Deleted member 2739658

Extortion is possible though I don’t recall an specific hints that it might be the case. Whereas we know Quinn is taking an injectable drug. Only illicit injectable drugs I know of are pretty addictive. People with addictions do crazy things.

As Holy Bacchus said, it’s not about destroying the DIKs. IMO it’s probably about feeding her habit. The fate of the DIKs are at best and afterthought and at worst ‘collateral’ damage. If she is an addict, then her main concern would be her next fix.

When have we seen her mismanage her prostitution business? (Other than being abusive to the girls?). Business seems to be booming, so much so she’s looking to add as many as 6 extra girls to the ranks. Meanwhile we know she using her own drugs and it’s heavily implied at times that she is high outside of a party situation (fly on face).

That all said the one possible out is that her dealer is making unreasonable demands on sales quotas. But between selling the sugar pills to the Jocks and the 2k deal Rich, it’s hard to see how they are coming up so short.

Actually respect Tommy in this scene. He’s mad, but he here’s her out, he doesn’t touch her and in the end he tells her to go fuck herself. (in his own words).

One other thing I note is he doesn’t put his hands on her. One of the things I dislike in episode one and two is when the MC gets angry with Quinn he grabs her. I don’t think the is supposed to be as abusive as it looks but in neither instance is their any justification for it
Quinn and Riona are constantly arguing about Quinn's poor decisions regarding the prostitution business.


Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
I've, unfortunately, had lot's of IRL experience with the world of prostitution through my work. Nobody grows up wanting to be a prostitute. The vast majority of girl's, and boys, who enter into prostitution are psychologically manipulated into it by pimps. Maya does actually meet the criteria. First there's the enticement, she needs the scholarship. She's also an introvert, alienated from her family and friends. This and some other factors, like the use of physical and sexual abuse, make her a fairly easy target. We don't know enough about Camila and Mona, but Rionna also seems to share many of the traits.

The one glaring point is that Josy states that she's going for the scholarship too, and that makes no sense at all. Josy's characters main focus is her love for her Father, and in the beginning of the game we learn that she's been living in fear that she's lost that love through her parents divorce and the introduction of Monica and Tommy into her family. Josy is also outgoing, forming a new friendship with Jill on her first day of classes as just one example, so she's not emotionally isolated enough to be vulnerable. She would also never risk being diminished in her Father's eyes, especially after the reconciliation scene in ep5.
I'm perfectly agree with you.

it is really difficult to judge the voluntariness of such behavior, and that the protagonists say they are counts up to a certain point.

Riona does not give the idea of being an happy girl and satisfied with the position in which she is

Maya was risking a lot, but I think now with Josy and possibly MC to watch over she should be fine

Deleted member 2739658

Well, if that is the case it should make Sage very much less likeable to such MCs who do think that Quinn is 'evil'. If MC does not condone Quinn aking advantage of gullible, poor, young girls for her prostitution ring, he shouldn't condone Sage turning a blind eye to it either. Especially, since she has the power to stop it.

I really hope that Sage is completely in the dark regarding this.
I'm sure she is. Look at the HOT pool party scene. After Quinn lays out what is expected to earn the scholarship (", , ,loose hips, earn tips") she tell's Maya to "Zip it" as soon as Sage enters the room. I also think that the reason she overhears Maya asking Sage to switch Mothers is that she's watching Maya to make sure that she doesn't talk.

Deleted member 2739658

I'm perfectly agree with you.

it is really difficult to judge the voluntariness of such behavior, and that the protagonists say they are counts up to a certain point.

Riona does not give the idea of being an happy girl and satisfied with the position in which she is

Maya was risking a lot, but I think now with Josy and possibly MC to watch over she should be fine
I think that Maya may already be turning tricks. On the morning after Josy arrives Quinn post a cluck on Rooster. It's a picture of her and Maya that looks like a hostage photo, really creepy. The cluck announces that Maya will be doing a special Scavenger Hunt event. If you go to the comments several of the HOTs are posting encouragement for Maya, but it's only the HOTs involved in the prostitution ring. Also, near the end of ep5 we get to see Maya's scavenger Hunt todo list. There's one entry crossed off that's just $100 with no explanation.

Holy Bacchus

Conversation Conqueror
Dec 13, 2018
The one glaring point is that Josy states that she's going for the scholarship too, and that makes no sense at all. Josy's characters main focus is her love for her Father, and in the beginning of the game we learn that she's been living in fear that she's lost that love through her parents divorce and the introduction of Monica and Tommy into her family. Josy is also outgoing, forming a new friendship with Jill on her first day of classes as just one example, so she's not emotionally isolated enough to be vulnerable. She would also never risk being diminished in her Father's eyes, especially after the reconciliation scene in ep5.
I think Josy's main motivation for wanting to join the HOTs and have them pay her tuition is so she doesn't have to use her Dad's money.

She states in ep 4 that she still hopes to be able to get the money from her Dad but wants to get the free tuition even if/when she gets it, and she'd be doing it "for Maya". The reason being, as far as I can see, is that if the HOTs offer were to be genuine, then Josy can stash her Dad's money away as a nest egg for when she finishes college in order to use it to start a new life elsewhere, free from debt. This benefits Maya because Josy is likely believing that they'll still be together and this would therefore help her (Maya) to escape her Dad more easily because they'd have the money to move far away from him after college.

Deleted member 2739658

I think Josy's main motivation for wanting to join the HOTs and have them pay her tuition is so she doesn't have to use her Dad's money.

She states in ep 4 that she still hopes to be able to get the money from her Dad but wants to get the free tuition even if/when she gets it, and she'd be doing it "for Maya". The reason being, as far as I can see, is that if the HOTs offer were to be genuine, then Josy can stash her Dad's money away as a nest egg for when she finishes college in order to use it to start a new life elsewhere, free from debt. This benefits Maya because Josy is likely believing that they'll still be together and this would therefore help her (Maya) to escape her Dad more easily because they'd have the money to move far away from him after college.
No, as I pointed out there's no way that Josy would risk being a whore in her Father's eye's. It may still be written that way but it will be another instance of where DPC has created a character and then made them behave in a way that's diametrically opposed to the character that he's created.

Deleted member 2739658

I think Josy's main motivation for wanting to join the HOTs and have them pay her tuition is so she doesn't have to use her Dad's money.

She states in ep 4 that she still hopes to be able to get the money from her Dad but wants to get the free tuition even if/when she gets it, and she'd be doing it "for Maya". The reason being, as far as I can see, is that if the HOTs offer were to be genuine, then Josy can stash her Dad's money away as a nest egg for when she finishes college in order to use it to start a new life elsewhere, free from debt. This benefits Maya because Josy is likely believing that they'll still be together and this would therefore help her (Maya) to escape her Dad more easily because they'd have the money to move far away from him after college.
Also, one of the things that DPC has left manifestly unclear is that becoming a HOT does not earn the scholarship, working as a prostitute does.

Holy Bacchus

Conversation Conqueror
Dec 13, 2018
No, as I pointed out there's no way that Josy would risk being a whore in her Father's eye's. It may still be written that way but it will be another instance of where DPC has created a character and then made them behave in a way that's diametrically opposed to the character that he's created.
Josy doesn't know what's involved in this "free tuition" offer and neither does Maya. As soon as they find out, they won't want to do it, but right now Josy is not willingly going to "be a whore" because she doesn't know that that is what getting the "free tuition" entails.

So, right now, given that she's looking at this from an idealistic standpoint, her view is likely as I have stated; that by not having to use her Dad's money she can save it for later use in helping Maya to get away from her Dad after graduation.

Also, one of the things that DPC has left manifestly unclear is that becoming a HOT does not earn the scholarship, working as a prostitute does.
But that's the point. Josy and Maya probably think they just have to do some charity work, or get jobs, or pull their weight in some way in order to earn the tuition, but there's no way in hell they would ever suspect it involves selling their bodies and they'll both be opposed to it when the time comes.


Engaged Member
Sep 20, 2018
I think that Maya may already be turning tricks. On the morning after Josy arrives Quinn post a cluck on Rooster. It's a picture of her and Maya that looks like a hostage photo, really creepy. The cluck announces that Maya will be doing a special Scavenger Hunt event. If you go to the comments several of the HOTs are posting encouragement for Maya, but it's only the HOTs involved in the prostitution ring. Also, near the end of ep5 we get to see Maya's scavenger Hunt todo list. There's one entry crossed off that's just $100 with no explanation.
I took that to mean Maya had to give Quinn $100. The characters already say the list feels more like a shopping list and speculate Quinn is using some of those things herself. Given her money problems, demanding a large but manageable bunch of cash seems likely.

Whereas Maya turning tricks at this point seems highly unlikely. Given how deeply bothered she was by the sexual items we know are on the list in Episode 3, it's hard to see her having done more than that already without any comment.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2020
I'm not judging, but it doesn't matter if they don't see any problems. When someone plays with drugs and prostitution, chances in real life are that they might end burned some way or another. Very few people are able to get away with it unharmed. So I expect to see some serious consequences. There's no need to be moralists about it, just realistics. This is not a parody nor a light-hearted game, it aims for some level of realism
Is it ? Keep in mind this game is above all a porn game. I know some people are more interested in characters and story and there's nothing wrong with that, but one of the main goal is still to provide a lot of sex scenes. Quinn's restaurant is big a part of it. Porn doesn't usually expose seriously dark and gritty's aspects of prostitution's world ( In hentai prostitution, rape, drugs and mind breaking are even tags some fans actually enjoy, but that's another debate. Man, there's even a Weinstein based game here :sick: ). The way the MC handle the whole prostitution thing isn't realistic from the start.

Honestly speaking, the Pink rose is more a brothel than a strip club at this point. The ladies have sex with VIP customers. There are clearly kind of hookers but neither players or characters have issues with it. Because none of them seem depressed, defenseless or forced to perform. The MC even started a sexting relationship with a hooker mom. Same thing for Quinn's restaurant. All interactions with the MC are portrayed as completely consensual. Camila enjoyed it so much she offered him anal freely, Sarah admitted being sexually aroused, Riona was the one suggesting the threesome because she likes him much more than others customers. All of them would have fucked him anyway. They actually did later. Even Quinn has an obvious crush for him and fucked him freely. Assman is so attractive that he doesn't have to pay anymore and hookers like it. :rolleyes:

That's a poor way to represent relations between hookers and customers. But the point is, DPCK has never intended to be realistic about it. Yeah there will be issues with Mona and Burke. But Burke is portrayed as an unsympathetic and pathetic cheater lustful for younger women. The Mc on the other hand is too gifted to be realistic in any way. So does his relation to women.

Deleted member 2739658

Josy doesn't know what's involved in this "free tuition" offer and neither does Maya. As soon as they find out, they won't want to do it, but right now Josy is not willingly going to "be a whore" because she doesn't know that that is what getting the "free tuition" entails.

So, right now, given that she's looking at this from an idealistic standpoint, her view is likely as I have stated; that by not having to use her Dad's money she can save it for later use in helping Maya to get away from her Dad after graduation.

But that's the point. Josy and Maya probably think they just have to do some charity work, or get jobs, or pull their weight in some way in order to earn the tuition, but there's no way in hell they would ever suspect it involves selling their bodies and they'll both be opposed to it when the time comes.
As I stated before, Maya DOES know what's expected of her. Watch the HOT pool party scene again. Quinn is pretty straight forward in explaining what would be required to get that scholarship. As for Josy, I don't know if she's aware of what's in store for her or not. And as I pointed out in another reply, Maya may already be prostituting herself going all the way back to ep4.

Holy Bacchus

Conversation Conqueror
Dec 13, 2018
I took that to mean Maya had to give Quinn $100. The characters already say the list feels more like a shopping list and speculate Quinn is using some of those things herself. Given her money problems, demanding a large but manageable bunch of cash seems likely.

Whereas Maya turning tricks at this point seems highly unlikely. Given how deeply bothered she was by the sexual items we know are on the list in Episode 3, it's hard to see her having done more than that already without any comment.
At the very least, this "event" Quinn mentioned could have been to flash someone or post a nude pic on the internet and sell it for $100, but it wouldn't have been anything close to glory hole duty or something that it involves direct sexual contact with another person.


Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
I think that Maya may already be turning tricks. On the morning after Josy arrives Quinn post a cluck on Rooster. It's a picture of her and Maya that looks like a hostage photo, really creepy. The cluck announces that Maya will be doing a special Scavenger Hunt event. If you go to the comments several of the HOTs are posting encouragement for Maya, but it's only the HOTs involved in the prostitution ring. Also, near the end of ep5 we get to see Maya's scavenger Hunt todo list. There's one entry crossed off that's just $100 with no explanation.
what you say makes sense, but I hope things turn out differently.

I keep hoping that Maya will come out of this cliché of the damsel in distress to show some courage, if she falls back into such a drama I don't know how she would come out


Conversation Conqueror
Respected User
Oct 10, 2017
I keep hoping that Maya will come out of this cliché of the damsel in distress to show some courage, if she falls back into such a drama I don't know how she would come out
I'm afraid this isn't a matter of courage, more so, its the opposite what you suggest. The courage for Maya would be to get along with the prostitution. Not becoming one doesn't require courage. Becoming one does.

Again, since the beginning of the game, its all nice and shiny that she shouldn't.. okay. Whats the alternative. She shouldn't because the mc wouldn't like it? Thats not just a tad bit selfish but massively so.

She won't be, on her route, but due to real-life reasons. Because DPC likely won't try to pull an ntr on anyone. So this is pretty much a given. We can safely assume this. BUT.. in the game, in-character wise. Its nice that the mc would hate it... Offer an alternative. Can he solve Maya's financial crisis? No? Then he should shut the fuck up and mind his own business. Yes? She will be all ears because she is desperately looking for alternatives. She just doesn't have them.

But the game won't let her become one, this is prett much a given. Its just that the solution may come from different sources. I'd say the mc can handle her Dad. By becoming Maya's boyfriend. Proving she is "returning to the fold of decent heterosexuals". CURRENTLY... this seems viable, not without issues, but viable. We'll see what the future holds.

Deleted member 2739658

I took that to mean Maya had to give Quinn $100. The characters already say the list feels more like a shopping list and speculate Quinn is using some of those things herself. Given her money problems, demanding a large but manageable bunch of cash seems likely.

Whereas Maya turning tricks at this point seems highly unlikely. Given how deeply bothered she was by the sexual items we know are on the list in Episode 3, it's hard to see her having done more than that already without any comment.
It could be, but that still doesn't explain Quinn's cluck. Go look at it, it's pretty disturbing.

Holy Bacchus

Conversation Conqueror
Dec 13, 2018
As I stated before, Maya DOES know what's expected of her. Watch the HOT pool party scene again. Quinn is pretty straight forward in explaining what would be required to get that scholarship. As for Josy, I don't know if she's aware of what's in store for her or not. And as I pointed out in another reply, Maya may already be prostituting herself going all the way back to ep4.
Maya most certainly does NOT know what she has to do for the tuition and she is absolutely NOT prostituting herself. Absolutely nothing happens during that pool scene where Maya would realise that she has to sell her body for free tuition, and there's no way she'd do anything sexually physical with anyone for money, even if Quinn tells her to. It's not in her character to do that no matter what's at stake.

what you say makes sense, but I hope things turn out differently.

I keep hoping that Maya will come out of this cliché of the damsel in distress to show some courage, if she falls back into such a drama I don't know how she would come out
It doesn't, because a) it's not in Maya's character to do that, and b) if Quinn had tried to make her to do it, we would have known about it by now, either by Maya saying it outright or by her no longer wanting to join the HOTs.


Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
I'm afraid this isn't a matter of courage, more so, its the opposite what you suggest. The courage for Maya would be to get along with the prostitution. Not becoming one doesn't require courage. Becoming one does.

Again, since the beginning of the game, its all nice and shiny that she shouldn't.. okay. Whats the alternative. She shouldn't because the mc wouldn't like it? Thats not just a tad bit selfish but massively so.

She won't be, on her route, but due to real-life reasons. Because DPC likely won't try to pull an ntr on anyone. So this is pretty much a given. We can safely assume this. BUT.. in the game, in-character wise. Its nice that the mc would hate it... Offer an alternative. Can he solve Maya's financial crisis? No? Then he should shut the fuck up and mind his own business. Yes? She will be all ears because she is desperately looking for alternatives. She just doesn't have them.

But the game won't let her become one, this is prett much a given. Its just that the solution may come from different sources. I'd say the mc can handle her Dad. By becoming Maya's boyfriend. Proving she is "returning to the fold of decent heterosexuals". CURRENTLY... this seems viable, not without issues, but viable. We'll see what the future holds.
let's not exaggerate ...

personally I have always found childish to think of being able to face college with a free tuition of dubious origin

but the alternative is not prostitution, but ANY HONEST WORK.
even in Italy where education is quite cheap, many students work while they study.
in america i know that it is very common to ask for a student loan

to say that Maya's only way to go to college is prostitution seems like a sensational exaggeration ...
Will she become a Mafia serial killer for her doctorate?

but rather she leaves the university and lives her dream of love with Josy


Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
Maya most certainly does NOT know what she has to do for the tuition and she is absolutely NOT prostituting herself. Absolutely nothing happens during that pool scene where Maya would realise that she has to sell her body for free tuition, and there's no way she'd do anything sexually physical with anyone for money, even if Quinn tells her to. It's not in her character to do that no matter what's at stake.

It doesn't, because a) it's not in Maya's character to do that, and b) if Quinn had tried to make her to do it, we would have known about it by now, either by Maya saying it outright or by her no longer wanting to join the HOTs.
sorry i didn't understand (my english fault)

I thought we were talking about Maya's future involvement in prostitution, not as it already has

in that I agree with Holy Bacchus, I would absolutely exclude it


Conversation Conqueror
Respected User
Oct 10, 2017
but the alternative is not prostitution, but ANY HONEST WORK.
Absolutely agree. But we aren't writing the script here we just have to deal whats given to us. Apparently its either we solve this for her or HOTs. We are not given the option to tell her to accept part time jobs. Currently.
even in Italy where education is quite cheap, many students work while they study.
in america i know that it is very common to ask for a student loan
to say that Maya's only way to go to college is prostitution seems like a sensational exaggeration ...
Will she become a Mafia serial killer for her doctorate?
Don't tell me, tell DPC. I made a joke on this once. I know. But we have to deal with the game's reality. Not actual reality.
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