
Active Member
Jul 9, 2017
Anyone have a walkthrough of this mess of a game? A real walkthrough, the one in the main page is the walkthrough for the old game, not this remake...


May 31, 2017
Anyone have a walkthrough of this mess of a game? A real walkthrough, the one in the main page is the walkthrough for the old game, not this remake...

Just the same but higher food drain, more fame lost. Have fun... And dont go to lady x for money you lost now every time 100 fame it doesnt care which card you have now.

if the next game update brings better mechanic in the game i will write down a new walkthrough. But currently its a waste of time.
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Active Member
Jul 9, 2017

Just the same but higher food drain, more fame lost. Have fun... And dont go to lady x for money you lost now every time 100 fame it doesnt care which card you have now.

if the next game update brings better mechanic in the game i will write down a new walkthrough. But currently its a waste of time.


Jan 23, 2018
So update here is how you get all new quest

Mary the mechanic
1: to trigger her new quest go to gas station let the scenes play.
2: after that next day go to your car wash and use the option to do maintenance mary will come and after that talk to her when she is in the chair let the scene play.
3: again go back to the gas station and let the new scene play.
4: go back to the car washyou need to have 30k cash btw and repeat what you did in step 2 let the scene play.
5: go to the mall and let the scene play enjoy after that is just buy her what she ask for and thats it you can have sex with her at work and at you house.

New Slave Jaye

1: you meet her first time when she's been bullying in the school and you save her.
2: after that go and talk to Elisa in school at the usual spot.
3: next day in school go to the garden save Jaye again.
4: go and talk to lady Victoria about Jaye.
5: talk to Morgana she is the warrior in the first floor of lady Victoria building far right have the money to buy Jaye.
6: Go back to your house let the scene play after this you can ahve sex with her like you other slaves buy her a swimsuit and enjoy.
how to unlock carwash sex with mary?


Active Member
Jul 9, 2017
Okay i will write down here in that post a small walkthrough how i go through the game. So if something is missing just write it.

So one thing for every day in the game, if you are going to class, stay at class and befor the class ends. For example -> the class ends quitly. Save the game, because you get a random result of public event or what ever (Doesnt make any sence at the game)
So you can get money and reputation or you can loose it. So you can load if you get an negativ event result -5000$ for example.
Each Morning take the Workout routine with Sophie to raise your strength. You need at last for the complete current quests 3000 strength!
You need 1000 Knowledge for the Girlfriend-Quest with Carol. Well iam not sure how much Knowledge you need to pass the exam but its also important to pass them. I think you will loose the game if you fail the exam 2 times and you cannot continue with carol quest if you dont pass the exam.
When you start exploring the cave do not sell the leather, you need 1000 leather for the Girlfriend-Quest with Elena!

First comes ... the intro.
After that continue to the next day at school. Then comes the Scene with Keo then check out every part in the school and then go to the director.
After that leave the place and continue the scene at church and go at home, do your homework until bedtime (Important raise your knowlede at the beginning of the game that you will pass the exam that comes at every end of a month. Dont waste time at cave or something else until you pass the first exam!!!!)
At bedtime dont go sleep, move to the kitchen and then to Sophies Bedroom, you will get a scene. Next day should come the sceen with keos mother and olivas sex scene if you go to the director office.
After that go home and then to the maid guild to talk with sophies aunt and to get a job in the pizza diner.
Oh and dont forget to talk with the director about the clubhouse on the next day.
You should do homework more then working at the pizza diner. Make enough money to get the dress for the ceremony with Sophie that open the cave exploring, mining and leveling of Sophie. I explain you something later to this.

My tip at the first month use the trigger events after class to get money(1000-5000). So you can buy energy for your car at the fuel station if needed for 300$ and you can save money for potions and 10000 for the fitnesscenter quest later.

After a week you should get your new girlfriend that can be come to your home and help you with the quests and can be stay over night. (Sexscene is random, save and load if you want to have it).

On next day or some more days a new event will come to you after class continue until you have the meeting. Iam not sure what kind of answers i give. But i think it was truth, truth, lie. That should boost your speech +500, its long time ago so you should save and test it. Congratulation you are now a Master of two happy slaves. Wow
Okay for someone who had problems to find your girlfriends, she stays in the area of the director office, but well there is a problem that keo is seen everywhere -.- really?!

Well to solve that problem and to use your slaves as promotion to get more popularity(i dont know for what). You entry the director hall and leave it and you repeat it until the sceen switch and you see your girlfriend is there and not keo. Yeah thats really fucking me up, one of these mechanics that really fuck up the player.

So at first you can use your slaves 2 times each week, so do it. For your coming grindingsport your should start in the next week with follow routine, monday let then have there beauty treatment and use them on tue and wednesday. After that go home, you will see later why its been better so.
Dont let your girlfriend coming to your home, or you cannot do the morningworkout with Sophie in the morning!!!
After using here go to Olivia you will get a scene and go to the schoolpark to continue and to understand the situation of rebel state and the open the second job possibility the spa... .
After that sceen go home raise up your knowledge. If you got the ceremony with sophie and get the options for exploring you should visit on wednesday Karmen in the City and follow the quest until you can buy equipment and grocerys.

She is later important for Elena Quest for the campingequip. She sells the healthpotions for 50$ her Sister at the fuel stations want 80$ and you can buy different gifts that is currently not really usefull at the moment, only if you want to repeat over and over and over and over again the same stupid quest with Keo in the school where you can get popularity and loose money by that. -> Have fun(sarcasm) <-

Okay now you should have the following daily routine -> Stand up, got to the bathroom (if you get the spying option you can spy one time and not anymore, cancel it until you come to the bathroom do the speech option to get +50 speech)
Then go to kitchen and do your morningworkout with Sophie. Go to school and class, save befor the class ends. On Monday pay the beauty treatment for your slaves 200$, use them on tue and wednesday. (To see your girlfriend you know now what is to do) Go home, get fuel for the car if its been low. Raise your knowledge and go sleep. After that first month i got over 46000$ just because that events. After you have pass the first exam then you should continue.

First go to the governant area and speak with lady victoria to get the mainquests. You start and will never end with the spiderquest.

The dailyroutine will now expand like this:
Stand up, got to the bathroom (if you get the spying option you can spy one time and not anymore, cancel it until you come to the bathroom do the speech option to get +50 speech)
Then go to kitchen and do your morningworkout with Sophie. Go to school and class, save befor the class ends. On Monday pay the beauty treatment for your slaves 200$, Leave the school, go to governant area go to lady Victorias Assistant to get the new spiderquest. Go to fuel station to get some pickaxes and healthpotions and to be sure you have enough energy for the car and EAT there to fill up your food reserve. Then go to the cave and do your work there. After that go home and do homework or work in spa, but becarful check out that you have enough food reserves or you starve and that can be a dead end ( there you get the scene for massage only one time and olivas quest will end there).

My tip at the start with the cave. At the beginning Sophie is a laming duck so she get alot of dmg, dont use the potions inside of the fight it is useless, because the monster does more dmg then the potion will heal. So move along until you reach the first area, take the right arrow path to the first miningspot and kill the spiders on that way. Heal Sophie only after that fights. For mining my tip save befor you mine it to get a better result. The right spot is been the best result 3xgold, the second is 1 ruby or 5xsilver. But money later in that game is not really a problem. then leave the cave. You need 20 foodreserve from the first great area to the entry of the cave. So later if sophie got more levels you will see that she can kill spiders and snakes by one hit.
At level 7-8 you can start to go the left way too, to go the the second miningspot -> Best result is 1x diamond, second is 5xgold or 3xrubys. You need 1 diamond to get the platin card at beach, dont get that you will get really angry if you do it, because you loose everytime a lot of fame for entry.

You should continue the dailyroutine until you arrive the 3000 strength, then Sophie should be lvl 25+ and you got a lot of money and fame and 1000 leather. So continue the mainstory until you must go to the cemetry. DONT go inside yet. Do the deliveryjob where you meet the gymtrainer and resque the girl in the cave and kill the bug for here. (The Girl-Quest for the libarian end there)
Next day Sophie and Player will see in a scene where they spot the gym. After that go to the gym and talk to the Trainergirl. Next day Talk again to her you have the 3000 and she deny your request but dont worry your gymteacher of the school will help you, she will sit inside of the gym just speak to her and the gymstory continue. Well you need 10000$ to get the gym, well should be not really a problem.
I have just do my dailyroutine and had start the Girlfriendquest with Elena and Carol until i own the gym then i had start with the cemetry. Because after that you get +50 strength at each morning workout. If you own the gym you can go to mall and speak to Willow she will be your second bedtimegirl.

Well thats all in the moment, just do the girlfriendquest for Elena and Carol and if you want farm Fame, you should use Red in the cemetry to get it faster. For every move there you loose 5 strength but no foodreserve. So you can kill the 5 spiders there and repeat until you got your fame. The Fame is currently only needed if you want to have the sexscene with the model in fitnesscenter. The Scene is also buggy because its comes up in night or morning and doesnt make any sence there, well the game is really a fest of bugs.

Sexscene with the surfergirls can be get at beach in the dressingroom, but you need enough points of speech or knowledge. Lady X if you talk to the bargirl and pay the 5000. She is there every sunday.
Well i think thats all at the moment. Or the punishment if you leave the class early and Kathrine will punish you :p
Oh and you can now do what everything you want. for example invite your girlfriend from school and willow then you can get a threesome at bedtime. Or bang keo in the bathroom in the school again.

I forgot yes there some scene there like in the schoolpark with sophie and you will get a new name after you bring 20 glasswalls to oliva, but thats only just some scene that not continue.

I hope that helps you now to come along with that game.
What new girlfriend is supposed to come after a week? She never appears in my game
Also, the principal seems to be bugged, i cant talk to her about the club, and i never saw her scene with Oliva.


May 31, 2017
What new girlfriend is supposed to come after a week? She never appears in my game
Also, the principal seems to be bugged, i cant talk to her about the club, and i never saw her scene with Oliva.
Yes thats comes by the questline now, you must finish rescueing the libarian first. Then you can get her. The Spot with exploring and director is bugged. Because the developer has done some changes but not check for bugs at that point.

But you can just continue without eline first, its better to get more money and fame first. I had no problem with that not to have the slaves first. I have farm fame to upgrade the beach bar membercard. Thats was long enough, later i see that you can buy the carwash if your membercard is upgraded. Some of these changes just to see some scenes. The Carwash is complete usless in my opinion, but well you can see some scenes and lost money for that.

Your only purpose in that game is to do the same farmroute every fucking ingame day to get some money and fame to get some new scenes of some characters and later in the game if you have the defend slave and the gym you will see that every bad event of damaging your gym cost you fame.

At that point i can understand when player use cheats. Because the complete system is cruel.

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Active Member
Jul 9, 2017
Yes thats comes by the questline now, you must finish rescueing the libarian first. Then you can get her. The Spot with exploring and director is bugged. Because the developer has done some changes but not check for bugs at that point.

But you can just continue without eline first, its better to get more money and fame first. I had no problem with that not to have the slaves first. I have farm fame to upgrade the beach bar membercard. Thats was long enough, later i see that you can buy the carwash if your membercard is upgraded. Some of these changes just to see some scenes. The Carwash is complete usless in my opinion, but well you can see some scenes and lost money for that.

Your only purpose in that game is to do the same farmroute every fucking ingame day to get some money and fame to get some new scenes of some characters and later in the game if you have the defend slave and the gym you will see that every bad event of damaging your gym cost you fame.

At that point i can understand when player use cheats. Because the complete system is cruel.

Thank you very much! I wouldnt called it cruel, i would call it badly made and unfair. Dark souls is cruel, this is more a unfair platformer level.


New Member
Jun 7, 2019
After talking with Mary at car wash and she leaves then you chase her give money watch scene go to mall talk with Adal punish her watch go home to garage show Mary her new home she needs sleep wear you go back to the mall she try's some clothes then your asked if May can work as a model game crashes. I cant skip cant reload nothing I have to force turn off application
same here.


May 4, 2019
The game crashes whenever i enter washroom in school (android) any solution for this ?
How to collect all signature for elisa?
How to buy gym?
How to find compass?
Iam stuck


May 31, 2017
The game crashes whenever i enter washroom in school (android) any solution for this ?
How to collect all signature for elisa?
How to buy gym?
How to find compass?
Iam stuck
crash could be by using android. Gym can be buyed if you have encouter the advertisment and reach 3000 strength. Compass did not exist in the game. You cant collect all siganture for clubhouse.Clubhouse does not exist.
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