I really love this game, it was the first (and only) game I've ever supported on patreon. It was after I played 0.2 and saw Jess, i guess. (Unfortunately only 10 bucks a motnh.) Later, I had some issues with my card after 0.5 and have to cancel my subscription. But to be honest after I played 0.5 I was kinda dissapointed and decided to wait for a moment to continue supporting him on patreon, even after i fixed the issue with my card. And I really am not sure if I want to or not. I'm definitely not enthusiastic as I was at the beginning. It's still my favorite but, I was expecting more content from t4bbo, after he reached his biggest milestone to be honest. Don't get me wrong I'm not threatening you guys, saying I won't support the game because of the last content or something, it's only 10$ in the end. It's just the view from an ex-patron. I also remember something about releasing new updates same day every month, so I was expecting the update to be on somewhere around 10-15th, but seeing it was going to be after an extra 10 days, I was even more hyped to expect more content. It was still more than 0.5, but at least I would expect to end day 7 in someway. In general the lenght was "okay" I guess. Neither too short to rage, nor too long to be amazed, in my opinion.
On the other hand, I'm really glad of his progress on his renders. They are pretty much amazing right now. I feel like he has got much better with handling the ligthning. The language seems better in comparision with the earlier releases. There are still some simple errors I see, but I'm not good at English, so I may be wrong. Story-wise; it seems all good for now and I'm sure you guys have something already on your mind, so I trust you
Sorry if this was too long, just wanted to throw my two cents about my favorite game

Keep it up, good luck!