Uhh...I read review for this game saying that pregnancy content in this game is "exquisite", but it is anything more currently than big belly and placeholder in crib?
That moment when having basic pregnancy in a sex game is called "exquisite" shows how badly most games do anything more specific than act of banging each other (and even then many SEX GAMES fail at that, go figure).
IMO for a "exquisite" pregnancy a game would have to simulate much more, frankly even some gems people often quote like Hazumi and pregnancy don't really do it that well, probably best of most but still, not to mention most don't incorporate some less realistic (or completely unrealistic) fetishes into the system (this game has cervix penetration so logically that kind of creampie should result in 100% impregnation by the game's logic, even if girl is in the "low risk" or maybe even "no risk" period.
Considering this game's linear progression I doubt that aspect will ever be more developed, this is why we should be funding more sandbox/open world type of sex games, not ones driven by specific story with specific fetish (in this case, incest/banging your aunt) as that heavily restricts (typically) many aspects of a game, including in many games aspect of pregnancy.
Of course I could be wrong, perhaps dev plans on really fleshing out this aspect and making all sexual encounters less about meeting specific target of points and turn it into a more of a sandbox/open world.