
Engaged Member
Jul 7, 2017
:unsure: :unsure:.
Just in the recent episode, tell me which is more of a Better Leader quality .
A Dik MC who selfishly Accept the Pink Rose VIP Ticket, when their mansion is trash, and desperately need every penny to fix it. - BTW Derek reject it if he won ;).
or the "Chick " MC Who reject the reward , because they need the money more than anything.
and MC who pick the Elder home, because its actually pay better that is the most logical choice.
Who would you respect more ?
just for you interest, the Rusty, the leader pick the elder home, to show an example , and you gain +rp point with the Diks also if you volunteer.
Who you respect more, a guy, who accept quinn offer to be able to have sex. or a guy, who can Charm , womans like Bella, girls like Josy, Jill, Sage.
Yeah standing up for yourself and fighting give you respect, you can slip those decisions, I do. But to Say that a Chick MC would not gain respect and not make sense is a far stretch, IMO. not to mention most of them is just a "wannabe alpha". freeloaders, leechers who enjoyed Rusty's dad money. and Jacob was such a pussy he was not dare to make a move on a girl, unless you cleared the path for him. :ROFLMAO:.

but i guess if you only think black and white system, Massive this or that, you might think the way you think. But the affinity can only be Chick and neutral and Dik, there might be a scale, but it not really affect anything. I think there was only one time, or 2 where the actula Massive Dik or Huge dik, scale come in to play . and they were pretty much meaningless lewd moments, unimportant for the main story.
Wow. Such words from you. Respect. I'm serious, this is not a joke.(y)
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Nov 13, 2018
Which one could be the most logical narrative arc DIK/CHIK of the MC?
This was a great read. It made me think that the answer to the question is "Neutral". I don't know how many people here are fans of the original Star Trek series - there's an episode in that ("The Enemy Within") where a transporter malfunction splits Kirk into two - one, a thoughtful man who's indecisive (i.e Chick) and another, a brute whose only concerns are drinking, brawling and forcing himself on the female crew members (i.e DIK). Towards the end of the episode, when Dr McCoy is trying to convince Chick Kirk to accept reintegration, the latter says something like "I don't want that thing inside me" to which McCoy responds "but it's that thing that gives you the strength to command."

So when you say this...

I don't think makes any sense that a CHIK MC would gain the respect of the DIKs, a bunch of "alpha males", or at least, "wannabe alpha males".
...you are probably right, but...

It seems that the game is drifting into a more "film noir" style, so in the future the MC will have to deal with more dangerous problems regarding the drugs and prostitution ring of Quinn. Again, I don't see a CHIK MC having the right stuff for that.
...a DIK MC would deal with this badly as well.

When he says to Sage in the party of the "preps" somethin like that he has been so far an idiot playing along with other's orders and manipulations, it's the moment he fully wake up and becomes a mature guy, and the first thing he does is to take a step forward and go to deal with Cathy's problems, something other DIKs aren´t able to do. That moment he´s a leader already.
This para sums up for me that the logical path is neutral - only the presences of Chick sensibilities would care to think about Cathy in this moment but it needs DIK sensibilities to take the action.


Jul 2, 2021
:unsure: :unsure:.
Just in the recent episode, tell me which is more of a Better Leader quality .
A Dik MC who selfishly Accept the Pink Rose VIP Ticket, when their mansion is trash, and desperately need every penny to fix it. - BTW Derek reject it if he won ;).
or the "Chick " MC Who reject the reward , because they need the money more than anything.
and MC who pick the Elder home, because its actually pay better that is the most logical choice.
Who would you respect more ?
just for you interest, the Rusty, the leader pick the elder home, to show an example , and you gain +rp point with the Diks also if you volunteer.
Who you respect more, a guy, who accept quinn offer to be able to have sex. or a guy, who can Charm , womans like Bella, girls like Josy, Jill, Sage.
Yeah standing up for yourself and fighting give you respect, you can slip those decisions, I do. But to Say that a Chick MC would not gain respect and not make sense is a far stretch, IMO. not to mention most of them is just a "wannabe alpha". freeloaders, leechers who enjoyed Rusty's dad money. and Jacob was such a pussy he was not dare to make a move on a girl, unless you cleared the path for him. :ROFLMAO:.

but i guess if you only think black and white system, Massive this or that, you might think the way you think. But the affinity can only be Chick and neutral and Dik, there might be a scale, but it not really affect anything. I think there was only one time, or 2 where the actula Massive Dik or Huge dik, scale come in to play . and they were pretty much meaningless lewd moments, unimportant for the main story.
You have named the two decisions that I think the MC would reject anyway. Quinn makes his offer at the beginning of the game, when the MC is still mostly a CHIK or NEUTRAL. He would never accept that. It´s an stupid scene, anyway. Quinn would be too smart to make that offer to a guy that barely knows and can rat her out. At least, she would have make some photos of the naked MC into the house of the HOTs as a guarantee, or something.

And when the MC becomes the leader of the DIKs in the task of repairing the house, even a DIK would not accept the reward. Why does he need strip-teases? He's fucking all the girls he wants at that point anyway...

I´m not saying that a DIK MC would adopt EVERY SINGLE DIK choice and become a massive DIK. I said in my previous comment that at certain point, he would start adopting mostly DIK decisions. I said the MC would not be a CHIK any more, but a DIK. Not a "MASSIVE DICK" or even a "HUGE DICK". Just a DIK. The MC must remain somehow as a person of certain integrity to inspire the DIKs (starting with Rusty, that starts behaving as a better person by the influence of the MC) or to help Cathy (even if it´s by fucking her). He just can't be again the sweet, quiet guy that avoids conflicts, is humiliated by others without a fight and is just played like a fiddle by other characters, starting Maya and Josy. He must grow a pair at certain point of the story. If not, it would not be logical that the MC does the things he must do in order of advancing the plot. But, if he becomes a total selfish guy like Tommy, it would not have any sense either.
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Active Member
Jul 15, 2017
Doesn't work, he rejects all non-friend messages.. so, here is the link, if someone had better access toDrPinkCake, perhaps you can let them know this may be unauthorized Jill and Bella content floating out there...
It's a fan art though. And it's also presented on this site. In this thread actually, and if i remember correctly in fan-art thread. It's quite old actually.


Jul 2, 2021
This para sums up for me that the logical path is neutral - only the presences of Chick sensibilities would care to think about Cathy in this moment but it needs DIK sensibilities to take the action.
Probably I was not totally clear in my first post (I find it difficult to explain complex ideas with a lot of "ifs" and "maybes" in English, not my nativa language) I´m not saying that the most logical path for the MC is becoming in another Tommy, totaly selfish and easily triggered. That would not have any sense either. Tommy is the worst possible leader for the DIKs and it´s supposed the MC is a better leader, since he's able to organize the reparations of the DIKs house, the most difficult thing the DIKs do in their history.
I think the most logical path for the MC would be just DIK. Something between BIG DIK and NEUTRAL. A reasonable guy that can become temperamental if the situation asks for it. For example, kicking Tommy's ass after being punched by him, and gaining his respect. I think a pure NEUTRAL MC would not have spirit and charisma enough to, logically, become the leader of the DIKs. In real life, NEUTRAL people tend to pass unnoticed. Are good followers, but not leaders. The MC would become the leader of the DIKs without being a DIK himself if the dev wants to write that to give more options to the player, but It would not be 100% coherent and plausible, IMO.
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Engaged Member
Jul 7, 2017
You have named the two decisions that I think the MC would reject anyway. Quinn makes his offer at the beginning of the game, when the MC is still mostly a CHIK or NEUTRAL. He would never accept that. It´s an stupid scene, anyway. Quinn would be too smart to make that offer to a guy that barely knows and can rat her out. At least, I she would have make some photos of the naked MC into the house of the HOTs as a guarantee, or something.

And when the MC becomes the leader of the DIKs in the task of repairing the house, even a DIK would not accept the reward. Why does he need strip-teases? He's fucking all the girls he wants at that point anyway...

I´m not saying that a DIK MC would adopt EVERY SINGLE DIK choice and become a massive DIK. I said in my previous comment that at certain point, he would start adopting mostly DIK decisions. I said the MC would not be a CHIK any more, but a DIK. Not a "MASSIVE DICK" or even a "HUGE DICK". Just a DIK. The MC must remain somehow as a person of certain integrity to inspire the DIKs (starting with Rusty, that starts behaving as a better person by the influence of the MC) or to help Cathy (even if it´s by fucking her). He just can't be again the sweet, quiet guy that avoids conflicts, is humiliated by others without a fight and is just played like a fiddle by other characters, starting Maya and Josy. He must grow a pair at certain point of the story. If not, it would not be logical that the MC does the things he must do in order of advancing the plot. But, if he becomes a total selfish guy like Tommy, it would not have any sense either.
Don't be fooled by the Neutral Affinity. I think it is actually quite simple with the affinity. I'll use a language that everyone should understand.

-1(DIK) = 0 (NEUTRAL) = 1 (CHICK)

Now I think it should be clear what DPC wants with the affinity. The more massive the MC DIK is, the more shit it will eat. Don't get me wrong. He can still make Chick decisions, but by default he is DIK. The MC will have his fun all right. But he will eventually sue for custody of his child in court.

In Neutral, the MC does not take a clear position. He can make Dik and Chick decisions through the status, but he won't make the right decision. This will lead to conflict sooner or later. In the process, he could lose all LI's.

With Chick affinity he will win at least one LI for himself. But it could become up to four LI's. This is decided with the Major Choices Scale. If you manage to keep 3 Bars Dik, 2 Bars Neutral, 7 Bars Chick through the choices. But I don't know if DPC will take away more bars of Scale in the future. Then I will try to get the scale to 3-2-3 for me.


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2020
According to my research, the next preview should drop anytime between 10-13 this month :geek:


Jul 2, 2021
Don't be fooled by the Neutral Affinity. I think it is actually quite simple with the affinity. I'll use a language that everyone should understand.

-1(DIK) = 0 (NEUTRAL) = 1 (CHICK)

Now I think it should be clear what DPC wants with the affinity. The more massive the MC DIK is, the more shit it will eat. Don't get me wrong. He can still make Chick decisions, but by default he is DIK. The MC will have his fun all right. But he will eventually sue for custody of his child in court.

In Neutral, the MC does not take a clear position. He can make Dik and Chick decisions through the status, but he won't make the right decision. This will lead to conflict sooner or later. In the process, he could lose all LI's.

With Chick affinity he will win at least one LI for himself. But it could become up to four LI's. This is decided with the Major Choices Scale. If you manage to keep 3 Bars Dik, 2 Bars Neutral, 7 Bars Chick through the choices. But I don't know if DPC will take away more bars of Scale in the future. Then I will try to get the scale to 3-2-3 for me.
I think that the character that is pure NEUTRAL in this game is Jacob. A totally reasonable guy. Not too bland, not too crazy. Sensible enough to be an artist, wild enough to accomplish at least some of the proves of the "Hell Week". Great follower, so far (maybe it turns out that he's the traitor that posted the photo of Cathy, but I don't think so). But he don't have charisma enough to be a leader for the DIKs.

For being the leader of the DIKs only make sense that you are a DIK yourself. Again, not a MASSIVE DIK or HUGE DIK. Not a Tommy. Just some drops of initiative, charisma and aggressiveness (in certain moments when aggressiveness is necessary) to add to the cocktail of a reasonable main character. By definition, NEUTRAL people don´t have that kind of initiative, charisma and aggressiveness. They follow instructions of people that have that kind of traits. If a guy like Jacob would have the right stuff to be the leader of the DIKs, he would be the leader of the DIKs. A leader has to take a clear position to impose himself. And, in this game, the MC has to start being an unofficial leader to the DIKs. The player can't pass the ball to others, so far, but score himself.

Again, I´m thinking in terms of what is the most logical path so far. I don't know what is going to write the dev. Maybe he actually tries to lead the player to a NEUTRAL position and at some point will start punishing DIKs and CHIKs players. It would not be logical, IMO. The dev will write what he wants, but after every update, any player will think "this new update has all the sense according the previous ones" or "the dev has lost his mind in this update". Will see. If the idea of the dev is that what makes sense to get the best possible ending is a full NEUTRAL MC, I will be disappointed. Mass Effect III's ending, level of disappointment :LOL:
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Engaged Member
Jul 7, 2017
I think that the character that is pure NEUTRAL in this game is Jacob. A totally reasonable guy. Not too bland, not too crazy. Sensible enough to be an artist, wild enough to accomplish at least some of the proves of the "Hell Week". Great follower, so far (maybe it turns out that he's the traitor that posted the photo of Cathy, but I don't think so). But he don't have charisma enough to be a leader for the DIKs.

For being the leader of the DIKs only make sense that you are a DIK yourself. Again, not a MASSIVE DIK or HUGE DIK. Not a Tommy. Just some drops of initiative, charisma and aggressiveness (in certain moments when aggressiveness is necessary) to add to the cocktail of a reasonable main character. By definition, NEUTRAL people don´t have that kind of initiative, charisma and aggressiveness. They follow instructions of people that have that kind of traits. If a guy like Jacob would have the right stuff to be the leader of the DIKs, he would be the leader of the DIKs. A leader has to take a clear position to impose himself.

Again, I´m thinking in terms of what is the most logical path so far. I don't know what is going to write the dev. Maybe he actually tries to lead the player to a NEUTRAL position and at some point will start punishing DIKs and CHIKs players. It would not be logical, IMO. The dev will write what he wants, but after every update, any player will think "this new update has all the sense according the previous ones" or "the dev have lost his mind in this update". Will see. If the idea of the dev is that what makes sense to get the best possible ending is a full NEUTRAL MC, I will be disappointed.
If a person is to lead other people, that person must not be a DIK, because a DIK becomes a dictator. He must also not be too neutral, because decisions have to be made.

The best leader for a group of people is a person who has changed from DIK to CHICK.

The term "alpha" is used as an animal metaphor for assertive, dominant people - primarily men - in leadership situations to characterize position and habitus within a group or movement. The term can have a partly positive, partly negative connotation.

In the negative sense, alpha can be similar in meaning to authoritarian, dominant, unwilling to compromise, power-hungry, and unwilling to cooperate (DIK-TOMMY).

The positive aspects can essentially be summarized with the following adjectives: self-confident, proactive, committed, self-reliant and self-critical. (CHICK-RUSTY)
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Nov 13, 2018
I think a pure NEUTRAL MC would not have spirit and charisma enough to, logically, become the leader of the DIKs. In real life, NEUTRAL people tend to pass unnoticed. Are good followers, but not leaders.
By including a reference to Captain Kirk in my previous reply, I was arguing the opposite:). Although only if you define the Chick-DIK spectrum as Chick = thoughtful, considered approach, DIK=shoot-first-ask-questions-later approach, which is how I think of it - in this case, Neutral represents getting the balance right. If are the real values and behaviours of a leader, a massive DIK and massive Chick MC would be poor leaders.

Whatever other criticisms one can level at BaDIK, how many other AVNs cause people to muse on the nature of good leadership? I came(!) for the porn, stayed for the philosophy.


Jul 2, 2021
If a person is to lead other people, that person must not be a DIK, because a DIK becomes a dictator. He must also not be too neutral, because decisions have to be made.

The best leader for a group of people is a person who has changed from DIK to CHICK.

The term "alpha" is used as an animal metaphor for assertive, dominant people - primarily men - in leadership situations to characterize position and habitus within a group or movement. The term can have a partly positive, partly negative connotation.

In the negative sense, alpha can be similar in meaning to authoritarian, dominant, unwilling to compromise, power-hungry, and unwilling to cooperate (DIK-TOMMY).

The positive aspects can essentially be summarized with the following adjectives: self-confident, proactive, committed, self-reliant and self-critical. (CHICK-RUSTY)
You have never seen an alpha dog in action. He's not a dictator, but a leader. Other dogs doesn't follow him because they fear him, but because they trust him. Self-confident, proactive and committed are the traits of a DIK (again, a DIK, not a MASSIVE-HUGE DIK, that would be Tommy). Rusty doesn´t have those traits. He's starting to acquire some them, after the speech of the MC, but not yet. That's why is the MC the one that takes the initiative of going to talk with Cathy first and try to fix the problem. And after that, as good DIK, gets his reward: the blowjob. Rusty goes two days later, and because he doesn´t have other alternatives. He's not assertive nor committed.

A CHICK in this game, first of all, avoid all kind of conflicts. He's not confident enough in himself to face a conflict, even when he's been bullied or threatened. That's the main way you get "CHIK points": by not fighting. Swallowing the insults and threats of everybody. Not the psychological trait of a leader.

Also, the CHIK does not actively look for pussy. He never check out the girls, never try to make a move on them... That's the other main way to get "CHIK points". The CHIK MC just waits until the girls approach him. Those would be mainly Maya and Josy: they both take the initiative to attract the MC when they feel lonely, then ditch him out when they reunite again in the "this is my girlfriend" scene, and then they try regain him again, into their own terms, by forcing him to meet with them after the party. The MC has a passive role in this relationship. Even the two girls are the ones who kiss the MC first. The both, together or by their own, play the MC like a fiddle. Again, not the psychological trait of a leader.

The DIK doesn´t avoid conflicts by default (but he doesn´t need to fight every single occasion), and actively look for pussy. Those are the main ways to gain "DIK points". Two traits that, according the logic of the game, would make the DIKs respect and follow the MC.

The way you look at it, the leader of the DIKs has to be, to a certain extent, a DIK.
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Jun 21, 2021
To me MD and MC differentiate only in 2 categories which are using your fists or not and the overall language tone...
It has to be that simple because if you start arguing about what makes a Dik and a Chick charactar you quickly find yourself writing 5000+ variations of possible character traits and behaviours..
Just to give one example. The "Chick" can be an even bigger "Dik" and vice versa....
It's all just a matter of perception and interpretation

I personally would have preferred the fallout variation with "hard ass" and "kiss ass" which would make a little bit more sense because in 99% of all the AVN games you play just some hypocrite dude :p


Engaged Member
Jul 7, 2017
You have never seen an alpha dog in action. He's not a dictator, but a leader. Other dogs doesn't follow him because they fear him, but because they trust him. Self-confident, proactive and committed are the traits of a DIK (again, a DIK, not a MASSIVE-HUGE DIK, that would be Tommy). Rusty doesn´t have those traits. He's starting to acquire some them, after the speech of the MC, but not yet. That's why is the MC the one that takes the initiative of going to talk with Cathy first and try to fix the problem. And after that, as good DIK, gets his reward: the blowjob. Rusty goes two days later, and because he doesn´t have other alternatives. He's not assertive nor committed.

A CHICK in this game, first of all, avoid all kind of conflicts. He's not confident enough in himself to face a conflict, even when he's been bullied or threatened. That's the main way you get "CHIK points": by not fighting. Swallowing the insults and threats of everybody. Not the psychological trait of a leader.

Also, the CHIK does not actively look for pussy. He never check out the girls, never try to make a move on them... That's the other main way to get "CHIK points". The CHIK MC just waits until the girls approach him. Those would be mainly Maya and Josy: they both take the initiative to attract the MC when they feel lonely, then ditch him out when they reunite again in the "this is my girlfriend" scene, and then they try regain him again by forcing him to meet with them after the party. The MC has a passive role in this relationship. Even they are they, the two girls the ones who kiss the MC first. The both, together or by their own, play the MC like a fiddle. Again, not the psychological trait of a leader.

The DIK doesn´t avoid conflicts by default (but he doesn´t need to fight every single occasion), and actively look for pussy. Those are the main ways to gain "DIK points". Two traits that, according the logic of the game, would make the DIKs respect and follow the MC.

The way you look at it, the leader of the DIKs has to be, to a certain extent, a DIK.
Read my post again. I wrote something about change and a little further down there is something about negative and positive. After that, think about it.:rolleyes:

You should read a text as it is written and not as you like it.:rolleyes:


Active Member
Mar 8, 2021
Who you respect more, a guy, who accept quinn offer to be able to have sex. or a guy, who can Charm , womans like Bella, girls like Josy, Jill, Sage.
Accepting Quinns offer isn't less respectable (and neither is cheating on tests imo :D), it's like she said, like going to a restaurant. But I guess that depends on who you ask. Josy and Bella might find it not respectable, while for Tommy or Rusty it would be a total non-issue.

Getting freaky with the girls for money is going to a restaurant and paying for a perfectly cooked burger,
romancing Josy is staying at home spending all day preparing a salad :D


Jul 2, 2021
Read my post again. I wrote something about change and a little further down there is something about negative and positive. After that, think about it.:rolleyes:

You should read a text as it is written and not as you like it.:rolleyes:
Reading my comments as they like and not as I write them is the thing most people is doing ;) I have never said "The most coherent path is the MC being a MASSIVE DICK, but that´s the way some people is interpreting it.

I have read your comment, and I think I have responded to your reasoning. DIK not means "authoritarian, dominant, unwilling to compromise, power-hungry, and unwilling to cooperate" That maybe (just maybe, I have not given it a thought) could be MASSIVE DICK. Again, in this game you get DIK points mostly by not avoiding confrontations and by actively looking for pussy. The two main traits the DIKs could admire and respect. If you overdo it and take ALL DIK points, you will end up as a MASSIVE DIK, and I already said in several comments that such MC would not be a logical leader for the DIKs. They already have Tommy for that.

"Self-confident, proactive, committed, self-reliant and self-critical " doesn´t mean CHIK in this game. Again: you get CHIK points by avoiding conflicts and allowing humiliations, insults and threats from others. That's not "self confident, self-reliant", but "lack of confidence". You get CHIK points by not actively looking for pussy. That´s not "proactive" but "passive". That's not a leader that the DIK would follow.

You can't evolve from DIK to CHIK. Well, you can, but it doesn´t make any sense. As I explained already in my first comment, the MC starts the game as a CHIK. That's the logical trait for a boy that in two months is unable to talk with the girl that has a crush on, and allows her to carry with the initiative of the relationship. The dev gives you the chance to start gaining points of DIK from the first moment, but I wrote at least two paragraphs of text explaining why that would not be the logical path, IMO, in my first comment, the longest one.
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Active Member
Jul 7, 2017
I think that the character that is pure NEUTRAL in this game is Jacob. A totally reasonable guy. Not too bland, not too crazy. Sensible enough to be an artist, wild enough to accomplish at least some of the proves of the "Hell Week". Great follower, so far (maybe it turns out that he's the traitor that posted the photo of Cathy, but I don't think so). But he don't have charisma enough to be a leader for the DIKs.

For being the leader of the DIKs only make sense that you are a DIK yourself. Again, not a MASSIVE DIK or HUGE DIK. Not a Tommy. Just some drops of initiative, charisma and aggressiveness (in certain moments when aggressiveness is necessary) to add to the cocktail of a reasonable main character. By definition, NEUTRAL people don´t have that kind of initiative, charisma and aggressiveness. They follow instructions of people that have that kind of traits. If a guy like Jacob would have the right stuff to be the leader of the DIKs, he would be the leader of the DIKs. A leader has to take a clear position to impose himself. And, in this game, the MC has to start being an unofficial leader to the DIKs. The player can't pass the ball to others, so far, but score himself.

Again, I´m thinking in terms of what is the most logical path so far. I don't know what is going to write the dev. Maybe he actually tries to lead the player to a NEUTRAL position and at some point will start punishing DIKs and CHIKs players. It would not be logical, IMO. The dev will write what he wants, but after every update, any player will think "this new update has all the sense according the previous ones" or "the dev has lost his mind in this update". Will see. If the idea of the dev is that what makes sense to get the best possible ending is a full NEUTRAL MC, I will be disappointed. Mass Effect III's ending, level of disappointment :LOL:
Maybe the MC won’t have to “fit” as leader of the DIKs but the DIKs will “fit” the MC’s affinity?

As in you’re assuming the MC will be leader of the DIKs frat as it currently is. That he would need all these traits to lead the group who get in fist
Fights and have cumpetitions.

Maybe the narrative will change the DIKs. As you get more choices and control you can dial back on these traits of the DIKs. A full CHICK mc can drop all the strippers, violence and tag teaming Aerith and lead them to being just a regular frat. It’s already happening with the MC putting a stopper on the parties so they can funnel cash into repairing the place.

The frat might change so what’s “logically” best to lead them is hard to answer. Take the current mini game where you have to rebuild the mansion. It can be failed so the frat will change depending on choices.

personally… I think a full DIK would lead the place to ruin. Violence, underage drinking… drugs, prostitutes. These things don’t usually go unnoticed and Rusty has covered due to his name and wealth but what’s a full DIK mc gonna do when the police come a-knockin?

My money isn’t on the MC needing to be played a specific way to fit into the role, the role will change based on his decisions instead. Play full CHICK and you won’t need violence and roguish charisma to get what you want. Everyone will just be onboard with rebuilding the frat as some elderly care home helping, studious, only party on the weekends without drugs and strippers Frat. A lot of People are already on board with a full “help the community” frat. Even Tommy pitches into the rebuild effort eventually.

I’m betting the frat will mirror the MC. His affinity will become the DIKs affinity.


Jul 2, 2021
Maybe the narrative will change the DIKs. As you get more choices and control you can dial back on these traits of the DIKs. A full CHICK mc can drop all the strippers, violence and tag teaming Aerith and lead them to being just a regular frat.
That's not the point. We are not talking about the future, since nobody knows the plans of the dev, but about the chapters already released. The debate was about the more logical path of the MC to be as coherent as possible with the initial premise of the game and the things the MC has done so far in the plot and don´t depend of the choices of the player: becoming a full member of DIKs, leading them in the task of repairing the house, taking the initiative of talking with Cathy and trying to fix the problem with the leaked photo, etc.
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