
Conversation Conqueror
Aug 4, 2019
the easiest way to make the "mobile" minigames interesting would have been to make the money useful for something

Right now the money is only for Madame, and I've said it all.
You can use it for Jacob's paintings :ROFLMAO: , it's a nice way to keep track of my Paths:ROFLMAO:
BeingADIK 2022-03-19 12-35-51-93.jpg BeingADIK 2022-03-19 12-36-04-00.jpg
BeingADIK 2022-03-19 12-36-20-55.jpg BeingADIK 2022-03-19 12-37-06-87.jpg
But you right, I would not mind if it's actually used for something, something more.

Speaking of, I can't wait for Zoey and Jacob to meet, the 2 Artist, they probably click with each other very easily. I would not be Surprised if Zoey, end up dating with one of the friend of MC, if MC don't want to be with her.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2020
When I went to college (we call it university over here), I had a core group of friends that I hung out with during and between classes. We caught up occasionally outside of that context and drifted apart over the years. But I'd say they were my friends while I was studying.

I had other friends outside of uni that I had more to do with on a longer term basis. I still have those friends today, so they were obviously closer friends, but that doesn't make my college friends "not friends" at the time.

I call most people I work with colleagues, but some of us play basketball after work (pre-COVID, COVID has kinda killed that sort of shit), and will call each other on weekends and shit (normally about work related issues, but we have a close enough association that we trust each other a lot). I'd even go so far as calling some of the guys from work friends.

So when it comes to Maya, although she's a flawed human being (it's enjoyable that all the characters in the game are), I think she counts as a friend.

If you sum up their unavoidable interactions:
  • They met on orientation day and hit it off right away, with her showing him around campus. Depending on your mc's affinity, they could already be hugging to say goodbye.
  • They catch up in their first class together then go out to eat together to get to know each other a bit better.
  • While she reluctantly lets him stay with her (it's no simple ask for a girl to let a guy she's known for only a day to bunk with her), in no time she lets him stay longer and enjoys his company, and they exchange numbers.
  • They enjoy watching movies together, rather intimately.
  • She shares that she fakes having a boyfriend to stop guys being interested in her.
  • She fucks things up when she grinds him awake, but that doesn't mean she can never be his friend.
  • Once the mc wakes up, he starts getting into it and they both start getting off.
  • She feels bad for what she did, especially when she finds out she was the only one that ended up doing it, she apologises and she and the mc make out.
  • Depending on your choices, they can have another movie night where they end up partying together (her basically in her underwear), she shares a bit more about her past.
  • Even though she's a bit jealous when he goes on his date, Maya hugs him on his return, and even considers her dorm room his home.
  • She worries about him when he doesn't come back one night (after his "date" with Bella).
  • She chats and hangs out with the mc during class.
  • They share things like his guitar playing and things like what's going on with each other (Maya and her drama with the HOTs, mc and his drama with the Jocks)
  • Maya confides in the mc a lot, including that she thinks she's a lesbian (something only her brother, Josy and her dad know about).
  • They hang out together outside of classes, enjoy talking with each other and even make out.
  • When he comes home absolutely shitfaced, she helps him out.
  • She worries for him when he goes out drunk.
  • Depending on the mc's choices, they can get very close, but I won't focus on that path.
  • She obviously fucks up when it comes to not telling him about Josy (particularly if they have been getting very close), but once again, that doesn't immediately nullify their friendship (although the mc could have chosen to do that in real life).
  • Maya still values the mc's friendship and tries to patch things up after she screwed up.
  • They study in the library together.
  • They play DnG together.
  • They eat lunch at the cafeteria together.
  • and so on.
So yeah, that looks like the kind of shit friends do, although making out crosses the line beyond friendship, and some of her fuckups would strain the friendship.

Whether she's a good friend is more debatable; she can be a bit of a headache, but I'd still say she squarely classifies as a friend.

But friendship isn't a universal formula. It's whatever you make it.
You missed your calling Shazba, you should have gone into politics and become a 'Spin Doctor'. Let's go over that list again together, shall we?

They did meet on orientation day and she did offer to show him around, that was nice. But she also revealed a bit of her ugly side with how judgemental she was. We see a bit of the opportunist too when she tell's MC that she's joining the HOT's even though she despises them.

Yes they catch up in their first class together but you side stepped something important. They have lunch together and she put's him on the spot and demands 100% honesty from him even though she knows that she's already lied to him.

Yes again, she let's him stay but does she enjoy his company or does she think she's met someone who could help her with her problems? Given what we now know about Maya's personality all of her interactions with MC to this point really don't make much sense. She's very introverted, in all of her time at B&R she hasn't made any other new friends. And would she really offer to give a campus tour to a guy that she just met and who tried to look up her skirt the first time he met her? Let alone invite him to stay in her room? Doesn't sound like the Maya we know at all. Could it be more of that bad writing that you always insist doesn't exist?

And then comes the grinding scene, this is pretty complex so let's unpack it a bit. Of course most guys would be thrilled to wake up in that situation, being grinded by the girl that they're attracted to. It would be confirmation that she's into us too and everything is looking great. But we as the player have access to Maya's inner thoughts. She's not into him, he's just an object that she's using to reach her goal. She's not thinking about him at all, it's all about her. And of course the aftermath at the DIK party, Maya doesn't hesitate for a second to ask the MC's help again despite what just happened. I noticed that you once again spun right past that part.

As far as feeling bad about what happened? Maya only gives it a thought when the MC call's her out on it at the party. That whole scene back in the room later doesn't really fit in with the Maya we saw in the grinding scene and at the party afterwards.

It's these constant incongruities in the characters that I feel are bad writing.

And no, I don't see a friendship portrayed here. And if you looked at it honestly without all the spin I think you would agree.
  • Yay, new update!
Reactions: ChipLecsap


Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
You can use it for Jacob's paintings :ROFLMAO: , it's a nice way to keep track of my Paths:ROFLMAO:
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But you right, I would not mind if it's actually used for something, something more.

Speaking of, I can't wait for Zoey and Jacob to meet, the 2 Artist, they probably click with each other very easily. I would not be Surprised if Zoey, end up dating with one of the friend of MC, if MC don't want to be with her.
Jacob's paintings are a hair less ugly than Madame's.... :oops:
they don't seem like a good motivation to me either

but maybe from that point of view there may be something going on since we can upgrade our wallet


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2020
If you are trying to persuade DavDR to change has mind about Maya, or even give her half a break, you're wasting your time.

But if you are just trying to counter his arguments to inform other people about the reality of the situation, I salute you.
Yes attacking someones character as a way to distract from losing an argument is so admirable. You guys just keep up those high standards of debate.


Nov 14, 2020

Being a DIK - Season 3: Interlude
The Interlude is now available for the Mini DIK tier ($5). Get it .

It's a limited offer on Patreon to get the base Season 3 game that you can patch with new episodes in the future. After episode 9 is released, only patches will be available in the Mini DIK tier, and the Season 3 base game will be available from the DIK tier.

You can continue Season 3 using Steam, GOG, and Patreon saves from the end of Season 2.

Development news
This week I mostly spent on creating art and writing dialogue.

Based on last week's survey, it's clear that you want a poll in the lewd scene area first, so I've designed a poll that will be live tomorrow for the $10+ tiers.

Last week I talked about the episode 9 development, and today I wanted to say some words about development that reaches far beyond episode 9, which I need to start working on right now.

No story content will be spoiled in this post, but there will be minor spoilers for an upcoming mini-game, so you shouldn't read further if you want to avoid that. If you're ok with looking at previews for the upcoming episode, you should be ok with reading further.

When you create a game like Being a DIK, you need to have it planned. But some things you can't plan for, and sometimes plans change and get updated as the game develops. The creation process gives birth to new things you didn't plan for with time.

For me, mini-games grow organically as the game develops. As a perfect example, for Season 2, I knew what the storyline would be, but the actual mansion mini-game wasn't planned until before episode 5 development started.

To see if it would work and fit Season 2 gameplay, I created the entire mini-game ahead of time and simulated the rounds so it would make sense even when the rounds were spread out through episodes 6-8. I could spot potential issues by isolating the mini-game and playtesting it early. It also allowed me to balance the mini-game, ensuring that players could complete it during Season 2.

From a developer standpoint, this meant that the mini-game and the truckload of work that came with it were completed when episode 6 was released. Only small touches, bug fixes, and some synchronization with free-roams were needed after this during the development of episodes 7-8.

This entire concept of developing a feature ahead of time is something I will apply again but to something new and fresh. Meaning that the code I write during episode 9 development will have to work for future episodes and the planned duration.

This might sound like I will be spending a long time creating a new mini-game, but since I'm part human and part machine, I've already finished ~90% of it. And to me, it's the most fun, challenging, and intricate mini-game I'll probably create for this game... Probably... I fucking love creating these things.

I'm aiming to set up the framework for the mini-game so that development after episode 9 will be a breeze in this area. The mini-game will be about something the game has hinted at during episodes 7-8, namely party planning.

I'm still polishing and balancing the mini-game, but I'm confident that any player who likes thinking, planning, and strategy will enjoy it. The choices and how you play the mini-game will also shape your game in different and exciting ways.

For non-mini-game players, there will be choices instead of the mini-game, allowing for similar outcomes.

While I'd love to show you the main mini-game GUI, I don't feel comfortable doing that due to spoilers and design. I will, however, show you the perk screen, which in itself might not say much about the mini-game, but it can give insight into how versatile your strategies will be this time around.

The perks and the design are subject to change as this mini-game is still a work-in-progress.

Something I wish I did more of with the mansion mini-game was the perk system; it's something I enjoy a lot in RPGs and character building.

So, this time around, I spent time designing a perk system that offers versatility in how you approach the mini-game. I won't spoil more than this, but I hope you look forward to the future of the series in this regard because I sure do.

Thanks for reading! Have a nice weekend!

Dr PinkCake
I like that we could play a minigame for the party planning, it's a great idea...but i guess Quinn and Sage help us to organize, so they play the minigame too i guess...i don't know how it will be in the final version but seems interesting. Nice to see progress in the episode 9.
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Conversation Conqueror
Aug 4, 2019
But she also revealed a bit of her ugly side with how judgemental she was. We see a bit of the opportunist too when she tell's MC that she's joining the HOT's even though she despises them.
Sorry, to burst into this conversation, I truly don't really care, I admit I dont even read the rest, but I just cant help myself, it's a sickness truly, so I already apologize for it :) . It is all just joke, nothing personal, so trully dont take this in the wrong way. But :ROFLMAO:.
Aren't you despise DPC, hating him, and yet you playing his game ?:unsure: You basically a real life Maya then, a badly written character, may be that is why you dont like her because you see yourself in her:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

I'm truly sorry, but really this way like the first thing in my mind, you basically talking about yourself:ROFLMAO:


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2020
Come now crabs, you're a modder/dev these days, you already know how to avoid or nerf mini-games you don't like if you want too...
ok you got me :LOL: originally I just liked Chip's idea to punish people for something

and when I think about it, the way minigames are done they already serve the purpose of rewarding people for playing them because you get more money and can have different outcomes than when you skip them (Caleb fight was unwinnable without minigames iirc, triple tile trophy is also a nice touch)


Engaged Member
Aug 4, 2020
You missed your calling Shazba, you should have gone into politics and become a 'Spin Doctor'. Let's go over that list again together, shall we?

They did meet on orientation day and she did offer to show him around, that was nice. But she also revealed a bit of her ugly side with how judgemental she was. We see a bit of the opportunist too when she tell's MC that she's joining the HOT's even though she despises them.

Yes they catch up in their first class together but you side stepped something important. They have lunch together and she put's him on the spot and demands 100% honesty from him even though she knows that she's already lied to him.

Yes again, she let's him stay but does she enjoy his company or does she think she's met someone who could help her with her problems? Given what we now know about Maya's personality all of her interactions with MC to this point really don't make much sense. She's very introverted, in all of her time at B&R she hasn't made any other new friends. And would she really offer to give a campus tour to a guy that she just met and who tried to look up her skirt the first time he met her? Let alone invite him to stay in her room? Doesn't sound like the Maya we know at all. Could it be more of that bad writing that you always insist doesn't exist?

And then comes the grinding scene, this is pretty complex so let's unpack it a bit. Of course most guys would be thrilled to wake up in that situation, being grinded by the girl that they're attracted to. It would be confirmation that she's into us too and everything is looking great. But we as the player have access to Maya's inner thoughts. She's not into him, he's just an object that she's using to reach her goal. She's not thinking about him at all, it's all about her. And of course the aftermath at the DIK party, Maya doesn't hesitate for a second to ask the MC's help again despite what just happened. I noticed that you once again spun right past that part.

As far as feeling bad about what happened? Maya only gives it a thought when the MC call's her out on it at the party. That whole scene back in the room later doesn't really fit in with the Maya we saw in the grinding scene and at the party afterwards.

It's these constant incongruities in the characters that I feel are bad writing.

And no, I don't see a friendship portrayed here. And if you looked at it honestly without all the spin I think you would agree.
No way dude. Your challenge went as follows:

Just show me where the "artist" has portrayed anything that could remotely be interpreted as a friendship between these two?
And I listed a shit load of events that "could remotely be interpreted as a friendship between these two".

You could also interpret them to be Maya's self serving nature, completely fooling the mc into thinking she's his friend while all along her intention is to use him and cast him aside.

That's a possibility, but I find much more plausible that they have become friends, but that doesn't dispute the fact the she can also be a pain in the ass. Hopefully the mc will soon have the opportunity to be a pain in her ass. :sneaky:

ok you got me :LOL: originally I just liked Chip's idea to punish people for something

and when I think about it, the way minigames are done they already serve the purpose of rewarding people for playing them because you get more money and can have different outcomes than when you skip them (Caleb fight was unwinnable without minigames iirc, triple tile trophy is also a nice touch)
No you can definitely "beat" Caleb without mini games. There is a point counter for the 3 or so attacks you choose, and if you get enough points it plays out the same as if you won the Brawler game against him.


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2020
Sorry, to burst into this conversation, I truly don't really care, I admit I dont even read the rest, but I just cant help myself, it's a sickness truly, so I already apologize for it :) . It is all just joke, nothing personal, so trully dont take this in the wrong way. But :ROFLMAO:.
Aren't you despise DPC, hating him, and yet you playing his game ?:unsure: You basically a real life Maya then, a badly written character, may be that is why you dont like her because you see yourself in her:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

I'm truly sorry, but really this way like the first thing in my mind, you basically talking about yourself:ROFLMAO:
Seriously what are you even talking about?
  • Haha
Reactions: ChipLecsap


Conversation Conqueror
Jan 2, 2021
Really? I wouldn't say so. I mean, there are free roams with special render hunting and the MC's phone, both of which are pretty integral to the game. Just these two activities make BADIK an interactive experience and a more complete 'game' and not just a regular 'vn'. Of course, mini-games add to the interactivity and replayability, but they are just an additional layer of interactivity, not the only one
Oh please... this freeroam business is very limited sooo... attaching interactive experience to this is a little rough :KEK: The Fuckface' phone... I dunno what you mean... the brawler / shuffle / tile ??? Coz they are mini-games as well... but they are not the mandatory ( ofc it can be switched off ) story-like games... nonetheless they are MGs
pepe-frog.gif :oops: maybe not that MG :p:KEK:


Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
ok you got me :LOL: originally I just liked Chip's idea to punish people for something

and when I think about it, the way minigames are done they already serve the purpose of rewarding people for playing them because you get more money and can have different outcomes than when you skip them (Caleb fight was unwinnable without minigames iirc, triple tile trophy is also a nice touch)
what do you mean? it seems to me it went exactly the same way

Kick in the chin and Caleb getting up anyway.


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2020
No way dude. Your challenge went as follows:

And I listed a shit load of events that "could remotely be interpreted as a friendship between these two".

You could also interpret them to be Maya's self serving nature, completely fooling the mc into thinking she's his friend while all along her intention is to use him and cast him aside.

That's a possibility, but I find much more plausible that they have become friends, but that doesn't dispute the fact the she can also be a pain in the ass. Hopefully the mc will soon have the opportunity to be a pain in her ass. :sneaky:

No you can definitely "beat" Caleb without mini games. There is a point counter for the 3 or so attacks you choose, and if you get enough points it plays out the same as if you won the Brawler game against him.
For all of your arguments, let alone this story, to work the MC would have to be extremely stupid.

And no I don't consider cherrypicking certain positive aspects and blurring over or outright ignoring others as an argument.


Engaged Member
Jul 7, 2017
The minigames are definitely a mixed bag.

Doing Brawler for cash during the free roams is now uninteresting since there's no context, it's like it is just a phone app, not him actually fighting in some underground setting.

If there was some sort of underground fighting ring with a bit of story and some progression, that would be a lot more interesting.

However Brawler against game characters, like Chad and Dawe, is a lot of fun, but it'd be nice if the mc stopped getting sucker punched after each scene! :rolleyes:

Triple Tile was kinda fun, mainly to get that trophy, but it was unnecessarily time consuming for minimal payoff.

The Shuffle game was forgettable, it's been done a million times before, so it was just about the pictures and the payoff. But really it was just part of the grind to get cash in the free roams.

The Pixel Hunt (or whatever the fuck it was called) "mini games" were the most annoying for me. Running around trying to find some random item to click on, no, that's not entertaining for me at all.

The Maths game was intriguing the first time, but typically ran with the same concepts over and over.

The English game was a fun challenge the first time, but absolutely pointless after that.

The Gender Studies quiz was kinda amusing the first time round, with all the bullshit the girls would go on about, but then again, you can get that kind of conversation talking to a teenage girl in real life. :p

The Drinking game was quick and unimportant, but it's surprising how many people found it borderline impossible. Same goes for the Painting and Library Cleaning game. :unsure:

I didn't mind the Tennis game, but found it annoying that it was impossible to win the second set against Jill. You could only win the first and the third. Beating the shit out of Tybalt was fun, even if it was an accident. :whistle:

The Beachball and Basketball games were totally forgettable, but at least the beachball game included the girls. How many people even knew those games existed?

The Pancake game was pointless. Really, there was no need for it at all, it actually detracted from the banter at breakfast.

The Drawing game in the Interlude was a joke. If anyone couldn't get an 'S' in that, they must have serious a motor skill deficiency... :eek:

The Mansion Repair was definitely the big hit, a lot of people are sad to see it go. I think the main reason for that was the progression. Each time we played it, we got closer to completion, and there was satisfaction in that. It was also executed well. Plus it was also based on something real in the game; the DIKs were actually out there earning and cleaning. (y)

So if the Party Planning follows in the footsteps on the Mansion game, it's sure to have it's fans.

So while I pretty much knocked all the games above, I didn't mind any of the on the first play through, but they are pointlessly time consuming after that.
Shazba my good man, let the Brawler game, Shuffle and Triple Tile be important in terms of making money. The alternative is to find and steal money. Who knows what that might lead to later?:unsure:


Jan 20, 2018
The minigames are definitely a mixed bag.

Doing Brawler for cash during the free roams is now uninteresting since there's no context, it's like it is just a phone app, not him actually fighting in some underground setting.

If there was some sort of underground fighting ring with a bit of story and some progression, that would be a lot more interesting.

However Brawler against game characters, like Chad and Dawe, is a lot of fun, but it'd be nice if the mc stopped getting sucker punched after each scene! :rolleyes:

Triple Tile was kinda fun, mainly to get that trophy, but it was unnecessarily time consuming for minimal payoff.

The Shuffle game was forgettable, it's been done a million times before, so it was just about the pictures and the payoff. But really it was just part of the grind to get cash in the free roams.

The Pixel Hunt (or whatever the fuck it was called) "mini games" were the most annoying for me. Running around trying to find some random item to click on, no, that's not entertaining for me at all.

The Maths game was intriguing the first time, but typically ran with the same concepts over and over.

The English game was a fun challenge the first time, but absolutely pointless after that.

The Gender Studies quiz was kinda amusing the first time round, with all the bullshit the girls would go on about, but then again, you can get that kind of conversation talking to a teenage girl in real life. :p

The Drinking game was quick and unimportant, but it's surprising how many people found it borderline impossible. Same goes for the Painting and Library Cleaning game. :unsure:

I didn't mind the Tennis game, but found it annoying that it was impossible to win the second set against Jill. You could only win the first and the third. Beating the shit out of Tybalt was fun, even if it was an accident. :whistle:

The Beachball and Basketball games were totally forgettable, but at least the beachball game included the girls. How many people even knew those games existed?

The Pancake game was pointless. Really, there was no need for it at all, it actually detracted from the banter at breakfast.

The Drawing game in the Interlude was a joke. If anyone couldn't get an 'S' in that, they must have serious a motor skill deficiency... :eek:

The Mansion Repair was definitely the big hit, a lot of people are sad to see it go. I think the main reason for that was the progression. Each time we played it, we got closer to completion, and there was satisfaction in that. It was also executed well. Plus it was also based on something real in the game; the DIKs were actually out there earning and cleaning. (y)

So if the Party Planning follows in the footsteps on the Mansion game, it's sure to have it's fans.

So while I pretty much knocked all the games above, I didn't mind any of the on the first play through, but they are pointlessly time consuming after that.
There are TWO things that would save minigames' insanity.

The ability to TYPE with keyboard during English tests.

Painting lines being more responsive and wide.

Oh, and also remove pancakes. because fuck that shit. Renpy wasnt made for time sensitive context actions.
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Conversation Conqueror
Aug 4, 2019
Shazba my good man, let the Brawler game, Shuffle and Triple Tile be important in terms of making money. The alternative is to find and steal money. Who knows what that might lead to later?:unsure:
Yeah, I was surprised how careless Jacob and Tommy is with the money, they were just sitting there to take it :ROFLMAO: . I didn't do it however. But I admit I did steal Maya's money:devilish: , I needed it in that moment:D. Hey I paid her meal, and went back home to her instead of staying at a party, so we are even.:ROFLMAO:
  • Haha
Reactions: Walter Victor


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2020
No you can definitely "beat" Caleb without mini games. There is a point counter for the 3 or so attacks you choose, and if you get enough points it plays out the same as if you won the Brawler game against him.
what do you mean? it seems to me it went exactly the same way

Kick in the chin and Caleb getting up anyway.
yeah I remembered it wrong. Troy, Dawe and Chad are auto-win if you skip minigames but you can lose Caleb's fight. well fuck, at least with minigames you can get a VIP pass for your desk (not that you ever need to use it but it looks cool), get a job at a strip club and still repair the mansion
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