zyzonia So far i like it, there are some issues with misspellings and the text indicating the wrong person and if its them speaking or their thoughts, also when the PA is waking up the MC it says Protagonist!!!! instead of the MC name. Other then that the renders are great and so are the animations. I noticed you talking about a darker path/patch and it piqued my interest, would you be releasing this as well possibly?
As far as the stats some explanation is needed i think, such as Dominance Hero, from what i get so far the negative is for the MC being the Dom and positive being sub to the NPC, i think it might be better set as separate counters so like one being Sub to Hero and the other being Dom to Hero to clarify it. Having both Like and Love stats separate seems a bit redundant, having just one stat in my mind makes more sense since you only have Hate as the opposing stat. Also doing single stats eliminates the need to do +/- points and can be a simple counter, for scenes its then just a matter of if Dom>Sub then Dom scene/text else Sub scene/text or if they are => a specific value you can give both options for the player to choose from.
Also as far as the MCs phone, if the Dad is the antagonist then wouldnt it be better for the story if he took it from the MC when he kicked the MC out? There is no indication that the MCs belongings were sent to the house prior to his arrival and no mention of them being shipped to him so it would fit that the Dad took the MCs phone which would also explain the PA knowing he didnt have one and giving him a new one.
I've gone as far as on "my" way to the university/institution on day 1 (if arriving to the house is day 0) and clearly a proofreader is needed very badly (I've seen at least two users offering their proofreading services for free). So many your/you're (my pet peeve) used in a wrong place. "Your" means you own something or it belongs to you such as your house, your car, your arm your eyes. "You're" is simply a so-called short form of "you are" such as you're a human. I think it doesn't matter if you either are or are not a native English speaker, every developer should have multiple pairs of eyes to read the script in any case to have it in as good quality as possible. Also, some tags are wrong: thoughts instead of MC saying something and vice versa.
I don't like the phone appearing in the top left corner before MC got a phone. Also, girls' stats give a lot of spoilers. Even knowing about Jennifer, Lilly, Lisa and Ashley on day 0 is too much. They should be unlocked with the story, and certainly I shouldn't know how many times each one has been pregnant! Wow, Lilly is 18 and has been pregnant twice...
And playing on...
Lilly introduced herself as Britney? Tag "Lilly POV" why should I know what she thinks? I didn't choose to be naïve but this MC is very naïve because he told Lilly/Britney that he has a pa (why not in caps PA?) who told him to do something. After the sex scene MC said "cya Lilly" but earlier she introduced herself as Britney. "peopel" -> "people". Yes, a proofreader is needed.
Other path not accepting to help Britney/Lilly: of course MC forgot Adrianna (or Adriana, according to Lisa?) told him that the principal is a female. When meeting Lisa MC asked for "him" instead of "her". Why the story doesn't flow into meeting with Lisa after boning "Britney"?
Lilly "go along" scene has a render from the evening of day 0 with Adrianna when the line "OHH! Wow! you're a big boy aren't you?" appears. Lilly's sex stats didn't seem to update. Actually, her stats didn't go anywhere regardless if I resisted her or not or creampied her or not. I revisited the day 0 with Adrianna and found out that her sex stats didn't update either.
I completely agree with you on not trusting her, I don't know if she's controlled by father or maybe has her own agenda (hopefully the latter), but I don't find her trustworthy either. That being said, it's a game and I like seeing different scenarios unfolding with different options so I wouldn't mind trying one (maybe "non-canonical") playthrough where MC falls under her control.
Where does that two years come from? My math says that September 2019 was 9 months ago. That's when the thread (and dev's Patreon) was created. If you are/were one of his/her supporters in Patreon you're titled a question like that. But then you would had sent him a private message in Patreon so I assume you're just for a free ride like me.
Seems like some people prioritize real life stuff over hobbies. If you had bothered to click on the link to Patreon you could have seen this:
Some of my thoughts:
First off the language needs to be tightened. There are some misspelled words and incorrect phrases that should be quick to fix. Secondly, give the player more choices to make, they don't have to affect anything important but it will help the player feel more engaged with the story if they get to make a decision or two instead of reading a wall of text. Otherwise I am interested in the story, it has a good setup (even though I would like to toss the PA out the door), wish it didn't end in the middle of the day but that's a personal preference. Instead of labeling a character's thoughts as "Lily's POV" I'd suggest changing it to "Lily's thoughts", it's more the standard in these games and it "feels" better.
One thing I noticed is Lily introduces herself as Britney but then is referred to by the principal and is labelled as Lily.
Otherwise, it was a fun intro and I look forward to seeing more of the game soon!
Thanks for the feedback, I will definitely go back and fix the bugs you speak of. As for more choices to keep the player entertained. I can certainly try and fit in a bit more but I have always hated empty choices that dident do anything, and I strive to have as few of those as possible. But yes, I can definitely try to have more input from players instead of a wall of text.
That was perfectly fine answer to me You certainly piqued my curiosity with extensive BDSM content in the future. The one thing I'd like to suggest is giving more freedom to the player. During the encounter with the PA I felt few times that after some portion of the dialogue I'll have an option to choose my answer, but nothing as such happened; also having the possibility - depending on the conversation/player's actions - where she doesn't allow MC to cum would be interesting imo (it could be followed with some additional short talk where the player would establish how the MC feels about that, which in turn would influence dom/sub and possibly some other stats).
Thank you.
At some point in the game that may/might happen, not impossible. The game will explore the trust that a relationship naturally has as well as the power aspect. I am going to keep your suggestion in the back of my mind for future updates.
From visual standpoint game looks really good, animation is solid and fluid, characters well made as well.
I'm very interested into BDSM/Femdom spectrum of gameplay. So far looks promising, you got my attantion and 2$
Keep it up!
I'm the opposite end of the spectrum, I don't have any interest in BDSM with the PA; I'd rather throw her out and hire someone else since the MC doesn't know if he can really trust anyone hired for him by his father. Especially someone who is living in the house before he gets there, knows everything about what is going on, but yet the MC wasn't made aware of until he walked in the house.
I actually turned down all sex so far because I didn't care for Adriana or the gold digger Lily/Britney. But I am sure that I am alone in doing that.
Thank you so much!!!!!
I am going to put this on the front page with a link to your patreon to make sure that the people know where this is coming from. You made me and some players very happy with that port.
While I cannot comment on the previous builds of this game since i have not played them, if this release was a return to the market you have done a real impressive debut.
The animations were smooth, the dirty talk= phenomenal I do not know how you have made it so good but there is barely any game in recent memory has come close to your approach. The scenes are lengthy and the character dialogue improves the scenes massively. Seeing the change-log saying you added 3000 sex lines now I can believe since playing it!
There were grammatical errors, typos, few glitches and errors but I am not gonna mark a return release down for that. They did not take away from the game for me at least.
I should say I only played the routes where I 'relinquished control' let's say, as I personally find that more thrilling so I am only commenting on those segments. As this build impressed me you'll get a patron in the July month
I hope all the above encourages you dev, and I get times are hard, you don't need to break your back making this game but I appreciate the effort nonetheless
Thank you, I really appreciate your honest feedback. There are grammar errors and miss spelled words but i am improving on my own, and I get regular help from others.
As for the dirty talk...
It can be really hard to write that dialog, there is nothing more awkward then trying to emote a kiss or a girls moans...
But I have yet too see a game take my approach with rather long sex scenes and a lot of dialog.
Anyway thanks for the feedback and I am happy that you enjoyed it.
zyzonia So far i like it, there are some issues with misspellings and the text indicating the wrong person and if its them speaking or their thoughts, also when the PA is waking up the MC it says Protagonist!!!! instead of the MC name. Other then that the renders are great and so are the animations. I noticed you talking about a darker path/patch and it piqued my interest, would you be releasing this as well possibly?
As far as the stats some explanation is needed i think, such as Dominance Hero, from what i get so far the negative is for the MC being the Dom and positive being sub to the NPC, i think it might be better set as separate counters so like one being Sub to Hero and the other being Dom to Hero to clarify it. Having both Like and Love stats separate seems a bit redundant, having just one stat in my mind makes more sense since you only have Hate as the opposing stat. Also doing single stats eliminates the need to do +/- points and can be a simple counter, for scenes its then just a matter of if Dom>Sub then Dom scene/text else Sub scene/text or if they are => a specific value you can give both options for the player to choose from.
Also as far as the MCs phone, if the Dad is the antagonist then wouldnt it be better for the story if he took it from the MC when he kicked the MC out? There is no indication that the MCs belongings were sent to the house prior to his arrival and no mention of them being shipped to him so it would fit that the Dad took the MCs phone which would also explain the PA knowing he didnt have one and giving him a new one.
Thanks for the feedback!
First of all I'm going to fix the bug where the wrong person is speaking as soon as possible, same with mc being protagonist for some reason...
I am going to release a very dark path. I have already made some progress on it, but you can expect some heavy dom, blackmail and much more in that path...
I'm going to fix the stats the next update/patch, I forgot to update them during the story...
Your suggestion that the dad took the phone is honestly perfect, I'm going to change that because it just fits so good.
I've gone as far as on "my" way to the university/institution on day 1 (if arriving to the house is day 0) and clearly a proofreader is needed very badly (I've seen at least two users offering their proofreading services for free). So many your/you're (my pet peeve) used in a wrong place. "Your" means you own something or it belongs to you such as your house, your car, your arm your eyes. "You're" is simply a so-called short form of "you are" such as you're a human. I think it doesn't matter if you either are or are not a native English speaker, every developer should have multiple pairs of eyes to read the script in any case to have it in as good quality as possible. Also, some tags are wrong: thoughts instead of MC saying something and vice versa.
I don't like the phone appearing in the top left corner before MC got a phone. Also, girls' stats give a lot of spoilers. Even knowing about Jennifer, Lilly, Lisa and Ashley on day 0 is too much. They should be unlocked with the story, and certainly I shouldn't know how many times each one has been pregnant! Wow, Lilly is 18 and has been pregnant twice...
And playing on...
Lilly introduced herself as Britney? Tag "Lilly POV" why should I know what she thinks? I didn't choose to be naïve but this MC is very naïve because he told Lilly/Britney that he has a pa (why not in caps PA?) who told him to do something. After the sex scene MC said "cya Lilly" but earlier she introduced herself as Britney. "peopel" -> "people". Yes, a proofreader is needed.
Other path not accepting to help Britney/Lilly: of course MC forgot Adrianna (or Adriana, according to Lisa?) told him that the principal is a female. When meeting Lisa MC asked for "him" instead of "her". Why the story doesn't flow into meeting with Lisa after boning "Britney"?
Lilly "go along" scene has a render from the evening of day 0 with Adrianna when the line "OHH! Wow! you're a big boy aren't you?" appears. Lilly's sex stats didn't seem to update. Actually, her stats didn't go anywhere regardless if I resisted her or not or creampied her or not. I revisited the day 0 with Adrianna and found out that her sex stats didn't update either.
Thanks for the feedback.
I have addressed a lot of the problems that you mention in this post. But i will talk about the new ones you came with.
Going to fix the phone appearing before it should, just an honest mistake on my part. About the phone stats giving a lot of spoilers... I haven't really thought about that and will try to find a way to fix that.
Thank you man for you awesome work! I will post this on the main page with a link to your profile I guess? I will at the very least credit you for your work.
I think that was all for this time!
As for information about the future, I was going to work support the next 3 days as well as look into android.
Anyhow 1 of those is fixed now thanks to previously mentioned DarkAssassin. So I will for the next week do bug fixing and support work.