3.30 star(s) 90 Votes


King in the North
Nov 3, 2020
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:
File "renpy/common/00start.rpy", line 273, in script
File "renpy/common/00start.rpy", line 273, in script
File "renpy/common/00start.rpy", line 277, in <module>
File "renpy/common/00action_file.rpy", line 452, in __call__

Exception: Couldn't find a place to stop rolling back. Perhaps the script changed in an incompatible way?



May 6, 2021
This may be a big stretch, but I wonder if this game is supposed to end up being the slow decent of a man into losing himself and becoming something completely different than he thought he was. The real psychopaths of the world — Ted Bundy, Frederick Coe, Malcolm Fairley, and the like — don't start out with serious crimes. This could be the early stages of the MC becoming a monster. I really hope not, though: those types of games are one of the only types I really don't like. Still, if this game is meant to show the MC starting to lose control but then ultimately regaining it and moving forward, I would probably still enjoy it, even if parts would be harder for me to get through.
Hmmm... I realize it is impossible not to sound clichéd, but it seems to me that the street the Dev has decided to take us down in Episode Two suggests something akin to a movie based on a Stephen King ("Salem's Lot")/David Lynch ("Blue Velvet") storyline directed by Quentin Tarantino.

The mc is clearly a devoted, professional, highly reputed educator, who though seemingly oblivious at the time of the gravity of the situation, retrospectively sees his personal weaknesses (and it looks like possible sexual inclinations and appetite too...maybe yet to be revealed) being the cause of one of his student's tragic suicide. In retrospect he feels he could and should have either been stronger or at least done more to support and thereby probably/possibly save his student. I take this from the glimpses shown to us of the kind of weaknesses, certainly for very young girls, and indecisiveness he possesses in his behavioral reactions throughout the heated dialogue and ultimately violent conclusion to the confrontation with Luna at the motel.

Like Stephen King's "Salem's Lot", in the first episode of "Buried Desires", Betisis has created a very normal, heart-warming family environment (like the outward appearance of Salem's Lot itself) mired in a nightmarish past event (like Mears' sanity-jarring experience as a child at the Marston House). Then in the second episode, just as Mr. King takes us round back of the homey town façade to show us the depravity and the graves, so Betisis begins to reveal the kind of darker, domineering nature (sex with the woman in the restroom and the girl in the junkie's room) within the mc and particularly the outwardly respectable educator's comfort and easy assimilation into the more sordid places and with the people at the motel.

If the mc were as straightforward and upstanding a man as he appears to be, would he really have gone so far as to knock on the door of the junkie's room and actually involve himself in the cause of what was going on? Or was it perhaps a knee-jerk counter-reaction to his inaction in turning a blind eye to his soon-to-be dead student's professed feelings for him? After all, it was not a scream he heard, just a noise...a sexually generated sound (which again may show his increasingly revealed almost irresistible attraction to sex?). I don't think under normal circumstances, without the faintest idea of what he would be getting himself into in such a dark and shady place, he would have crossed the line and actually knocked on the door, especially given that his sole reason for being at the motel in the first place was to finally be able to corner Luna in the motel room where, before the "distractions" of the room, he seemed singularly focused and intent on squeezing the truth about her recent past out of her.

I could go on, but I hope, if you are even still with me, that you get the gist of what I'm leading up to, which is that, to me, it's is far too early days to be deciding the fate of "Buried Desires" and the storytelling intent of the Dev.

The style and sophistication of the dialogue and the visual presentation tells me at least that there is nothing left-field about Betisis' second episode and that if we are just patient and allow as much artistic license as each of us needs to be able to bear with "Buried Desires", we shall all be ultimately be rewarded. Of course, I could be wrong, but as I said it's too soon to call right now.

I also finally want to say that despite its inherent (though only temporary) departure from the main storyline, I am also very encouraged by the concept of and the quality in the twins' side story.

Apologies, I guess I did go on...


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2019
To give the dev the benefit of the doubt, this may be the story that he always intended. I think there were very subtle hints about this story in the previous release when viewed in hindsight: the encounter with the strange man in the parking garage, the principal talking about powerful and influential people, the meeting with the big boss in the hallway. The confusion is due to problems with how the story has been presented.
This may be a big stretch, but I wonder if this game is supposed to end up being the slow decent of a man into losing himself and becoming something completely different than he thought he was. The real psychopaths of the world — Ted Bundy, Frederick Coe, Malcolm Fairley, and the like — don't start out with serious crimes. This could be the early stages of the MC becoming a monster.
Hmmm... I realize it is impossible not to sound clichéd, but it seems to me that the street the Dev has decided to take us down in Episode Two suggests something akin to a movie based on a Stephen King ("Salem's Lot")/David Lynch ("Blue Velvet") storyline directed by Quentin Tarantino.
Maybe you are on to something, and most of us just completely missed the point of the story during the first update. However, the fact that most of us were surprised and appalled by the direction of update 2 is the fault of the storyteller not the audience. It is the storyteller's responsibility to bring the audience where he wants them to go, with reasonable dialog, character progression, and believable character actions.

Look at a movie/book like the Shining. Jack seems a little eccentric at the beginning, but seems like a decent father and husband. However, you start to see clues to his drinking problem as the story progresses, and his slow descent into madness and then violence once he arrives at the hotel makes the story both believable and horrifying. If you had the first scene where he seems like a normal dad and father, and then the next scene he is chopping down the bathroom door with an ax, saying "Here's Johnny", it would be jarring and unbelievable to the audience. That is what is happening so far with Buried Desires.

Personally, I think we are giving the dev too much credit here. There are two scenarios, either the dev planned his story all along to be like this, and most of us just missed the point, due to bad storytelling, or the dev changed his story completely due to external factors, and thus confused most of his fans. I think the second option is closer to the truth, but of course nobody knows for sure.

The style and sophistication of the dialogue and the visual presentation tells me at least that there is nothing left-field about Betisis' second episode and that if we are just patient and allow as much artistic license as each of us needs to be able to bear with "Buried Desires", we shall all be ultimately be rewarded. Of course, I could be wrong, but as I said it's too soon to call right now.
I missed the sophistication in the dialog, in this game. To me, the dialog was much worse than average for games here, but the story seemed interesting enough, at least at the beginning, for me to keep my interest to see where it is going. English isn't the first language for many devs, but to me that doesn't detract from the story much. But in this game, the dialog was always pretty rough.

I think the main issue, is that most players like to play a sympathetic MC, not one that punches their young niece in the face, due to some minor insults. The fact that the MC immediately asks, "What have I done?" and seems remorseful, doesn't excuse this scene. If the dev wants to turn his MC from a typical family man to a unhinged, violent, physical abuser of defenseless much younger women, he needs to support this with a coherent story, over many many updates.

The quick change in the MC's personality and the story-line was not earned by anything in the story or dialog, and that is why most people here don't accept it.


May 6, 2021
Maybe you are on to something, and most of us just completely missed the point of the story during the first update. However, the fact that most of us were surprised and appalled by the direction of update 2 is the fault of the storyteller not the audience. It is the storyteller's responsibility to bring the audience where he wants them to go, with reasonable dialog, character progression, and believable character actions.

Look at a movie/book like the Shining. Jack seems a little eccentric at the beginning, but seems like a decent father and husband. However, you start to see clues to his drinking problem as the story progresses, and his slow descent into madness and then violence once he arrives at the hotel makes the story both believable and horrifying. If you had the first scene where he seems like a normal dad and father, and then the next scene he is chopping down the bathroom door with an ax, saying "Here's Johnny", it would be jarring and unbelievable to the audience. That is what is happening so far with Buried Desires.

Personally, I think we are giving the dev too much credit here. There are two scenarios, either the dev planned his story all along to be like this, and most of us just missed the point, due to bad storytelling, or the dev changed his story completely due to external factors, and thus confused most of his fans. I think the second option is closer to the truth, but of course nobody knows for sure.

I missed the sophistication in the dialog, in this game. To me, the dialog was much worse than average for games here, but the story seemed interesting enough, at least at the beginning, for me to keep my interest to see where it is going. English isn't the first language for many devs, but to me that doesn't detract from the story much. But in this game, the dialog was always pretty rough.

I think the main issue, is that most players like to play a sympathetic MC, not one that punches their young niece in the face, due to some minor insults. The fact that the MC immediately asks, "What have I done?" and seems remorseful, doesn't excuse this scene. If the dev wants to turn his MC from a typical family man to a unhinged, violent, physical abuser of defenseless much younger women, he needs to support this with a coherent story, over many many updates.

The quick change in the MC's personality and the story-line was not earned by anything in the story or dialog, and that is why most people here don't accept it.
lol...in terms of brevity and conciseness (on my part, that is) this discussion may be getting somewhat out of hand...I think this will be my last attempt at defense of this VN, that I personally regard so highly.

So, firstly, I apologize. I should have tempered my use of the word "sophistication" by preceding with the word "relative", intending to mean in comparison to many, many other VNs' dialogue and structure. The starkness of the narrative seems to convey very effectively the darkness and seriousness of the (noir-like?) atmosphere and the unrestrained bluntness of interplay between characters in Episode Two, adding an alternative definition of "adult" to the term adult VN. Yes, I grant you, maybe I'm just full of (**)it.

Anyhow, moving on, in the case of Jack in "The Shining" the slow surfacing of his inner demon forms a key element in the story to which we as an audience are fully privy, but what if this mc's descent has already been underway for a while now and we are joining the story at, say, the "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" mark?

Just because we haven't been shown it (yet) in "Buried Desires" doesn't have to mean that the mc doesn't possess an equally dark demon within and is already following an equally insidious and irresistible descent. Perhaps this story is going about a similar premise, only from a different or perhaps tangential, as alluded to in complaints made previously about Episode Two being tangential to Episode One, direction.

Could it be that, unknown to everyone including the audience and his therapist, the mc is, contrary to all prior knowledge even he has of himself, a super-smart, assertive, Bundy-like character who is only now not only beginning to realize that he is seriously not the person he has always thought he knew himself to be but that also a darker, stronger persona within is surfacing, one that he is struggling increasingly to restrain and come to terms with?

Perhaps, what we are experiencing is that which we might had we arrived late to the movie and sat down after the first revelation of the mc's dark side thereby having no knowledge of the truth of his attitude, relationship and indulgences with the tragic student. In other words, the Episode One we have seen is actually Episode Two (or perhaps Three) in the mc's true story. Maybe the prior truth will be revealed later in proceedings as I'm sure at some point it ultimately must. Conjecture, I admit, but doesn't it perhaps offer a possible explanation of intent on the part of the Dev?

Turning to the punch thrown at Luna by the mc, I did not for one moment feel that this was an angry overreaction to "minor insults". It seems to me that Luna has spent significant time alone on the streets and in that time has experienced, dealt with and come to terms with a lot of "life" and adversity already. She's very smart, the whole of the mc's family seems to be exceptionally so, and has been out on her own for a while having to learn to read people quickly and precisely in order to no doubt socially and physically "survive". In view of the fact that the mc is family and, it seems, very close in the past to Luna herself, renders highly credible the suggestion that the girl knows her uncle deep down (perhaps even inside out) and in any case, far more familiarly than some mark on the street.

So Luna therefore knows exactly how to manipulate and push all of the mc's most sensitive buttons which she accordingly proceeded, with unrelentingly provocative relish, to do. Granted, the mc knew she was manipulating him and drawing him in but he thought he was the one in control. That actually made his frustration and anger greater once the argument commenced, and he increasingly realized that control of the discussion and the overall situation was being relinquished to Luna. Luna had already lured him to spend the night at the motel with all that this entailed regarding explanation to his wife and kids and he was already therefore burning on a short fuse of frustration.

Therefore, by the time what seemed to me to be the fairly inevitable point of no return finally arrived, I felt that the mc had tried to the last remnant of his self-control to hold back his (inner demon's?) rage, and so, while I too abhor any form of bullying, oppression, violence or abuse towards women, girls, boys or animals... in fact anyone, I had experienced with the mc the justification for his rage and whilst I did not in any way approve of or feel good about him finally snapping and dealing with it physically like that, I clearly understood the extenuating circumstances involved and therefore was not accordingly outraged. I do not consider the mc's action to have been premeditatedly vicious, sadistic or even directly malicious, it was an encouraged loss of control, followed by an uncontrollable release for which as soon as the balloon had burst (and perhaps with some previous incident coming immediately to mind...?), the mc was immediately, and seemingly sincerely, mortified and repentant.

That's how I saw it, damned if I did.

Incidentally, on a final note, after all my no doubt exceedingly tiresome hypothesizing, I have a question...

Does anyone think there is any significance in the noticeable change in appearance of the lovely therapist between the opening session and the rudely (phone call) interrupted follow-up session?
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Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2020
This thread is looking like a pretentious art gallery right now, bunch of people trying to decipher what that awfull painting that looks like it's painted with your feet means, one side defending that it's pure art and the other saying it's just a feet painted piece of garbage.


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2019
This thread is looking like a pretentious art gallery right now, bunch of people trying to decipher what that awfull painting that looks like it's painted with your feet means, one side defending that it's pure art and the other saying it's just a feet painted piece of garbage.

LOL, I remember something where people couldn't tell whether pictures were painted by modern artists or 4 year olds. So maybe this update was accidentally released by a 4 YO relative?


Message Maven
Nov 20, 2018
Maybe you are on to something, and most of us just completely missed the point of the story during the first update. However, the fact that most of us were surprised and appalled by the direction of update 2 is the fault of the storyteller not the audience. It is the storyteller's responsibility to bring the audience where he wants them to go, with reasonable dialog, character progression, and believable character actions.

Look at a movie/book like the Shining. Jack seems a little eccentric at the beginning, but seems like a decent father and husband. However, you start to see clues to his drinking problem as the story progresses, and his slow descent into madness and then violence once he arrives at the hotel makes the story both believable and horrifying. If you had the first scene where he seems like a normal dad and father, and then the next scene he is chopping down the bathroom door with an ax, saying "Here's Johnny", it would be jarring and unbelievable to the audience. That is what is happening so far with Buried Desires.

Personally, I think we are giving the dev too much credit here. There are two scenarios, either the dev planned his story all along to be like this, and most of us just missed the point, due to bad storytelling, or the dev changed his story completely due to external factors, and thus confused most of his fans. I think the second option is closer to the truth, but of course nobody knows for sure.
I definitely agree that, if this direction was intended all along, it wasn't clear enough as of the first release. I prefer to give developers the benefit of the doubt, rather than assuming they have no idea what they are doing . . . unless they have a history of proving they don't. But I absolutely agree that this particular aspect of the story's plot — if it was meant to show a downward spiral — wasn't clear enough at all. I'm pretty easy-going when it comes to seeing other artists' work, so I'll hold judgment for a bit yet (even 4 or 5 more releases, but I don't expect others to be that patient). But hopefully Betisis can take the criticisms here with a grain of salt and analyze them to improve their storytelling and/or to motivate them to adjust the story in another direction. But ultimately, it's their story to tell, so they should feel free to tell it; I just hope I'll enjoy the story going forward.
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May 6, 2021
This thread is looking like a pretentious art gallery right now, bunch of people trying to decipher what that awfull painting that looks like it's painted with your feet means, one side defending that it's pure art and the other saying it's just a feet painted piece of garbage.
Yeah, I can see your point, linkinn, and who can disagree? It's all in the eyes of the beholder, isn't it. I apologize for sounding pretentious. I'm not too bright and I probably need to get over myself, but I think you must be referring to me. I was just batting around ideas, that's all and happily, as I said, that'll be my last, so you won't be bothered any more.

I hope you find something that is a little more to your liking elsewhere.


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2020
Yeah, I can see your point, linkinn, and who can disagree? It's all in the eyes of the beholder, isn't it. I apologize for sounding pretentious. I'm not too bright and I probably need to get over myself, but I think you must be referring to me. I was just batting around ideas, that's all and happily, as I said, that'll be my last, so you won't be bothered any more.

I hope you find something that is a little more to your liking elsewhere.
Nah, you should keep going, don't take what i say too serious, my grumpy ass can't stop and think before typing sometimes.

It's refreshing to see people discussing games in a civilized manner for once.
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Engaged Member
Oct 9, 2017
I am getting tired of seeing all these stupid "wtf" statements.

How about go redo the visit with the shrink, she told MC some things that he took to hart and now there coming out in the story. Not one of the "wtf" statements take that into account.

I to did not like the turn of events with Luna but the dev got a story to tell so let him/her tell it his/her way and just shut the fuck up with all the "wtf" crap.
Does this game even have a story? With every update comes another set of arbitrary events that are seemingly only related to each other through the MC and that's only the case on occasion.

So I guess the story is watch this guy do random things you have no control over.


Loving Family Member's
Respected User
Aug 8, 2017
Does this game even have a story? With every update comes another set of arbitrary events that are seemingly only related to each other through the MC and that's only the case on occasion.

So I guess the story is watch this guy do random things you have no control over.
To me there is a story and it is centered around the shrink and the school.
Yes there is other things going on but if you don't get the small hints with the shrink and the school telling MC he can do anything to get the students to fall in line you will miss the story.

I hate what happen with Luna and that last part of it but the dev has a story to tell and I am willing to wait for it to unfold.


Engaged Member
Oct 9, 2017
To me there is a story and it is centered around the shrink and the school.
Yes there is other things going on but if you don't get the small hints with the shrink and the school telling MC he can do anything to get the students to fall in line you will miss the story.

I hate what happen with Luna and that last part of it but the dev has a story to tell and I am willing to wait for it to unfold.
I respect you opinion but I'm of the mindset that he is simply making it up as he goes. If he wants to tell his story fine, but don't shoehorn unavoidable (and to me) out of character lewd scenes and actions just for the sake of having them.

It seems your much more hopeful a person than I am.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2019
Yeah, I can see your point, linkinn, and who can disagree? It's all in the eyes of the beholder, isn't it. I apologize for sounding pretentious. I'm not too bright and I probably need to get over myself, but I think you must be referring to me. I was just batting around ideas, that's all and happily, as I said, that'll be my last, so you won't be bothered any more.

I hope you find something that is a little more to your liking elsewhere.
Please, keep up with your opinions. I enjoy reading other people's perspective, as long as they are polite about it, which you certainly have been. What is the fun if everyone agrees with each other 100%. I personally enjoyed reading your insightful comments.

By all means, post whatever you want. Those of us that might disagree, are just having fun with our thoughts, no hard feelings.

I certainly don't expect everyone to agree with me, we all see things a little differently based on our experiences and preferences, which is how it should be.
Oct 25, 2020
totally different direction than the proloue made it seem to be. I will wait a couple updates before I try this again. The Word to Lewd ratio is way off right now.


Active Member
Oct 18, 2019
Its only .2, it defiantly was different than .1 but with the game only being 10 seconds old everything could end up just fine as progression is made. I didnt hate or love the update. The only real issue i had is the 2 sex scenes were kinda out of nowhere. Alot of over reaction here. Not a whole lot being said on discord, good or bad.

As for yelling for changes you all know changes usually kill a game, devs need to stick to their story and even with the posts here u are still the minority. People who support usually dont post anywhere, they find the game, play it and go support if they like it and are never heard from on any site.


Engaged Member
May 18, 2019
Its only .2, it defiantly was different than .1 but with the game only being 10 seconds old everything could end up just fine as progression is made. I didnt hate or love the update. The only real issue i had is the 2 sex scenes were kinda out of nowhere. Alot of over reaction here. Not a whole lot being said on discord, good or bad.

As for yelling for changes you all know changes usually kill a game, devs need to stick to their story and even with the posts here u are still the minority. People who support usually dont post anywhere, they find the game, play it and go support if they like it and are never heard from on any site.
Too true, i am a subscriber, and even i was taken aback by the sudden flip to what happened in the update, the update wasn't terrible, it just came out of nowhere and was a pretty big shock to me, personally i would have progressed towards it over a few updates rather than just did a complete 180 in the story that was playing out in 0.1, but it is what it is, and i won't be abandoning the game due to 1 update, i'll wait and see where it goes over the coming updates moving forward.


Conversation Conqueror
Sep 26, 2019
Too true, i am a subscriber, and even i was taken aback by the sudden flip to what happened in the update, the update wasn't terrible, it just came out of nowhere and was a pretty big shock to me, personally i would have progressed towards it over a few updates rather than just did a complete 180 in the story that was playing out in 0.1, but it is what it is, and i won't be abandoning the game due to 1 update, i'll wait and see where it goes over the coming updates moving forward.
I still think the dialogue in the hotel needs some serious help. It's not engrish is too stoned to make sense. Seriously needs to be re written there.

Also when he is fading at the end he should think of his youngest daughter. I find her annoying but still its weird he only sees the other two as he "dying".

I had no issues with the sex scenes except again the hotel dialogue.

It will be interesting to see where it goes from here.


Active Member
Game Developer
Oct 8, 2020
Dude! wtf is going on in this update. I'm so confused and the main characters are having nonsensical conversation. Luna is somehow involved in some deep trouble and I fucked a junkie teen, and some random chick in the backroom of a truck stop, and I was forced to punch Luna in the face, and I got shot and I'm dying? wtf is going on with this story? Can I just fuck my family and my students plz. like I didn't come to play this game for head-assery. plot is fucking stupid.
I really enjoyed the first chapter and a half, I even Subscribed to Betisis. However, now I'm not sure where the game is going. I stopped my Subscription, but I hope future updates will tie it all together and make sense and I can start it again. I don't mind odd turns in a storyline, but it seemed pretty early for this kind of change. Hopefully everything will make sense soon.


Jul 18, 2019
Its only .2, it defiantly was different than .1 but with the game only being 10 seconds old everything could end up just fine as progression is made. I didnt hate or love the update. The only real issue i had is the 2 sex scenes were kinda out of nowhere. Alot of over reaction here. Not a whole lot being said on discord, good or bad.

As for yelling for changes you all know changes usually kill a game, devs need to stick to their story and even with the posts here u are still the minority. People who support usually dont post anywhere, they find the game, play it and go support if they like it and are never heard from on any site.
Normally I would agree with you. The game is still young and is just introducing its characters. The prologue and v0.1 basically the MC, his family and relatives. And 0.15 the first girls from the school class.

But this update ruins the prologue and most of 0.1: the MC is suddenly a badass who hits girls and fucks total strangers (all without any choice). And that, although he is supposed to have never cheated on his wife... and he has a trauma because of a former student who is said to have killed herself because of our MC avoiding her! - and therefore now visits a therapist.

For me, this new behaviour in v0.2 doesn't fit at all with the first releases. Actually, he is now almost his evil twin brother who does everything differently (Jekyll / Hyde ?). And if this "new" MC was from the dev already planned from the beginning, then I feel even more screwed. That would mean that the first updates to v1.5 were only there to make the game known, to awake "buried desires" of us ;) (loli, incest) - and only now he/they tell us the "true story" of the MC. Sorry, but this now really looks like these early game updates were only to lure patrons...
3.30 star(s) 90 Votes