Is it just me that thinks that both chapter 4 and 5 have very boring dragged on sequences?
Example: Both chapter prologues were meant to give the player more context and information without giving that to the MC, but they drag on for so long with a bunch of useless crap.
Then we've the first free roam sequences, for chapter 4 it was the HOTs house in my case and the preps mansion for chapter 5. All of them drag on for too long and I've been struggling with finishing the mansion free roam sequence because of how bored and uninterested I am right now.
Am I a minority in here to think that the pace of the first 3 chapters was much better? I much prefer smaller/faster but more abundant sequences than one big dragged on sequence that ends up getting me uninterested in continuing the game.
I think it's just an impression, at least in part
in the first chapters the pace is higher and we are involved in knowing the different LI, we move between different environments etc
then at the end of the third chapter the bomb is dropped, and even for that alone, what happens next seems minor.
in the fourth chapter we need to lick our wounds and think better (or get even more angry ...), but it doesn't seem like a minor chapter to me.
the fifth is not my favorite chapter, although there is one of my favorite scenes, but for me it has a function of connection with the new season.
DPC can't beat us with his cane at every chapter, sometimes he has to rest his arms.
if things go as I think, with the sixth chapter I will probably reevaluate the fifth as well
I just hope episode 6 is as stunning as the previous ones, regardless of whether it will be a long DnG session or not. We know the DPC and know that he is capable of doing stuff to be amazed with, to the point of probably saying that episode 6 will be one of the best or even the best.
whether it will be one of the most beautiful also depends on everyone's tastes.
but it will certainly be one of the "largest", and I hope it touches as many outstanding issues as possible.
I expect it to end with a twist of some level, of course I have no idea which one ...