
Aug 24, 2018
Five months is bad enough, but 6 months is my limit. I really hoped that when DPC got his upgrades we would get shorter update periods, but instead it has just been an incentive to keep adding more bloat. Granted, it's mostly good bloat (D&G aside), however, I still would prefer 3-4 months.

Season 1 was my favourite and 3-4 months was the norm back then. S1 had a decent amount of lewd scenes and great story without getting bogged down in DPC's current trend of huge free roams where you bang up to six girls in a short time frame. I prefer lewd scenes to be spaced out. If we were getting a lot of story progression in exchange for 5-6 months that would be one thing, but it seems like few long-standing mysteries/plotpoints are being resolved. Add to that, sizeable portions of S2 episodes are filled with D&G (and the 'blink and it's over' pointless lewd scenes), mini-games, and huge free roam, (engaging as they are) I don't feel that the upgrades have done much player benefit beyond additional animations.

Ultimately, I believe we are stuck with large free roams from now on because of the huge cast and the now branching LI storylines. A massive free roam is the only way DPC can get the characters together and keep things organised without having to write an endless number of branches for every character interaction. P.S. I'm fine with halloween party free foam. This free roam I have been waiting on for a LONG time.
This is a very valid criticism, BaDIK came out in 2019, and by the end of this year, 8 episodes will have been released.

8 episodes in 3 years sounds reasonable enough, but since the Dev intends on going for a total of 15-20 episodes, and we are currently on the trend of releasing 2 episodes a year, waiting an additional 4-6 years to see the end of the game seems pretty excessive.

2026-2027 could be the time at when we see the game finally completed :WutFace:


Conversation Conqueror
May 29, 2020
Some of this comment gave me the impression that some folks simply want a spacebar smash game :ROFLMAO:

" Oh just allow me to smash the space bar, so I can finish the game in 10 minute, and i can put out my review Good renders, decent animations, Mini games are too hard, I lost during free roaming, I can't unlock every fuck scene immediately, he should give as a save that unlock every scene right from the beginning of each update, and he should hire peoples so he could post update every 2 month, that i can finish in 10 minute, so I could complain about how short it is. 3 out of 10"
And what do you want to affirm with this comment? That there are people who just want to masturbate with these games? :WaitWhat:


Engaged Member
Sep 20, 2018
I take my cue from what you have written, which is always interesting, to reiterate a conviction of mine

the idea that Josy is the brave one of the two is a collective misconception. in both big and small things, Maya is the one who takes risks, sometimes in a completely unconscious way, but in the end she does, going far beyond the stereotype of the introverted girl.

Of course with the fact that Maya ends up facing challenges beyond her reach, she ends up relying completely on those around her, but she always accepts the challenge.

p.s. the "no string attached" is a retcon, it has nothing to do with what happens before and after, it's only meant to warn the players that the ending was still very far away and in case to convince them to get into trouble
I agree Maya is not the coward some claim, though I wouldn't put it in terms of bravery; both Maya and Josy are willing to take risks for the other. But while Josy is bold and optimistic, Maya is cautious and pessimistic. Josy would rather confront Patrick head on and either force him to blink, or accept his ultimatum and spend the next few years rebuilding Maya's credit. Maya sees that as a worse outcome than pretending to accept the ultimatum spending the next few years either accelerating her studies or finding a new alternative (while seeing Josy in secret).

You can certainly say Maya is taking the path of least resistance and effectively giving up on Josy. But you can just as easily say Josy is too cavalier and expects Maya to bear 100% of the burden of defying her father. It's a case of having to pick from terrible options without an objectively correct one.

As for the "no strings attached" bit, retcon isn't quite the right word: this was definitely planned out ahead of time. I think the better word is "railroad;" DPC needs to narrow the choices available to the player to keep the story on the rails. Normally, DPC is pretty good at weaving these constrained choices into the narrative. This is one of the times when he wasn't able to do that.

I wish DPC would have shown us the rejection dialogue so we could see exactly what Jade was so :mad: about. Her anger goes well beyond just being rejected by a married woman who doesn't want to have a threesome with married co-workers. Jade actually seems to be in a rather good mood during that scene (mostly because of MC but still). That said, I'm sure Bella and Jade had a typical womanly rivalry (like you see in any office) before "the incident" but something clearly happened during or after the library scene.

I need to go back and watch the scene, but I recall Burke being at least partially successful setting up the date; although, I assumed Bella didn't believe it was a sex date at the time. Rather, I thought she took it to mean a co-worker get-together. That wouldn't be all that unusual. Certainly no stranger than getting together with students at your home and drinking with them.

Also, wasn't the "date" supposed to occur that Friday night? I'm trying to remember where Bella was on Friday night. Was that the evening of the Cathy photo debacle? If so, would Bella even have had the opportunity to meet up with Burke and Jade to discover the date was actually for sex? Need intel from someone who played this episode recently or remembers the chronological timeline of events.
That Friday night would have been the night after the DIK initiation. The MC and Derek have their shot contest, then the MC either goes home to see Maya's family pictures, doesn't get to fuck Sage on the dance floor, or does get to fuck Sarah in the closet (if he meets all the requirements).

We don't meet Bella on Saturday, because the MC goes home for his date with Josy. When we finally run into her on Sunday, she's doing Yoga with Jill and is clearly not in a good mood. It's hard to say how much of that might be related to Jade/Stephen though, since she still dislikes the MC in general at that point.

I haven't done a Bella playthrough in a long time. Things I need to research: Was the Burke/Bella/Jade date scheduled for Friday and where was Bella on Friday, and did Jade's picture throwing fight with Burke happen before or after the library scene? Was that fight a flashback? If so, how far back?
It's hard to say for certain. The timeline at the beginning of Episode 3 is a completely jumbled mess.

It starts with Chad getting the "blackmail" letters (though technically that was apparently a teaser at the end of Episode 2). Then we get the maybe-flashback scene with Jade and Stephen. Then comes the MC and and Derek at the mall (I think cutting ahead to just before their Gay Guard Catcher), the flashback to Rusty explaining the Pledge Board, the HOTs pool scene where Quinn offers free tuition to Maya and Mona, and finally Chad ambushing the MC. After that things go back to an orderly flow of time.

We can make reasonable guesses as to when each of these events take place, but there's simply no way to be certain. :( My best guess is that the Jade/Stephen fight happened on Monday like most of the other events, but anywhere from Friday to Tuesday would be plausible.

If he wasnt greedy and used the money he has from his patreon and sales on steam to create a team rather than working on everything himself we would have the updates in a much faster time yet the money he is getting is not really going into the game.

Season 3 can be finished by the end of 2023 and the amount of content each episode we get right now does not justify the length it takes to develop.
I would have no problem to support him on patreon/steam but i see no reason when the money i will give him will not go into improving the game and the time it takes to develop. Dpc needs to stop being greedy and ask people to help him.
That's ridiculous. Hiring and managing people are extremely complicated endeavors that have almost no skill overlap with making 3D artwork or writing Python code. We know DPC is very good at the last two, but I have no reason to think he's any good at the first two; indeed, based on the way he runs his Patreon account, I'm inclined to think he isn't particularly good at them.

If DPC tries to hire a team, there's no guarantee he'd hire reliable, productive people, much less that the stress of managing those people would be less than the stress of trying to do everything himself. The only thing that would be guaranteed is that productivity would drop in the short term as DPC is forced to divert his time for the hiring and training processes.

Believe me, I'm as unhappy about the likely 3-8 year path to finishing BaDIK as anyone, but IMHO asking DPC to hire a team is a cure far, far worse than the disease.

to say this, shouldn't we see what the result would be if he had collaborators?
then actually he has already opened up to external collaborators (the author of the 2d renderings), did you perceive a drop in quality?

otherwise it's an act of faith
As I just mentioned, there is actually a very high opportunity cost to DPC trying to build a team. I don't think it's worth the risk.

I'd much rather encourage him to reign in the size of updates and try to maintain a 5 month cadence when possible. That's still going to be very difficult because the guy's a perfectionist, but I think that's a much better, and far safer, hill to die on.


Engaged Member
Oct 20, 2020
It's hard to say for certain. The timeline at the beginning of Episode 3 is a completely jumbled mess.

It starts with Chad getting the "blackmail" letters (though technically that was apparently a teaser at the end of Episode 2). Then we get the maybe-flashback scene with Jade and Stephen. Then comes the MC and and Derek at the mall (I think cutting ahead to just before their Gay Guard Catcher), the flashback to Rusty explaining the Pledge Board, the HOTs pool scene where Quinn offers free tuition to Maya and Mona, and finally Chad ambushing the MC. After that things go back to an orderly flow of time.

We can make reasonable guesses as to when each of these events take place, but there's simply no way to be certain. :( My best guess is that the Jade/Stephen fight happened on Monday like most of the other events, but anywhere from Friday to Tuesday would be plausible.
:unsure: That certainly is a jumbled mess. Let's say the Jade/Stephen picture-throwing fight does happen before the library date quest. If so, then wow..I don't know what to say about that. Jade goes from full on rage to later allowing her husband to set up a date and potential threesome with a woman she already doesn't look too fondly upon, to put it mildly.

Now I really want to see that date. That blow up must have been epic! Burke trying to get Bella drunk, meanwhile Jade sitting there watching and quietly fuming. Then Burke finally goes for it and either comes right out and asks for sex or he goes in for a kiss and boob grapple. I imagine Bella would have karate chopped him. MC tried that move and Bella raged and almost killed him until his plot armour and the power of his magic penis took over. You would think Jade would have enjoyed seeing Burke get rejected, but Bella and Jade must have also clashed at least verbally because Jade clearly dislikes Bella even more now.

Woe unto the MC who is romancing both Bella and Jade. That is going to come crashing down a lot worse than Bella/Cathy and I think Jade in particular is going to feel incredibly betrayed, much like Jill when she finds out MC and Bella have been diddling each other. Jade having not only her husband lust after Bella, but her rebound boy toy too? :whistle: Yikes.
Dec 22, 2017
I'm by no means a head over the heels ''DrPinkCake can do no wrong'' head over heels in love supporter. I like the guy's game and I thinks he's pretty damn good at making Adult Visual Novels, probably even the best. But I don't get how anyone can play the updates when they come out, or just see the fruits of this guy's labor and bitch about wait times.

There are quite a few devs that take just as long as he does per update and only trot out not even half of the work. And while we all would like more frequent updates and for the time not to increase after each episodes. Waiting six months for a 3 to 4 hour update, with multiple paths to play is always worth it when its release time.
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Engaged Member
Aug 4, 2020
Five months is bad enough, but 6 months is my limit. I really hoped that when DPC got his upgrades we would get shorter update periods, but instead it has just been an incentive to keep adding more bloat. Granted, it's mostly good bloat (D&G aside), however, I still would prefer 3-4 months.

Season 1 was my favourite and 3-4 months was the norm back then. S1 had a decent amount of lewd scenes and great story without getting bogged down in DPC's current trend of huge free roams where you bang up to six girls in a short time frame. I prefer lewd scenes to be spaced out. If we were getting a lot of story progression in exchange for 5-6 months that would be one thing, but it seems like few long-standing mysteries/plotpoints are being resolved. Add to that, sizeable portions of S2 episodes are filled with D&G (and the 'blink and it's over' pointless lewd scenes), mini-games, and huge free roam, (engaging as they are) I don't feel that the upgrades have done much player benefit beyond additional animations.

Ultimately, I believe we are stuck with large free roams from now on because of the huge cast and the now branching LI storylines. A massive free roam is the only way DPC can get the characters together and keep things organised without having to write an endless number of branches for every character interaction. P.S. I'm fine with halloween party free foam. This free roam I have been waiting on for a LONG time.
This is a very valid criticism, BaDIK came out in 2019, and by the end of this year, 8 episodes will have been released.

8 episodes in 3 years sounds reasonable enough, but since the Dev intends on going for a total of 15-20 episodes, and we are currently on the trend of releasing 2 episodes a year, waiting an additional 4-6 years to see the end of the game seems pretty excessive.

2026-2027 could be the time at when we see the game finally completed :WutFace:
I'm by no means a head over the heels ''DrPinkCake can do no wrong'' head over heels in love supporter. I like the guy's game and I thinks he's pretty damn good at making Adult Visual Novels, probably even the best. But I don't get how anyone can play the updates when they come out, or just see the fruits of this guy's labor and bitch about wait times.

There are quite a few devs that take just as long as he does per update and only trot out not even half of the work. And while we all would like more frequent updates and for the time not to increase after each episodes. Waiting six months for a 3 to 4 hour update, with multiple paths to play is always worth it when its release time.
Cyberpunk 2077 had more than 5000 people working on it and it took almost 10 years to make. We didn't even get it in playable chunks every year, we just had to wait 10 fucking years... And then it was over.

There are some games on this site that have almost weekly to bi-weekly updates, and they take minutes to complete, it's fucking pointless...

To me, the BaDIK episode sizes are great. They are long enough, and paced well enough, that when the end of the episode comes around you're not left thinking, "Is that all?" (I'm looking at you, CoBD :cautious:). Enough of everything happens that by the end of a BaDIK episode, it's quite satisfying. Of course you want more, but we'll always want more.

The episodes have started to average out at about 6-7 hours of play time (they started off a lot smaller). Most people probably don't even finish an episode in one sitting (actually I have no idea how deranged you lot are, I personally finished the last two episodes in one sitting each, I just skip sleeping those nights).

There are complaints of "padding" like DnG, but what's interesting is that one of my more popular posts was just funny quotes from the DnG games (I've realised now that DnG really serves as character development for Sally, it's not about the mc getting his dick wet, but that's in there too for those who are playing this game for all the wrong reasons. :p).

I'm super happy with the way the game is being maintained. I'd hate for DPC to compromise something and then the game (or his interest in it) starts to decline.

There's enough other shit going on in life that what's 6 months between episodes? And if you lose interest before the next episode, then it doesn't really matter does it.
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Dec 30, 2020
I see this in a different way than many here. A lot of us came to play this game just to see what was this all about, like it was "Just another game", oddly enough we didn't get a game with copied characters in a "re-recycle plot" with some extra lewd content in different angles.

We got into something that hooked us into a good story, with relatable characters, with attitudes and emotions that resembles real life, and some of us are more desperate than others to see where this is going. BaDIK is for me like a really good Book series (on going), that you encounter once every ten years or more, and in my opinion the best thing that you can do with it is, enjoying it, every single moment. What makes this all the more enjoyable is the wait, you know is worth to wait, but at the same time we're all desperate to see how things will unfold.

As a Warhammer 40k fan, I'm used to wait for content. My recommendation to some friends here: Just be patient, it's gonna be better for you to not rush something as good as this.

PS: I hate Tybalt so much. I've known many like him IRL. cpvt0iyso4j71.png


Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
As I just mentioned, there is actually a very high opportunity cost to DPC trying to build a team. I don't think it's worth the risk.

I'd much rather encourage him to reign in the size of updates and try to maintain a 5 month cadence when possible. That's still going to be very difficult because the guy's a perfectionist, but I think that's a much better, and far safer, hill to die on.
between doing everything yourself and building a team, which also presupposes a certain democracy in the creative process, there are intermediate steps.

talking about quality is always subjective, but many appreciated games are the result of the work of several people, I would say most of them.

DPC has to take small parts of his work, which are not very creative but time-consuming, and delegate them to someone else. someone who peels his potatoes and cuts his onions. it is an almost obligatory step to grow professionally. then if he finds people he likes and whose vision he shares, he can increase their tasks and their autonomy, but in this there is also luck, it might never happen.

the direction of his work does not go towards smaller chapters, and also for me it is not a coincidence that in the last two chapters introduced two new minigames, DPC felt the need to "do something else".
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Apr 30, 2021
'PS: I hate Tybalt so much. I've known many like him IRL' - Allarus

Tybalt is the most disgusting piece of shit I've ever had the displeasure to meet in a VN. Thankfully, I don't know anyone relatable IRL...if I had there's a good chance they would be dead by now. Jill is so innocent and naieve, she has a beautiful soul and the thought of this monster being anywhere near her, fills me with horror.
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Engaged Member
Aug 4, 2020
'PS: I hate Tybalt so much. I've known many like him IRL' - Allarus

Tybalt is the most disgusting piece of shit I've ever had the displeasure to meet in a VN. Thankfully, I don't know anyone relatable IRL...if I had there's a good chance they would be dead by now. Jill is so innocent and naieve, she has a beautiful soul and the thought of this monster being anywhere near her, fills me with horror.
Just look at that sneaky predator in the top left! :mad:
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So good that he got caught in the act on Rooster, and as you say, the naïve Jill was clueless! :eek:
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Active Member
Oct 11, 2020
Just look at that sneaky predator in the top right! :mad:
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So good that he got caught in the act on Rooster, and as you say, the naïve Jill was clueless! :eek:
I can't believe I'm about to say something that might, in any way, be viewed as defending that... that... no, even on a porn forum I won't say it...
But, maybe... just maybe... he just happened to be walking by the window and... well... c'mon... It's Jill in a bikini. Anyone stops to look at that! :love:
It could have be a reasonably innocent double-take that just happened to get caught on camera.
It's possible, right? :unsure:
But... probably not.
Ok, ok... It's Tybalt. Of course it wasn't innocent.
Fuckin' creeper.



Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2021
and yet the only thing missing in Tybalt to make him a game MC is a gigantic cock and a dead Stephen or jailed Stephen or whatever stephen missing! He as the mother and older sister (Jade and Sage) all that is missing is his younger sister and his childhood friend and it would be the typical incest game in this site! and for younger Sister we got KRJ while for mothers best friend we got Cathy! So all that is missing is for Sally his childhood friend to realise that she only dates Magnar because Tybalt is in love with posh spice who is unworthy of his gigantic cock unlike her...

people keep talking shit about the other Males when 90% their MC`s have done far far worse!

still better then the MC of Milf*City i mean he as not raped anyone (yet?)!

and before the fakepalms arrive stop acting like your own shit does not stink!
Jul 12, 2021
Just look at that sneaky predator in the top right! :mad:
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So good that he got caught in the act on Rooster, and as you say, the naïve Jill was clueless! :eek:
Damn I didn’t even notice shit like this lol which I mean understandable I was only looking at Jill but I love little details like this lmao.


Engaged Member
Aug 4, 2020
Damn I didn’t even notice shit like this lol which I mean understandable I was only looking at Jill but I love little details like this lmao.
Yeah, you did well finding him considering you have to take you eyes off that heaving chest and I said top right when I meant top left (looks like Jill scrambled my brain too! o_O)

and yet the only thing missing in Tybalt to make him a game MC is a gigantic cock and a dead Stephen or jailed Stephen or whatever stephen missing! He as the mother and older sister (Jade and Sage) all that is missing is his younger sister and his childhood friend and it would be the typical incest game in this site! and for younger Sister we got KRJ while for mothers best friend we got Cathy! So all that is missing is for Sally his childhood friend to realise that she only dates Magnar because Tybalt is in love with posh spice who is unworthy of his gigantic cock unlike her...

people keep talking shit about the other Males when 90% their MC`s have done far far worse!

still better then the MC of Milf*City i mean he as not raped anyone (yet?)!

and before the fakepalms arrive stop acting like your own shit does not stink!
That what makes this game so different from so many games here, if the mc wants to fuck a girl, he lets her know it and she fucks him (or not). No buying sleeping pills off the internet, grooming jailbait, sneaking around sliding his cock across some sleeping girls nostrils. :rolleyes: I hate the games where the mc is so creepy that he has to connive his way into a girls pants - yeah I'm looking at you Tybalt. :poop:


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2018
I see this in a different way than many here. A lot of us came to play this game just to see what was this all about, like it was "Just another game", oddly enough we didn't get a game with copied characters in a "re-recycle plot" with some extra lewd content in different angles.

We got into something that hooked us into a good story, with relatable characters, with attitudes and emotions that resembles real life, and some of us are more desperate than others to see where this is going. BaDIK is for me like a really good Book series (on going), that you encounter once every ten years or more, and in my opinion the best thing that you can do with it is, enjoying it, every single moment. What makes this all the more enjoyable is the wait, you know is worth to wait, but at the same time we're all desperate to see how things will unfold.

As a Warhammer 40k fan, I'm used to wait for content. My recommendation to some friends here: Just be patient, it's gonna be better for you to not rush something as good as this.

PS: I hate Tybalt so much. I've known many like him IRL. View attachment 1371608
Is that a preview? Cause he's totally the type of douche who would expect it even for a blackmail 3rd date.

Oliver Wendell Homely

Active Member
May 9, 2020
I have played this game several times now. I just noticed that Sally is a party girl. Could be an interesting future story line.
-Throw Sally in the bush? No.
-Lay the pipe to Sallys' bush for her bratty comments? Yes.

View attachment 1371945 View attachment 1371946
Love me some Sally! Every time DPC offers Sally content as a choice on his Patreon, though, I'm in a very distinct minority. Not sure she'll ever get any lewd content, which would be a shame.


Engaged Member
Oct 20, 2020
I'm by no means a head over the heels ''DrPinkCake can do no wrong'' head over heels in love supporter. I like the guy's game and I thinks he's pretty damn good at making Adult Visual Novels, probably even the best. But I don't get how anyone can play the updates when they come out, or just see the fruits of this guy's labor and bitch about wait times.

There are quite a few devs that take just as long as he does per update and only trot out not even half of the work. And while we all would like more frequent updates and for the time not to increase after each episodes. Waiting six months for a 3 to 4 hour update, with multiple paths to play is always worth it when its release time.
I think there is some misunderstanding. I agree there is a lot of content. I even agree there is a lot of excellent content. But to clarify, if I'm going to wait 6 months in between episodes then I want more story progression than filler. I don't hate the filler. I actually liked the first D&G (although the second is a pretty big fucking diarrhea tell 'em Josy!), I play all of the mini games, the new phone isn't completely terrible, free roams get me laid 6 times in an hour so can't complain too much there, but by the end of season 2 I am expecting some fucking resolutions to old plotlines to make way for the new. I don't need to know every secret of the universe, but throw me some scraps at least.

What specifically? Well I am glad you asked dear sirs! Here's a sampling:

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