
Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
so I guess my question with that hasn't been addressed regarding motivation for Nick. Vinny I could get a little behind as he was a stoner, non serious student etc. If Nick is involved with Vinny romantically possibly, and Vinny is pulling him to bring the DIKs down maybe.. But why? Vinny didn't leave the DIKs on bad terms. He flunked out or may as well have. Nick seems like a solid Brother and loyal to the code...

I think a more plausible idea might be if Chad's secret girl is Cathy, and he had pics. Cathy isn't satisfied by Chad as he lacks what it takes, and decides too much heat is on him for now. Cuts him off. Quinn continues to bring Chad steroids and possibly services him, and while he is cuddling himself Quinn got ahold of one or more Cathy pics.

Seeing that Rusty wouldn't support her drug business, Quinn makes a move to get Rusty removed similar to Chad, and uses Tommy to get to the laptop. She posts it, dumps the laptop in the library. Then hangs out with Tommy and MC on roof after all that.

Rusty finds the laptop in the library. Nick shows up after, which makes us think hmmmmmm?

Quinn continues without really thinking about the longer term consequences beyond getting Tommy in charge of the DIKs.

Still the strongest bet in my mind. Quinn benefits as it opens up the DIKs for more drugs and probably more girls... She doesn't necessarily think that the DIK money will dry up without Rusty, just that they go from Rusty's partyhouse to a more legit frat, and they support her nefarious schemes....

Just my thoughts
about Cathy you might be right, with his reaction Chad seems more concerned about finding out who he is cheating on Sage with than the cheating itself. one guess was that Chad was gay, but that would make sense too.

on Quinn's speech you find me less in agreement, she follows the money, she does it when she accepts the preps proposal, if Rusty no longer had a role in the DIKs for her it is more a problem than an opportunity, also with Tommy she is not that there is a particular loyalty


Engaged Member
Aug 27, 2020
I don't agree. Melanie and Sara work for Quinn. Quinn wants to run the HOTs. I think this is a play for power, since Quinn walked in on MC and Sage and told her girls to watch for anything to help take Sage down some.


Engaged Member
Aug 27, 2020
I could get behind a gay Chad, but I think Cathy going light on him after the bullying incident, and getting Jill out of the room to give Chad a chance to save himself speaks to something more going on....

I don't think Quinn is loyal to anyone but Quinn. I think she can use Tommy, and prior to the Prep incident, Tommy trusted Quinn. I know that a lot of folks are Quinn fans, and I don't dislike her. Bad girls are good for.... many things and appeal to many including me... Doesn't change that I think she is one of the minor villains in our story... Stephen Burke is a douche, and his son is useless, but I suspect that the Prep house Alum and those connected are one of the sources of real villainy.

I am pretty sure that DPC is going to make someone pay a fatal price at some point. Seems to be his thing. I am hoping he has the good sense to not mess with Derek or any of the LI. If messing with side girls, then of the side girls, Quinn is a major factor, so messing with her is risky but much less risky than any of the LI....

I am hoping (Derek and all Love Interest Girls) Jade, Cathy, Mona, Sara, Cammy, and Lilly are all safe. I would like for Quinn to be ok... But she is pretty easy as a target, as is Tommy. Any of the Jocks could get blown to bits and I would be ok with that. Strangely I am hoping that the Nerds are safe.......

Anyhow all thinking outloud again


Engaged Member
Aug 27, 2020
Yes, both she and Tommy claim to run their organizations, but recall that a couple of the girls commented that Sage was under a lot of pressure during her last year and should just hand the reigns to someone else now.


Engaged Member
Aug 27, 2020
Not making far fetched plotting for a simple theft... Thinking that the Jocks as a whole, who would have the most reason to attack the DIKs, are, as presented, too stupid and do not have access to the laptop. So attacking the DIKs as a whole doesn't make sense. Could it be a Jock retaliation for Chad? Sure.. but see above, they have been presented as morons.

Quinn is a schemer. Think ahead in chess moves she tells Riona.. So do I think she is pulling a bunch of strings and moving a bunch of pieces around her chess board? Yes I definitely do. Doesn't make her less appealing. Makes her more dangerous yes. Less appealing, no. So yeah we all are entitled to opinions and that's fine that you disagree with me and I disagree with you. I am just giving Quinn the credit I think she is due.


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2020
Have not played this game in ages. I should really see what teasers have come out since but i think ill just wait for whenever the next update is and really see all the surprises for myself - its a game best played blind IMO anyway and the twists and turns are a great reward for not spoiling oneself.


Active Member
Mar 19, 2020
Not going to Quote each comment as there is a lot of lengthy back and forth, but here is what I am hanging my hat on until proven otherwise;

Chad is gay with Troy. It is very unlikely to be Melanie as she working out with Sarah while Chad is on the phone. The language Chad uses on the phone call is deliberately gender neutral. Chad is the happiest they have ever seen him while being in the Dorms. Probably living with Troy.

Quinn was involved with the laptop but actually wanted the DIKs cash in the safe. Camilla is probably fucking Rusty, meanwhile Riona steals the laptop and posts the cluck. Quinn then tries to access the safe. Evidence for this, Mona thinks Camilla is off fucking some guy, Rusty was in either his or Tommy’s room. Riona is near the library where the lap top is found, she’s bothered by something. Quinn is supervising spin the bottle until she disappears right after Rusty runs out in a panic. The safe is unexpectedly visible.

The blackmail is the nerds. Why isn’t clear, but I think they’re the only ones capable of getting the photo’s. Some hacked from phones, some from a hidden spy camera. We also know Sally was at at least 1 of the DIK parties. Which seems to lack some justification otherwise. This theory is the most speculative to me.

I think Nick in the library is a red herring.

Holy Bacchus

Conversation Conqueror
Dec 13, 2018
so I guess my question with that hasn't been addressed regarding motivation for Nick. Vinny I could get a little behind as he was a stoner, non serious student etc. If Nick is involved with Vinny romantically possibly, and Vinny is pulling him to bring the DIKs down maybe.. But why? Vinny didn't leave the DIKs on bad terms. He flunked out or may as well have. Nick seems like a solid Brother and loyal to the code...
Based on Nick's hesitancy when talking about Vinny at the Pink Rose in ep 3, I don't believe he just "flunked out". Remember that Vinny said he knew some people who could provide drugs and Rusty dismissed him but Tommy seemed interested. So perhaps Vinny, with approval from Tommy, started supplying drugs but got caught by the college and was going to be expelled unless his DIK brothers helped him out. But they, Nick included, threw him under the bus so save their frat. They may have also invoked that "code of secrecy" to not speak of it too which is why Nick just said that he "dropped out".

So Vinny may very well have a vendetta against the DIKs, but I'm not so sure that Nick would be involved with that.

Quinn already rules the HOTs, Sage gives her full controllo on everything
And she'd most likely be full President the next year since Sage is graduating, so Quinn making a power play in Sage's last year would seem a bit odd.

*Snigger* Nope, too easy .... :ROFLMAO:

Yeah, it's all fun. I think the whole Quinn debate will rage on until we get some definitive info on what she is up to and/or who she may be working with or for.
Hopefully we'll get some of those answers in Ep 6.

Quinn was involved with the laptop but actually wanted the DIKs cash in the safe. Camilla is probably fucking Rusty, meanwhile Riona steals the laptop and posts the cluck. Quinn then tries to access the safe. Evidence for this, Mona thinks Camilla is off fucking some guy, Rusty was in either his or Tommy’s room. Riona is near the library where the lap top is found, she’s bothered by something. Quinn is supervising spin the bottle until she disappears right after Rusty runs out in a panic. The safe is unexpectedly visible.
All very good points. Of course, this could also be seen as what's known as "an orgy of evidence", where there's so many clues pointing in one direction that it might seem both unusual or even implausible to some people that it could be this person or persons that the clues point to. Since this is a fictional story it's possible this is the case since this trope mainly exists in fiction, but the real world is full of cases where the most obvious culprit is the guilty party because the evidence is so clear, blatant, and idendifiable. Right now, Quinn is that obvious suspect with both the means and motive to have been the one behind it.

I'm fully aware that there's the possibility someone else was behind it and I could end up with egg on my face for my staunch advocation of this theory, but it's not about saying that this is definitely what it is as it might end up that it isn't, but that this is what it could be and that if it is, then it works well within the context of the story.

The blackmail is the nerds. Why isn’t clear, but I think they’re the only ones capable of getting the photo’s. Some hacked from phones, some from a hidden spy camera. We also know Sally was at at least 1 of the DIK parties. Which seems to lack some justification otherwise. This theory is the most speculative to me.
Blackmail is never actually mentioned. Chad simply feels threatened by the pictures, probably because they show something he doesn't want people to see, but we have no indication that it is blackmail.

The Nerds seem like harmless, amusing side characters to me and certainly not a Keyser Soze-style hidden hand pulling strings and throwing up misdirections. The pictures sent to Dawe actually make me think that a DIK is behind it since those pics mostly seem to come from their phones which they've probably shared/sent to each other, and the one in the broom cupboard looks to be a hidden camera, but maybe it's a voyeuristic thing by one of the DIKs who likes to watch people and knows that that's a popular hook-up spot during parties.


Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
for Quinn, being president of the HOTs, at least right now, would be more of a problem than an advantage.

right now Quinn has all of Sage's powers without having to account directly to anyone.

speaking of Nick, just for DPC's fame being present at the crime scene becomes a reason for innocence ... :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

Cabin Fever

Engaged Member
Nov 23, 2018
Chad's secret girl is obviously Melanie. The way her and Sarah were talking after seeing the MC kissing Sage out in public.
We've been through this already and eliminated Melanie as a possibility, because that would be an impossible feat on her part, as she was literally running on the treadmill in the gym at the time of Chad's secret locker phone call.
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