Create your AI Cum Slut for Valentine’s Day 60% OFF Now


Game Developer
Nov 5, 2018
As promised there has been a rollback of features available inside the demo version of the game. Sex content outside of battles (that should includes ALL closeups now) are now patron exclusive.. I'm cautious/wary that this might have the potential for breakage/errors etc, but I'm always open to feedback and input, as per usual.

>Fixed small segment of code that was possibly preventing the decrease of lust whilst battlefucking
>Enemies in the bandit dungeon should now respawn incrementally each time you leave the dungeon before beating Jeren in her sanctum
>Slightly edited the code for Lust gains increases/decreases, it now should no longer end with a decimal place, unless this has been superceded by the engine.
>General tidy-up of the plugins
>Kelpvale tour guide will now no longer point you in the *opposite* direction(west) in order to access the undercaverns
>Overhauled exp boost items and made them accessible from shops
>Changed coin pouch Item into "Loot Bags". Loot bags provide the player with a roll which grants the player an opportunity to acquire potions, coins and resurrection items in the field from a single item rather than just a random amount of coins (though the old coin bag is still a RNG drop from the bag itself as well).
>Characters being battlefucked should now no longer be able to evade
>Fixed Faulty lighting in initial bandit cave
>Overhauled Health Potions
>Fixed Bandit Recruitment in prison
>Fixed Missing Jenele Boss Fights in the prison levels

As previously stated I've removed all of *MY* links to the older files.


Game Developer
Nov 5, 2018
sirherpofderpshire I went over your list today..

Depending on the postion in the party (1, 2, 3, 4, or 5), Yrhilde may or may not get all of her healing from group heal.
(Increased the radius of the skill, but no guarantee that this will fix the issue.)
Small heal is kinda useless. There's no advantage to using it over the group heal since it heals everybody for more than the single use of small heal
Slightly raised the amount, but group heal was always going to be preferable, small heal is for emergency use/when someone is getting focused.
Doing a dive kick with Uyhito resulted in her always starting close range in every fight afterwards
Intentional - The player needs to change her formation back manually after she performs this.
Enemies should have an agility debuff while receiving
(Should be) DONE. Turned off the evasion rate for characters undergoing sex acts. It was strange because Agility was already being set to * 0, so I don't know how an enemy would be able to evade
Had a crash to desktop after coming out of the screen for "relieve lust" and getting attacked by a bandit right after
Engine side.. if there is no Error message then it is 95% chance out of my hands I'm sorry to say
Maybe have bandits respawn upon exit of undercaverns? Gets kind of tedious
Roaming bandits will detect you through walls instead of line of sight
I think some RPGMaker games have this but I can't remember managing to incorporate it without the game crashing.
Can't put on armour I pick up during story mode. All the armour slots are greyed out
??? Didn't have a chance to look at this, first time hearing of this issue
Crash to desktop while scrolling through characters to equip to outside of my party. Can't replicate
Engine side.. if there is no Error message then it is 95% chance out of my hands I'm sorry to say
Does agility determine hit accuracy? I gave Kira a weapon that dropped her agility and she couldn't hit shit anymore. RNG maybe?
It SHOULDN'T. I've rigged it specifically so that agility doesn't affect hit chance, but the engine might've gone over my head again
Have yet to find an item that can be equipped as a trinket
No container or shop drops them yet as far as I'm aware
Fucking allies and enemies doesn't really seem to reduce lust. The receiver losees some but it seems like the giver doesn't really
found an error in the syntax of one of my codes.. Might be fixed now.
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Mustang Flex

Oct 24, 2017
Reading through this thread has been...a bit of a journey to say the least. On one hand, the near constant attention the game's received in terms of bugfixes indicates that you're fourth attempt at making a game, even if it runs into some massive problem and you have to start over again, will at least have better odds. But, the idea of expecting people to pony up cash to play slightly more of a game that's already dead boggles my fucking mind. (Bit of an aside, why's it always the devs who upload to this site themselves the ones who do this grift?)

At least the game itself checks off a fair few of my boxes. So hey, maybe the thread for when round 4 comes around will be worth watching.


Game Developer
Nov 5, 2018
Reading through this thread has been...a bit of a journey to say the least. On one hand, the near constant attention the game's received in terms of bugfixes indicates that you're fourth attempt at making a game, even if it runs into some massive problem and you have to start over again, will at least have better odds.
Thanks. Better odds?? I'll have abandoned RPGMAKER as an engine by then so better odds of being generally better I suppose!
But, the idea of expecting people to pony up cash to play slightly more of a game that's already dead boggles my fucking mind.
Once the game achieved stability, it was always my intention to recoup on my initial decision to lock down on features in the playable demo.. Admittedly, release of all sex features and most content in the demo was an oversight, but it helped me pick up many errors and issues with the game thanks to feedback, so for that I am indeed grateful. Already Dead?? What?? I released an update today, what in the ---...? It's only *done* per-se when it's been superseded by the Unity version. The RPGMaker version will be superseded, and development will cease on it in favor of the newer version on the newer engine. Boggles your mind does it?? I'm not sure why.
(Bit of an aside, why's it always the devs who upload to this site themselves the ones who do this grift?)
Publicity, honestly. Also, I don't quite understand your intonation.. "Grifting"?? Makes me sound like some kind of high street busker! This was always going to be a crowdfunded idea.. I'm not sure where you're coming from there.
At least the game itself checks off a fair few of my boxes. So hey, maybe the thread for when round 4 comes around will be worth watching.
Make sure you bring plenty of popcorn!
Last edited:


Mar 22, 2018
As promised there has been a rollback of features available inside the demo version of the game. Sex content outside of battles (that should includes ALL closeups now) are now patron exclusive.. I'm cautious/wary that this might have the potential for breakage/errors etc, but I'm always open to feedback and input, as per usual.

If you're uploading newer versions, can you also upload an updated Animations file with the toned down ones like you had done a couple versions ago? Those kept the game more stable.


Game Developer
Nov 5, 2018
If you're uploading newer versions, can you also upload an updated Animations file with the toned down ones like you had done a couple versions ago? Those kept the game more stable.
This one is the latest just place it in Battletits/data and overwrite the existing file


Game Developer
Nov 5, 2018
Yeah Im usually very forgiving on this stuff but removing content from a demo that was already riddled with bugs and other issues is a dick move. Its way too early for that, sort out the performance issues and bugs before you make such changes.
I waited for about 2-3 days before making this change, collecting error reports on the fly.. There was relative radio silence on that front for a few days, with the exception of sirherpofderpshire's posts, which read more like gameplay issues. If there are any bugs I didn't already pick up people can tell me and I will always do my best to fix them.

Just to clarify, if there are *still* issues, please post them here or on Patreon, I can't pick up all of these myself, especially when I'm intending to spend more time working with Unity now.. I scanned the thread over the weekend and saw nothing.

Content was removed, but honestly, it was never supposed to be there in the first place and adding it in the first place was an oversight, but one that did help me to pick up the majority of the game breaking stuff. I can't spend too much time fixing the RPGMaker version though as some issues are engine side, and outside of the zone of my development control.

As for performance, I've done more or less everything I feel I can do my end within the scope of the engine, that's why I wanted to switch to a new one, and why I always wanted to switch to a new one but couldn't/didn't because of a lack of prior knowledge of game design/development and code.. I wouldn't just make this decision on the fly.
During the sex in the battles will they always stay on each side and not physically touch or later will you make it so they are actually having sex?
That's a planned feature in the Unity version, I tried to implement this in RPGMaker a while back but it just proved impossible. I always had to compromise with the engine from day one, as bad as that sounds it's the truth.
is this animated ?
Yes, all scenes are animated, combat is animated, etc.
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Aug 18, 2020
When you move to unity is it still going to be an arrow key movement type of game or will be able to do everything with the mouse?
Also the combat looks like it has way too many options, or I might just be a little overwhelmed by all the options, maybe weaken the enemy first before you're able to do any of the sex options?


Game Developer
Nov 5, 2018
When you move to unity is it still going to be an arrow key movement type of game or will be able to do everything with the mouse?
Right now Unity works with WASD and Arrow keys as the inputs for player movement. Mouse click movement might be a bit more advanced unless people don't mind shit paving/hold click to move.. The latter could be quite interesting actually.
Also the combat looks like it has way too many options, or I might just be a little overwhelmed by all the options, maybe weaken the enemy first before you're able to do any of the sex options?
That's an interesting idea, working outside of the confines of RPGMaker with all this sex stuff will be interesting for sure either way. It would negate the need for a grapple system entirely perhaps, but we'll see how we get on.


Mar 22, 2018
Anyone have a copy of the previous version from before it got gutted? More stability is nice but not necessarily worth the drastic loss in content.


Aug 18, 2020
Right now Unity works with WASD and Arrow keys as the inputs for player movement. Mouse click movement might be a bit more advanced unless people don't mind shit paving/hold click to move.. The latter could be quite interesting actually.

That's an interesting idea, working outside of the confines of RPGMaker with all this sex stuff will be interesting for sure either way. It would negate the need for a grapple system entirely perhaps, but we'll see how we get on.
Glad your moving away from RPGMaker never was a fan.
Yeah something to keep it simple like skip, attack, block and some sexy taunt to raise a gauge, but also be able to have deep combat would be great like all the sex stuff and cum attacks you did already, maybe they unlock new sex moves while they level up or make it like a dice roll system and raising the chance to fuck the enemy or get fucked is a % and a horny gauge or something raises that chance etc.


Game Developer
Nov 5, 2018
Glad your moving away from RPGMaker never was a fan.
Yeah something to keep it simple like skip, attack, block and some sexy taunt to raise a gauge, but also be able to have deep combat would be great like all the sex stuff and cum attacks you did already, maybe they unlock new sex moves while they level up or make it like a dice roll system and raising the chance to fuck the enemy or get fucked is a % and a horny gauge or something raises that chance etc.
I'm just working on the bare essentials for the moment like camera, movement, collisions, environment etc, but I am definitely glad to be leaving RPGMAKER behind as well since Unity seems to be better optimised, offer MUCH more in terms of freedom, and is essentially as stable as the code you put in, from what I've seen thus far.. Lately I've been working on animated grass, should have a video of that up soon -- The idea is that the environments and surroundings look very engaging too, so as to further incentivize the desire to fuck in them :LOL:

I've got a lot of ideas on the table, but I'm thinking of a much more personalized journey thus far, especially in the early iterations since a huge sweeping storyline is good and all but I have a fair few other ideas in terms of content for the time being.

I like your ideas, any concepts to improve on the already dated feel to the battle system in RPGMaker is fine by me; it's clunky and I had to do too many workarounds to complete a COMPROMISE on what I initially wanted to make :LOL:
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Game Developer
Nov 5, 2018

New footage from Unity build!

Sorry If it seems like I'm kind of rushing around in the video, I was just so excited about my animated grass! I felt like a giddy youngster just running around in that virtual grass :LOL: I also have collisions now, and the reactive animated grass of course. If it seems like the player is running around too fast, I think that's because previously I had the idea that the player would need to cover a lot of ground more quickly but now I'm not sure what the right approach would be; I'd much rather have fewer spaces with lots of activity than huge empty spaces of nothing -- the reverse would be true only if it's interesting nothing :LOL:

Let me know what you think, thoughts and feelings as always! Hope everyone is doing okay regardless :giggle:
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