VN Ren'Py Completed Calibration Error [v1.2] [Apollo Seven]

3.80 star(s) 9 Votes


Futa Church of Holy Cock Rings
Mar 3, 2017
Up to you to translate in a better way
I am really sorry to answer in French, you have to translate. If a game of this kind is allowed on your site ..... Shit, it's just nothing Dev goes to the SHIT and we lay his shit! One day he wanted to get fucked by a trans ....! ??? what's up with the shit he wants to push!"""
uhhh, it might be better to give the french, cos its a tad confusing. :/

the first part, yea, it is, things with 3D loli and shota are not.
the next bit, uhhh, what? is it meaning that the dev is nothing and wont do anything? and what the fuck is this thing about wanted to get fucked b trans?
and then the last bit, uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, waht? does this person think the dev is trying to brain wash other people via porn game?


Aug 8, 2017
Up to you to translate in a better way
I am really sorry to answer in French, you have to translate. If a game of this kind is allowed on your site ..... Shit, it's just nothing Dev goes to the SHIT and we lay his shit! One day he wanted to get fucked by a trans ....! ??? what's up with the shit he wants to push!"""
Merci beaucoup!


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2018
It truly baffles me how stupid this MC is after Emily makes things worse for the second time it becomes obvious she is doing it on purpose and this asshole just keeps getting in the machine.

Jesus Christ dude stop getting in the fucking machine every time this bitch says it's ready how many times does this bitch need to make it worse before you just sue her or something?
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Aug 8, 2017
Hi, very nice game, thank you. I love design of mistress Emily ^^.

It truly baffles me how stupid this MC is after Emily makes things worse for the second time it becomes obvious she is doing it on purpose and this asshole just keeps getting in the machine.

Jesus Christ dude stop getting in the fucking machine every time this bitch says it's ready how many times does this bitch need to make it worse before you just sue her or something?
I know, right? He should totally just sue her into oblivion. Maybe that will happen...

the Morrigan

Jul 31, 2018
I'm starting to enjoy this game now that there's more than a single path to follow, and I must say that I enjoyed the "card game" at least the first time I played. In future, I think I'll just click on the "instant lose" link, however ... it gets boring eventually. Unless the professor has some other "games" on offer ... ;)

However, I've got to agree with vultron; it is both baffling and discouraging to see this college student whom I'm supposed to be playing (both of which ... college student and me as player ... mean he must have some brains) repeatedly make the same idiot moves over, and over, and over.

I do like the path with the Psych professor, but I'm going to refrain from judgment until I've had a chance to play with the path a bit more; I still haven't tried refusing to cooperate after having been hypnotized twice; I do hope that doing so changes the results without abandoning that piece of the story.

Finally, I've got to say that the renders of the player's character resemble a particularly ugly trans dwarf. Please tell me that future transformations are going to make the character more feminine and less broad-shouldered because ... ugh.
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Aug 8, 2017
Finally, I've got to say that the renders of the player's character resemble a particularly ugly trans dwarf. Please tell me that future transformations are going to make the character more feminine and less broad-shouldered because ... ugh.
Lol, I love it. I should use "renders of the player's character resemble a particuarly ugly trans dwarf" as the tag line.

By the way, I'm seeing a lot of comments that the player character should just stop getting into the machine. Okay, and then what? Stay deformed forever? What evidence does he have that Emily did anything to him? As far as everyone else is concerened he's totally fine. Is he going to take her to court and say "well... there's no evidence but I totally used to look different. Please make her use the magic machine to turn me back." I'm curious what people think the alternatives are besides going along with her, cause I can't think of much. If people have good ones maybe I'll put them in the game.

the Morrigan

Jul 31, 2018
By the way, I'm seeing a lot of comments that the player character should just stop getting into the machine. Okay, and then what? Stay deformed forever? What evidence does he have that Emily did anything to him? As far as everyone else is concerned he's totally fine. Is he going to take her to court and say "well... there's no evidence but I totally used to look different. Please make her use the magic machine to turn me back." I'm curious what people think the alternatives are besides going along with her, cause I can't think of much. If people have good ones maybe I'll put them in the game.
See, the part I just emphasized is part of the problem. People should notice the MC's growing boobs and increasing femininity ... plus the fact that (s)he's suddenly turned bimbo blonde, especially since, contrary to my earlier and somewhat unjustified comment, his/her body does become increasingly feminine over time. Certainly by the final transformation in the game (thus far, anyway), (s)he should be able to report to law enforcement, the college's board of regents, and possibly the AMA or CDC that Emily has been performing unsanctioned medical experiments using a human guinea pig. The MC is, after all, identified as male in all his/her medical records, birth certificate, identification and/or driver's license, etc.

This is especially true since, by the third transformation or so, (s)he really starts to look like a girl. People, particularly family, should notice this.

Besides, organizations like the CIA and probably several dozen unscrupulous corporations would probably llloooooovvve to get their hands on this kind of tech, and would very likely be glad to change the MC back in return for a tip that'd allow them to blackmail their hands onto Emily's new invention.

All other things aside, the MC certainly begins to trust the Psych prof ... no, nevermind. Seriously, don't give us the option to tell that unscrupulous bastid ... XD


Aug 8, 2017
See, the part I just emphasized is part of the problem. People should notice the MC's growing boobs and increasing femininity ... plus the fact that (s)he's suddenly turned bimbo blonde, especially since, contrary to my earlier and somewhat unjustified comment, his/her body does become increasingly feminine over time. Certainly by the final transformation in the game (thus far, anyway), (s)he should be able to report to law enforcement, the college's board of regents, and possibly the AMA or CDC that Emily has been performing unsanctioned medical experiments using a human guinea pig. The MC is, after all, identified as male in all his/her medical records, birth certificate, identification and/or driver's license, etc.

This is especially true since, by the third transformation or so, (s)he really starts to look like a girl. People, particularly family, should notice this.
That involves completely changing the story of the entire thing. The machine changes peoples memories and other ascpects of the physical world too. Once he changes there aren't records of his old self. That's critical to the plot and not going to change.

Besides, organizations like the CIA and probably several dozen unscrupulous corporations would probably llloooooovvve to get their hands on this kind of tech, and would very likely be glad to change the MC back in return for a tip that'd allow them to blackmail their hands onto Emily's new invention.
A CIA sting as an ending could be fun, I'd have to think about how to implement it though. Trusting an outside entity like that might not be smart though as while they might make a deal with MC, MC has no way of proving they didn't follow through if the CIA double crosses him.

the Morrigan

Jul 31, 2018
That involves completely changing the story of the entire thing. The machine changes peoples memories and other ascpects of the physical world too. Once he changes there aren't records of his old self. That's critical to the plot and not going to change.
I did not get that at all, and apparently at least a couple of other players have missed it too, or I rather doubt you'd have gotten any complaints regarding the MC's lack of effective resistance. Personally, I'd assumed the machine was either using DNA manipulation or nanotech, not messing with the very fabric of reality! This explains a few things, to say the least.

All I can say at this point is that you might want to make that fact just a tad more ... obvious ... ;)


Jul 26, 2017
Dunno, but in the card game... some of the cards waste resources but literally do nothing. Most of the shields... (using chrome if that is important)


Sep 1, 2017
there is no way to turn back into a man, whats the point?
Maybe because of all of the other content?

FYI - Not everybody likes the exact same things you do. ;)

Dunno, but in the card game... some of the cards waste resources but literally do nothing. Most of the shields... (using chrome if that is important)
The author is aware of a bug or two in the card game, along with a few weaknesses in it. He's working to fix them for the next release.


Aug 8, 2017
Are there actual backgrounds, because in the images there aren't.
Nope, and there's not going to be unless I upgrade my computer. The current renders already take a couple hours each.

there is no way to turn back into a man, whats the point?
The story is a work in progress. Endings won't be implemented until the release after next, there are endings where you turn back into a man.

the Morrigan

Jul 31, 2018
The machine changes peoples memories and other ascpects of the physical world too. Once he changes there aren't records of his old self. That's critical to the plot and not going to change.
... Except the medical records the Psych professor refers to, apparently. Twice. This is, let us say, a Mack-truck-sized plot hole. Time for a little rethink ... ;) :evilsmile:


Aug 8, 2017
... Except the medical records the Psych professor refers to, apparently. Twice. This is, let us say, a Mack-truck-sized plot hole. Time for a little rethink ... ;) :evilsmile:
This kind of thing is an unavoidable result of releasing stories piece meal. Normally, when I write a story the rewriting takes far longer than the intial draft, the entire thing can be discarded and redone multiple times over. But because I can't get feedback through my normal channels with this project, I have to release it to the public to get the kind of critques I need. This means changes that tighten and enhance the plot will have conflict with things people have already read, there's no way to avoid it.

So, as unfair as it is to you, many things you have given your time to read and digest will be changed or completely gone by the time this thing is finished. I can't just reach into your mind and make you forget them, so unfortunately by being up to date and having enough initiative to play the draft versions of the game you get the short end of the stick.

That being said, comments complaining about story elements are very helpful. Even the ones that are some french guy badly translating how I want to fuck a tranny and are trying to brainwash people have some value. So by all means keep poking holes in plot lines, just be aware that what has been written isn't static.

Also, it means a lot to me that this story did enough to motivate you to make an account and post on this thread, so thanks for playing.
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the Morrigan

Jul 31, 2018
That being said, comments complaining about story elements are very helpful.
This is exactly the response I was looking for. Please understand that, as I said before, I LIKE this game. For all my snark, my comments, critiques and criticisms are meant only to help you strengthen it.

Speaking of strengthening the game, either the Psych professor's online transformation game is buggy or I don't understand why you've written the game the way you have. If you win the first time you play, or don't play the first time, the player loses the entire Psych professor storyline. Failing to play means you never get another chance to play, whereas winning the first time means the hypnotic GIF never shows up, whether you use the auto-lose link, or actually play to lose. Neither outcome really makes a lot of sense, particularly the "winning the first time" outcome. After all, it's already been established that the MC is particularly vulnerable to hypnotic suggestion. Skill at a game should not make him/her less vulnerable. And failing to do your homework the first time might (and, from a "we-want-to-turn-the-MC-into-a-sissy-slut" viewpoint, should) make it more likely that the professor wants to see whether his "experiment" will work on you, not less.

So if it's buggy, it needs fixing. If it's the way you've decided on designing the game, you might want to rethink a bit. Because after all, the only reason some players might want to win (or not play) a game or two is to avoid becoming a completely mind controlled bimbo ... while still being turned into a bit of a slut. ;)


Aug 8, 2017
Speaking of strengthening the game, either the Psych professor's online transformation game is buggy or I don't understand why you've written the game the way you have. If you win the first time you play, or don't play the first time, the player loses the entire Psych professor storyline. Failing to play means you never get another chance to play, whereas winning the first time means the hypnotic GIF never shows up, whether you use the auto-lose link, or actually play to lose. Neither outcome really makes a lot of sense, particularly the "winning the first time" outcome. After all, it's already been established that the MC is particularly vulnerable to hypnotic suggestion. Skill at a game should not make him/her less vulnerable. And failing to do your homework the first time might (and, from a "we-want-to-turn-the-MC-into-a-sissy-slut" viewpoint, should) make it more likely that the professor wants to see whether his "experiment" will work on you, not less.
Let me clear up exactly what the card game does mechanically. Essentially it feeds into two paths, winning or losing. Losing takes you down the psych professor content that's in the current version. He hypnotizes you and such. The winning path gets you to a specific ending that's the "best" ending for those who want to turn the tables on Emily. As there are no endings at the moment, winning doesn't do much.

Note that winning then losing or vice versa does nothing at the moment. Eventually it will, but it's not high priority and won't go anywhere for at least two more updates, after Emily's story-line is resolved. The lose four times / win four times (although you only play three times currently in the full game there's a fourth) results actively impact Emily's story line, which is why they're in the game at all right now.

As for not playing, it opts you out of the story line altogether. It means you don't have to play the card game if you don't want to on any particular play-through The auto lose button just skips the tedium of trying to intentionally lose.

The next update sets the stage for the end of Emily's story line and only after that update does winning mean anything story wise. For now it's just a fun game to play, although the next update will greatly expand it's content.
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Aug 8, 2017
I've been working hard on the game and have made a lot of progress. I'm aiming for a release this weekend and I think I'm going to hit it, depending on how long I want to spend bug hunting.

The move to creating more scene variation for passages outside Emily's lab has created a LOT of extra work, but I think it will do a good job reducing dissonance in those scenes. A lot of important story stuff happens in lab visit 7, setting up the next update which conclude Emily's storyline!

The card game has been greatly expanded and I feel is a much better game now. There is now much more tension and decision making in terms of what kind of cards to pick. The full game now goes up to TF level 100 with more cards and some new mechanics.

Also, the UI is improved.

The biggest change is that your deck is no longer a nebulous, unknowable, construct beyond comprehension but instead viewable at any time!

That's about it for this update on the update. Hope you're ready for some fun twists, because this update has major story revelations!
3.80 star(s) 9 Votes