unofficial one is in the op and the official one is not out yetLink for android v0.15 ?????
Ok thanks youunofficial one is in the op and the official one is not out yet
Is the link being updated?Per request, here is my unofficial android port of Bad Bobby Saga - v0.15 (Taboo Edition) + D.S.-sama Mod
Let me know if you find any problem.
You can request me any game you want. I will try my best.
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You canYou must be registered to see the linksif you want.
yes. fixing some errorsIs the link being updated?
When it's done. No one here knows, when what will happen in the future.when the new updated coming?
i guess you right thanksWhen it's done. No one here knows, when what will happen in the future.
Last update was on Feb 29, now we are %70 at April 29. If 60 day is %70. %100 is about 85 day. So game is probably going to be realased around 20 May - 1 JuneWhen it's done. No one here knows, when what will happen in the future.
and you did include into that calculation a well-known "rainces uncertainty" factor?Last update was on Feb 29, now we are %70 at April 29. If 60 day is %70. %100 is about 85 day. So game is probably going to realase around 20 May - 1 June
Rainces said that he was focusing in smaller updates this time, lest he have the same fate as before (very huge delays).I hope that we will get all characters story updated not only Jenny
That mothercraker in nightclub was so fucking loser dude hahah, with all that he'll be fucked worse...Now i remember Bobby did cum in Lucy's pussy, didn't he? Hahaha, and if i'm not mistaken nobody talk about that, right?
She'll be like "why i did not have my period yet? I guess my hormones are tricking my body..." Damn Bobby, when she is going to the Hospital, u fucked hahaha. Bobby is just going to say when she asked him "I tought you were virgin Lucy!!! So you were always a bitch ha, and you asking me, wtf!!!" (she will be answer to that sentence very feriously, probably with a big slap), Bobby is just gonna say "Ok ok calm down! Although, i'm just thinking... You know, probably that motherfucker in the Night Club is impregnate you (he is gonna stop gonna few second and then), i'm gonna kill him Lucy!!!!" and after that, Bobby is gonna beat that loser then Lucy will be in big debt to Bobby.