Jan 4, 2019
Why would you even want to update? No new nephs, sex positions or gameplay content other than the "jump through hoops to even start playing" quests have been in added in something like three consecutive updates.

I'm still running the version back from May and I've got all the same actual content as the newest version and none of the bullshit. Start game, immediately go out and start fucking things. It's great!
I totally agree, this has been the problem with this game for so long. Even before all the starting quest crap recently that adds nothing to the actual game, there was the whole thing where they locked sex positions behind currency and visits to the floating cat lady after having them all accessible from the start for so many versions. I honestly believe they're just coasting and milking Patreon at this point, just like Breeding Season before them.

All the stuff about locking content behind walls wouldn't be as bad if the core gameplay loop or quests were actually fun, but the quests are a chore and the ingame currency is totally imbalanced at the moment, making so much of the game dead content mechanically. The game is obviously easy on the eyes, but where Breeding Season actually had a balanced and semi-interesting midterm grind, this game really lacks "game".


May 3, 2018
I totally agree, this has been the problem with this game for so long. Even before all the starting quest crap recently that adds nothing to the actual game, there was the whole thing where they locked sex positions behind currency and visits to the floating cat lady after having them all accessible from the start for so many versions. I honestly believe they're just coasting and milking Patreon at this point, just like Breeding Season before them.

All the stuff about locking content behind walls wouldn't be as bad if the core gameplay loop or quests were actually fun, but the quests are a chore and the ingame currency is totally imbalanced at the moment, making so much of the game dead content mechanically. The game is obviously easy on the eyes, but where Breeding Season actually had a balanced and semi-interesting midterm grind, this game really lacks "game".
I get the whole, adding vendors so you can do certain things, such as the barns. It forces you to go out there and do things in a more step by step process.... or use cheat engine and cheat the money in like I always did before cheats were added... This adds a level of proggression to the game. However.... locking different sex positions behind an NPC is not only stupid, its honestly pointless. Like for real... any bumble fuck can figure out different ways to stick a dick in a hole without being taught.

For a game like this, you would expect that progression mechanics like stores would be done after the primary game mechanics are completed... like the different positions, design features, the countless bugs that have been in the game since the start, etc.

This game is still sorely lacking in positions. I will say, with Hybrids, the game has plenty of different monster types which is nice. The character creation is still looking like a slapped together from 5 different games type of mess, though still better than the original... the original was a damn nightmare. Then naturally, people have been asking for an ungodly amount of time for things like FPV but by this point, we know it will never happen, despite if it were in there it would add a massive selling point to the game...


Feb 18, 2018
just a reminder to all that complain on this game you are forgetting that it's only one persons projekt and and he got a life besides making the game and yeah it takes time because he is alone and make it in his vision it's his created world not the others thats the diffrence from breeding season i really liked that game and its still your choise to back him if you like it or not so chill because building and adding stuff in a game takes time because there is a lot of shit that must work so give him some slack and if you are tired of waiting play some thing else because this takes time so complain less and just have patience there are few games that have the quality that this game have


Oct 7, 2018
just a reminder to all that complain on this game you are forgetting that it's only one persons projekt and and he got a life besides making the game and yeah it takes time because he is alone and make it in his vision it's his created world not the others thats the diffrence from breeding season i really liked that game and its still your choise to back him if you like it or not so chill because building and adding stuff in a game takes time because there is a lot of shit that must work so give him some slack and if you are tired of waiting play some thing else because this takes time so complain less and just have patience there are few games that have the quality that this game have
Aye, developing a game takes time and effort. The problem is though, it's been the exact same shit for more versions than can be justified. And graphical fidelity != Quality. Otherwise modern CoD would be good quality games. I will say however, at least he isn't fenoxo.

The real problem is these pay-by-the-month places. They make it very unprofitable to actually develop your game.


Active Member
Oct 17, 2018
So for anyone who doesn't want all the new jumping through hoops just to play the game stuff, here is an older version from back in May. NO QUEST BULLSHIT, though you can still die from falling (resurrection girl is in it). Head out and start fucking right off the bat just like you used to.



Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2018
just a reminder to all that complain on this game you are forgetting that it's only one persons projekt and and he got a life besides making the game and yeah it takes time because he is alone and make it in his vision it's his created world not the others thats the diffrence from breeding season i really liked that game and its still your choise to back him if you like it or not so chill because building and adding stuff in a game takes time because there is a lot of shit that must work so give him some slack and if you are tired of waiting play some thing else because this takes time so complain less and just have patience there are few games that have the quality that this game have
dude makes 18k a month, thats a generous estimate probably makes way more. he's just making bank and doesn't give a fuck

look at his current goal, lol 100k supporters....


Dec 11, 2019
If I recall correctly he wanted to make it a bigger RPG type game from the beginning so no real surprise with some of the releases. And having this a more wholesome game + what it already has is something I actually look forward too. My big problem are the save wipes (... and that you can't bang Fern :p ). I don't know how often I restarted; I stopped looking out to dl new versions since... dunno; months ago and now with quests in it double down on waiting it out till he gets into releases without save wipes.


Oct 29, 2019
just a reminder to all that complain on this game you are forgetting that it's only one persons projekt and and he got a life besides making the game and yeah it takes time because he is alone and make it in his vision it's his created world not the others thats the diffrence from breeding season i really liked that game and its still your choise to back him if you like it or not so chill because building and adding stuff in a game takes time because there is a lot of shit that must work so give him some slack and if you are tired of waiting play some thing else because this takes time so complain less and just have patience there are few games that have the quality that this game have
With this much money he can make a small studio of 4-5 people to work full time just on this game and still have 10k/mo left for himself. Single person development counts only when game is actually progressing. Not the case here, game got stuck a year ago. He is just milking the patreon, no reason to waste time on development since he gets enough as it is. :rolleyes:
Also, he actually gets help.... for free from supporters.


May 12, 2017
dude makes 18k a month, thats a generous estimate probably makes way more. he's just making bank and doesn't give a fuck

look at his current goal, lol 100k supporters....
I start seeing this thing in more positive way. The more he earns, the more new developers will come. But so far he is one of the best indie developer. And this game have more gameplay then 100k per month game. So unless there is something better, he will receive all attention from the fans.

Also note that he is porn developer. As much as I understand, not many talented developers would want to spend their time on a porn game.
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