Developer has never even played a half assed ressource management ero-game or play tested his own game.
The Grind is so insanely ridiculous and it breaks the game.
Even after taking the +50 breakfast the MC will drop unconscious if he tries to talk to any of his three room-mates on day one and visit the principal, which means the first quest need three days to complete minimum. The breakdown will in turn skip the event that leads to the sophie quest line every time.
The car battery breaks down several times a week.
There are several million people on this planet, who walk to school without breakfast and back, who never collapse due to acute starvation.
Millions of people drive to work every day for years without their car battery breaking down twice a week.
Random even eat away your money. After playing 4 weeks i had -8000 cash due to a 2*1000 and a 7000 fine, even though i was given another 1000. These mechanics are insane unless the character makes 1000 bucks a day you cannot fine him 1000 bucks a week in fines wtf?
Screw that entire mechanic and pay rent/upkeep every sunday, done.
I cheated my food stamina and car energy to constantly be max and i am thinking of improving the study, food and fitness gain gain by factor 10 at least.
The required study points to date the smart girl require you to constantly study for 3-4 weeks. Even after getting the coed slut which pushes your study output to 20 points a day you need 2 weeks for anything.
Stepping outside your door will drain your car battery wtf?? even if you do not drive anywhere???
I played the game for 6 weeks and my popularity was 50. Where the hack are the clear mechanics to increase resource points? If you wanna be 'superpowered' fucking copy and paste, not just take a dump and call it done.
Quest log is in portuguese and not working, maps are shit-crazy huge, it takes a dozen clicks to go from point A to point B and better pray you do not need to go to C. With three constant grind mechanics (food, money and battery), your character can do nothing and go nowhere. But hey if your maid gets knocked out in the treasure dungeon its game over?? YAY! WTF.
Ero scenes cannot be skipped but happen so often, that they are boring you to death.
This game is a mess and an insult to every player, given that it has been years in development now. Just write a fucking kinetic novel.