Feb 13, 2020
Exactly. I'm usually with MrF on most things...but the worst they did is fudge on saying exactly what sex they were involved in and even in 2020, this is still pretty reasonable behaviour. They did both still tell him they were involved (and Josy even went so far as to say she thought (in her mind) the relationship was over.

MC went in with both eyes wide open as far as I'm concenred...or not..as for many parts of the early episodes, gonna say it again, he was very badly written.
Josy has more or less told him the truth since the beginning. She was in a relationship, that it wasn't really good right now. She lied about it being a boyfriend and not a girlfriend and honestly that's not really relevant.

So in the lying department Josy is okay for me because she didn't really lied.

She did however hide from him that her "boyfriend" was at B&R. That's pretty much why MC was mad at her. That's a crucial piece of information.

Now Maya...It's the other way around. She lied, first that she had a boyfriend, second that she was actually single when she's not. All that after asking 100% honesty from MC.

She covered her first lie with another lie. Let's not forget that she tricked him for the CUM-petition.
Even if she apologized afterwards and was forgiven, the damage to MC's trust is done.
She just kept betraying him. It's understandable that MC had enough at one point of this one-way street relationship/friendship.

So it's not so much about the gender/sex lie, it's about misleading MC. The lies don't matter themselves but the act of lying does, and I think that's why MC is pissed.

EDIT: Yeah I would have like the possibility to severe any kind of relationship with the both of them, Mc has known them for a couple of months at best and they are not the only people he met and befriended. Having to either chose between being lovers or friends sucked a lot imho
Last edited:


Officially Dead Inside
Feb 23, 2020
point 1 and point 3 in my opinion, however, are a consequence of the fact that it is not at all clear (I don't know if by the will of DPC or by superficial writing) what kind of contacts MAya and Josy had after the summer of love at first sight.
it's really very unclear.

how can it be that at the same time Josy believes she is still in a relationship, while Maya thinks it is all over?

at your first point I never thought, if Josy was sure that Maya was at the BR, not having told MC meant preparing him a nasty surprise anyway, however things would go, in theory MC could also talk about Josy in front of his "hypothetical boyfriend" and it would not have been a pleasant situation
The issue is that I am skeptical that any of this was planned out in advance or planned out well.

Who meets and gets to know someone over the course of a summer, shares the fact that they are trying to get into the same college but then doesn't mention a step brother who already goes there? Or a significant other that also will be going there? If you really got to know the person in the time you worked with them, enough to know you like them, then why hide that you were in a relationship until the day you agree to go on a date? Do you know so little about the guy that you don't know how he will react if you tell him that you are in a relationship with another woman?

With Maya I can at least apply the same "it's only been 2 weeks" logic that makes me think the MC should be able to walk away.
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Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
The issue is that I am skeptical that any of this was planned out in advance or planned out well.

Who meets and gets to know someone over the course of a summer, shares the fact that they are trying to get into the same college but then doesn't mention a step brother who already goes there? Or a significant other that also will be going there? If you really got to know the person in the time you worked with them, enough to know you like them, then why hide that you were in a relationship until the day you agree to go on a date? Do you know so little about the guy that you don't know how he will react if you tell him that you are in a relationship with another woman?

With Maya I can at least apply the same "it's only been 2 weeks" logic that makes me think the MC should be able to walk away.
you seem too strict with Josy. she agrees to celebrate with MC the start of her college adventure, the kiss is basically a mistake. it's not a real date

the next one is a real date, but for Josy it is goodbye, at the end of the evening they are both quite resigned that they will never see each other again

talk to him about her sentimental situation, on the first occasion it is too early, on the second too late


Conversation Conqueror
Aug 4, 2019
Not gonna lie, it's a disappointing news. expected of course, based on the last couple of week, but still disappointing. its seem the development take a big slowdown as he was getting closer to the finish line.
I hope he learned something from this for the future


Officially Dead Inside
Feb 23, 2020
you seem too strict with Josy. she agrees to celebrate with MC the start of her college adventure, the kiss is basically a mistake. it's not a real date
Someone asks you to celebrate with them and you don't mention that you are in a relationship? Even when you go to a romantic private location with them? It is obvious the MC has a crush on her but she never says a thing until after the kiss.

How is that not a real date?

the next one is a real date, but for Josy it is goodbye, at the end of the evening they are both quite resigned that they will never see each other again

talk to him about her sentimental situation, on the first occasion it is too early, on the second too late
So because it is a goodbye she doesn't feel it is important to mention "oh my ex-girlfriend will be going there too"

Josy leads the MC on and it blows up in her face.
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Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
Someone asks you to celebrate with them and you don't mention that you are in a relationship? Even when you go to a romantic private location with them? It is obvious the MC has a crush on her but she never says a thing until after the kiss.

How is that not a real date?

So because since it is a goodbye she doesn't feel it is important to mention "oh my ex-girlfriend will be going there too"

Josy leads the MC on and it blows up in her face.
until the kiss she doesn't need to stop the situation, she is probably superficial, but in real life I have seen worse

if they never saw each other again, what was the point of talking to him about her girlfriend?
if Josy had not managed to enter the BR she would no longer have attended either Mc or Maya


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2020
Many here are playing this game by selecting multiple girls & fucking. But, you are playing Dr Pink Cake game. Did u forgot what happened at endings in Acting Lessons? Don't be a Man Whore. Play faithfully. Or it gonn back stab you & you need to start whole game again when this game gets completed to see Happy Endings. Yes, I also playing like a Man-whore, but when it's completed, I'm gonna start this game all again.
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Holy Bacchus

Conversation Conqueror
Dec 13, 2018
It's lies by omission... Not only did they not tell him what gender their relationships were with, but they also didn't tell him:

1) That the "boyfriend" was going to the same college that the MC was going to and that Josy planned to go to... Thus allowing the MC to believe that they would be able to be together in college when that wasn't true at all.
2) That the MC was the first man they'd ever been interested in and that before him Maya had only been attracted to women.
3) Both of them refused to talk about their relationships and implied that they were unhappy/wanted to break up with their respective "boyfriends" thus leading the MC to believe he had a chance with them.
4) Implied that they trusted the MC and yet never talked to him about any of this information. Even if the MC is honest to them about the fact that he is dating the two of them (though not by name).

Look, most of my issues with this game stem from the fact that the MC is required to keep Maya and Josy in his life. They are happy together, and that's great, but the MC should be able to move on and have minimal contact with them. He's known them for 2 weeks and 2 months respectively, the whole idea that now he can't severe ties with them and must still be involved in their lives is ridiculous. He has 4 years of college to go and yet the relationships he's made in this short span of time are now too important to distance himself from? Especially when he has Jill, Bella, Sage, Quinn and her gang (and maybe more) to develop relationships with/fuck/hang out with?
M&J are clearly required to remain in the MC's life because they're important to the narrative. They both have connections to characters and groups who are connected to the MC, with Tommy being Josy's step-brother, Derek being Maya's brother, both Tommy & Derek being party of the DIKs, and M&J joining the HOTs who are a sorority that's close to the DIKs. They're also going to be in almost all the same classes together, so they are intrinsically woven into the fabric of this story. Even in the real world it would be difficult to avoid contact with 2 people who you're invariably going to be in the same room with several times a week.

The issue is that I am skeptical that any of this was planned out in advance or planned out well.

Who meets and gets to know someone over the course of a summer, shares the fact that they are trying to get into the same college but then doesn't mention a step brother who already goes there? Or a significant other that also will be going there? If you really got to know the person in the time you worked with them, enough to know you like them, then why hide that you were in a relationship until the day you agree to go on a date? Do you know so little about the guy that you don't know how he will react if you tell him that you are in a relationship with another woman?

With Maya I can at least apply the same "it's only been 2 weeks" logic that makes me think the MC should be able to walk away.
Josy was very conflicted at that time. On the one hand, she was thinking that she wasn't going to get in to B&R and was even contemplating moving away to start a new life, but she also didn't want to give up hope that she might get in. So her omitting certain details are likely because she didn't think it necessary to divulge them if she was just going to eventually pack up and leave town. The MC, however, starts giving her a reason to stay, even if she doesn't get in to B&R, and this is when she starts to open up a little bit but still keep other things at arms length because she's still not wanting to get too attached by letting him on everything.

For me, what Josy does here is prefectly understandable. The way I see it (psychoanalysing a lot here), is that she has feelings for the MC yet she both does and doesn't want to get close to him. She wants to just pack up and leave her problems behind, which is rash and impulsive move, but he's giving her a reason to stay because he feels similarly about her as she does for him and there's also no conflict and drama with him so it would be an easier relationship. But she doesn't tell him everything because she doesn't want him getting too attached either and to get hurt if she were to leave. She doesn't fully want to open up as it would make it harder for her to leave and him to accept her leaving.

Also, they worked alongside each other but were mostly just casual acquaintances who developed an attraction to each other, so it was only when they went out that first time on what could be looked as just a casual friends thing, that they had their first real conversation outside of work.


Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
Many here are playing this game by selecting multiple girls & fucking. But, you are playing Dr Pink Cake game. Did u forgot what happened at endings in Acting Lessons? Don't be a Man Whore. Play faithfully. Or it gonn back stab you & you need to start whole game again when this game gets completed to see Happy Endings. Yes, I also playing like a Man-whore, but when it's completed, I'm gonna start this game all again.
in AL if you frequent them all you just avoid marriage, but in the end Meghan or Melissa forgive you anyway

at worst you come back with Ana

I don't think betrayal is so punished

Real Kreten

Active Member
Apr 10, 2020

CROWD: Maya and Josy are terrible liars, hypocrites and the worst people in the world. We want to get rid of them, get them raped, thrown them out on the street, dismembered, burned.

BaDIK: but Maya and Josy are important for the future story, moreover, they both have brothers in DIK fraternity and MC somebody, who reject friends.

CROWD: No, No, No, this is a porn game, and in a porn game, if I turn someone down, they get lost from the face of the earth and I never see them again.

BaDIK: Uhhh, this is supposed to be adult VN, here the NPC have their own life. No one disappears just because MC wants it.

DAV: No, No, NO, we want the right to get rid of them.

Fortunately, the DPC writes its VN the way he wants and not as the crowd demands.


Gingers are love. Gingers are life.
Game Developer
Aug 14, 2020
Someone asks you to celebrate with them and you don't mention that you are in a relationship? Even when you go to a romantic private location with them? It is obvious the MC has a crush on her but she never says a thing until after the kiss.

How is that not a real date?

So because it is a goodbye she doesn't feel it is important to mention "oh my ex-girlfriend will be going there too"

Josy leads the MC on and it blows up in her face.
She was the one to invite him out. He says "It's a date". She does giggle but does not object. And then SHE takes him to her special spot. And makes out with him. Yeah, it's a date and she did all that still hoping that she will get in. He was a nice guy who showed interest in her and she was hurt by what was happening between her and Maya. So she used him to try to make herself feel better.


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2020
View attachment 860363

CROWD: Maya and Josy are terrible liars, hypocrites and the worst people in the world. We want to get rid of them, get them raped, thrown them out on the street, dismembered, burned.

BaDIK: but Maya and Josy are important for the future story, moreover, they both have brothers in DIK fraternity and MC somebody, who reject friends.

CROWD: No, No, No, this is a porn game, and in a porn game, if I turn someone down, they get lost from the face of the earth and I never see them again.

BaDIK: Uhhh, this is supposed to be adult VN, here the NPC have their own life. No one disappears just because MC wants it.

DAV: No, No, NO, we want the right to get rid of them.

Fortunately, the DPC writes its VN the way he wants and not as the crowd demands.
It's okay if they stay. They are studying in same college, their brothers are members of DIK. So, we can't avoid them. I don't call them as "friends", because obviously I too don't like what they done. I may be a hypocrite. But that's now I played adult games in f95. Because these games are fantasies. Unreal things. I like waifu academy. But, if we behave like that in irl, we gonna gets jailed for sure. These games are the things which we want to "enjoy" by being whatever we can because it's not possible in irl.

But, yeah I don't agree with people who are saying Maya & Josy should be get out of the game just because they lied and fucked behind MC's back. Atleast we can be acquaintances if not friends.
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Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
View attachment 860363

CROWD: Maya and Josy are terrible liars, hypocrites and the worst people in the world. We want to get rid of them, get them raped, thrown them out on the street, dismembered, burned.

BaDIK: but Maya and Josy are important for the future story, moreover, they both have brothers in DIK fraternity and MC somebody, who reject friends.

CROWD: No, No, No, this is a porn game, and in a porn game, if I turn someone down, they get lost from the face of the earth and I never see them again.

BaDIK: Uhhh, this is supposed to be adult VN, here the NPC have their own life. No one disappears just because MC wants it.

DAV: No, No, NO, we want the right to get rid of them.

Fortunately, the DPC writes its VN the way he wants and not as the crowd demands.
then the point is only one:
MC still wants at least to remain friends with Maya and Josy and this regardless of what the players want to do

it doesn't seem difficult to accept


Officially Dead Inside
Feb 23, 2020
M&J are clearly required to remain in the MC's life because they're important to the narrative. They both have connections to characters and groups who are connected to the MC, with Tommy being Josy's step-brother, Derek being Maya's brother, both Tommy & Derek being party of the DIKs, and M&J joining the HOTs who are a sorority that's close to the DIKs. They're also going to be in almost all the same classes together, so they are intrinsically woven into the fabric of this story. Even in the real world it would be difficult to avoid contact with 2 people who you're invariably going to be in the same room with several times a week.
You can be in classes together, be in the same social group, be in the same damn dorm room and not be friends or fuck buddies or in a relationship. Just because they are in the same world doesn't mean that the MC should then spend so much time hanging out with them. The fact that it would inconvenience other people if the MC said he didn't want to be friends with them anymore shouldn't be a reason for the character to still be friends with them. I understand that's the narrative and that we are required to keep them in the MC's life but I don't think it makes sense for a 2 week relationship to be so important. I wish we could make choices like "go hang out with Josy and Maya" or "go hang out with Jill" and start seeing the story branch as we pick a path more.

I don't think the characters should be removed from the game, but I do think that it would be nice for us not to be forced to be a part of their stories.

Josy was very conflicted at that time. On the one hand, she was thinking that she wasn't going to get in to B&R and was even contemplating moving away to start a new life, but she also didn't want to give up hope that she might get in. So her omitting certain details are likely because she didn't think it necessary to divulge them if she was just going to eventually pack up and leave town. The MC, however, starts giving her a reason to stay, even if she doesn't get in to B&R, and this is when she starts to open up a little bit but still keep other things at arms length because she's still not wanting to get too attached by letting him on everything.
Eh, the fact that the MC seems to be a mostly open book and everyone else has secrets on top of secrets is frustrating. He tells his life story to people at nearly the drop of a hat but then people who say they "really really like him" don't tell him shit. Josy has known the MC for a summer and she doesn't feel that she knows him well enough to trust him with any aspect of her life beyond a superficial crush. Yet then she is so torn up when he doesn't want to talk to her or Maya... She and Maya caught feelings for the MC too quickly.

As the game continues I want to be able to pursue the Love Interest I like and spend less time with the Love Interests I don't want. It increases replayability that way... Maya and Josy want each other and seem happy together, that's fine. The MC should be able to move on and not have to get involved so deeply in their lives. Even as friends the MC spends more time with them than any other friends he has.

Holy Bacchus

Conversation Conqueror
Dec 13, 2018
View attachment 860363

CROWD: Maya and Josy are terrible liars, hypocrites and the worst people in the world. We want to get rid of them, get them raped, thrown them out on the street, dismembered, burned.

BaDIK: but Maya and Josy are important for the future story, moreover, they both have brothers in DIK fraternity and MC somebody, who reject friends.

CROWD: No, No, No, this is a porn game, and in a porn game, if I turn someone down, they get lost from the face of the earth and I never see them again.

BaDIK: Uhhh, this is supposed to be adult VN, here the NPC have their own life. No one disappears just because MC wants it.

DAV: No, No, NO, we want the right to get rid of them.

Fortunately, the DPC writes its VN the way he wants and not as the crowd demands.
The thing is that it's not even that big a crowd. It's just a few voices that crop up from time to time and forget that the MC is not them and that there's a narrative reason why they have to stick around and still be in the MC's life.

She was the one to invite him out. He says "It's a date". She does giggle but does not object. And then SHE takes him to her special spot. And makes out with him. Yeah, it's a date and she did all that still hoping that she will get in. He was a nice guy who showed interest in her and she was hurt by what was happening between her and Maya. So she used him to try to make herself feel better.
She says on the 2nd date (which I would consider more to be their actual 1st date) that she's not doing this just because she's lonely. People can argue over whether or not they believe her, but I do, and as such that would mean she wasn't using him to make herself feel better, but that she did feel a genuine connection with him and wanted to explore it despite her still somewhat being in a relationship with Maya and even considering moving away.

Also, when the MC says, "It's a date", he's being sincere that that's what he wants and whilst Josy does have a crush on him, for all we know she just thought him saying that was amusing but she didn't herself view it as a date.

But, yeah I don't agree with people who are saying Maya & Josy should be get out of the game just because they lied and fucked behind MC's back. Atleast we can be acquaintances if not friends.
Well, they didn't "fuck" behind the MC's back as they were separated at the time.


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2020
The thing is that it's not even that big a crowd. It's just a few voices that crop up from time to time and forget that the MC is not them and that there's a narrative reason why they have to stick around and still be in the MC's life.

She says on the 2nd date (which I would consider more to be their actual 1st date) that she's not doing this just because she's lonely. People can argue over whether or not they believe her, but I do, and as such that would mean she wasn't using him to make herself feel better, but that she did feel a genuine connection with him and wanted to explore it despite her still somewhat being in a relationship with Maya and even considering moving away.

Also, when the MC says, "It's a date", he's being sincere that that's what he wants and whilst Josy does have a crush on him, for all we know she just thought him saying that was amusing but she didn't herself view it as a date.

Well, they didn't "fuck" behind the MC's back as they were separated at the time.
Still, they lied. And not me, but MC also upsets by that (if we select that option). And don't counter me as "MC also hiding about his sexual encounters". As I said, I want to be a hypocrite atleast in adult games.

Holy Bacchus

Conversation Conqueror
Dec 13, 2018
Eh, the fact that the MC seems to be a mostly open book and everyone else has secrets on top of secrets is frustrating. He tells his life story to people at nearly the drop of a hat but then people who say they "really really like him" don't tell him shit. Josy has known the MC for a summer and she doesn't feel that she knows him well enough to trust him with any aspect of her life beyond a superficial crush. Yet then she is so torn up when he doesn't want to talk to her or Maya... She and Maya caught feelings for the MC too quickly.

As the game continues I want to be able to pursue the Love Interest I like and spend less time with the Love Interests I don't want. It increases replayability that way... Maya and Josy want each other and seem happy together, that's fine. The MC should be able to move on and not have to get involved so deeply in their lives. Even as friends the MC spends more time with them than any other friends he has.
Some people are like that, though. There are people who are like an open book and are very open with others, even complete strangers, and there are some who are more closed-off and trying to get them to open up is like trying to draw blood from a stone. People also have their reasons for not wanting to tell others certain things about themselves, and sometimes those reasons can be quite understandable and sometimes they're not, but it's not really up to us to judge them based on how we would behave and deal with such things as everyone is different and deals with things in their own way, whether it's the objectively right or wrong way to go about it.

Everyone in this story has caught feelings pretty fast, including Sage, Jill, and Bella; it's just the way these VNs are, even ones that are bit better written like this one. But there is such a concept of love at first sight, so being instantly drawn to someone and inexplicably developing deep feelings for them in a short space of time is not that far-fetched of a concept. The majority of LIs are also very late teens to early 20s and at that age things can develop quickly like this because hormones are still raging and can result in more intense feelings.

As for M&J's happiness, that's doubtful even on the friend/rejection path. Again, at that age things often seem bigger and more serious than they generally are and so the issue with Maya's Dad and the fear of judgement from others still weighs heavily on their relationship, and now they also have the added tension of Quinn and the tuition money for Maya. So a lot of strain is still going to be put on their relationship, in addition to the fact that they are both still clearly harbouring feelings for the MC which means their minds will not be solely focused on each other when they're together.


Officially Dead Inside
Feb 23, 2020
Some people are like that, though. There are people who are like an open book and are very open with others, even complete strangers, and there are some who are more closed-off and trying to get them to open up is like trying to draw blood from a stone. People also have their reasons for not wanting to tell others certain things about themselves, and sometimes those reasons can be quite understandable and sometimes they're not, but it's not really up to us to judge them based on how we would behave and deal with such things as everyone is different and deals with things in their own way, whether it's the objectively right or wrong way to go about it.

Everyone in this story has caught feelings pretty fast, including Sage, Jill, and Bella; it's just the way these VNs are, even ones that are bit better written like this one. But there is such a concept of love at first sight, so being instantly drawn to someone and inexplicably developing deep feelings for them in a short space of time is not that far-fetched of a concept. The majority of LIs are also very late teens to early 20s and at that age things can develop quickly like this because hormones are still raging and can result in more intense feelings.

As for M&J's happiness, that's doubtful even on the friend/rejection path. Again, at that age things often seem bigger and more serious than they generally are and so the issue with Maya's Dad and the fear of judgement from others still weighs heavily on their relationship, and now they also have the added tension of Quinn and the tuition money for Maya. So a lot of strain is still going to be put on their relationship, in addition to the fact that they are both still clearly harbouring feelings for the MC which means their minds will not be solely focused on each other when they're together.
Yeah, all very good points. Just one of those situations where I don't care about these characters. I don't actively dislike them just feel like I'd rather spend time with other characters but the narrative is focused more on them than anyone else. I want to see the MC actually having to make choices and solidifying his actual interests in an individual (or the throuple) versus meaningless sex and being spread out among all of the potential love interests.

And the whole "harbouring feelings" thing, I find it ridiculous considering it has been only two weeks. The idea that those feelings are so intense that they could possibly destroy their established relationship but at the same time they don't want to define their relationship with the MC in a way that would require him to be exclusive to them is :rolleyes:
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