how the implementation of new content has to work. For each new scene we have to decide in which "game state" this scene could start. That means we have to look at all possible ways how the player could get to the starting point of the scene. Then we have to decide if it makes sense to start the new scene under giving conditions. Conditions mean by this way not only earlier made decisions but also we have to keep in mind if the player decided to play some content at all. If we are sure that it makes sense to start the scene we now have to look if it is necessary to adjust the new scene to the given "game state". This could be done by adding/changing some explaining text lines, but also it could mean to add/cancel some parts of the scene.
At last we have to doublecheck the contrary way. Do we have continuation for all endings of the last release(s) and don't we have "loose ends".
You see, this gets more and more complex. For that reason there is only one main path by now (and no real son/father-only route). I couldn't tell you by now how the story will develop towards the endings. Alex could create endings out of the already existing main path, but it is also possible to end the main path at a certain state and continue with one more paths which consider the state of some side events.

Further we implemented some additional benefits. First we add location markers which shows a little character picture above the locations when this character is in this room. This should help to reduce unnecessarily searching for the next event. We also have now a constant display of the relationship/passion points. Besides that I improved the using of the background music (each active MC has now its own main theme which is only changed to special tunes for special events and sex scenes). By the way I will give you the file names of the mp3-files which makes it possible for you to change them into your favorite songs.

You can see that there is happening a lot. Stay tuned.
Your post here seems quite contradictory to the impression that the post that Alex himself has posted on Patreon with regards to the direction of the game gives. His post comes across as him realising that he's made a bit of a mistake with the creepy dad stuff and is cutting it back... Your post, well obviously it tells a much different story.

So I guess my question has to be, is what you wrote here your personal preference and what YOU would like to see happen, while not necessarily what Alex has planned to do? (since you already admitted you didn't want the dad crap to be skippable but that's what Alex did anyway)

Or is the post that Alex wrote on his Patreon just highly disingenuous?


Your post here seems quite contradictory to the impression that the post that Alex himself has posted on Patreon with regards to the direction of the game gives. His post comes across as him realising that he's made a bit of a mistake with the creepy dad stuff and is cutting it back... Your post, well obviously it tells a much different story.

So I guess my question has to be, is what you wrote here your personal preference and what YOU would like to see happen, while not necessarily what Alex has planned to do? (since you already admitted you didn't want the dad crap to be skippable but that's what Alex did anyway)

Or is the post that Alex wrote on his Patreon just highly disingenuous?
It might be both, make father less creepy = less people mind switching to him (in weekend)?


Engaged Member
May 8, 2017
Obviously emotional wishful misinterpretation. Texts don't contradict themselves as Alex didn't say anything he is accused of by this guy. Future updates will show it for sure and that's all we need.
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Aug 6, 2017
Your post here seems quite contradictory to the impression that the post that Alex himself has posted on Patreon with regards to the direction of the game gives. His post comes across as him realising that he's made a bit of a mistake with the creepy dad stuff and is cutting it back... Your post, well obviously it tells a much different story.

So I guess my question has to be, is what you wrote here your personal preference and what YOU would like to see happen, while not necessarily what Alex has planned to do? (since you already admitted you didn't want the dad crap to be skippable but that's what Alex did anyway)

Or is the post that Alex wrote on his Patreon just highly disingenuous?
Hmm. I am not sure if I understand you correctly. In my opinion we both told you more or less the same about upcoming content. After some weekends with David/Alex going to the cottage to finish the renovation, this work will be done and a new location is available. At this point Alex will stay at home at the weekends and David will go to the cottage and he won't go alone...
The player can choose on saturday morning if he wants to go with David or stay at home (= skip weekend).

If you understand Alex in that way that the whole David part (even the already existing stuff between game day 15 and 24) will be cut out or at least being skippable I can say that I don't have such an task from Alex.

But by now I could only assume what is your concern. Please be so kind and be a little bit more specific about your expectations regardind the playability of David.


May 4, 2017
I think I understand the situation a little better now.
You seem to be extremely pro-David, so unfortunately while you have a hand in this game and are able to direct it in any way this game is not going to be for me, or any of the many others who are very put-off by the NTR/Sharing/Cuckold sub-fetish that you seem to want to push.

It's a shame, but as I had already pretty much written this game off before I saw Alex's patreon post about cutting down on the David stuff, it's not a huge deal really.
Unless of course Alex has a very different vision for the game than you seem to want to push, and is unaware of the things you have been saying... I guess it'll just have to remain to be seen. I won't hold my breath though, it's a shame because the writing of this game had potential.

It'll never achieve the level of popularity Alex is hoping for though as long as it is mired down by this repugnant pro-Father POV switching mechanism.


Active Member
Sep 3, 2017
I still don't get how you can be so offended by this to the point of quitting the game... but it's okay for the MC (as Alex) to cuckold his own father...

I mean, it's fine to don't like something even when you are not making any sense about why...
But the later part of your message, that's not cool, man.

You are not trying to be helpful, not trying to make this a better game... you just want it to satisfy your specific fetishes.
Not only that, you are basically threatening them that if they don't do it, they are basically doomed.
And well... that's not true and you know it.
I mean, if you see the "popular games" section, you can say that incest = cash.
But Anna, Elena... corruption games are also popular and also make a great deal of money.
So, please, back off the tone just to push your own agenda down the dev's throat.


May 4, 2017
I still don't get how you can be so offended by this to the point of quitting the game... but it's okay for the MC (as Alex) to cuckold his own father...

I mean, it's fine to don't like something even when you are not making any sense about why...
But the later part of your message, that's not cool, man.

You are not trying to be helpful, not trying to make this a better game... you just want it to satisfy your specific fetishes.
Not only that, you are basically threatening them that if they don't do it, they are basically doomed.
And well... that's not true and you know it.
I mean, if you see the "popular games" section, you can say that incest = cash.
But Anna, Elena... corruption games are also popular and also make a great deal of money.
So, please, back off the tone just to push your own agenda down the dev's throat.
The point was that I 'thought' Alex was trying to make this a better game...
Then me being disappointed that if what Abi is saying is true, this is obviously not the case.
If you don't like the 'tone' of my post then that's on you. I have no control (or care) about how you interpret my messages. Especially since it wasn't directed at you whatsoever. lmfao

If it makes you feel better, I'll likely be un-watching this thread and un-following on patreon if Alex confirms that what Abi said is true though, so yay for you. ;)


Engaged Member
May 8, 2017
I've played 1 versions of API and talked with Alex back then. Dad was his idea. 2 MCs are tricky and they're for sure not anything that can make patrons quit if they're done well. Looking how almost every game with NTR is growing fast right now it's nothing to be afraid of when it comes to money. Actually it seems like another common thing as so many devs consider it so it's not a fluctuation anymore. 3-4 anti-ntr crusaders on a forum ain't really the most logical bunch and dev should focus on his game and ideas.
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Engaged Member
May 8, 2017
Wait a minute if dad was the idea why we play with Alex then?Isn't this just waste of resources?
Cuz he's an idea as well. Competition. In first versions Alex was the only MC and Dad was an Eric figure in house. In that sense he was stronger as we didn't see everything. But whole competition is a main reason for this game. If you can pick your MC and achieve whatever it's obviously good. It's all about how well and consistently it's introduced
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3.10 star(s) 20 Votes