An honest question asked off the cuff. Apologies if this seems random.
Is there any particular reason that Mediafire isn't the preferred and common download source on F95? Does cost go parabolic with file size or something?
I ask in the Bioasshard thread since it's a 5GB+ UE game on this forum, with other regulars of the engine (Wild Life 13GB) being even worse offenders. Yet, I see Mediafire being used for sub 1GB sized stuff all the time.
The whole goal of making a game by opening up patreon or subscribe/monthly pay based service is to squeeze as much money as possible from the people that pay,by doing minimum effort and barely adding new content each month you keep the cash flowing infact the last thing you want is release said game,especially western developers,like holy shit some have been working on a single game for 5-10 years and no release yet lmao,i cant believe people keep falling for this
Pretty normal
With each new version of the game, thewonder card code change, so we have to wait before getting new, or rying by ourself with the guide... ButI don't really understand how he does that
Alright, a few hours of bs and reading up on basic encryption ciphers and decrypting. I did some digging and the cipher for the codes has somewhat changed since the Mar. 2022 release. Meg or someone might be reading up on the forums so I'm expecting the encryption method or at least the cipher to change for the next release.
Anyways, here's a couple of other codes for the v0.8.194 release:
Fox: M4IF-573C
GPU Heavy Bush 1: F4UT-GF2Q
If anyone else is trying to take a crack at decrypting besides me (I mean wasting time is fun, but the tedium of trial and error is killing me), here's some other values I made good progress on:
Many thanks to funog and Gan_fald for being one of the firsts to actually take a look at this and explain where to start. Also huge thanks to whoever gave their Eagle codes out.
I'm not in my 20s trying to be spoon-fed. Just seems like a fast host of large sized files. I remember comic books being uploaded there regularly which is a full on industry, unlike nebulous adult VNs.