acting lessons , AOA academy , deluca family , leap of faith and alexandra . are games id suggest .
only game missing on your list is love of magic and you would be almost perfect!
add in there summers gone and interwined and you will be a true man of culture!
I think the timing is purely coincidental although... I don't really understand why there is a 19 year gap for the inheritance but maybe I missed that - does anyone know why there was such a long gap?
normally to prevent the parents from stealing the kids money! how many child actors got fucked over and ripped over by their parents? so a smart grandfather/grandmother will set up a trust fund that can only be accessed with certain conditions!
that`s my personal theory regarding the MC he got his 5k to pay up for his 1st semester of college and when the time for the 2nd semester comes around a new 5k check will show up and when he graduates he will get like a 150k check and when he finally reaches 25 or 35 (n aormally that is the regular trust fund set up so kids do not fuck it up all at once and have time to mature) he will get his full inheritance!
there are dispositions in such trust funds also for when they buy a house get married or have kids up to 4 kids!
some trust funds go so far as to wait for the "kid" to reach 50 before giving him the last remnants of the cash in the trust fund!
also depending on the trust fund it can be composed of obligations or stocks or treasury bills but they are always composed of secondary liquid assets so the fund reinforces itself!
there was a trust fund kid that failed to enter college and only got it at 35... his trust fund had google stocks (like 5% of the entire trust fund) the 50.000 his grandparents left him was 3 millions when he finally got his hands on the cash so... luck of the draw!
BaDIK is in a class by itself, but AOA Academy, Leap of Faith and Intertwined have some similarities. I'd also recommend any of the games in my signature, though Pale Carnations may not be for everyone.
from your signature pale carnations is not for me but you should also warn about depraved awakening! its one hell of a game but ffs that game needs a warning regarding the violence! my MC goes to extreme pain luckily for him its others pain and not his own!
Thanks for the suggestions
It seems strange when on his birthday his dad even states that there isn't anything special about turning 19 (in comparison to 18 and 21) :3 Oh well... I'm not going to lose any sleep thinking about why it happens then in comparison to what is going to happen in the next update hehe
the reason why its 19 and not 18 its because DPC can not have minors fucking! since there was clearly fucking before his birthday he turned 19 when in fact we all know he turned 18 and was fucking at 17! but to avoid legal issues yey the MC is a dumbshit idiot who lost 1 year of schooling and entered college 1 year afterwards!
even the Josy Maya sex scene is only hinted at because they where 16 but if asked or pressed they will be 18 during that scene and reached college at 19... it is what it is!
Shit, Dani does look flying, I will check it out, thanks for the recommendation.
I just can't stand the Star trek guise, always more a Battlestar Gallactica kinda guy.
batlestar gallatica now there is a man of taste! ever checked out babylon 5? loved that show!
but arent you guys victim blaming . Jill is being blackmailed here not Tybalt .
as a former bully i can honestly say that some idiots deserve it! i mean have you seen the MC haircut? tough love is still love and without it some people will get no love!
bullying can reach extremes but thats normally done by noobs or females and this current level of political correction does not allow one to become an expert bully to get the best out of people!
a true bully does not wish you to be miserable he wishes you to become the best you can be! he can clearly see you got too much potential and you are wasting it so he acts in your interest to get you out of your shell and yes a bit out of envy fuck i wish i had so much potential !
but the bully is always the bad guy and never has the right to defend his point of view! bully´s are people too and deserve to present their case before his peers! you bunch of discriminators!
herm you have weird kinks ... you feel sexually aroused when being stung by bees? i mean i heard its a sort of treatment but still!
and no its not kink shaming just making an observation!
Lots of good suggestions so far. I personally have been enjoying "Halfway House" just as a suggestion.
my problem with HWH is that your anal slut and Luis love interest is wealthy as fuck! i mean seriously thats so cliché that its sickening! why can she not be a Q with a real problem!
rich girl turns to prostitution to fight against her parents oppression? that is so stupid!
love the game but that plot point is... uninspired!
Summers gone is good if you don't expect anything sexual, but I agree Intertwined is great. I'd also add No More Secrets and Chasing Sunsets to the list.
no more secrets does what it does masterfully indeed!
from the great games chasing sunsets is probably the one i did not try! i mean except for summers gone i do not do any of the summers game!
i work in a sunny place where people go on vacation so why should i play those games? i have been living that life for the past 20 years! i do not need any vicarious living of that sort!
for vicarious living give me a rich dudes life....