
Aug 8, 2020
DPC's focus is more on the story and character personalities (and sometimes even branching). A compelling plot and enjoyable characters are what make the game so popular and stand out. Imagine this, every other person on this forum will find different reasons to like or defend a particular girl or girls, and each side could come with perfectly valid arguments. Special renders are special too, because you see your favorite girls in all their glory. I agree with the fan art thread, but don't forget that DPC also has a game to write and code. It has the complete package: hot girls with personalities, nice varied animations, good and sometimes great visuals, and most of all, an actually compelling narrative for most that serves as a centerpiece to it all.
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Holy Bacchus

Conversation Conqueror
Dec 13, 2018
As I mentioned, I also think there will be a happy ending. I also don't think Bella is going to meet some dark end. My point was just that some part of Bella's story... of why she acts the way she does, of what happened between her and her husband, of why the MC says if he knew what was going on with her he would have screamed for help... is going be be dark. It's going to be sad, and it's likely going to be tragic.

Sure, a character death, even of one of the LIs is always possible, it's unlikely that it would be of the 'main' LI that the player is pursuing, and honestly even if DPC goes that route again... there's nothing to suggest Bella would be any more likely a victim than anyone else. A dark past doesn't foretell a dark future.

Again, though... whatever that darkness, whatever that tragedy... it can fit perfectly well in a game that is overall a 'comedy'. Just because the overall tone of the game is light and has a lot of funny moments doesn't mean that it has to be without dark moments, or that those dark moments will somehow ruin the game. It's not about there being some kind of 'carte blanche for misery and suffering'. When done well, a horrific, sad moment in what is otherwise a comedy can be extremely powerful.

If you think it can't... four words: Jojo Rabbit. Red shoes.
We have a tendency in this thread to use the word "dark" a lot, but sometims I wonder what people qualify as "dark". :unsure:

So far this game has dealt with a lot of what I would call "heavy" themes, like the drug/prostitution thing and Maya's fear of being outed, but it hasn't really had anything yet that could be considered too dark, but what would that be if it does? Thinking back to AL, it too dealt with a lot of heavy themes like Melissa's domestic abuse and Liam's cancer, and it only became dark when we discovered Leah was a psycho, stalker, pyromaniac killer. Right now, everyone is looking at Bella to be the one with the dark storyline because of the locked door and the mystery of the missing husband, but I personally don't think that, whatever her story, it will be "dark", just "heavy".

Maybe there's some tragedy there, something that might ellicit some tears from even the hardiest of players, but I don't think it will reach the level of "dark", especially not AL dark. Personally, I don't think anything will get that dark, even Quinn's story. The "AL effect" is making people think it will get that dark because DPC did it before, but I'd like to believe that this game will deal more with heavy, emotional storylines rather than dark, destructive storylines.


Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
We have a tendency in this thread to use the word "dark" a lot, but sometims I wonder what people qualify as "dark". :unsure:

So far this game has dealt with a lot of what I would call "heavy" themes, like the drug/prostitution thing and Maya's fear of being outed, but it hasn't really had anything yet that could be considered too dark, but what would that be if it does? Thinking back to AL, it too dealt with a lot of heavy themes like Melissa's domestic abuse and Liam's cancer, and it only became dark when we discovered Leah was a psycho, stalker, pyromaniac killer. Right now, everyone is looking at Bella to be the one with the dark storyline because of the locked door and the mystery of the missing husband, but I personally don't think that, whatever her story, it will be "dark", just "heavy".

Maybe there's some tragedy there, something that might ellicit some tears from even the hardiest of players, but I don't think it will reach the level of "dark", especially not AL dark. Personally, I don't think anything will get that dark, even Quinn's story. The "AL effect" is making people think it will get that dark because DPC did it before, but I'd like to believe that this game will deal more with heavy, emotional storylines rather than dark, destructive storylines.
we also think so because DPC tells us in the BADIK prologue to prepare ourselves in moments, at least sentimentally, "heavy".

it seems to me that the death of a character is narratively overestimated, it is absolutely not the worst thing that can happen.

Would it be worse for the story that Sage died or kept dragging herself into an unhappy affair with Chad that we, as MC, can't wake her up from? failing in our every attempt to make her take the last step?

the endings impossible to digest are those in which happiness would have been possible but for some reason we have not reached it, but it remains there at hand, then if as players we knew that this possibility did not exist it would be heartbreaking
Jul 20, 2020
I don't mind themes that are heavy, or even dark, as long as the story is redeemable and the player can have some sort of agency.

AL took away that agency away with its final twist, leaving the end on a downward trend.

In BADIK, I hope that if there are events that are heavy and or dark the player can repair or fix the damage. Having the story take away a major character that's your primary love interest that uppity can't avoid could essentially kill the entire playthrough and experience.

Basically, if you play right, you have a happy ending.
Jul 20, 2020
"It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness, that is life."

- Jean-Luc Picard, 'Peak Performance'

Possibly what DPC had in mind when writing AL.
Good point, and don't Get me wrong, the story for that particular game was good, but it's not one I wasn't to replay or experience again. Maybe im being selfish in that aspect, but I don't think I'd be alone with that statement.


Devoted Member
Jul 12, 2020
we also think so because DPC tells us in the BADIK prologue to prepare ourselves in moments, at least sentimentally, "heavy".

it seems to me that the death of a character is narratively overestimated, it is absolutely not the worst thing that can happen.

Would it be worse for the story that Sage died or kept dragging herself into an unhappy affair with Chad that we, as MC, can't wake her up from? failing in our every attempt to make her take the last step?

the endings impossible to digest are those in which happiness would have been possible but for some reason we have not reached it, but it remains there at hand, then if as players we knew that this possibility did not exist it would be heartbreaking
I don't mind themes that are heavy, or even dark, as long as the story is redeemable and the player can have some sort of agency.

AL took away that agency away with its final twist, leaving the end on a downward trend.

In BADIK, I hope that if there are events that are heavy and or dark the player can repair or fix the damage. Having the story take away a major character that's your primary love interest that uppity can't avoid could essentially kill the entire playthrough and experience.

Basically, if you play right, you have a happy ending.
The disclaimer could also simply be there because DPC knows his audience. VN players that while they moan and whine they want reality they actually don't. Shit happens, people leave you, you can't always save a relationship. But if that was to happen....the player base would go ape all over his ass because as I said, everyone wants a happy ending where the LI worships the MC and nothing bad ever happens which really, is as far from the truth and reality of life as it could possibly get.

Which to a point is fair enough, most of us I would guess play these (like any other game) for an escape from reality but you can't want one thing then complain when it's given to you. I didn't like AL as I just didn't think it was very good all round, the twist at the end was a very meh moment to me and I didn't even think twice over who to save. If that happens here, or an LI we're persuing (say Sage for example) decides she is no longer interested in us, then so be it. That's realism and good writing.

Holy Bacchus

Conversation Conqueror
Dec 13, 2018
we also think so because DPC tells us in the BADIK prologue to prepare ourselves in moments, at least sentimentally, "heavy".

it seems to me that the death of a character is narratively overestimated, it is absolutely not the worst thing that can happen.

Would it be worse for the story that Sage died or kept dragging herself into an unhappy affair with Chad that we, as MC, can't wake her up from? failing in our every attempt to make her take the last step?

the endings impossible to digest are those in which happiness would have been possible but for some reason we have not reached it, but it remains there at hand, then if as players we knew that this possibility did not exist it would be heartbreaking
If Sage were to die, that would be "dark", but if she just continues to drag her feet with the Chad situation, then that's just frustrating. If the MC were to fail at every attempt, then that would mean the player has no agency of that relationship which is an entirely different matter altogether, and not one that it is likely to happen.

The difference between what is "dark" and what is "heavy" is simply that a heavy storyline is one laced with raw emotions and possibly tragedy, whereas a dark storyline is one that involves more visceral themes like rape, murder, kidnapping, accidental death, etc. In this regard, the death of a character is the worst thing that can happen because of the finality of it, and even moreso if it's unpreventable like in AL.

"It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness, that is life."

- Jean-Luc Picard, 'Peak Performance'

Possibly what DPC had in mind when writing AL.
Yeah, but these games are meant to be better than life. There's enough bad shit that happens in the real world and the joy of these games is that they take you away from that for a short while to enjoy a better world. We don't really need reminders of the fragility of life in a game where we're trying to enjoy a better sex life that most us could ever hope to have in the real world.
Jul 20, 2020
... everyone wants a happy ending where the LI worships the MC and nothing bad ever happens which really, is as far from the truth and reality of life as it could possibly get.
I agree with and understand your statement, every good story needs some conflict or challenge to overcome. But I don't think many play these games for actual realism. If that were the case many of us older players would just look back at our previous relationships/mistakes.

Badiks overall tone, so far, despite some heavy moments (maya/josy for me), is still far more light hearted than AL.

you can still have serious and heavy moments without going down the AL path and still have happy endings (again, if you make the right choices in the game).

In the end, its dpcs game and story, we're all hear for the ride. I can only hope for an ending I want.


Jul 13, 2020
Right now, everyone is looking at Bella to be the one with the dark storyline because of the locked door and the mystery of the missing husband, but I personally don't think that, whatever her story, it will be "dark", just "heavy".
We don't just think Bella is going to be the one with the 'dark' storyline... because of the line in the library, we know it's her (or that she's at least one of the characters with a dark, heavy, or tragic storyline). Again, that doesn't have to mean a death, or that anything bad will happen to her. It could be a tragic event in her past, a mental illness of some sort, some dark secret she's hiding, etc. None of that would prevent a happy ending down the road.
Jun 12, 2020
We don't just think Bella is going to be the one with the 'dark' storyline... because of the line in the library, we know it's her (or that she's at least one of the characters with a dark, heavy, or tragic storyline). Again, that doesn't have to mean a death, or that anything bad will happen to her. It could be a tragic event in her past, a mental illness of some sort, some dark secret she's hiding, etc. None of that would prevent a happy ending down the road.
I agree with it. Only thing that gonna stop us from Bella is return of her husband which I hope DPC wouldn't have included in the game. But Death of Bella has no reason and it's kinda melodramatic.
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Holy Bacchus

Conversation Conqueror
Dec 13, 2018
We don't just think Bella is going to be the one with the 'dark' storyline... because of the line in the library, we know it's her (or that she's at least one of the characters with a dark, heavy, or tragic storyline). Again, that doesn't have to mean a death, or that anything bad will happen to her. It could be a tragic event in her past, a mental illness of some sort, some dark secret she's hiding, etc. None of that would prevent a happy ending down the road.
A tragic storyline isn't necessarily a dark one. For example, the theories some people have had about her having a miscarriage or losing a child that was very young would be a tragic and heavy storyline but not a particularly dark on. If, however, James were to have suffered a mental breakdown or been suffering some sort of PTSD and smothered their child to death, that would be dark.

This is why I feel there's a distinction between what is tragic and what is dark, and they can't be lumped in together like they're the same thing. Death, murder, rape, psychotic behaviour, etc, are what I would consider be dark themes and anything other than that is just tragic and heavy. The dark themes would prevent or at least dampen a happy ending, whereas a tragic one does not.
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Jul 20, 2020
We don't just think Bella is going to be the one with the 'dark' storyline... because of the line in the library, we know it's her (or that she's at least one of the characters with a dark, heavy, or tragic storyline). Again, that doesn't have to mean a death, or that anything bad will happen to her. It could be a tragic event in her past, a mental illness of some sort, some dark secret she's hiding, etc. None of that would prevent a happy ending down the road.
Call me a romantic or a fool, but I think that no one is incapable of having happiness given the right circumstances. It's just unfortunate that many don't get that chance, in real life or a game.


Jul 13, 2020
A tragic storyline isn't necessarily a dark one. For example, the theories some people have had about her having a miscarriage or losing a child that was very young would be a tragic and heavy storyline but not a particularly dark on. If, however, James were to have suffered a mental breakdown or been suffering some sort of PTSD and smothered their child to death, that would be dark.

This is why I feel there's a distinction between what is tragic and what is dark, and they can't be lumped in together like they're the same thing. Death, murder, rape, psychotic behaviour, etc, are what I would consider be dark themes and anything other than that is just tragic and heavy. The dark themes would prevent or at least dampen a happy ending, whereas a tragic one does not.
Again, there are tons of examples of comedies and stories with purely happy endings out there that have what you consider 'dark' content in them (well, not too many with rape... but definitely death and murder). I think your distinction between 'dark' and 'heavy' is meaningless semantics, but it's your opinion, so... whatever. It's more about timing (it can't happen too close to the end of the story, for example) and how the characters move past those events.

That said, either of your examples in the first paragraph could be triggering for some players and would justify the intro disclaimer. IMHO, they're definitely also both pretty 'dark'.
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