
May 14, 2023
I've said it before that I don't know of a single game on this website where the variability was at least at the level of DPС. There are games where the visuals are better, there are games where the story is more complex, there are games where the characters are better written.
Being able to influence the story and see how the world changes depending on your actions is what makes this game the best. Sure, many of the choices here are an illusion, but even that kind of illusion is not found in other games. Do you know another game that makes you want to go into the code and look for variables?
I have a lot of complaints about DPC, this game is not perfect and has many flaws.
I don't like the new direction of late (mega long free roams, excessive use of animations, etc.), and of course the game isn't perfect, but when you say the game has many flaws, are you speaking subjectively or objectively? I'd like to see a list of the game's objective flaws to see how they stack up.


Apr 9, 2023
I don't like the new direction of late (mega long free roams, excessive use of animations, etc.), and of course the game isn't perfect, but when you say the game has many flaws, are you speaking subjectively or objectively? I'd like to see a list of the games objective flaws to see how they stack up.
i stay out of the convo when you all get to talking techie because i dont have the knowledge, so i may be way off here. but im curious to see if dpc has shot himself in the foot with 60fps. the guy doesnt seem to be able to see past what he thinks would be cool, and at some point he will push past what the average users hardware can handle. i know many of you wont care because you also run higher end machines, but thats not the reality for many. for example, i have 2 laptops and the haunted basement is a laggy mess on the older 1. im not sure how many people would say thats a flaw, but to me it would be.

it also raises the question, if that does happen, will he then ban himself for hurting his business? lol


Engaged Member
Jan 6, 2021
I gotcha famalam. I promise to respond to you when the game is complete. True story, uhuh, yup. TRUE.

Your Fuckface has lost weight. :unsure:
Does Madame not feed him? :rolleyes:
Of course, she herself is not enough. :cautious:
A bulldozer like her needs a lot of fuel.
  • Haha
Reactions: chuck69


Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
I don't like the new direction of late (mega long free roams, excessive use of animations, etc.), and of course the game isn't perfect, but when you say the game has many flaws, are you speaking subjectively or objectively? I'd like to see a list of the game's objective flaws to see how they stack up.
the distinction between the subjective and the objective practically cuts through any inherent problem with the story, which is necessarily subjective.

for example, is MC returning from a threesome with 2 prostitutes and being shocked at the various omissions of his pseudo-girlfriends is objectively incoherent or not? because I have no doubt that there is someone who would...

as objective isn't the picture of Jill at the picnic enough? :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2023
Your Fuckface has lost weight. :unsure:
Does Madame not feed him? :rolleyes:
Of course, she herself is not enough. :cautious:
A bulldozer like her needs a lot of fuel.
All that sex, man. Burns the calories like there is no tomorrow. My MC just eats and eats. But, i'll tell ya.. The ol' thrusting muscles are man of steel-esque now.


May 14, 2023
the distinction between the subjective and the objective practically cuts through any inherent problem with the story, which is necessarily subjective.

for example, is MC returning from a threesome with 2 prostitutes and being shocked at the various omissions of his pseudo-girlfriends is objectively incoherent or not? because I have no doubt that there is someone who would...

as objective isn't the picture of Jill at the picnic enough? :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
If DPC remastered a single render in this game, it would have to be Jill's photo!


Apr 9, 2023
Your Fuckface has lost weight. :unsure:
Does Madame not feed him? :rolleyes:
Of course, she herself is not enough. :cautious:
A bulldozer like her needs a lot of fuel.
the issue isnt from a lack of food. the deep fryer oil shes coated in is a laxative, and the orgitas mc has ingested enough to make a man twice his size poop himself to death. he doesnt have long to live, but the smile says hes happy, so i wont judge
  • Haha
Reactions: KАRАMBA


May 8, 2023
I don't like the new direction of late (mega long free roams, excessive use of animations, etc.), and of course the game isn't perfect, but when you say the game has many flaws, are you speaking subjectively or objectively? I'd like to see a list of the game's objective flaws to see how they stack up.
There are actually two levels of perception of the game's shortcomings here. The first level is emotional, associated with a long wait. The long cinematic animations from ep 9 can hardly be called a flaw, the game didn't get worse or better with it. This is an artistic decision on the part of DPK and he has every right to do so. When we talk about long freeroams, we should also realize that this is a way for DPC to make branching easier for himself. Instead of creating a huge amount of scenes for each girl it's easier to put them in one setting where it will be much easier to realize it. This can also include mini-games, but with some caveat. In terms of gameplay design, mini-games bring variety to the gameplay. Instead of the usual kinetic novel, we get a novel with a lot of mini-games that carry different functions. The mansion repair mini-game creates the illusion that the player is really involved in the restoration of the ruined mansion and sees his contribution to this common cause. A mini-game related to math and English adds to the immersiveness of the game.
We players feel like all of this is slowing down the development process and resent it, but probably without all of this the game would feel and play differently.

The second tier can be called objective, because if DPС fixes these flaws the game will actually get better. Freerooms, minigames, animations don't make the game worse or better.
The objective flaws I would include the following:
1) Visual bugs. These include Josy's teeth, Sage's skin, Jill's smile, poor lighting in the first few episodes, rigging errors, and cloth simulation errors. These can be fixed and they all make the game worse.
2) Plot inconsistencies. Why does MC refuse to fuck Envy and Sandy after her date with Jill, but happily fucks Riona and Cammy? Why does Jill reject MC Dik even though he went on a date with her? Why doesn't the player tell Maya that Quinn wants Maya to be a prostitute. And much more.
3) Large number of variables. I've said before that I don't see the point of a large number of endings in episode 9. Variability is good, but in ep9 both the ending with vixen and the ending with Sarah and Melanie don't make sense to me. The scene with Sara and Melanie could have happened during the party, there's no need to make a whole ending out of it( unless DPC wants to make a new trouple out of them). 9 endings lead to consequences, consequences to other consequences, and so on. The code will get more complex, the inevitable consequence will be that some variables will either be ignored or DPC himself will get confused.
4) A large number of empty scenes. Scenes of course create atmosphere and the right mood, but some of them have absolutely no sense and if you remove them the game will not lose anything. For example, the scene with the conspiracy buff at the dorm party in ep8 is one of the most boring. It was just really boring. How important was the scene with Becky in ep9 and Jacob's room. The player had to walk through the whole house only to find out that Becky fell in the bathtub. It was unfunny and a waste of time.
5)The decision to make animations at 60fps is completely inexplicable to me. But it's too early to judge yet. But so far it looks like something that will take extra rendering time.

I don't mean to say that my opinion is the truth in the last instance and it's the only correct one, it's not like that. I just try to look objectively and without emotion at the state of the game. Ep9 is a bad sample for analyzing and predicting considering that it is experimental.
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Well-Known Member
May 30, 2020
but he has the most beautiful and realistic beer bottles of any AVN :cool::cool::cool::cool:
The important things in life.

This game's character interaction feels more nuanced than the Mass Effect trilogy. Literally the only h-game I have replayed just to get more story out of the various love interests. Also one of the few games I have played where I like most of the main cast making it super difficult to choose who to pursue; although I'm sure I will eventually have an appropriate save of the ones that I want with the correct setups.

Getting the obvious out of the way, the game has;

  • A main storyline actually worth following along with. Seriously, so many games have an absurd storyline that gets blown out of proportion, or a storyline that lacks substance so you just smash click to get to choices and scenes. On that note...
  • Pretty great writing. Nearly each new scene, including alternate dialogue choices or alternate dialogue and interactions with the various characters based on your relationship with them and overall DiK status, is worth experiencing.
  • Superb models; wide variety of models in game [although all potential partners are thin, there are side characters with differing body sized models. Unfortunately, most of them are played on as a nuisance in some manner, but nothing so serious as to make them too annoying]. While there is definitely an obvious trend with the attractive characters, not every female is is a carbon copy of each other with minor body edits.
  • Good dialogue [nothing to egregious or over the top and unbelievable, most conversations flow very well including sex scenes].
  • Tons of love interests, of various levels [potential girlfriend, casual hookup, etc].
  • Insanely well placed, paced, and chosen music options. Like holy shit.
  • Numerous sex scenes, both static and kinetic, with a multitude of positions and options.
  • A LOT of minigames. A whole metric shit ton. Individually, none of them are difficult [except the pool game with Josy and Maya on Hard...]. They all play pretty quickly, they are all reasonably unique from each other, and most of them serve a purpose instead of just being a filler [even if it is just an image unlock]. I do highly recommend how to learn to do a 3x3 slide puzzle, though. It is easy to learn the trick to it, but not knowing how to complete them makes it miserable.

All in all, hands down one of my favorite games I have played over others in its category. Being a DiK is the GOLD standard of adult games.
I am extremely sick at this moment. Let me get this straight.... wtf!?! Did you just compare this game, an adult vn to one of the greatest games of all time? Are you for real?

There are actually two levels of perception of the game's shortcomings here. The first level is emotional, associated with a long wait. The long cinematic animations from ep 9 can hardly be called a flaw, the game didn't get worse or better with it. This is an artistic decision on the part of DPK and he has every right to do so. When we talk about long freeroams, we should also realize that this is a way for DPC to make branching easier for himself. Instead of creating a huge amount of scenes for each girl it's easier to put them in one setting where it will be much easier to realize it. This can also include mini-games, but with some caveat. In terms of gameplay design, mini-games bring variety to the gameplay. Instead of the usual kinetic novel, we get a novel with a lot of mini-games that carry different functions. The mansion repair mini-game creates the illusion that the player is really involved in the restoration of the ruined mansion and sees his contribution to this common cause. A mini-game related to math and English adds to the immersiveness of the game.
We players feel like all of this is slowing down the development process and resent it, but probably without all of this the game would feel and play differently.

The second tier can be called objective, because if DPС fixes these flaws the game will actually get better. Freerooms, minigames, animations don't make the game worse or better.
The objective flaws I would include the following:
1) Visual bugs. These include Josy's teeth, Sage's skin, Jill's smile, poor lighting in the first few episodes, rigging errors, and cloth simulation errors. These can be fixed and they all make the game worse.
2) Plot inconsistencies. Why does MC refuse to fuck Envy and Sandy after her date with Jill, but happily fucks Riona and Cammy? Why does Jill reject MC Dik even though he went on a date with her? Why doesn't the player tell Maya that Quinn wants Maya to be a prostitute. And much more.
3) Large number of variables. I've said before that I don't see the point of a large number of endings in episode 9. Variability is good, but in ep9 both the ending with vixen and the ending with Sarah and Melanie don't make sense to me. The scene with Sara and Melanie could have happened during the party, there's no need to make a whole ending out of it( unless DPC wants to make a new trope out of them). 9 endings lead to consequences, consequences to other consequences, and so on. The code will get more complex, the inevitable consequence will be that some variables will either be ignored or DPC himself will get confused.
4) A large number of empty scenes. Scenes of course create atmosphere and the right mood, but some of them have absolutely no sense and if you remove them the game will not lose anything. For example, the scene with the conspiracy buff at the dorm party in ep8 is one of the most boring. It was just really boring. How important was the scene with Becky in ep9 and Jacob's room. The player had to walk through the whole house only to find out that Becky fell in the bathtub. It was unfunny and a waste of time.
5)The decision to make animations at 60fps is completely inexplicable to me. But it's too early to judge yet. But so far it looks like something that will take extra rendering time.

I don't mean to say that my opinion is the truth in the last instance and it's the only correct one, it's not like that. I just try to look objectively and without emotion at the state of the game. Ep9 is a bad sample for analyzing and predicting considering that it is experimental.
Don't forget the retarded storylines, Jill blackmail and the Maya's never ending loan.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2017
3) Large number of variables. I've said before that I don't see the point of a large number of endings in episode 9. Variability is good, but in ep9 both the ending with vixen and the ending with Sarah and Melanie don't make sense to me. The scene with Sara and Melanie could have happened during the party, there's no need to make a whole ending out of it( unless DPC wants to make a new trope out of them). 9 endings lead to consequences, consequences to other consequences, and so on. The code will get more complex, the inevitable consequence will be that some variables will either be ignored or DPC himself will get confused.
You make some good points but I think there is going to be something that happens on the Others route that will be impacted by MC showing up for breakfast in the HOTs house the morning after the party, whether it's from sleeping with Quinn or with Mel/Sara, similar to some of the things that happened when he was staying with Sage after his hissy fit with Josy and Maya. If it's with Quinn then their relationship will be outed since Quinn never has a guy sleep over which would be the talk of the sorority, and with Mel/Sara you may find out more about the prostitution business including who all is participating (e.g., some girl you don't suspect asks you how much it cost you for two girls vs one since she thinks she might earn more by doing that).
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