
Apr 21, 2019
At this point this is just mental masturbation but to keep it short:

-Move pawsmaati closer to the starting point
-Move the lamia portal chick closer to the starting point
-Move the gate at your ranch closer to your house
-Place ranch only fast travel points across the ranch, at least one at your house and one in the cluster of barns at the far end

(For the next 3 I'm aware the fluid system and requests are still placeholders but even as they are they could be slightly adjusted to make the game less broken or more interesting)

-Fix the mission board requests to only offer quests you can actually complete e.g no more "Bring me a hybrid of two nephelym that are still locked behind 3 gates" requests at the very start
-Adjust fluid prices to make more sense, something as easy to get as bouvar milk shouldn't have such a high payout and something as difficult to get as harpy fluids should be worth more
-Vendors should sell higher and buy lower compared to the player with fluctuating prices
-Lower the amount of points needed to raise a races rank
-Instead of getting points for releasing caught nephelym get a bonus for releasing bred nephelym, it makes more sense to raise the race rank by introducing new nephelym to the environment instead of ones taken from there
-Raise a races world level through having sex with roamers, getting a bonus for impregnating them or from getting pregnant and releasing the offspring
-Implement an auto run key and run toggle
-Make roamers draw from a randomized pool of colors instead of presets with higher rarities having access to more unusual and less strict colors/combinations
-Bring back breeding, I don't know if it's something I haven't figured out yet but the impregnation chance is so low currently that it's almost pointless to try, I feel more like a "Poacher of the Nephelym" than a breeder right now

I'd also really like some more animation variety especially for surprise wild sex but that goes beyond "low-work" so I'll leave it at that for now.
the first 4 are never gonna happen simply cause DH dont want the players to be lazy.
the other 9 can be implemented in future versions maybe.


Active Member
Jun 21, 2017
the first 4 are never gonna happen simply cause DH dont want the players to be lazy.
the other 9 can be implemented in future versions maybe.
That feels like an excuse on Derelicts part to validate needless padding. If a player doesn't want to spend minutes at a time holding w + shift just to get around an empty world that doesn't make them "lazy". If getting around the world was fun and if the game wasn't so grindy I could somewhat agree but as it is it only exacerbates the grind even more and induces burnout quicker. At the very least I feel like he should let you open the portals up from the start as you still have to unlock all the gates and go to each portal once.

Squark ⚧❤️

Conversation Conqueror
Jun 16, 2017
Never really understood the point of Capturing the semen. Sure, it's kinda funny to see how stretchy those cocksocks are but is there any other point to it?
A question on the new World Level system:
Let's assume I have two blank nephs (unlikely now); one at level 5 and the other at level 15. Is the one at level 15 worth more WL points?


Mar 4, 2018
Never really understood the point of Capturing the semen. Sure, it's kinda funny to see how stretchy those cocksocks are but is there any other point to it?
A question on the new World Level system:
Let's assume I have two blank nephs (unlikely now); one at level 5 and the other at level 15. Is the one at level 15 worth more WL points?
Lvl does increase World Value somewhat (hover over lvl to see Neph's world Value)



Mar 2, 2021
I would suggest an automatic breeding system in sheds (with Fern) along with a manual one, and more orders can be made. The game has nothing to do, it is empty. Weirdly made tentacles, their random respawn on Nav and faster animation will be better, they may need an attack animation. Add nephelim stat display for wild sex. And now there are very few sex animations for wild sex, and at a high level it is very easy to win in it, here you need a level spread. Need hotkeys for (confirmation dialogs, mating, milking, collecting semen). An economy is needed for traders, if less goods are more expensive and the bank of available funds can make more. We need to buy / sell clothes so that there is where to spend the game currency.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2020
I would suggest an automatic breeding system in sheds (with Fern) along with a manual one, and more orders can be made.
Oh, this one's good. Could go up to Fern, ask her to breed nephelym for you, and pop open a UI window where you can pick a pair, select how many offspring you want (either as a total or standing level), and leave her to it. Another dialogue options to check the standing orders and modify and/or remove them. The difference between total and standing level being that with total she'll just have the pair make that many offspring and stop, while standing level is "they should have this many offspring in the barns, and will be bred until that point is reached.
The game has nothing to do, it is empty.
I very much agree, though how to fill it is another matter entirely.
Weirdly made tentacles, their random respawn on Nav and faster animation will be better, they may need an attack animation.
Mechanically speaking, their respawn should probably be timed rather than random. More accurately, I suppose, the random range is a bit too big.
Add nephelim stat display for wild sex.
That used to be a thing, though it was collapsed by default. Having it open by default would be fantastic, though, as would having the subject change based on camera focus or current sex partner rather than just "they were the first nephelym in range, so the stat display stays focused on them until they're gone."
And now there are very few sex animations for wild sex, and at a high level it is very easy to win in it, here you need a level spread.
It might be interesting to adjust the "difficulty" of wild sex by the type of nephelym. Perhaps have it so that the more gates you need to travel to to access a specific species, the harder it is to win wild sex? That's another thing that could fairly easily get added to a "difficulty" slider in options.
Need hotkeys for (confirmation dialogs, mating, milking, collecting semen).
An economy is needed for traders, if less goods are more expensive and the bank of available funds can make more.
I actually detailed how that could work towards the middle of a response to Spillthebeans, here. It's an interesting idea, though playability can be strongly impacted by implementation.
We need to buy / sell clothes so that there is where to spend the game currency.
Would probably want an inventory system at that point, too. The game already has a few things that an inventory would be convenient to monitor, such as the pearl and fluids. Being able to buy and sell (and equip) clothes would be a great addition to make the effort of implementing an inventory worthwhile. The data for clothing color and pattern is actually stored on the player object, but it's not some immutable thing. Assuming you have the same data stored in the clothing objects, it's super easy to swap that out when the player equips, unequips, or changes their clothes. Plus, the shop could sell a variety of colors and patterns of the same pieces of clothing, giving you more options to choose from.

More potential ideas for the game:
  • If the player has unlocked the slime and elf areas, let them use the river going down from the wulvar/foxen area. Maybe have "unlocking" that route as part of the world upgrades for the slime and/or elves. Just hop in the river and slip'n'slide down to the slime pond.
  • Allowing the MC to court death could be fun. You already fuck death for revival every time you hit one of the instakill barriers after jumping off a cliff. Would be interesting to actually be able to properly talk with the Reaper too.
  • Has DerelictHelmsman changed the mega slime at all recently? I still go out of my way to avoid the unhappy route, but honestly that whole thing could stand a revamp. The simplest option is letting the pearl be brought in to "cheer her up" after taking the pearl away. Alternatively, even a proper warning that the choice is irreversible and permanent rather than just a mild in dialogue bit about really liking the orb would be a massive improvement. (I know this and the next one are old suggestions - I myself have been saying them for ages as well.)
  • Speaking of, the trigger for the pearl becoming accessible is 90s-era nonsensical progress. Instead of unlocking it by fucking Mirru, it would make more sense for the unlock to be directly tied to Yasmine. Maybe you convince her to "open up" with some fluids, and she drops the pearl in the process? Plenty of ways to go about it.
  • Increasing the world level for the nephelym who have big vacant areas next to their area (such as the titans, dragons, bovaur, and orcs) could add secondary spawners in those empty spots to allow for more nephelym hunting.
  • A few of the instant death barriers could stand to be adjusted. Most notably, the ones on the road down from Pleasure Pasture to the Cove of Rapture. The barriers were supposedly introduced to prevent players skipping gates, and yet most of the cliff there (even at the lower end) will kill the player even though they're already past the relevant gate.
Honestly I suppose today's thoughts and ideas mostly boiled down to old QA quibbles, but even so.
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New Member
May 8, 2018
I'm having some confusion trying to breed a Thriae (Bee) with the trait hornball 2 (silver). My world level for Thriae is already at level 3 and all breeds i get are with common rarity. I'm using a pair of uncommon Thriaes with hornball 1 trait. It's impossible to breed a uncommon or rare rarity ? This couple already had 5 offspring all common with only bronze traits. I'm just unlucky ?


Active Member
Feb 3, 2018
The changes to trait heritability seem odd. If I breed two legendaries together I usually end up with a unique offspring at best. Is anyone else experiencing that?


Active Member
Feb 3, 2018
I'm having some confusion trying to breed a Thriae (Bee) with the trait hornball 2 (silver). My world level for Thriae is already at level 3 and all breeds i get are with common rarity. I'm using a pair of uncommon Thriaes with hornball 1 trait. It's impossible to breed a uncommon or rare rarity ? This couple already had 5 offspring all common with only bronze traits. I'm just unlucky ?
It seems like trait breeding isn't working right. If you breed something with hornball 2 and something with hornball 3, the offspring is going to have hornball 2 at best.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2020
Never really understood the point of Capturing the semen. Sure, it's kinda funny to see how stretchy those cocksocks are but is there any other point to it?
I think it's a fetish thing? Not entirely sure how or when it ended up added to the game, but the presentation very much feels like it belongs in the category of "fetishes I fail to understand." Mechanically it seems to be a direct analogue to the other option, so the alternative animation only really serves a difference in a purely visual sense.
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Active Member
Jun 21, 2017
I think it's a fetish thing? Not entirely sure how or when it ended up added to the game, but the presentation very much feels like it belongs in the category of "fetishes I fail to understand." Mechanically it seems to be a direct analogue to the other option, so the alternative animation only really serves a difference in a purely visual sense.
It will have the eventual purpose of being an item you can use to collect more semen, will probably be made more relevant when craftable items are introduced and/or the fluid system gets another pass.


New Member
Dec 7, 2019
Do higher levels of busty and buxum effect the models at all? I got level 2 busty and it looked the same as level 1 so I was wondering if there were changes at 3-5.
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