I replayed the episode a few times for completion and I have to say I can't put up with Jill. Her overly innocent behavior is turning me off so hard. Sometimes it feels like you're dealing with a child, which is absolutely not my thing. Also I don't quite understand why DPC put her in this ridiculous banana costume on her path but in a sexier bee outfit when you are not on her path. What was the point of that?
I think DPC overdoes a bit that innocent behavior. She seems to be mature and secure of herself in other moments. The way she deals with Rusty with he tries to hit on her, for example, how she's trying to organize that campaign around her dead sister, how she takes Josy under her wings... But when MC is around, she becomes a 14 years old shy girl educated by nuns in a cloister, or something like that. It's OK, she's not Sage, for example, she's innocent... But does she needs to be SOOO innocent? I think DPC doesn't find the right tone with her.
But it happens the same with most of the characters and even the main story. Sage is now a bit (just a bit) too kinky, and a bit too angry about her biological family. Quinn is (and has always be) a bit too hardcore. Bella is a bit too dramatic about her infidelity to a husband she hasn't seen in three years. Most of the girls and women are a bit too slutty. Arieth is a bit too stupid, Tybalt and Dawe are a bit too unbearable. The dramas are a bit too extreme in B&R... The dean being involved into a prostitution ring with the girls of her onw daughter' sorority? Probably a mafia that controls him? Hidden cameras in closets in a frat house, like if it were the USA embassy in Moscow during cold war?
I like this game a lot, but DPC always goes to the extreme in character's personalities, character's bodies (some of them are so curvy that look more like an inflatable sex doll than like a real woman) character's clothes and make up (every girl wear clothes and make up that make them look like hookers trying to get clients, even the teachers), faces (he tries so hard to make Jill the prettiest girl in the world that overdoes with the poutiness of her mouth and lips, and Jill ends up with a scary smile), dramas, subplots, situations, villains... It's like DPC is playing a tune at the piano hitting the right keys, but the instrument is tuned up too sharp, so the tune sounds slightly more strident than it should. I would prefer a bit more naturalness and realism in this game. To be a bit less soap opera. But it's what it's. There's no remedy now.
About the banana/bee costume, that makes sense with Jill's personality. If she's MC's girlfriend, she thinks see doesn't need to be sexy, she already has the boy. So she decides to be goofy, that is something she's more comfortable with. She's a bit upset because the banana costume is too big and difficult to wear and makes her sweat, but she's into her comfort zone anyway. But if she's not MC's girlfriend, she's still "in the market", so she has to be sexy. She wants to be noticed by MC and (I suppose) other boys. The dress is more comfortable than the banana one, but she's totally out of her comfort zone.