
Dec 9, 2018
Hay quick question and I know me and someone else asked this before but does anyone have access to feral spirit forms. If so can you tell me how to change to it.


New Member
Dec 18, 2021
Breeders of the Nephelym (BOTN) Incest Patcher


You can easily enable incest in the game as shown below:

A file named imma.degenerate needs to be in the same folder as OBF.exe.​
  • It does not need to contain anything.
  • It must be the same folder as OBF.exe.
  • The filename is imma and the extension is degenerate.
It doesn't matter what creates the file, it should work as long as the filename/extension is correct.

In the folder where OBF.exe is located, create a file called imma.degenerate (be sure to enable show file extensions if you're using Windows explorer). The file does not need to contain anything.​
Command Prompt:
In the folder where OBF.exe is located, type echo. > imma.degenerate and you'll be all set.​
Command Prompt (PowerShell) :
In the folder where OBF.exe is located, type New-Item -Path . -Name "imma.degenerate" -ItemType "file" and you'll be all set.​
I'm not sure how long this will work and I think it would be best for all of us to not mention it on Patreon (or DH's Discord) especially.​
This works with the Steam version as well but if your Steam library is in Program Files, you'll need administrative rights to create the file on Windows 10. Please follow the Steam instructions below if you need help.​
For Steam, this gets a bit more complex because of the higher security present in Program Files.​
  • Open a "Command Prompt" or "Command Prompt (Powershell)", you'll need to run either as Administrator. (NOTE: Windows Terminal generally won't let you start an Administrator session).
  • Depending on your settings, you'll may get a elevation prompt. Accept it to continue.
  • The following step assumes the default location for the game folder. If your Steam library is installed somewhere else you'll need to use the correct path: pushd "%SystemDrive%\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Breeders of the Nephelym Alpha" (Powershell: cd "$Env:SystemDrive\Program Files (x86))\Steam\steamapps\common\Breeders of the Nephelym Alpha")
  • Now you just need to create the file: echo. > imma.degenerate (Powershell: New-Item -Path . -Name "imma.degenerate" -ItemType "file")
  • Close the command window/powershell: exit
The patcher will eventually return with support for this for a few reasons:​
  • There's no telling how long this will work and we may be back to patching soon.
  • If people use a patcher for something so simple it may help hide this from Patreon from that much longer.
  • Some users may just find it it easier. Obviously if it's using the file method, it will not actually be doing any patching at all. Just creating (or removing) a file as directed.
  • The patcher is, unfortunately, not my highest priority at the moment.
Doesn't work. I tried several times trying to make a "imma.degenerate" file. And it didn't work. Scratch that I managed to figure it out.
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May 6, 2017
I tried and released like 20 with lvl 20 and nothing
I release them and it does increase their level. Not the whole world though, just that specific population. If you release a bunch of lvl 20 dragons then when you go back to find more dragons then you find rares and uncommons.


May 6, 2017
Hay quick question and I know me and someone else asked this before but does anyone have access to feral spirit forms. If so can you tell me how to change to it.
You have to get Nephelym of your gender first. So if you're male then you need to get male ones. They can be caught with the kind of milk that they like. Then talk to the multi-tailed fox lady lounging near the seraphim that trades your monsters for Favor.


Active Member
Jul 26, 2020
To be honest the whole mecanic of having to release captured/bred nephs to increase the world level is one of the dumbest, if not straight up annoying things to do. Like.... It makes sense in a way that you capture nephs to "ascend" them with the Emisary in exchange of Favor cause, lorewise I think, if they're on the wild they keep fucking forever and that way they're "saved" and thus the goddess grants you favor in return? Probably that logic needs some review but still has some rough sense.

But seriously. Capture a neph, then another, another, or bred some, to then release them again to increase the population level? I get that this game's nature is all about the grind, but even those parts that require grind feel like glued together with no reason at all between each other.
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Oct 6, 2019
How about for now we just ask that the game is less a piece of shit to get started and demolish some of the unnecessary grind first, yeah?
I only play this for fun on and off, so noob question... but what exactly is the issue with the game? I read a lot about grind and unfixable progression system etc but the only grind I can think of is breeding certain Nephs to unlock new areas. Like the hornball bee or a meaty wolf for the titty pony. Other than that you just walk around and collect keystones. If you really need money, sell cow milk.

This is not an argument btw, I just honestly didn't follow the community discussion around the mechanics. I did get stuck in one past version, however, I think it was getting the nympho perk on a dragon. Oh and the Breeder needs to run faster... using Nephs as a mount would fit the setting. Maybe riding a Titan.


Active Member
Jul 26, 2020
I only play this for fun on and off, so noob question... but what exactly is the issue with the game? I read a lot about grind and unfixable progression system etc but the only grind I can think of is breeding certain Nephs to unlock new areas. Like the hornball bee or a meaty wolf for the titty pony. Other than that you just walk around and collect keystones. If you really need money, sell cow milk.

This is not an argument btw, I just honestly didn't follow the community discussion around the mechanics. I did get stuck in one past version, however, I think it was getting the nympho perk on a dragon. Oh and the Breeder needs to run faster... using Nephs as a mount would fit the setting. Maybe riding a Titan.
You haven't dealt with save wipes yet did you? Cause if you did, youll get a glimpse on part of the problematic we tend to talk about.

Sure, the game can be fun with cheats but thats where the problem starts. The cheats are very 8-80 in the aspect of, the moment you use the money one for example, you end up with 4 times the maximum amount of money youll need to buy basically everything the game has to offer in terms of purchasables. Thing is.... If you dont cheats, then youre up to hours (real life hours) upon hours of ingame grind. Which would be kiiiiiinda okey (I mean survival sandboxes are like that in a way) if it werent by the fact that every 4-5 updates previous saves stop loading on new game versions, so you either hack your save files or start all over again.

Each update also happen to make something that was previously easily available to be locked behind some grind. Like the Pawsmatti sex position thingy for example. Did you knew there was a time in which you started the game with all sex positions available? Now you have to unlock them, one, by, one through favor. Which is a bit tedious to gather.

Or others that totally altered the game flow like, before if you happen to make about 4k money you could buy the demons pool, go straight to Moaning Crag and start to capture some demoms pretty much after say 15 minutes of gameplay or so. Now they're very lategame content only available after probably 15 IRL hours of play (if you do it without cheats). Thats a massive difference and things like that on every update keep getting more and more pronounced.
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Dec 18, 2017
maximum fun after updating the game saves arent working
new game is completly broken too

starting with 0 currency and nothing to sell the only way to get going is cheating ?

compared to 4-5 years earlier there are hardly inprovements
most new races are copy&paste from earlier models bee ok give it antennas and the stinger, sharks lokks similar - just glue a tail on

otherwise its mostly doors, stances and worldlevel forcing the grind
ok map got bigger but 80% of it is empty anyway and the waypoints/teleporters ...
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Oct 7, 2017
maximum fun after updating the game saves arent working
new game is completly broken too

starting with 0 currency and nothing to sell the only way to get going is cheating ?

compared to 4-5 years earlier there are hardly inprovements
most new races are copy&paste from earlier models bee ok give it antennas and the stinger, sharks lokks similar - just glue a tail on

otherwise its mostly doors, stances and worldlevel forcing the grind
ok map got bigger but 80% of it is empty anyway and the waypoints/teleporters ...
you need to farm shinies from fern to earn early game money now


Jan 17, 2019
You haven't dealt with save wipes yet did you? Cause if you did, youll get a glimpse on part of the problematic we tend to talk about.

Sure, the game can be fun with cheats but thats where the problem starts. The cheats are very 8-80 in the aspect of, the moment you use the money one for example, you end up with 4 times the maximum amount of money youll need to buy basically everything the game has to offer in terms of purchasables. Thing is.... If you dont cheats, then youre up to hours (real life hours) upon hours of ingame grind. Which would be kiiiiiinda okey (I mean survival sandboxes are like that in a way) if it werent by the fact that every 4-5 updates previous saves stop loading on new game versions, so you either hack your save files or start all over again.

Each update also happen to make something that was previously easily available to be locked behind some grind. Like the Pawsmatti sex position thingy for example. Did you knew there was a time in which you started the game with all sex positions available? Now you have to unlock them, one, by, one through favor. Which is a bit tedious to gather.

Or others that totally altered the game flow like, before if you happen to make about 4k money you could buy the demons pool, go straight to Moaning Crag and start to capture some demoms pretty much after say 15 minutes of gameplay or so. Now they're very lategame content only available after probably 15 IRL hours of play (if you do it without cheats). Thats a massive difference and things like that on every update keep getting more and more pronounced.
This is pretty much spot on. I would add the one thing that made me finally leave his discord. Supporters, such as myself at the time, were basically ridiculed for wanting the cheats so that we did not have to re-grind hard after every save wipe. This is when he added the "imma lazy sack" cheat which opens the locked gates. The cheat was meant to shame those who used it, but these were, in part, the very same people who were paying him monthly. He wants us to alpha/beta test everything again after a save wipe and also pay him monthly. When we complained he basically called us lazy sacks of shit. I think I had already ended support at that time, but others were pretty offended and I think he lost some support after that, tho he likely gained the equivalent back again at some point.
I know now that he has mental issues, but at the time it seemed he was just being a major dick. Regardless, there have been improvements however slow the updates were released, so I am glad for it because this is a rare and enjoyable game. I also hope his mental health improves or at least does not get worse, not for the sake of the game, but for him personally.


Active Member
Jul 26, 2020
This is pretty much spot on. I would add the one thing that made me finally leave his discord. Supporters, such as myself at the time, were basically ridiculed for wanting the cheats so that we did not have to re-grind hard after every save wipe. This is when he added the "imma lazy sack" cheat which opens the locked gates. The cheat was meant to shame those who used it, but these were, in part, the very same people who were paying him monthly. He wants us to alpha/beta test everything again after a save wipe and also pay him monthly. When we complained he basically called us lazy sacks of shit. I think I had already ended support at that time, but others were pretty offended and I think he lost some support after that, tho he likely gained the equivalent back again at some point.
I know now that he has mental issues, but at the time it seemed he was just being a major dick. Regardless, there have been improvements however slow the updates were released, so I am glad for it because this is a rare and enjoyable game. I also hope his mental health improves or at least does not get worse, not for the sake of the game, but for him personally.
Damn! I knew that moderation in that server was toxic but having suporters being bullied for wanting QoL features, while they're being the money foundation of the damn game.... Dats a new low for BotN .w.

Quite frankly and being brutally honest, I cannot give two fucks of his mental issues cause shit like that IS NOT an excuse for assholeness. I have been through literal hell in my life in different ways and yet I try to treat people I come across with respect and decently until they prove me by irritating me to the core that they dont deserve such treatment, and even then I avoid going to calling people names. Another thing that I cannot stand is his elitist souslike player mentality. I try, I really try, to not despise fans of games like Dark Souls such as Derelict but more often than not when I come across one they seem to have a personality profile similar to that individual. Mocking you for not being willing to endure the most punishing masochistic treatments that life can throw at them. And should I care that a person like that still not only seeks for more punishment but also wants the others to feel just as miserable? Hell the fuck no.

I cannot say that I was a money supporter but I did offered and worked for a while as a translator of Spanish, I didnt fully liked the whole Pawsmatti adition but at the time the game still didnt had pissed me off enough cause the progression gates werent fully added, but after that and how save wipes kept being a thing, along with the comunity being more toxic every day made me say "Fuck this, imma out". Specially cause besides both Fuzileiro (Portuguese translator), Ngacha (German) and even a partner I briefly had in the team of Spanish that barely stayed a pair of weeks we all kept asking Derelict a lot of times to split the lines page sheets into two being one masculine and one feminine cause a lot of lines in those heavy gendered languages like Portuguese or Spanish sound weird as hell if you apply the same gender neutrality that English is usually known for but he never did and we had to twist our minds to make the damn translations to sound like something a reasonable human being would say while speaking in Spanish lol

TBF I thought a bunch of times to leave this game behind and never look back at it again but after all this time I grew to love the world, my ingame creations and the possibilities of things like neph breeding but.... I would be lying if I said that I havent been heavily looking for something to replace it like for example heavily modded Skyrim. Still has its flaws in things like offspring generation but in every other area it beats BotN to dust.


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2020
Another thing that I cannot stand is his elitist souslike player mentality. I try, I really try, to not despise fans of games like Dark Souls such as Derelict but more often than not when I come across one they seem to have a personality profile similar to that individual.
To be honest, this game doesn't resemble a soulslike in the slightest. A soulslike is a challenging game that very strictly follows its own internal rules and rewards players for figuring out those rules and how to abuse them. The point of a soulslike isn't the grind, it's figuring out how to game the game. Thus, 'git gud'. Not to mention most soulslikes actually tell an interesting story and have engaging gameplay as well.

This game doesn't have any of that. It punishes you for attempting to play it, offers no respite, and mocks you for not being exactly like the dev. The rewards for sticking to the grind are paltry at best, and there is no way at all to 'git gud' and jump ahead or otherwise kick the game's ass. The story isn't, and the NPCs are flat enough to make even a pixel game look 3D.

Anyway, yeah. This game isn't a soulslike, and it won't be until someone can speedrun the whole thing in an hour or two while wearing nothing but a bucket and skipping a fascinating storyline in order to do so.


Engaged Member
Jun 22, 2019
To be honest, this game doesn't resemble a soulslike in the slightest. A soulslike is a challenging game that very strictly follows its own internal rules and rewards players for figuring out those rules and how to abuse them. The point of a soulslike isn't the grind, it's figuring out how to game the game. Thus, 'git gud'. Not to mention most soulslikes actually tell an interesting story and have engaging gameplay as well.

This game doesn't have any of that. It punishes you for attempting to play it, offers no respite, and mocks you for not being exactly like the dev. The rewards for sticking to the grind are paltry at best, and there is no way at all to 'git gud' and jump ahead or otherwise kick the game's ass. The story isn't, and the NPCs are flat enough to make even a pixel game look 3D.

Anyway, yeah. This game isn't a soulslike, and it won't be until someone can speedrun the whole thing in an hour or two while wearing nothing but a bucket and skipping a fascinating storyline in order to do so.
I swear, I see way too many people here (devs and players alike) confound simple tedium with honest difficulty, and mindless grind with meaningful gameplay.


Dec 18, 2017
I swear, I see way too many people here (devs and players alike) confound simple tedium with honest difficulty, and mindless grind with meaningful gameplay.
if it was just that ...
there were games with a random roll for between + 2000 and -5000 money per day getting the -5k twice or 3 times a row would kill your playthrough since you wouldnt have a chance to get back in the greens making it a quicksave/load carnage

spending time on a game is ok - if its fun or a interesting story etc but pointless grind ?
i mean i asked a dev before if he believed to be ubisoft adding the grind just to sell boosters to skip the grind

or do they use the games for mining in the background? that would at least explain the mindset to tie down players for days and days
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Jan 17, 2019
To anyone who may be wondering about world level, I have been testing the new build (its been quite a while since I played). The world level does seem to rise tho without any indication as such. Its variant specific tho or at least per area. Since some variants share the same area it could boost both, but I'm not exactly sure about that much of it (it didn't in the past). However, it does increase world level when you release neph from your barns. I don't think it works releasing from the breeding yard, only from barns. This is also not 100% tested, but seems so.


Dec 9, 2018
You have to get Nephelym of your gender first. So if you're male then you need to get male ones. They can be caught with the kind of milk that they like. Then talk to the multi-tailed fox lady lounging near the seraphim that trades your monsters for Favor.
I see I wasn't clear in my question, I already know how to unlock the race that I want through the wild or breeding (for hybrids) and for the fact the males are always feral/exotic. What I wanted to know was how do I turn my human looking spirit form into a furry looking one.
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Dec 9, 2018
I am only asking this is because of the UI change to the character creator. Before all you had to do was press a button in the settings and the character creator to turn all humanoid Nephs into exotic ones but now the buttons are gone.


Active Member
Jul 26, 2020
To be honest, this game doesn't resemble a soulslike in the slightest. A soulslike is a challenging game that very strictly follows its own internal rules and rewards players for figuring out those rules and how to abuse them. The point of a soulslike isn't the grind, it's figuring out how to game the game. Thus, 'git gud'. Not to mention most soulslikes actually tell an interesting story and have engaging gameplay as well.

This game doesn't have any of that. It punishes you for attempting to play it, offers no respite, and mocks you for not being exactly like the dev. The rewards for sticking to the grind are paltry at best, and there is no way at all to 'git gud' and jump ahead or otherwise kick the game's ass. The story isn't, and the NPCs are flat enough to make even a pixel game look 3D.

Anyway, yeah. This game isn't a soulslike, and it won't be until someone can speedrun the whole thing in an hour or two while wearing nothing but a bucket and skipping a fascinating storyline in order to do so.
U didn't understood half of what I said did you?

What I said is that all the soulslike fans that I know that happen to be devs they have a tendency to make their games just as tedious. Call it grind, call it "git gud" the annoyance is still there and as a matter of fact there are ways to speed up the gameplay of BotN if you know the game, thus "gittin gud"; but I think anyone with two braincells know that this game and a soulslike by their very design are two completely different things. Soulslikes are about instense combat action while here is about breeding the right nephs, doing a lot of fucking, selecting and mixings. That's its damn obvious.

But I find it funny how people always keep bringing that same flawed logic to justify soulslikes when they're an example of a game that constantly throws to the window the game rules (classical enemy behind wall situation for example) but because it's "hard" people like to say "oh its perfection". And.... The game rewards you for figuring stuff out actually or more like it stops beating you down for not magically guess the first try what you're suposed to do? That's two diametrically different things that soulsfans love to confuse. Specially cause figuring how to exploit the weaknesses of X enemy or X situation in a game is by no means a soulslike trait but more like something on the book 101 of universal gaming. From Mario, to Prince of Persia, to Need for Speed, to Darksiders to even MMOs like SWTOR, knowing how to exploit an enemies weakness is always a thing players look for. The difference is that the vast majority of the games dont rely your success about 90% at beating that on using them. And storywise it really depends on the narrative, not the gameplay loop necesarily. Even damn Minecraft has a story if you browse enough.

The reason I compared soulslikes with BotN is cause curiously, Derelict is known for having only played Dark Souls, he's said by people close to him that those are some of the very few games he plays, people that have been following BotN since that time in which it used collars to capture nephs. It's their words not mine. Words that criticised him for being much more of a dev than a player and thus the game clearly suffering of QoL features because of it. What I find funny is that you claim BotN has the thing of the game mocking you for not being like that dev yet soulslikes are different in what aspect? Arent you suposed to still do the 4-5 things the dev came out of its ass to beat an enemy so if you dont reproduce that exact attack pattern you're dead? Heh, cute.


Active Member
Jul 26, 2020
I swear, I see way too many people here (devs and players alike) confound simple tedium with honest difficulty, and mindless grind with meaningful gameplay.
If your concept of meaningful gameplay is 80's arcade difficulty then sure, youll see it a lot. Cause the tediousness and boredom it produces is identical.
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